
Anybody else a fall/winter lover? Do you have any special or just super delicious recipes you like to make when the weather turns cooler?


  • option3girl
    option3girl Posts: 166 Member
    I was just telling someone yesterday that there should be a word for "the yearning for autumn"! Because I have it! LOVE fall and winter for all kinds of reasons! I'm ready to start doing fall cooking, but it's still warm here so I'll probably hold off on cooking soups. I just started LCHF one month ago so I'll have to look through my recipes and see what fits or what can be easily tweaked.
  • tcay584
    tcay584 Posts: 55 Member
    Anybody else a fall/winter lover? Do you have any special or just super delicious recipes you like to make when the weather turns cooler?

    Weight watchers has a recipe for slow cooker turkey chili which is amazingly good! Even though I am not on that program anymore, it is the best for a nice fall evening watching the game and relaxing.....Ah Fall.....
    I also love making borscht, although this winter I am going to use golden beets so my kitchen doesn't look like Norman Bates visited.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    Autumn is my favourite season, too. I love how colourful everything is, and I love those morning when the first frost begins and it sparkles on the rooftops and grass as the sun comes up. I love having a fire in the fireplace, and a snuggly blanket. I love that puff of "smoke" that comes out of your mouth when you first breathe in that crisp morning air. I love the silence of the first snow fall, when you know before you open the blinds that it's snowing because it has that special kind of peaceful quiet out there.
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    I am a big fan of pumpkin sausage soup and roasted butternut squash! I like all creamy soups and stocks.
    There is just something so comforting about a big coffee cup full of creamy soup on a cold day.

    Mind you, down here right by the Florida line we don't get a whole lot of cool weather. And my husband won't let me move any farther north...you know the deal "something something job...something something he hates cold..... ". :'( LOL.

    @tcay584 I am so nervous to try borscht! I am fascinated by the idea of it!! I do not like the beets on the salad bar they taste like dirt to me but I keep trying!! I want to love them. Is there a difference with borscht? (LOL Norman Bates....classic!!! Now I will watch "Psycho" today...)
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    This is the best time of the year - September through February for me. I love the holidays, the *slightly* cooler weather, all of it. As soon as it's 40 degrees I've got the fireplace crackling...I just love it all. Heck, I don't even mind when I get iced in for a day every so often here. I've lived all over the country and seen many variations of Autumn and Winter and I adore them all. Though living in New England was probably the most beautiful overall...the foliage in the Autumn and the beautiful snows in winter.

    As for recipes this time of the year? Since I'm new to Keto/LCHF I'll be adapting this year. I'm a baker and make tons of cookies and pies during this time of the year. I will want to find recipes that my family loves but still isn't loaded with carbs so I can enjoy as well. I will be adding lots of unsweet chocolate and mint extract to my coffee too. That's my very favorite - Mint Mocha as the weather cools a bit. Oh, and gingerbread....I freaking LOVE gingerbread. I will be finding a way to use all those wonderful spices in something Keto friendly.

    For the holiday meals I make stuffing so I'll be finding a way to adapt that as well. I put lots of veggies in my stuffing so I'm thinking I'll be upping the veg and finding a great carb friendly bread recipe that I can turn into croutons.

    Yay! Can't wait for all of it now!!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Anybody else a fall/winter lover? Do you have any special or just super delicious recipes you like to make when the weather turns cooler?

    Me! I love that I can get all my woolly cardigans and wraps out. And start using spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and stews, casseroles and soups
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    Huge Autumn/Winter fan over here--especially Autumn! I'm in San Diego so it's still pretty warm here, but I can feel the change in the wind, the cool air coming in off the sea already. It's been a cool year down here, thankfully.

    I've got my tartan shawls out and I'm looking for keto-friendly recipes for my favorite seasonal foods (esp. my beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte; the carbs in even a Short one, though... yikes!) I'll need to try to find a good pumpkin sausage soup recipe like @LemonMarmalade mentioned, it sounds delish! I've made a couple of recipes in my crockpot already and I've been scouting Pinterest for more low-carb crock pot options. Ruled.me has a lot of great cool-weather recipes.

    Apple-picking, cuddling, visiting the pumpkin patch, and our once-a-year family caramel apple-making are all things I'm looking forward to this Autumn.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I love fall but I dread all the comfort foods, apple picking, pumpkin donuts, fresh baked pies etc. from Halloween on last year I was a train wreck food-wise, got back on track January 1, so it was a long stretch of indulgence.

    I am excited though for sunday football and a big pot of chili or beef stew MMMMMMMM
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    *stares off into space with a silly grin, because fall is so amazing*

    You guys said it all....and don't forget...bug control!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I like fall a lot. The colors, the cooler temps, Halloween, hiking and jogging without sweltering heat and humidity....

