Short term/Long term goals...



  • elyce_
    elyce_ Posts: 2 Member
    Short term, lose 10 lbs by
    1. Tracking all of my food and drinks. Including on the weekends.
    2. Meeting my Macro Nutrient goals
    3. Going to the gym 4 days a week. (a step up from my current 3 days)
    4. Drink enough water.

    Long Term, lose 100 lbs by repeating the behavior in the short term goals...10 times. haha
  • celsopalmeiraneto
    celsopalmeiraneto Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all!
    Short term: Change my daily intake to keep my weight! Thankfully I have been able to lose 48 pounds in the last 2 years by becoming more active and by having a better understanding of what food was good for my health.

    Long term: get a six-pack abs without go to gym, only with calisthenics exercises.
    Live at least until 110 years... I know, sounds crazy, but I want to do my part and make my mind and body healthy.

    Let's keep working hard, folks!
  • jayla513
    jayla513 Posts: 5 Member
    Short term:
    Drink a 96 oz. water a day
    Cut out/back sugary treats, up protein
    Consistently track my food in MFP
    4 weightlifting and 1-2 cardio workouts per week

    Mid term:
    Hit my calorie and macro goals consistently
    Continue tracking food
    Change body composition to 18% BF
    Feel sexy naked, get my confidence back

    Long term:
    Maintain goal fitness/physique (I've never been successful at maintenance, fat immediately starts to creep back in)
  • kevinhparker550
    kevinhparker550 Posts: 17 Member
    Short term:
    -Get to 180 pounds (finished!)
    -Lift weights consistently 3x/week (last week was my first 3x/week success)

    Long term:
    -Get to 165 lbs and/or have a visible six pack
    -Increase muscle mass, specifically in my arms
    -Run a 6-6.5 minute mile with a 20lb weight vest on
  • thedustcollective
    thedustcollective Posts: 1 Member
    I had already been on the road to losing with with MFP when I head Chucks call to join the army.
    I started at 304 and today was at 258 (soon close to the 50 mark!)
    My goal is to hit 210-220.
    I have done a lot of progression/steps/learning along the first 50 lbs. If ANYONE is planning on losing over 50 lbs (gets winded up a flight of stairs, trouble bending over to pick up dropped keys, etc) like where I was when I started let me know, I would be happy to help anyone with the extremely daunting task to start down the road.

    I still have a ways to go, but hit boot camp classes 3x week and back to running 50 kms a week without joint pain. It REALLY IS AMAZING how quickly returning (or starting) a healthy lifestyle can be.
  • swgrady
    swgrady Posts: 2 Member
    I've just hit my first goal! I started at 104.4kg (230lb) and 11 weeks later I've lost 9.6kg (21lb). My next goal is 88kg (194lb) which I'm aiming for in 6 months from now and then eventually 80kg (176lb) by the end of 2017.
  • ali5209
    ali5209 Posts: 2 Member
    Short Term Goal: become more active in general.
    Long Term Goal: get back to my pre-pregnqncy size and or weight
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    Irizzzle wrote: »
    My short term goals are to:
    -wake up earlier so I can workout in the mornings
    -run a minimum of 3 days a week
    -Go to orangetheory once a week
    -do 10 push-ups

    My long term goals are to:
    -lose 25 pounds (I had a baby last September)
    -run two half marathons this year

    I look forward to using this group for accountability and camaraderie!

    Great goals! I am hoping you can enlighten me as to what orangetheory is. I have never heard of it.

    Have an awesome Wednesday!
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    edited June 2016
    Started the year at 217. Now at 208. goal to get to 190. working out 4-5 times a week. My main culprit is the food. I've never met a hamburger I didn't like.

    I am a bit of the opposite with hamburgers. I like them but I have never had one that I love and crave. I find the places I have gone to rely on the toppings to give the hamburger flavour and I am trying to find a place where the meat is what makes it so tasty. Any recommendations?
  • Brandaustin
    Brandaustin Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2016
    Short term goal. 2 trips to the gym this week. No carbs after 4 p.m. Drink about a gallon of water a day. Log all meals.
    Long term goal. 3 to 5 days at the gym each week. Losing close to 70 lbs. 7 down so far.

    Completed goals: swapped out soda for black coffee and tea. Learned i love bitter drinks that arent alcoholic which inturn had me try brussel sprouts for the first time since childhood. They are delicious so i have a new favorite vegetable.

    Today is day 21.
  • KHenneBee
    KHenneBee Posts: 4 Member
    Short Term Goals - By 10/1/16:
    - In bed before 10pm - so hard for this night owl.
    - Up at 5am for a run or workout, about 3 days a week to start.
    - Lose 20 lbs by 10/1.
    - Stop letting my diet go to heck in a hand basket every weekend.

