
zumbaforever Posts: 6,890 Member
This week has been crazy busy! Where did October go? Sorry everyone for the lateness of this. I am just so glad to be under 150 still. How is everyone feeling?

This mornings weight was 148.2


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    138.4...but eating too much. Got somebody's germs...probably from the gym...and now, I sound very manly!! Didn't get to go play with Ronan today. Don't want him getting this stuff. Breaks my heart. DH went for both of us.


    So, the only thing left to do is eat. Not really, but I'm not happy.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,890 Member
    A manly sounding Chris! :'( I hope you get well soon. Ronan will be waiting when you feel better.

    I have a complaint. My new kitty is in heat. Can you say meow? Non stop! Poor gal. She is so stressed. She has an appointment next Thursday. It feels like forever right now. We will have to try and not let her out even harder now.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Starting at 169.5 this month.

    Wishing everyone well with avoiding the candy, Michelle and Shelley. Shelley your husband is good to have taken it away. You may not have it to comfort you right now, but will not need to rue it later either.

    Hope your kitties and horses and fish and grandchildren are all doing well.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member

    Our City Hall is being remodeled - my department and another moved permanently to new offices. But most of the staff are stuffed like sardines in one large temporary room, waiting for City Hall to be done so they can move back in.

    A couple of people were out sick last week. And it spread fast. Today, it was literally half-empty. I feel fortunate and protected in our separate building. Otherwise what can you do? Wear a face mask at work? Not touch anything? Just luck sometimes...

    So sorry it got you. So good of you to protect Ronan. Take care. Hope you feel better soon!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Shelley keep the kitty inside!! Many, many years ago we got a puppy from the pound. I was sitting on the phone with the vet to make arrangements to have her fixed. I was petting her and rubbing her tummy when it started moving around!! She had five puppies on Mother's Day that year!! I was able to keep one but we couldn't give them away, no matter how hard we tried. We ended up taking four back to the pound. I cried all the way there. Luckily there were two families there looking at pups, and the kids just went wild over our puppies. I knew they would get adopted. They were Keeshond and terrier. I still cried.


    Try giving up four of those!! The one we kept was with me for 14 years. What a lover-butt!

    Paula, I'm glad you didn't get the disease! I really hate being sick. No walking or anything else today. Glad I got as much done as I did.

    Thanks, my friends! Talked to Kaiser today. It could be just a nasty cold. Hope it's not tonsillitis. SIL has that right now. He's taking meds and can finally help DDD w/Ronan. Had a sore throat last night but not today. Still sound manly!

    TTYL <3

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Shelley keep the kitty inside!! Many, many years ago we got a puppy from the pound. I was sitting on the phone with the vet to make arrangements to have her fixed. I was petting her and rubbing her tummy when it started moving around!! She had five puppies on Mother's Day that year!! I was able to keep one but we couldn't give them away, no matter how hard we tried. We ended up taking four back to the pound. I cried all the way there. Luckily there were two families there looking at pups, and the kids just went wild over our puppies. I knew they would get adopted. They were Keeshond and terrier. I still cried.


    Try giving up four of those!! The one we kept was with me for 14 years. What a lover-butt!

    Paula, I'm glad you didn't get the disease! I really hate being sick. No walking or anything else today. Glad I got as much done as I did.

    Thanks, my friends! Talked to Kaiser today. It could be just a nasty cold. Hope it's not tonsillitis. SIL has that right now. He's taking meds and can finally help DDD w/Ronan. Had a sore throat last night but not today. Still sound manly!

    TTYL <3


    And those kids got lover-butts too! :heart: Feel better!

    (scratchy throat, uh oh...) Paula

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    NO! PAULA!! NO!! Don't get it! RUN! <3

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,264 Member
    194.4 this morning. Going the wrong way...
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,890 Member
    edited November 2016
    Kathy I went the wrong way for 2 months. Back to weighing less for us both. <3

    Paula I sure hope you do not get sick. And I still miss that candy! Blah!

