November 2016 Weight Loss- Please Join!



  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Hi there, I have to say that I haven't really tried to watch what I eat this week. (It's obvious, lol) However, I am not upset by this. It's been a rough month in other ways and I know with hard work I can get where I want to be a little later. *smiles* Always remember not to be too hard on yourself!

    November 2016:
    SW (Oct 29th): 123.2 lbs
    Nov 05: 123.2 lbs
    Nov 12: 122.6 lbs
    Nov 21: 125.4 lbs
    Nov 26: lbs

    GW: 120.0 lbs Height: 5'4"

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!
  • Charm110
    Charm110 Posts: 73 Member
    Wednesday check in!

    Height 5'7

    SW: 150 (14/9/16)
    1/11/16: 147
    9/11/16: 145
    16/11/16: 145
    23/11/16: 143
    GW for end of November: 143.

    Fingers crossed I can keep this up for next week :)
  • evangelene12
    evangelene12 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, I'm posting this quite late but here goes:
    Height: 5'3"
    Nov 1: 133.8 lbs
    Nov 15: 132.3
    Nov 24: 130.1

    GW for end of November: 129
    Overall goal: 115
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    edited November 2016
    SW: 116.6 lbs (as of October)
    GW: 114 lbs (for November)
    UGW: 110 lbs

    November 4, 2016: 117.6 lbs
    November 11, 2016: 116.8 lbs
    November 18, 2016: Didn't weigh-in :/
    November 25, 2016: 116.6 lbs

    After eating crap all week, it's been a pretty great week. :D Next month I will keep my same goal since I never reached it. I am happy to have maintained 116 lbs though. Remember how I felt like I didn't lose 3 pounds? Well I finally feel like I've lost the weight. Just took my body time to adjust mentally I guess.
  • 33bbcc33
    33bbcc33 Posts: 59 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 156
    November 11: 134
    November 25: 133 (been hovering around 132.5 to 133 this week!)
    UGW: 125

    Looks like I'm on track to get to 130, at least, by Xmas. I plan on eating a lot when I fly back home so working extra hard these weeks leading up to that. :)
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    SW: 55kg (121lbs)
    Goal Weight: 54kg (119lbs) (working out 4x a week)
    UGW: ?? 52kg (116lbs)

    01/11/16: 55kg (121lbs)
    05/11/16: 53.8kg (118.6)
    12/11/16: -
    19/11/16: 54kg (119lbs)
    26/11/16: 54kg (119lbs)
  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    I didn't make a goal but I wanted to share what happened to me this month.

    In the beginning of the month I was stressed, always carefully planning very controlled meal plans for each day and concerned about how much exercise I got. Towards the middle of the month I became very discouraged and gained my normal period weight. After my period ended, it was time for four nights away with my family.

    I decided to take a break from exact calorie counting and exercise for Thanksgiving weekend. The stress started to wear on me and it was more about my mental health to take a break than losing weight and gaining muscle.

    The outcome - I lost .8lbs since my last weigh in about 9 days ago, even with the relaxing holiday. That shows that stress doesn't help me achieve my muscle gain goals or my weight loss goals, instead it stopped any progress or even reversal of progress.

    My plan now - I'm going to still plan a few meals, like preparing breakfast the night before so I don't have to worry. There will be no more worry about going over or under 100 calories, no more planning how much I exercise but instead pushing myself in the moment to get the tough workout my body needs for that day or time. I'm going to feel full even if I go over my calorie limit, and I'm going to relax about my macro and micro-nutrient goals, except fiber of course ;)
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    So, my holiday indulgence is over. For me, it's time to start getting serious again! :)
    Although, I have to say I'm happy that I stabilized instead of adding more. LOL

    November 2016:
    SW (Oct 29th): 123.2 lbs
    Nov 05: 123.2 lbs
    Nov 12: 122.6 lbs
    Nov 21: 125.4 lbs
    Nov 26: 125.4 lbs
    Nov 30: lbs.

    GW: 120.0 lbs Height: 5'4"

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!
  • Fitchix40
    Fitchix40 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in!
    SW: 166.6 lbs (as of October)
    GW: 159 lbs (for November)
    UGW: 140 lbs

    Height: 5'3" and a half ;)
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    niskmom wrote: »
    Going away in March- need lots of motivation. I'm 56. Very active and have always been thin. I just let my weight get away from me these last 3 years.

    Weight 11/1: 154.5
    Nov 30 GW: 146.5
    UGW: 112

    Looking for similar ugw mfp friends that are willing to share their diary. It helps me to stay on track

    Feel free to add me. I am 51, fairly active and my weight has yo-yoed my entire adult life. Every time I lose it I say that's it and then its back again. This past few years I have become more active and that is helping me focus more.
    Height 4'11"
    Current weight 118.5
    UGW 110 give or take a couple
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Will there be a December challenge?
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    Will there be a December challenge?

    Yes there will be :)
  • evangelene12
    evangelene12 Posts: 196 Member
    original post Nov 24:
    Height: 5'3"
    Nov 1: 133.8 lbs
    Nov 15: 132.3
    Nov 24: 130.1

    GW for end of November: 129

    Today: 129! :)
  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    viaTess wrote: »
    I didn't make a goal but I wanted to share what happened to me this month.

    In the beginning of the month I was stressed, always carefully planning very controlled meal plans for each day and concerned about how much exercise I got. Towards the middle of the month I became very discouraged and gained my normal period weight. After my period ended, it was time for four nights away with my family.

    I decided to take a break from exact calorie counting and exercise for Thanksgiving weekend. The stress started to wear on me and it was more about my mental health to take a break than losing weight and gaining muscle.

    The outcome - I lost .8lbs since my last weigh in about 9 days ago, even with the relaxing holiday. That shows that stress doesn't help me achieve my muscle gain goals or my weight loss goals, instead it stopped any progress or even reversal of progress.

    My plan now - I'm going to still plan a few meals, like preparing breakfast the night before so I don't have to worry. There will be no more worry about going over or under 100 calories, no more planning how much I exercise but instead pushing myself in the moment to get the tough workout my body needs for that day or time. I'm going to feel full even if I go over my calorie limit, and I'm going to relax about my macro and micro-nutrient goals, except fiber of course ;)

    viaTess, thats a great plan, stressing with weight and calorie limit isn't that fun, its good you are focusing on being healthy and not making plans and enjoying the process. I find that If I try to plan my food or exercises for the day I end up stressing so, I've decided to just listen to my body and eat intituively.
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    Will there be a December challenge?

    Yes there will be :)

    Can't wait to start with the December Challenge!
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    I think I have some of my motivation / will power back.
    Looking forward to the December challenge! :)

    November 2016:
    SW (Oct 29th): 123.2 lbs
    Nov 05: 123.2 lbs
    Nov 12: 122.6 lbs
    Nov 21: 125.4 lbs
    Nov 26: 125.4 lbs
    Nov 30: 124.8 lbs.

    GW: 120.0 lbs Height: 5'4"

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!