    Long Term Goals - By 1/1/17:
    - Still going to bed on a regular schedule.
    - Complete the 10k in Oct I signed up for with out dying.
    - Still up at 5am, working out 3 days a week. NO EXCUSES!
    - Maintained 20 lbs loss, and maybe some more.
    - Let my diet go to heck every now and then.
  • switterbeet
    switterbeet Posts: 6 Member
    Short term - I'd like to start exercising regularly again. I did my first workout in awhile yesterday, and planning on another tonight. :) I'd like to lose 5lbs, which should be entirely doable.

    Long term - I'd like to resume martial arts practise. I love it, but lessons are expensive, and I have pretty low energy after work. I'd like to lose about 30-40lbs, a weight which I haven't seen in about 7 years, but where I'm pretty comfortable.
  • KlickittyK
    KlickittyK Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having a little trouble defining short term goals as I need to have surgery in a little over a week and that's kind of throwing a wrench into things. I'm ok and will be just fine, but there's going to be a recovery period where I just won't be able to be very active, and in these weeks leading up to the surgery I've been ordered to refrain from engaging in exercise other than gentle walking. So I guess for now my short term goals are:
    - eat well and watch those calories
    - drink plenty of water
    - get to bed at a reasonable hour and get an appropriate amount of sleep

    Longer term:
    - Up at 6am on weekdays for yoga
    - less back pain as a result of a stronger core through regular exercise
    - Lose 30 pounds by end of 2016
  • killingsworthaaron
    killingsworthaaron Posts: 2 Member
    Short term goal for me is learn how to swim. Long term goal is to complete a sprint triathlon and not gain a bunch of weight during the school year. I know this has been going for awhile but I just listened to the podcast where Chuck mentioned it. This is great!
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    KHenneBee wrote: »
    Short Term Goals - By 10/1/16:
    - In bed before 10pm - so hard for this night owl.
    - Up at 5am for a run or workout, about 3 days a week to start.
    - Lose 20 lbs by 10/1.
    - Stop letting my diet go to heck in a hand basket every weekend.

    Long Term Goals - By 1/1/17:
    - Still going to bed on a regular schedule.
    - Complete the 10k in Oct I signed up for with out dying.
    - Still up at 5am, working out 3 days a week. NO EXCUSES!
    - Maintained 20 lbs loss, and maybe some more.
    - Let my diet go to heck every now and then.

    How is this going? I hope that you are still on the right path!
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    KlickittyK wrote: »
    I'm having a little trouble defining short term goals as I need to have surgery in a little over a week and that's kind of throwing a wrench into things. I'm ok and will be just fine, but there's going to be a recovery period where I just won't be able to be very active, and in these weeks leading up to the surgery I've been ordered to refrain from engaging in exercise other than gentle walking. So I guess for now my short term goals are:
    - eat well and watch those calories
    - drink plenty of water
    - get to bed at a reasonable hour and get an appropriate amount of sleep

    Longer term:
    - Up at 6am on weekdays for yoga
    - less back pain as a result of a stronger core through regular exercise
    - Lose 30 pounds by end of 2016

    I hope the surgery went well and you are on your way to recovery.
  • fkearney8
    fkearney8 Posts: 2 Member
    Goal advice: Use the SMART criteria to define good goals:

    Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
    Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
    Achievable – make it doable
    Relevant – it should be relevant to what you want to achieve
    Time-bound - specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

    Sometimes this means altering goals. For instance I might measure body-fat percentage instead of 'looking better'. Because body fat % is measurable and specific. Even though what I really want is to look better.

    I've noticed that when I do this, sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the work that will be required to make it happen. This is a sign that I don't really want the results, or I've planned something too enthusiastically but when it comes time to start I have to scale back.

    There's more here: and all around the web.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Short Term Goals:
    • Recovering from knee injuries and stress fracture in my foot, so building my muscles back up from the insane amount of atrophy that has occurred from my lack of activity
    • Slowly build my endurance back up
    • Lose 10lbs over the next couple months
    • Fix my running form
    • Dramatically reduce my soda intake (since I hate coffee and am not a fan of hot drinks, I rely on stuff like Pepsi Max for caffeine...and recently I have been averaging 3 x 12oz cans/day)

    Long Term Goals:
    • Current Age: 34...for point of reference for next 2 items
    • Qualify for and go to Boston Marathon by age 40
    • Qualify for and go to Kona Ironman World Championship by age 40
    • Lose 30-35lbs
    • Find a healthy lifestyle that is maintainable

  • wxfisch
    wxfisch Posts: 3 Member
    Resurrecting a somewhat dead post here, but my short term goal is to get back to running, going to start with once a week (gym 5 days a week doing short cardio and weight training) and go from there, my medium-term goal is to run a 5k in August, with my long term goal to do a half marathon this time next year. Not looking for a good time, I just want to be able to run the whole thing and finish (hopefully not last). This should all help me to lose the 20 lbs or so that I really need to. I would also like to eventually compete in a triathlon, but I need to get the biking thing down so that might be a couple year out goal (adding equipment to the mix just makes it hard for me, swimming and running are easy, you just go do them).