Keto - major TMI help

jasperdog52554 Posts: 115 Member
So... I am new to keto, again. This isn't my first attempt, but I am currently on day 6. Cravings are gone, energy I'd the same, hunger diminished. Great, right?

So here's the kicker. Persistent diarrhea. Every day. Every time I eat. I eat mostly carnivorous diet as I find it works best for cravings, etc. I don't push extra fat. Just whatever is in the meat usually. Even something as benign as scrambled eggs sends me to the bathroom within an hour.

Is this just the adjustment period? Is this normal? This is usually when I give up because I am tired of it and quite frankly, my bottom is sore. Sorry for the long post. Any help or comments appreciated.

P.s. I accidentally posted in the general forum, so I'm reposting here. Here are some additional tidbits stemming from the original post. Minus the whole "why are you doing keto, CICO, and keto is dangerous " BS.

I do have some ibs issues as well as fodmap intolerance. Also I drink lots of Diet Dew. Wondering if the high caffeine with the lack of carbs to slow everything down would hav we such an effect.

Thanks for taking the time to read.



  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    edited June 2016
    I was going to find some way to address this here, myself... but was putting it off hoping it would go away. You are not alone, o.p.

    I think (not sure) that we may need to look closely at our electrolytes. The Souper Happy Fun Time bathroom visits = major dehydration. Though I'm drinking probably more than 10 glasses of water a day + iced tea and coffee, I am sure it's a fluid in/out and sodium/potassium/magnesium balance thing! But I'm completely daunted by that part of keto...seems I have the rest down just fine.

    Perhaps there's someone here who can help give me/us a simple set of options on what we can do to fix it?

    I would like a "Stop Having Runny Poops on Keto for Dummies" answer, if possible...anyone? Supplements? Mineral intake?
  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    No idea! I had the opposite issue! Little hard tiny rabbit poos for the first couple weeks... I know cheese slows things down for a lot of people... Eat more cheese?
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    Zomg I thought I was already eating ALL OF THE EARTH'S CHEESE.

    I love it so much, there's literally never enough. I will try it and see.

    Someone else told me (not here, a friend IRL who doesn't know squat) that I wasn't eating enough veg...I was like uhm-kay, but I have a leafy salad every day, and usually spinach, cucumbers, celery, cabbage, radishes, etc. with at least dinner or lunch or both, and it's always 1/2 cup or more. And when I was really doing it up in the cabbage department I still had the rush to the potty.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited June 2016
    Artificial sweeteners causes a good friend of mine to race to bathroom, a lot! In my view I would start by dodging them. My other thoughts are:

    If you overdo Magnessium, particularly oxide then OMG serious thunder pants. Some folk frind coconut oil effectively like a laxative.

    Personally, I took an electrolyte that was designed to help things get moving and it was.. ah hem.. way too succesful. Thankfully I now have a balance.
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    Also I drink lots of Diet Dew. Wondering if the high caffeine with the lack of carbs to slow everything down would hav we such an effect.

    I missed this before. I'm not an expert on soda, but aspartame (Equal/NutraSweet) and sucralose (Splenda) have been known to have a loosening effect on the stools for some who consume it...although something tells me you drank it a lot before keto?

    I have not really drank pop in almost two decades, but if it were me, I'd try getting carbonated water (unflavored or flavored, but not sweetened) and adding 4-5 drops of liquid stevia for flavor, per 8 oz., only because soda/pop is something that would be hard to replicate otherwise - but you'd be rid of the artificial sweetener - you could maybe try that and see if it helps. Heck, there's probably a Mountain Dew-flavored stevia-sweetened alterna-pop already out there :)

  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    Ok you may have to raise your carbs temporarily and try lower them more gradually. If before keto you were eating a lot of carbs/processed foods etc. your gut flora may have been off kilter. Bacteria, candida etc are not getting their normal dose of sugar to flourish so it may be the sudden die off causing the diarrhea.
    You could try probiotics or fermented foods (pickles, sauerkraut, kimchee...) Make sure to try to eat leafy greens. 2 cups of romaine only contain 2.9 g of carbs. Eat something leafy with every meal or if you don't want to eat your greens, maybe try a teaspoon dose of sugar-free Metamucil or plain psyllium husk powder right before you eat a meal. The fiber will absorb the excess water in the colon and should help resolve loose stools.
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    edited June 2016
    Ooh that sounds like a great idea, @dmariet116 ! I'll try the fiber powder thing.

