How late is too late??



  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    It's never too late to workout, but the way your body reacts to exercise may be different to others.

    I seem to be wide awake for a while after I workout so I can't do it right before bed or I just lay there for a while and wait for sleep to take me.
  • morrigansmom11
    morrigansmom11 Posts: 5 Member
    I will get on the treadmill with my little one (14 months) in her playpen next to me, she watches tv and me, and I at least feel like I am there with her. She likes to watch the kettlebell too and attempt to pick it up.. 10 lbs and she almost can lol
  • I know the feeling and its taken me 2 years to get over that guilty feeling. . . once my daughter turned 2 i didnt feel so guilty about doing things for me because i was doing everything for her. . . and i was miserable for 2 years because i wasnt losing weight. . .

    now that shes older its even harder to find time, aside from work and her. . . but i find that when im at work i take a 30-60 minute walk on my lunch for cardio . . . now i stick her in her room to play independently while i work out. . .

    and at home, intervals of 30 minutes to do strengethening exercises. . do what works for you and do not feel bad about it. . . . . be more concerned with your health and being there for you child then thinking your not going to get that time back. . believe me, its not as much as u think. . .
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