90 day challenge: Let's GO!



  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to LCHF woe and am hoping this might just be the ticket for me! I also need a good decent length challenge.

    Stats: 50 years old, 5'4"
    SW: 10/04/2016-199
    CW: 10/06/2016-198

    I've tried everything including low fat, low carb/low fat, vegan, pegan, etc. in an effort to lose weight. I've gained 60 pounds since 2010 after being diagnosed with celiac. The only thing that has worked in the past to lose weight has been Atkins when I lost all the baby weight following the birth of my (now 18 year old) daughter.

    On pinterest, so many gluten free recipes cross over to paleo and/or keto and I became aware of LCHF and started researching this woe. I started on Tuesday and am desperately hoping that this will work for me. My doctor is also starting to talk statins and I am borderline pre-diabetic.

    My husband is along for the ride (he is super active, yet 40 pounds overweight) and is freaking out a bit about about all the high fat foods in our house since I made over our pantry/fridge.

    My biggest challenge is alcohol (wine makes everything fine) and social situations with my family. We're hosting Thanksgiving, so I can plan better, but Christmas will be at my in-laws home.

    PS - @Ringbearer2 - we just dropped off my daughter this August at college and I've been moping a bit more that I thought I would.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    @jlynnschroyer true. I've never gone past a week. Thanks for the encouragement.
    This is day 4 without cheating.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Day 4 and 86 to go!

    Well I put the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs in a blender bottle with black tea and it was delicious!! Definitely would do it again!
    I've been doing good on the diet and life is going better for me, There is something about taking control of what you put into your mouth that gives you a little extra boost to take control out in the world. Wish me luck on my job hunting! Currently work 2 minimum wage jobs and am looking for a 15$ ish hour fulltime job.

    Hi @coloradoartstudio ! keep us updated on your results! There have been a lot of studies on this way of eating that leads to a positive outlook on how diet can "starve" cancer cells of their needed energy source of glucose; in regards to Alzheimer's and helping with diabetes and epilepsy.

    @nicee247 keep it up!
  • wisebabe
    wisebabe Posts: 6 Member
    Hello group. So this week I added some workout and guess what? After 8 weeks of losing consistently, I haven't lost this week and I feel like I want to eat the world. I haven't done any major workout just 2 miles of WATP (twice this week) and one session of pilates (20 min). Has anyone else experienced this and will this pass?
  • weightlossdriven
    weightlossdriven Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this challenge thing but I'm willing to try anything at this point. I started out good when I first started logging. Now I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm looking for a job and it is so frustrating because they want you to have experience. So how do you get experience if no one will hire you? I'm an emotional eater so these times are really kicking my butt. My goal is to lose at least 10 lbs by the end of the year. Maybe this challenge will kickstart my motivation again.
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement @jlynnschroyer From what I've been reading, there are so many health bennies associated with this woe including for autoimmune diseases that plague me. :smiley:

    I joined a 30 day at home workout challenge via "Betty Rocker" to jump start strength training. 15 minutes a day is something I think I can manage.

    I also bought some ketostix that just arrived today.

    I hear you @weightlossdriven - good luck with your job search!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    A little late here, but would love to join your group. I've been doing lchf since June, and Keto since August. I've lost 18 pounds, averaging about a pound a week. I had several stalls for more than a month each time, and by learning to be very patient and consistent, the weight is coming off. I'm also working on lowering my blood glucose numbers - actually has become my main objective.

    My goal through the end of the year is to keep on keeping on and enjoy the journey to better health. This woe has become my way of life and I'm very thankful that I found it.

    Good luck to all,
  • judith562003
    judith562003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Christel and I want to join. I lost so far since May 2016 a bit more then 32 pounds. But now I am stucked and do not lose. I tried fat fast since last week and with my calorie calculator I should eat only 903 cal per day to lose 2 pounds per week. I have hip surgery in December and I shall lose 50 pounds. So still 18 pounds to go. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    Signing up; day 6 on LCHF. Hoping this weekend will be a good one.
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    Day 6 and 83 to go! Welcome to all the new people I am just signing in, Yesterday was really really hard for me.. I cheated more than I wanted to 78 g Carbs (originally spelled that crabs, haha I like it that is how I will keep spelling Carbs lol because like a carb crabs sneak up on you and pinch you where it hurts! I love it! Anyhow, lol) with 78 Crabs it was much higher than I meant it to be because of major cravings, I skipped all the fast food places on my way home and I pass exactly 11 on my way home and I wanted to stop soooo bad I went to sleep and even dreamt I had cheated far worse than I had yesterday by eating 3 mini muffins and maple syrup and apple juice.. I woke up and felt so guilty about it because I had just weighed myself yesterday and for the first time in over 6 months I dipped below 280! yay! So, I am being really strict today and planned everything out and am really proud of my diary today! :blush:
    In my life right now I had an interview and am going in for a drug test today -which I know is not a problem- and I am sure I got the job. Its a gas station but hey, I wont have to drive 40 miles one way to my other part time job anymore so thats always a plus! :smile: Still looking for a job that will allow me to work only one job instead of 2, Always keep searching folks! I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday!

