Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Good luck 4031, and thanks for your encouragement. You can do it!

    Had to drive over to the mini-mart for cream tonite, as I can't face the morning without it. I resisted my favorite binge food. Walked on by.
    I feel really great about that. I can feel my backbone resolidifying after 6 months of wishy washiness.
    Feels great, and with any luck the pay off will be in tomorrow's weigh in....although by now I should know not to trust a scale for happiness!! Lol.
    I have two more events this week with friends and dancing, and thank God for that, at this time.
    keto.keto.keto. it's all possible with keto.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Yoo whooo....Where are my keto pals? any body home?

    I'm ma keep posting anywau, since I really seem to benefit by daily check ins.

    Today's questionable benefit... keto breath for days now. I only say it's a benefit now as before I might have said it's a drawback. After 6 months of losing my keto footing, I have to say I'm reassured by it and secretly thrilled.
    I do have 3 upcoming social events this week, where it could be a problem, but I'll go armed with toothbrush and paste, breath spray and what ever else I can think off.
    Anyone have any tips on mitigating the damage? How far away should I stand from others, etc.
    I could really use some help..
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    edited September 2016
    Looking up low carb recipes today. There are so many. Since I've become a bachelor and started LCHF I rarely cook anything that needs a recipe. Keto meals and snacks can be so simple.

    However, I've found some great recipes today that refrigerate well and I'm hoping to find the ambition to actually try them out. Keep posting @elize7! I may not post every day but I check the posts everyday. Thank you for posting!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Yoo whooo....Where are my keto pals? any body home?

    I'm ma keep posting anywau, since I really seem to benefit by daily check ins.

    Today's questionable benefit... keto breath for days now. I only say it's a benefit now as before I might have said it's a drawback. After 6 months of losing my keto footing, I have to say I'm reassured by it and secretly thrilled.
    I do have 3 upcoming social events this week, where it could be a problem, but I'll go armed with toothbrush and paste, breath spray and what ever else I can think off.
    Anyone have any tips on mitigating the damage? How far away should I stand from others, etc.
    I could really use some help..

    I wrote a huge response yesterday and apparently it did not stick...
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oh well, thanks for trying 4031!
  • ginaDDDD
    ginaDDDD Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a Keto newbie! Glad to be here! Please add me!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Yoo whooo....Where are my keto pals? any body home?

    I'm ma keep posting anywau, since I really seem to benefit by daily check ins.

    Today's questionable benefit... keto breath for days now. I only say it's a benefit now as before I might have said it's a drawback. After 6 months of losing my keto footing, I have to say I'm reassured by it and secretly thrilled.
    I do have 3 upcoming social events this week, where it could be a problem, but I'll go armed with toothbrush and paste, breath spray and what ever else I can think off.
    Anyone have any tips on mitigating the damage? How far away should I stand from others, etc.
    I could really use some help..

    @elize7 & everyone else, my apologies for my extended absence. I've been in the middle of a crazy and chaotic move that took way too long because I have way too much stuff - leftover comforts from a miserable marriage and all that, stuff I look forward to decluttering and minimizing THE RIGHT WAY...

    As for the keto breath, I read somewhere recently that for some folks it can be a sign of having just slightly more protein than is needed. So maybe try dropping your protein macro just a little and upping the fats a little more for a few days, just to see if it helps? I can't remember the article link or I'd put it here...might be worth a McGoogle?

    Anywho, just dealing with the financial chaos and all that...still here, forging my new pseudo-keto plan...keto for breakfast and lunch, more moderate low carb at dinner, so as not to stress my adrenal/thyroid system, trying to find my way back to that good place. Thrilled to report that I burned so many dadgummed calories while moving I burned through most of the carbs I ate... Looking forward to "getting back to normal" in my new place, including getting my kitchen unpacked and reduced enough to be functional!!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Nice! Happy unpacking!

    I'm not sure what's happening but I have written more than one post only to go back and find it missing... including today.

    Long story short, we've been working out new schedules, making my way through a crazy busy summer with work and seeing chiropractors and naturopaths to get back on track.