    Winter I like in small doses. It just seems that in WV winter lasts about 9 months. lol. I love snow when I can stay home and watch it from the comfort of my couch. If I don't have to get out driving and clearing off my windows and such. I also like it to melt quick so I don't have to stare at 4 foot solid blocks of dirty snow on the sides of the roads for months like we do around here. I also love to go hiking when we've had a light snow. The woods are so pretty.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    I like fall a lot. The colors, the cooler temps, Halloween, hiking and jogging without sweltering heat and humidity....

    Winter I like in small doses. It just seems that in WV winter lasts about 9 months. lol. I love snow when I can stay home and watch it from the comfort of my couch. If I don't have to get out driving and clearing off my windows and such. I also like it to melt quick so I don't have to stare at 4 foot solid blocks of dirty snow on the sides of the roads for months like we do around here. I also love to go hiking when we've had a light snow. The woods are so pretty.

    haha same here, I'm near buffalo and basically winter starts on Halloween and lasts till memorial day. UGH! thankfully we have had a nice warm summer to get us prepared. I actually love the changing seasons but if winter could just be normal and only last as long as summer does that would be great. I can handle it till Christmas is over, when January hits I'm totally over the cold, that's usually when it all starts looking dirty and gross too, fresh fluffy white snow is beautiful though.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    I like fall a lot. The colors, the cooler temps, Halloween, hiking and jogging without sweltering heat and humidity....

    Winter I like in small doses. It just seems that in WV winter lasts about 9 months. lol. I love snow when I can stay home and watch it from the comfort of my couch. If I don't have to get out driving and clearing off my windows and such. I also like it to melt quick so I don't have to stare at 4 foot solid blocks of dirty snow on the sides of the roads for months like we do around here. I also love to go hiking when we've had a light snow. The woods are so pretty.

    I was born in Charleston! No prettier land, IMO. I want to be in them hills hiking, too! Lucky duck! :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    I like fall a lot. The colors, the cooler temps, Halloween, hiking and jogging without sweltering heat and humidity....

    Winter I like in small doses. It just seems that in WV winter lasts about 9 months. lol. I love snow when I can stay home and watch it from the comfort of my couch. If I don't have to get out driving and clearing off my windows and such. I also like it to melt quick so I don't have to stare at 4 foot solid blocks of dirty snow on the sides of the roads for months like we do around here. I also love to go hiking when we've had a light snow. The woods are so pretty.

    I was born in Charleston! No prettier land, IMO. I want to be in them hills hiking, too! Lucky duck! :)

    The hiking is great here! :)
  • missippibelle
    missippibelle Posts: 153 Member
    I love fall! I am looking forward to cooler weather, soups, stews, and COLLEGE FOOTBALL! I am looking for keto friendly tailgate food if anyone has good ideas.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes!! Sweaters & worn out sweatshirts, and BOOTS....oh, you mean food.....lol ok....Beef stew....but this year I will have to learn to tweak it for Low-carb...but it's do-able.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    Super duper lover of fall! Especially, pumpkin spiced lattes :) Will have to find a hack for that.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Mmmm... waiting for it to be cool enough to make chili!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I like fall but it's too short here (Alberta, Canada). We often end up with snow and our first frost only a few days apart in mid September. Winter can arrive before Halloween. Then again we have other years where it warms up so much that we have a brown Christmas. LOL If Winter only lasts from December to February, it is a GREAT year. Usually winter is from November or October until late March or April.

    The main food difference in foods is how we cook. People around here love to BBQ. I use ours probably 4 days per week, and 2 of the other days are probably leftovers. LOL Once the snow hits, the BBQ is just more work and we switch back to meatloaves, tacos, chilli, meat sauces on squash, and roasts. I tend to put more effort into my veggie presentaion too. In the summer it is salads and raw veggies with dip but once it's cold I switch to veggie casseroles, steamed or roasted veggies.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I LOVE FALL!! I know I'm one of "those" people but I don't care, I love the pumpkin spice muffins, lattes, cozy sweaters, snow, I love it all! I'm so excited.. haha. My morning coffee is going to change as soon as I find myself some pumpkin spice, or pumpkin flavored syrup!
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    I love love love anything other than Summer! Prob because our summer resembles the pits of HADES lol Seriously it gets up to 115 degress and summer starts after Easter and does not leave until the beginning of October. Its terrible living in a desert :neutral: Anyhoo, the summer is leaving and now I can actually take my kids to the park without worrying they will get third degree burns on the playground lol And now i can break out my slow cooker!! AND i also found a LOW CARB TAMALE RECIPE!! This is total game changer for me since the holidays in mexi-ameri household is a CARB FEST lol!