LCD Chat...



  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member

    Having a great day tomorrow so making lamb shanks with a very small portion of gravy and a little bit of mash, and found these little babies for starter. Hog roast served on pork cracklings with a tiny bit of stuffing and apple sauce at 3 net carbs for a portion. Roll on tomorrow and OMG I need to learn how to make these. Canapés here I come! :D
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Never got a chance to post here yesterday, I was busy trying to be lazy!! Didn't work out so well.
    Had a pretty good day.

    Last night my worst nightmare came true. I broke a tooth! Ahh! Right at an old filling and the darned thing just split!! So now I'm being very careful what's going in my mouth and how I eat and waiting for Monday to roll around so I can call the dentist. Thank goodness I have insurance!!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Just a quick morning hello, I overslept! Thankfully my back up alarm went off an hour after my first!! Crap! I'll try to post later lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I hope everyone is recovering from the long weekend. I am holding the line on my weight so far. Since starting LCHF WOE in August, I was losing well in Aug. and Sept. but now I seem to stall out every couple of weeks, then drift down very little, and go through the same cycle.

    I have less than 20 lbs I want to lose and it just doesn't get an easier no matter what I tweak. I think I will start paying more attention to calories, I have been focused on macros primarily and I have slowly upped my net carbs, I would like to get to the 75-100 range. Been hitting more like 45-60 nc. At this level, I do eventually lose, just very slowly. I do like this range, I get good variety in my carbs and have plenty of energy to do my exercise, etc.

    Enough whining. at least I have lost and haven't gained and we are in the middle of holiday feasting time of the year, so that is a big win. I need to concentrate on that.
  • gregpesot
    gregpesot Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Everybody!

    Need some low-carb support! This looks like the place!

    My name's Greg... 51 year old happily married father of three boys (19,17,15)...

    I'm weighing about 255-260 these days and only 7-8 years ago was doing short triathlons and weighing about 205 give or take a few pounds.

    Of all the diets out there, Atkins and low-carb seems to have the greatest results for me, probably because I'm probably insulin resistant and low-carb seems to reprogram my metabolism.

    I've always exercised my entire life (ever since a weight comment by a classmate in high school) but my wife on the other hand has NEVER exercised!

    Now she has become fed-up with her "mid-life" weight gain and has begun working out (just riding stationary bike or walking treadmill) at the gym and watching what she eats (has been doing Weight Watchers for about five months or so) and she's down 23 pounds and looking great and feeling great!

    So after all these years being the one out of the two of us that's always been concerned with my weight and always watched what I ate... she's putting me to shame!

    So this morning I got up at 5am and jumped on my tri bike and got a good workout in and also started low-carb/Atkins today!

    Looks like this group is very supportive of each other and that's what I need - my profile pic is from 7-8 years ago and that's where I'd like to get!

    Thanks in advance for any support!

  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    gregpesot wrote: »
    Hi Everybody!

    Need some low-carb support! This looks like the place!


    Hi there and welcome aboard. This is exactly the place for support! You found an amazing group of people with tons of knowledge. Check out the launch pad at the top and feel free to ask questions! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I find myself not logging my food as much as I used to log it (usually the weekends go by the wayside) but I do log in every day to see what's up on the forum. Again, welcome to our humble group!
  • kmn118
    kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi, Greg! This is a great group with a HUGE collective knowledge base that is very helpful. I love this Low Carb way of eating (WOE) and have a starter suggestion today... make sure you keep your electrolytes in balance, which usually means supplementing sodium and magnesium. Sodium, because low carb really dehydrates, and magnesium, because our foods don't contain enough to keep the muscle cramps away. Good luck!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Hello. I was faithfully low-carbing, logging and losing weight last year, until I fell off the wagon. I'm working to get back to where I was last year, and hopefully avoid falling off again.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Welcome Greg and welcome back Lillith!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Tuesday!!
    I was hopeful that my body pushed out of its seemingly "comfort weight" over the weekend I dropped down... and right back up it went with the start of the week!! Ugh! I can see and feel the difference as I know I'm losing fat it's just comical to watch this bouncing ball of up down with the scale! I'm not complaining at all. Just watching and commenting.
    Despite the rain for most of the day yesterday I was able to get out and walk! Yay!! Today is going to be the only day this week with no precipitation so hopefully I can get another one in today. That and I recall them saying it will be warm-ish too!!