    I have been eating leafy greens it must be something else :/
  • JTyler2016
    JTyler2016 Posts: 34 Member
    Without viewing your diary I can only speculate, but sometimes with IBS if you eat too much fiber (insoluble) it can give you diarrhea, and veggies might not help in your case instead doing more harm; though it sounds counter-intuitive a bulk forming laxative like konsyl might actually help add substance to your movements, it has plenty of soluble fiber that is less likely to irritate your IBS. One of my children has struggled with IBS-D for years, and after a few different dieticians we got one who recommended taking it, and since we started giving it to him it really does help him, but the downside is it doesn't taste great. The artificially sweetened flavored kind works for him too, but not seemingly as well.

    Talk to your physician about it, and see if they'd recommend trying it out, if its not already something you take.
  • jasperdog52554
    jasperdog52554 Posts: 115 Member
    Bjwoodzy- you're suspicion is right I do drink a lot of diet dew, plus a lot of water. I swear it's like I'm prepping for a drought. For some reason, I didn't think aspartame was in the same group as other sweeteners that way, but I may have to cut back and see if it helps.

    Dmariet116- I am/was/trying not to be a carb junkie. Like donuts every day. I've heard mention of the candida die off before. I will have to do some reading. Do pickles really help? I could easily eat a whole jar in a sitting.

    Thanks so much. I will have to try some of the suggestions
  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    bjwoodzy wrote: »
    Zomg I thought I was already eating ALL OF THE EARTH'S CHEESE.

    I love it so much, there's literally never enough. I will try it and see.

    I assumed you were eating mostly meat when I said that (half in jest), so maybe lay off the cheese? My husband is lactose intolerant and has that runny tummy problem when he indulges...

    Are you eating any sweeteners like maltitol or xylitol? Sugar alcohols, any ending in -tols, can have a serious laxative effect...

    Otherwise, the rest of the replies sounded very smart...
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    @jasperdog52554 Fermented foods are chock-full of good bacteria. They help a lot in my opinion! I would introduce them slowly so your body can adjust. Also a good way to increase your sodium so win win!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I found a lot of changing going on in a lot of ways the first 90 days of keto as major medical conditions started to reverse and then improve/resolve.
  • jasperdog52554
    jasperdog52554 Posts: 115 Member
    JTyler2016 wrote: »
    Without viewing your diary I can only speculate, but sometimes with IBS if you eat too much fiber (insoluble) it can give you diarrhea, and veggies might not help in your case instead doing more harm; though it sounds counter-intuitive a bulk forming laxative like konsyl might actually help add substance to your movements, it has plenty of soluble fiber that is less likely to irritate your IBS. One of my children has struggled with IBS-D for years, and after a few different dieticians we got one who recommended taking it, and since we started giving it to him it really does help him, but the downside is it doesn't taste great. The artificially sweetened flavored kind works for him too, but not seemingly as well.

    Talk to your physician about it, and see if they'd recommend trying it out, if its not already something you take.

    I'm sorry I missed this post. I think you may be onto something. I struggle with IBS and generally suffer more toward the C, so this is quite a change. Whenever I had C and tried to add fiber/vegetables it only made matters worse.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I would definitely work on cutting back and maybe even cutting out the diet soda at some point even if it's not the cause right now. But we do know that aspartame is detrimental to our gut bacteria, so it certainly can be part of the problem.
    You're definitely going to have major gut bacteria changes when changing your diet to anything that's very different to your previous eating, so there is that connection even if nothing is killing your healthy bacteria.
    But, it seems like you're watering down your solid waste a lot too and the reason you're thirsty is most likely due to low sodium. Try some pickle juice, works great. Then you can get a good dose of sodium and get the thirst under control and hopefully the loose stool.
    Drinking the diet soda isn't going to appease the thirst as much as something simpler and could even be responsible for your cravings that take make it so that you only achieve control of it with a carnivore diet. Maybe you'd be able to control the cravings with a slightly less carnivore diet without the triggering aspartame in your daily diet.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    :neutral: The worst thing about MFP and especially this otherwise-wonderful group is the HORRIBLE search function. There's a lot of great info here, but you can't even pay for a good way to find it. :s

    @jasperdog52554 - A couple thoughts.

    1. Your issue has come up with, er, regularity in the past. I did manage to find one item:

    2. Also, not long ago, there was an item on an article suggesting that some people cannot handle a rapid transition to LCHF and need to taper off the carbs over a longer period. Perhaps you're someone for whom a gradual change would work better.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Haha. Good one!