Trusting the Process



  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Well I have been doing well with the exercises until I pulled a muscle. So I'm a pain in my own butt!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Uh oh!
    Hope it heals up fast!
    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    Well I have been doing well with the exercises until I pulled a muscle. So I'm a pain in my own butt!

    Aww hope u get well soon!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks just a matter of stretching and using my tennis ball to work the muscle. I just didn't stretch out enough after a workout. I didn't take a rest when I first did it so it's taking a bit to get it worked out.
    I have figured out that my core was weaker than I thought. I had to back off even more, I get on my hands and knees, lift opposite arm/leg and hold it as long as I can. I have worked up to planks on my knees and hold for 30 seconds. I can only do about 1 or 2 at a time, but it's getting better. I am looking forward to taking measurements in a few weeks to see if there is a difference. My pants fit the same but I can see that my posture is improving.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The look of confidence from good posture cannot be minimized.

    For many the mere act of carrying themselves differently improves their self-view.

    That may also be because of the knowledge of new secret strength that could be unleashed as super-woman should the need arise!
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    I got my muscle pulled while training and freaking out on my kids to answer the doorbell :# This gives me a lesson that u should not only be physically but also mentally realxed while training hard!
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Ugh on pulled muscles... I have a stiff neck as I type. Lots of ice, rest, rubbing cooling lotion, stretching, not fun!

    How are you guys feeling, @beverlyriley900 and @ibtmas?

    As much as this is. It the case, it's important to keep in mind how to handle injuries:

    Tereza Toledo
    EM2WL Moderator and Team Member

  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for the link. I'm doing better. Stretching helps, it just takes a bit of time to get it to completely go away. I also add the massage and essential oils as I need. I rested a couple of days and will do yoga today to stretch better. I am really wanting to get back to the lifting as I am seeing the weight adjust upwards again, but I won't until I feel ready. I also think part of my weight gain is that I am eating too much. I have gone over calories on occasion but lately is has been more often due to poor planning. I will get better meal plan/prep done this weekend so the week will go much better. My goal this week is to focus in more on protein, ab exercises and posture improvement exercises.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @beverlyriley900 Meal planning goes a long way. I took me a while to organize myself and even know some days everything goes berserk. I got used to feature one protein, a veggie and a carb for dinner. I cook extra to make sure I have lunch for the next day. If there won't be leftovers, eggs can go a long way. An rotisserie chicken can be separated in portions and frozen. Same thing with leftovers. When we eat out on Saturday nights, I make sure to bring something back with me for Sunday lunch.
    This article has some easy ideas on quick and healthy handy meals:

    EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Glad it's getting a bit better.
    The ideas in the link that Tereza posted are great!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have been focusing on ab work last week and more so this week. I am going to weight lift three times a week and do yoga 3 times a week for my workouts. I was doing a specific Beach Body videos but it was so hard to do the cardio. I couldn't get excited to get out of bed to do cardio, but I like the yoga. My good days and bad days come and go. Some days I feel thin and other days I feel fat. I do see posture changes so that is what I am excited this week about. I am also closer to kicking the sweets habit. I have a few triggers that I am trying to stay away from or at least minimize my exposure to. I will also keep focusing on keeping protein numbers up. Have a great week everyone
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Love your focus!
    If we focus on the positives like you have, great news on the better posture!, we can crowd out the negative thoughts.
    Try to change your thought analysis from fat or thin to confident? Content? Discouraged? Strong? Tired?
    See the difference? Just takes the edge of judging yourself for your physical and seeing the changes that are being made at a mental and emotional level.
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    My scale weight fluctuates so I don't give it much thought, up total of 6-7 pounds depending on the day since starting EM2WL. I took measurements October 16th and again today. I'm down total of 1/2 inch (chest 1/2 up, hips 1/2 down, right thigh 1/2 down). My body fat percentage is down 4.83%. I used a calculator I found online that used same measurements as US Marines. I figure if I stay with same calculator I'll get consistent numbers. I'll take those small gains where ever I can find them.
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    My scale weight fluctuates so I don't give it much thought, up total of 6-7 pounds depending on the day since starting EM2WL. I took measurements October 16th and again today. I'm down total of 1/2 inch (chest 1/2 up, hips 1/2 down, right thigh 1/2 down). My body fat percentage is down 4.83%. I used a calculator I found online that used same measurements as US Marines. I figure if I stay with same calculator I'll get consistent numbers. I'll take those small gains where ever I can find them.

    Awesome. sauce!!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    This is excellent progress.
    And remember, when you are trying to reset or eat at TDEE, we don't expect to see any loss in inches etc.
    You are having some great body recomposition.
    Do you notice any difference in your shape in different places as well as the measurements?
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks everyone. I wasn't expecting the half inch loss anywhere. I think the difference at my hips is only due to the better posture. I don't have the anterior tilt at my pelvis so slightly tighter abs and stronger back pulls in the belly a bit to show a slight loss but it isn't a fat loss. I have always had a sway back and it is so much better now. I can tell that the dead lifts have helped. I was very worried I would re injure my low back again. I have really been concentrating on form and it has paid off. I also "feel" smaller around my ribcage but no numbers to reflect that. I weigh 177-178 pounds now. I don't really care what the number is and haven't cared about the number for years. I just don't like having a belly stick out like I'm 7 months pregnant. I don't think my shape is too bad, just the unhealthy belly. That much extra around the middle, causes increased issues with my low back pain as well as it is unsightly. I am enjoying the recomp. I like eating this amount of food and just working on weight lifting.
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I am still hanging out at the same weight that I have been for awhile now. I think maybe I have hit my TDEE/daily workout calorie burn sweet spot. I have settled into a routine with breakfast of almond milk, chocolate shakeology, milled flax seed, spelt toast and a fried egg. And of course 25-30 ounces of water with my workout. The rest of the day varies but that works out well also. I have been able to increase my weight some or at least improve on my workouts in some fashion. I am planning on ordering Cathe STS and start that at the first of the year. I am either having some water retention in my muscles or getting tighter muscles as I feel less jiggly. Otherwise I think I have settled into my little groove.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Yay! Look at you go!
    It's the best when we just settle in and it becomes habit.
    STS is a great programme. You're going to love it, I know it.
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • tj0861
    tj0861 Posts: 48 Member
    ....and on Black Friday ALL the crazies come out!!! My mum and sisters and I used to hit it every year, but we eventually gave it up when shoppers got so aggressive. I do anything important on line now!!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have a question...I'm still going with TDEE and lifting 3 days a week. I do yoga 1-2 times a week. The muscle gain has slowed down. I know the internal changes are happening. I know slow and steady wins the race.

    My question is: if I am continuing to lift 3 times a week, I should be able to increase my weights regularly? I haven't been able to bump up much. I still lift mostly 15 pounds in each hand with the upper arms, occasionally 17 pounds, depending on the type of exercise. I use 25 pound dumbbells in each hand for lower body exercises. I have tried 30 pounds but it seems to be too much for my arms to hold onto. Is this typical? I know that it is best to follow a typical workout routine to be successful. I have been doing Beach body workout called Hammer & Chisel. But I don't follow it exactly. I have several of the weight lifting videos that I do and I alternate between them and only lift 3 days a week and always have a day of no lifting between them. That's when I try to get the yoga done.

    Should I be following the program exactly? Or can I bounce around? I will be ordering Cathie's STS program next week on Black Friday. Will I see a better strength gain with her program as she starts with the one rep max and builds from there??? Instead of grabbing what weights feel right and adjust up or down from there??