    Welcome @gregpesot and @Lillith32
    This is a great place full of great people!
  • grafixfrh
    grafixfrh Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there I enjoyed this post think there is something to gain from support of others like this. I am 46 and single father of a 13 and 16 year who has autism. I have RSD(CRPS) which has made me sedentary and I gained over 70 lbs which also caused a perforated colon so the change to Keto was more of I need than an original want as I do love foods. The whole experience has been great and I rather enjoy creating different ways to explore old favorites in the kitchen. This lifestyle as I like to look at it more than a diet has many wonderful and healthy attributes which in time if the therapists find beneficial for my son I am preparing and creating foods he will enjoy and have learned alot. I do have a blog which I post to and hope maybe some of it will be helpful to others as the information in it had benefited me. I have been in Keto since mid September and lost almost 50 lbs so think I am on track and see no future without this lifestyle. Was nice to read these posts of normal people who share their stories it gives others hope that this can be the path that can work for them as so many others seem to fail and do not have half of the benefits of the LCHF diet. My 2 favorite things in my kitchen are my NUWAVE oven and my trusted george foreman grill.
  • gregpesot
    gregpesot Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2016
    not easy but got up at 5am again to ride the bike...stayed up until 11:30 last night to watch the EAGLES lose then the dog gets us up at around 2:30 hacking and then vomiting... and somehow just got up at 5am and did it

    will probably be asleep by 8:30 tonite! LOL

    ate well yesterday but that really isn't the problem - it's making time to work out and it looks like that'll have to be early morning

    Have a nice Tuesday everybody!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I've been frustrated about weight loss lately... just went back over November data. I've had some high days and some low days, but have consumed 1,759 net calories per day on average. Consuming 1,780 is supposedly a 0.5 lb. / week deficit, so I would expect that. In fact, I gained weight in November so far. :(
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am frustrated too. Sometimes, the numbers seem to lie. :/

    My weight is the bouncing ball routine. Up and down, up and down. But at least the down is settling in at my lowest point. So just staying the course and trying to get it to move again. Still trying to balance carbs and fats so me and my doctor (who is old school) are both happy.

    On the plus side, I did a longer walk yesterday. About 5km uphill to the highway and back. Not very long by previous standards but still, I am pleased that I can do uphill and longer still. Trying to reach back to re-establish a habit that I enjoyed. (Although enjoyment in November in overcast, cool Ontario is pushing the matter a bit but non icy roads are a plus).

    Have a good day, all.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Trendweight shows my gain at 0.4 lbs. for the last month, so I'm not gaining very quickly at least. The basic math (I'm not saying I trust this) would indicate I'm eating 50 cal more per day than maintenance:

    3,500 cal = 1 lb.
    0.4 lb. / month = 0.1 lb. / week
    0.1 lb. / week X 3,500 cal / lb. = 350 cal. per week surplus
    350 calories / 7 days = 50 cal. per day surplus

    I had been at a goal of 1,650 per day; but obviously went over more often than under given that I actually ate 1,759 net calories.

    So I'm going to cut calories to 1,500 net per day. If about 1,700 is my RMR; then that should give 0.4 lbs. / week loss. 16 weeks, or around 4 months to goal if I can keep that up.
  • gregpesot
    gregpesot Posts: 10 Member
    I hear ya! Unfortunately as we get older I guess it's not so cut and dry...can't tell you how many times I've heard, "don't worry about the scale, just worry about how you're clothes are fitting"

    hang in there!
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Today is Shayla's birthday. She's my youngest and 12 today. Dinner on birthdays is always what the birthday person wants - A Hershey Cake and Mac and Cheese casserole. She's not LCHF, can you tell? I bought her clothes for her birthday and for Christmas and as is tradition I let her open one gift early last night at dinner - a pair of jeans and a shirt. Both were too small, I gave her every piece of clothing I've purchased for her birthday and for Christmas thus far - every single piece must go back as they are all too small. 2 pair of pants and a hoodie came from Aeropostle which is going out of business and all sales were final. Those will have to go to a friend. I can't believe I was THAT far off. Rowdy laughed at me. He's not sure why it was funny but he thought it was hysterical that I have to take everything back. Sigh....methinks I'm taking her with me, since she's seen everything and let her try it on and choose the replacements for herself. Why oh why did she have to be a stylish clothes maven and diva instead of a geeky game and reader? Anna is EASY to buy for...
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    @RowdysLady , oh poor you! Sales final! I remember being on the other end of this problem. I was happy to go shopping with my mum and choose for myself (of course, she always had major input). But I was happy having her to myself for awhile. Good thing you started early for Christmas!
  • mickigoad
    mickigoad Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Greg and everybody! This is the most successful WOE for me too... I must have some insulin resistance or something. When I monitor carbs, I do so much better both mentally and physically.

    I'm struggling post-holiday to stay motivated. I'm doing "okay"... but okay won't get results in the timeline I am looking for. I did an ok job on Thanksgiving, but did allow myself some mashed potatoes and stuffing... and I have been craving sugar ever since! I am afraid I need to go back to dairy limits again too... I've been feeling inflamed after workouts and achy in the mornings and after sitting for long periods. I just love my cheese!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @RowdysLady I feel for you. I absolutely hate making returns. It's so hard to buy for someone else. Also clothes are so different from brand to brand. I always thought Aeropostle's clothes looked smaller than other brands. I've seen shirts there I'm fairly certain would be too small for a Cabbage Patch doll! lol. Hopefully you can make a fun mother/daughter day out of it.