    I joined a 30 day at home workout challenge via "Betty Rocker" to jump start strength training. 15 minutes a day is something I think I can manage. quote]

    I started doing this program called StrongLifts 5x5 and I definitely liked it! I have never heavy lifted and didnt even know the proper form for Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses and the like - heck I had not even known their names lol. I liked the energy boost that I got from it it allowed me to sleep better and everything I really liked it. They also have a forum Stronglifts 5x5 for women that you can look at if you have any questions.

    I have hip surgery in December and I shall lose 50 pounds. So still 18 pounds to go. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

    I have not stuck with it long enough to have stalled through out my time on this WOE but I know personally people who have lost 100+ lbs on this diet and she did not track anything but carbs and she told me that whenever she was stuck for more than 2 weeks she would go to taco bell and have a very high carb meal and the next day or 2 and she would lose weight again regularly. Yet, each person is different and each body is different so you just have to experiment.

    JG_Lucky13 wrote: »
    I'm a little late to the party, but I'm ready to rock this thing!

    It's pretty ambitious - but I want to get sub 200 by New Years (about 25 pounds) and be less than 18% body fat (that would be keeping almost every pound of muscle I currently have). I'll be thrilled to even get close since we'll be crossing some food filled holidays, and I just welcomed a baby boy into my life.

    A more moderate, realistic goal just doesn't get me excited so I'm gonna shoot for the stars and be satisfied with the moon.

    I want to get there by staying in Ketosis. I'm not sure what my current tolerance level is in grams, but I'll test my blood every few days. I'm also gonna stick with my gym routine throughout (haven't missed a workout in 41 weeks).

    It's gonna be a lot of work but we can do this! I'll be working through adding as many of you as I can to my friend list. If I missed you please add me!

    Welcome! Always overshoot! makes life more exciting! Congratulations on the new baby, New babies are always game changers! and I wish that I had stuck to my gym going as dutifully as you, that takes far more discipline than I have been able to hold myself accountable to!
  • jlynnschroyer
    jlynnschroyer Posts: 41 Member
    ok.... So my quoting people did not work out so well so to avoid confusion
    I started doing this program called StrongLifts 5x5 and I definitely liked it! I have never heavy lifted and didnt even know the proper form for Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses and the like - heck I had not even known their names lol. I liked the energy boost that I got from it it allowed me to sleep better and everything I really liked it. They also have a forum Stronglifts 5x5 for women that you can look at if you have any questions.
    I have not stuck with it long enough to have stalled through out my time on this WOE but I know personally people who have lost 100+ lbs on this diet and she did not track anything but carbs and she told me that whenever she was stuck for more than 2 weeks she would go to taco bell and have a very high carb meal and the next day or 2 and she would lose weight again regularly. Yet, each person is different and each body is different so you just have to experiment.
    Welcome! Always overshoot! makes life more exciting! Congratulations on the new baby, New babies are always game changers! and I wish that I had stuck to my gym going as dutifully as you, that takes far more discipline than I have been able to hold myself accountable to!
  • judith562003
    judith562003 Posts: 4 Member
    Gratulations to your son. I have to lose another 15 pounds till December. You are a man and lose faster as a woman.
  • moonlights
    moonlights Posts: 141 Member
    @jlynnschroyer why not have some allowable fast food when you have cravings? Burgers without the bun are fine, burrito salads with no rice or beans are great. There's no reason not to have fast food now and then once you figure out how to have it on plan. I eat mcdo regularly as it's easy to grab a bunless burger when I'm out and in a hurry.

    I too have heard people who say a high carb day breaks a stall but there are risks involved with that method. One is that carbs are an addiction and like one cigarette can get people smoking again, one off plan day can become an off plan week etc. Another is that you feel you stall more often, start eating carbs more often and head down that slippery slope. I've both seen these a lot and had them happen to me.

    Personally carbs don't break stalls for me & an off plan day usually stalls me for a week or so (though not always).

    Bodies are such different things I wish there were easier rules!

    To the lady eating 900 cals a day - that is very very likely to be too low unless it's part of a fasting regimen. This site and most reputable ones won't recommend you go below 1200 calories a day. Eating too little CAN stall your losses. Try raising your calories and make sure your carbs are under 20g a day, see if it helps.
  • samanthafinnie
    samanthafinnie Posts: 29 Member
    Love the idea! My goal was going to be doing 40 days at a time. I have vacation beginning of November that am try and stay on track as close can but will cheat little bit. This weekend has been pretty hard with Thanksgiving. I'll do my Cw tommorrow. Thanks for posting this thread!.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    Day 7.yay I made it passed the weekend. Week 2,here I come.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Week 2 of no dairy, still sticking to my macros really well but had a big fight with my husband last night and today I feel tired and crappy and like I should buy myself a lot of sugary badness to eat... But I wont as I am only punishing myself if I do that. But OMG when I am tired this is my most vulnerable time. I am sure this will pass and I will have my head straight by tomorrow :)
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    Hmmmm. I'm at it again. Why can't I just move passed 1 week. I was so happy yesterday having reached a week on LCHF only for me to eat my daughters cookies today. I feel so so so so bad and guilty. Hmmmm. Starting all over again tomorrow.
    Getting tired of this circle. How have other low carbers coped, or is LCHF not meant for me? Sorry for my rant.