    My hope is that I've finally gotten it together enough for this to be my final re-start!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I have found that too, with any messages of length. I tend to do a quick copy of text prior to posting "just in case." Or I email the text to myself on a PC, etc. Sorry for that, but awesome about the naturopath and chiro!!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    edited September 2016
    You guy's I need some major support here, I went to the dr. because I have been passing out for no reason that I can see. She cked my heart and it was fine. My hair is falling out , is this normal with keto? and I cant sleep but I am always tired. My dr. took 8 count them 8 vials of blood to do blood work. My thyroid last time they tested is was hyperthyroid but the dr did nothing. Also I can no go from one from to other without feeling dizzy. They think I am having some kind one seizures. When I read up on it this to follow the keto diet which I have been doing since april . So I am lost here. I have always been in perfect heath and now this is scaring the *kitten* out of me,
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    That sounds like Hashimoto's to me. If you were hyperthyroid and your doctor did nothing s/he should be shot. www.stopthethyroidmadness.com is a good site for info. Look at the "antibodies" tests, and make sure your doctor is running those. We have folks in the LCD group with it, though I'm not sure about here. Keto itself is a seizure treatment developed dietary program, so unless you're highlighting an underlying deficiency or uncovering some previously hidden condition, it is extremely unlikely that your diet has much of anything to do with the issues themselves. @kimbo8435 might have something to contribute on the seizures, but sadly I can't recall who had the hair falling out and not being able to sleep and such due to Hashi's... Are you in the LCD group?


    If not, I would suggest joining and posting, possibly in both groups - asking about hyperthyroidism AND Hashi's....
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    Good morning everybody! Well, the summer just took me away and now I'm back...and up about 15 pounds. It really takes me no time to pack it on. :( So my status is now about 30 lbs from goal.

    Hopped back on keto a few days ago, going very low carb to try to kick my body in gear. Discovered this morning that my Aria scale wasn't connected to the network so didn't log my weight the last few days, but I think I'm down 2-3 lbs in just a few keto days. Driving out the bloat!

    Glad to see so many familiar faces still here! Happy fall.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    HI all, it's great to see everyone coming back to this thread!

    I've been dealing with these last 30 pounds, it seems all summer. There is something about the fall that gives me renewed motivation to just get it done ! Going to try To tweak the macros again to see if I can shake things up....
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited September 2016
    Maggie Brown, I had a series of fainting spells this summer in the heat. I read about it and for me I think I was over hydrating and therefore messing up my electrolytes. When the heat stopped, I went back to normal hydration and the spells stopped. Just a thought.
    I also lost about half my hair when I first did keto really intensely and lost weight quickly. This seems to happen to some people and they say it grows back. Also there are some supplements to take that might help....I think biotin or something. I never took it, but you could look it up cos I'm not sure.
    I also don't sleep much on keto, but I have a lot of energy if I take these supplements daily: potassium, magnesium, a cup of bouillion, and a multivitamin. All are essential for me to have energy and without them I immediately feel exhausted.

    Just some thoughts. Everyone is different, but I hope this helps somewhat. If not, I hope you find what it is.
  • iCPhantastic
    iCPhantastic Posts: 1 Member
    hey guys! I've recently joined here and wanted to ask more about the Keto-diet?
    I have a 100lbs+ to lose (goal weight is 150)(currently 258) and was wondering how do I go about and start on this plan?
    Do you recommend this for someone who has 100+ to lose?
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    hey guys! I've recently joined here and wanted to ask more about the Keto-diet?
    I have a 100lbs+ to lose (goal weight is 150)(currently 258) and was wondering how do I go about and start on this plan?
    Do you recommend this for someone who has 100+ to lose?
    . Yes! Absolutely a great way to lose the weight. I started right around the same weight as you and I'm down 67 pounds. You will find many people have lost 100 plus pounds !

    A great place to start is joining the low carber community and going through their fact links. There are also many sites available online that can help get you started....

    Keto is lowering your carbs below 20 grams a day. I would suggest you ease into this by lowering your carbs to 100 grams at first then down to 50 and then under 20......it's just a suggestion, and really depends on what you were eating has been in the past.....

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Reasons to love keto:

    Feeling in the keto groove today. Have had an awesome, energy filled week keeping on plan and getting out with friends almost every day.
    This is to outrun a relationship let down than in my former life would have had me crying in my pillow.
    Not now. I'm really feeling some serious progress in the self love department. Incredible!
    While losing weight and feeling healthy is part of this transformation...I think it's more than just on the outside. I really have worked hard to make changes in all areas of my life and at this point...no other person is going to be allowed to rain on my parade.
    I like that.
    I give a lot of credit to finding keto and how much security it gives me to know that I can hold on to the changes I've made on the outside...which has in turn given me confidence and energy to make changes that come from inside.
    I am a keto lifer.
    I have found my tribe.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Beautiful new picture @elize7 - to go along with those brilliant realizations! Congrats!!!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thanks Knit!

    Showing my keto luv:

    Tonight is my regular dance night. For most of this year preparations in terms of clothing, hair, make up, grooming, etc would begin days in advance. I would sweat every choice and try on a million things before I felt presentable.
    Now, it's two in the afternoon and I haven't even started getting ready. I'll leave here at 5:30, and I feel confident that however I look will be okay. My friends will be there and I'll have fun.
    I'm excited and looking forward to going and the pressure of trying to be some perfect babe is over. I'mma just be me.
    And that will be fine.

