No-Nonsense November: Week 1 Check-In (11/1-11/7)



  • kiwiapplepear
    kiwiapplepear Posts: 65 Member
    I am in , I cannot weigh myself lol, its crazy I have been eating Keto for two weeks, and really curious to see my weight. I am off to buy scales later this week, I live rural, no shops and shipping takes an age...
    any way!
    My goals:

    Log Daily
    Stick to 20-25gms Carbs/Day under 1500 calories a day
    Walk 40 mins at least four days a week (its just started raining) Blurg
    Strength Workout 15mins Four Days a week Increasing to 25-30mins by 30 NOV
    ah yes... to sleep by 10:30 no more ipad in the bedroom!

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Goals for me:
    Drink my 8 glasses of water
    IF for at least 14 hours and preferably 18 daily
    Stay at or below my 25g net carb goal
    Make sure my protein hits approx 70g BUT not much more
    Get at least one day a week of non-work related exercise

    By doing the above I am hoping to:
    Lose the last 7 stupid pounds OR at least lose enough inches to get back into my slimmest clothes. I took my measurements (w, h, l thigh, r thigh) today before brunch and will be tracking that every week. CW 139.4

    I have surgery on my ankle mid-month, so that may set me back a bit in the exercise category and may keep inflammation weight on me while I heal. We'll see....
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Well since I failed last month I'll give this one a go. Again. Lol.

    So here are my daily goals -

    1. Exercise daily
    2. Don't obsess over calories,
    3. But don't stuff myself silly...
    3. Eat healthy, nutrient-dense meals - and those veggies!
    4. Drink enough fluids
    5. Weekly goal - Meal prep for the week
    6. Stay away from the sugary stuff!

    I'm taking a more Paleo approach currently because I do a lot better in the gym with the extra carbs from fruit and such.

    On the other hand, my blood sugar tends to do summersaults. But I'm taking a supplement for that. Not permanently, but as a crutch because I'm trying to lose 2lb this month.

    I can't be sure if it's the extra carbs and if it's because I'm having energy problems and my body is just wanting quick energy. Oh well. That's my biggest challenge. Controlling the cravings and sticking to my goals. We'll see if I do better this month. :smile:
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Current weight 206+. Be at least 189.9 by end of November.
    Fit in some of the clothes I haven't worn in years.
    Improve cholesterol and sugar levels.
    Sleep before midnight on most nights, never after 2am.
    Move everyday. Walk at least half an hour and fitdesk bike at least one hour everyday when I'm working at home.
    Take vitamins and supplements.
    Drink water.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    As I have not been strict low carb lately I will lose the first 5lbs of water in the first 3 days. So I am setting a goal of 10lbs total loss for the month. 10000 steps/day, net carbs under 20gm. I may raise up to 50gm carbs in December if this month goes well at getting back on track.

    Start weight: 170lbs
  • Bubba1922
    Bubba1922 Posts: 67 Member
    When tempted with my favourite foods (cake, chocolates) I try to think about the old English phrase "A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" , i

    That kind of works for me when tempted!
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Okay-I'm in!

    Exercise at least 3 x/week
    Stay under my carb limit of 15g
    Drink at least 8 glasses water
    Lose 5 pounds this month

    Starting weight: 139(yesterday)
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm lucky in that (1) most holiday meals, especially the glutinous mess that is the typical Thanksgiving dinner, never particularly appealed to me even in my pre-LC days; and (2) last year, after six months of strict LC, I suffered for 24 hours after merely nibbling on some super-rich brownie batter; lesson learned. I sat on our front porch for four hours yesterday evening in my witch's costume handing out chocolate treats without a single urge to sample. Even the smell was off-putting. Kinda like Bacardi rum, a substance which has not touched these lips since that fraternity party 50 years ago.

    My goals are to:
    --casually log food, actually tabulating carbs/protein if I get three pounds over goal. This has worked for the past year.
    -- commit to three days a week of cardio, three days of resistance. This is a tough one.
    --worry about trivial issues less. This is the toughest one of all. Someone other than myself appears to be in charge of my brain. Whoever she is, she can be a real nut job.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    November goals
    -64 oz water
    -Log food
    -Exercise (some activity every day)
    -At or below 60g carbs
    -At or below 1400 cal
    -Meal prep/planning

    Feb starting weight 201
    Nov starting weight 178
    Nov goal weight 174
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Well since I failed last month I'll give this one a go. Again. Lol.

    So here are my daily goals -

    1. Exercise daily
    2. Don't obsess over calories,
    3. But don't stuff myself silly...

    That is a harder balance than it sounds like, isn't it.
    I've not logged since Friday... I think I did ok until I hit the nuts... Sigh...the nuts...will I never learn?
  • missippibelle
    missippibelle Posts: 153 Member
    November Goals:

    1. Stay under 20g carbs per day
    2. Eat only when hungry
    3. Do Yoga at least 3 times per week
    4. Lose 5 pounds

    I'm glad to have a challenge to keep me on track!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Okay. I'm going to make this one easy for me. I'd love to see myself in the 180'S with no binges for November, and Thanksgiving is not an excuse to do so. Happy November!
    SW: 194
    CW: 194
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    November 1 check-in -> starting the month at 219 (lost 4 lbs in October!) and have already done 2 of my 5 workouts this week.

    The really good news is that we had enough sugar in the house yesterday to put an elephant into a sugar coma - candy apples, 3 kinds of homemade cookies, cup cakes and Halloween candy - and I didn't eat a single bit of it! I did eat too much last night but it was mainly brisquit, cheese and stuffed jalapenos.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I definitely can use this challenge!

    My November goals (on Atkins):
    ♥ Maintaining under 30g net carbs
    ♥ Avoiding sugar/fruit
    ♥ Drinking at least 48oz water daily (working my way to 64oz)
    ♥ Meditating for at least 15 mins per day (doing this, but need to be consistent)
    ♥ Moving my body (moderate exercise) a few times per week

    SW: 191.8
  • SoxyKitten
    SoxyKitten Posts: 80 Member
    Well since I turned 40 yesterday & today is the first day of my LCHF journey, this challenge couldn't have come at a more perfect time!

    So November goals.
    * Stick to my new LCHF diet keeping carbs as low as I can.
    * Stay under my 1650 daily calorie goal.
    * Exercise at least 3 days a week. Either running, lifting weights, cycling etc. Dog walking does not count!
    * Current weight is 180. I'd like to be 173 by the end of November.
    * Survive my birthday party on November 12th without going crazy!
    * And stop putting myself down!
  • missippibelle
    missippibelle Posts: 153 Member
    SoxyKitten wrote: »
    Well since I turned 40 yesterday & today is the first day of my LCHF journey, this challenge couldn't have come at a more perfect time!

    * And stop putting myself down!

    I need to add this to mine too...why are we so hard on ourselves!!

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2016
    @SueMizzou52 (We are at the same place with the same goal! - let's do this! I challenge you. LOL.)
    SW 168.2
    Water: Check
    Logged Food: check
    Exercise: check - did my mile walk
    Carb Level: OK, still around 100
    Calorie Limit: Good
    Planned Day Ahead: working on it.

    I didn't buy any candy so there wasn't any issue with that! Onward to Thanksgiving!
  • OmadWarriorChick
    I'm in!


    * Wake up early starting my days with gratitude and intention
    * Exercise 5 days per week
    * Stay at or below carbs and calories
    * Log food everyday

    CW: 168
    GW: 140 or below