    Chris I give up trying to keep her inside. At least she is not leaving the back yard. Silly goose just goes in and out the dog door now. And since she is just now in heat and her appointment is this Thursday.....I am safe from trying to give away kitties. So sad. But it was better than what I thought you were leading up to. I thought you would say she ran out into the street! :'( That is my big fear. Love your puppy photo. So cute. <3

    Went to the dentist today. Looks like another tooth is going to have to come out. I could try to save it. But not going to waste the money. Just going straight to an implant. My weight bench is so much nicer to use since it is now straight! Wohoo! Timmy loves walking with his wheel chair! <3 Took them to the park and he sure turns heads!

    Shelley o:)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    What did I miss?? When did Timmy get a wheelchair? I'm so lost! "w" bwahahahah!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,264 Member
    193.8 this morning. I agree Shelley. After I weigh in Monday before vacation, I'm going back to once a week. It just makes more sense for me.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    136.4 this morning...happy...cold....sick... :D:o:'(

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member

    Feels like you just hit OnederLand yesterday, and now "poof!' you're in the low 190's already! Such excellent progress!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited November 2016
    Sorry about the*kitty* *sicky* stuff Chris! Feel better soon? Still deciding if it's gonna get me (fingers crossed). (and I knew who you were, even with the "w" heehee.) :wink:

    Shelley, How're your fish doing? Glad Timmy is happy and sorry the silly goose is wild and crazy. Can you imagine if people... :noway:

    169.5 today. Keep thinking it needs to drop. Eating correctly but re-examining peanut-intake for possible overages. At these levels of consumption and exercise, it really should be going down.

    Best y'all,
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,890 Member
    Chris, Timmy has issues with his back legs. The darn things just will not hold him up all the time. So he has his own set of wheels. Which he loves. Took some adjusting thought at first. And mostly he only uses them on walks. And I am happy that your weight is down. Being sick has to have some perks!

    Kathy I agree with Paula. You are doing great! :smiley: Have a great vacation.

    Paula I lost two fish. But both are pretty common. The rest are almost parasite free again. And seem to be doing good. And them peanuts are packed with calories. And no, I would die if I was like my poor kitty.

    Night all.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Glad to hear Timmy likes his wheelchair! Wrangler is 12 now and occasionally gets weak in his back end, so I've been wondering if someday he'll need a doggy wheelchair. And Chris, that dog looks SO cuddly! I just want to bury my fingers in its fur!

    Our Halloween candy is almost gone, thank goodness! However (haha), I hosted a dinner party on Saturday and not only made an amazing pumpkin pie, but the world's most delicious Dutch apple pie, too. Oh mah goodness.

    I've been feeling a little soft lately, though, so I'm gonna try to use that as my motivation not to gobble it all up! I have a big thing of spearmint gum to munch on when I get tempted. Now if I just remember to use it!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,264 Member
    My final weigh in this morning before Jamaica - 192.2. I didn't hit 189 but I'm not 199 which I was close to at the beginning of October. I tried on my dresses yesterday for my niece and she gave me rave reviews...I have to say I felt pretty good. The mid-section really went down and nothing feels too tight.

    I appreciate all the encouragement from you all. :) Can't wait to get back to it when I return. I will try to be good, but it is an all-inclusive. It will not be the will probably be the booze. ;)

    I will try to sign in at least daily if their wifi is good.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Have a blast, Kathy!! And great job on the weight!

    137.2 this morning...up...down...up...down :(

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,890 Member
    Kathy that is really awesome. And I must admit, the booze part made me giggle. Which I am sure you will be doing lots of! B) Have a great trip.

    Michelle my only regret on the wheel chair is that I did not get it sooner. It did take a couple of tries before he was really comfortable in it. But now as soon as he hears that snapping sound he takes off like a shot! I love pumpkin pies! :smiley:

    I was up this morning. Chris lets go down a bit tomorrow! A much better direction!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    Okay, Shelley. I won't say anything about pumpkin pie ice cream then. :o