    I have my great keto energy, and my great keto mood, and my great keto body....and that is good enough for me.

    Have a fun weekend pals!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I hope you have the best time ever, and that you have that moment of "this isn't enough for me, this is fabulousness and everyone else should totally be jealous!"
  • djaustin53
    djaustin53 Posts: 33 Member
    Keto people.. please add me.. need support
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thinking of you Knit...sending good vibes in your direction.

    Reasons to love keto:

    Keto is a faithful friend, even when I forget to be there for myself.

    Did not adequately prepare activities for this weekend in order to out-distance my feelings, and I paid the price foodwise. My bad. Won't be so unguarded about that for next weekend.

    My mother tells me the reason I am single is because I want a relationship so badly.
    I'm not really sure that I agree, because I've learned not to broadcast that needy side of myself, and I really am mostly happy with who I am at this point. But I don't think it's wrong to want or even have a need for that kind of connection. I think it's human.
    I also am trying to stick with the idea that it's a numbers game, and that the more I'm out and about, the more chances I have to meet someone that I'm interested in.
    I really struggle with this so much more on weekends, and come Sunday or Monday, with the pressure off, I can throw myself back into keto like a champ.
    Sigh, sigh and sigh.
    Anyway, today it's back on the ball. Getting plans for the week set up, getting back to my daily activities, trying to feel connected to the awesome and amazing people, things and places in my life. And as usual, just so grateful that my keto life is so accessible and present when I'm ready to climb back on the wagon.

    Thank God it's Sunday!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 While recovering from my divorce, it took me a good long few years to even be open to considering a relationship again, but I, too, began to crave companionship and such. An old friend surprisingly popped back into my life at that time. But I had to get so good with myself that I didn't NEED anyone else, just occasionally WANTED something else, before I even registered to anyone else... I wish you inner peace on that matter!

    I'm sorry your planning failed you, but I'm glad you got right back with it! (HUGS)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Many of you have seen that I posted that my stepdad had a heart attack this past week. He's home now, and recovering, preparing for bypass surgery. It's just remembering things like this that leave me concerned about my own ongoing health. I don't want to end up in that position because I couldn't "stick with it" or what have you... It's never too late to get back on the wagon or to get back to basics. Most of us are here because we are fighting for our lives. If you ever lose focus of what you're fighting for, go back to the beginning and remember why you started...
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    It's just remembering things like this that leave me concerned about my own ongoing health. I don't want to end up in that position because I couldn't "stick with it" or what have you... It's never too late to get back on the wagon or to get back to basics. Most of us are here because we are fighting for our lives. If you ever lose focus of what you're fighting for, go back to the beginning and remember why you started...

    Thanks for this today. I needed the reminder that this is the long haul and that it's never too late to start again.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Still struggling to lower my protein levels. I like a hearty portion of meat in my meals.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Still struggling to lower my protein levels. I like a hearty portion of meat in my meals.

    @bowlerae - Pick fattier cuts of meat. I know folks who have proven that you can in fact eat meat only/carnivore style - and hit your keto macros fine. If you pick fattier cuts, you will still get the meat you want/crave, but you'll get good fats in there, too!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Bad day, but I'll get over it.
    I blame it all on the carbs. Man, they need to leave me alone!
    I'll be back tomorrow with it all sorted out!
  • TheBuffster40
    TheBuffster40 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm down 10 kilos (mainly achieved through keto) Really pleased. That's halfway to my initial goal. I'm nearly in the ideal weight bmi range and my waist measurement is finally at 32 inches - another health indicator I wanted to meet.

    After 4 months I can now exercise while on a keto diet - I previously found it impossible to exert myself and felt this was a real limitation on how well keto worked for me.

    I am a little bored of it I will admit. But am discovering low carb veggies in oil. I love not having to weigh all my food anymore. I did initially but now have my meals and a snack and know that as long as I'm in ketosis I don't overeat. In fact occasional undereating is more of a problem.

    Considering I struggled for months to lose weight with a more conventional diet this is a revelations. I hope this is encouraging for others. My weightloss isn't quick but it's steady. I stall occasionally but my weight doesn't bounce down and back up like before. I found it do frustrating to just continually lose the same few pounds again and again. Its just steady pound a week most of the time. Sometimes a bit less than a pound but then over a pound the next week.

    I take multivits magnesium and calcium - and some fibre supplements when I need them. But more out of choice now - the soreness has gone. I seem to be used to this now. Initially the magnesium helped lots with crampy muscles and general grogginess.