Officially Hate this Time of the Year (warning rant)



  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    w00t! I've always wanted to visit Australia!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    *gets stuck in a snow drift on the way to the airport*

    Isn't there some risk in your neck of the woods that you'll get stuck on your way to the bathroom in the morning?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I'm running a winter bulk, even though I do not celebrate Christmas in any way, make, shape or form. The typical problems that most people have with family food abloobloo, and office party cookie blah blah don't apply to me. However, seasonal affective disorder screws with me a lot. Therefore, I'll be offsetting it this year by eating all of the things, walking 7-15 miles per day, and continuing my 5/3/1 progression, slightly sped up.

    Nothing destroys winter induced hormonal problems quite like feeding the machine, while running it at redline.
  • PollanDP
    PollanDP Posts: 17 Member
    We had our office Christmas party last night. I was dreading facing all of the temptations. BUT when I arrived it was a meat lovers paradise! Shrimp cocktail, meatballs, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, chicken wings! The only real splurge was the crawfish ettoufe over a little rice. And I'm sure there were breadcrumbs in the meatball. I managed to skip the dessert table and I drank Ultra beer which I don't think is horrible. Have not looked it up yet.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    I guess s/he does not know you well! Smile and say thank you.
    She actually does, but it's traditional... the bottle is going to my Dad and his new girlfriend, which they may or may not appreciate, but will probably drink :smile: Pretty much everyone else I know is on a diet of some sort, including the neighbors!

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    PollanDP wrote: »
    We had our office Christmas party last night. I was dreading facing all of the temptations. BUT when I arrived it was a meat lovers paradise! Shrimp cocktail, meatballs, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, chicken wings! The only real splurge was the crawfish ettoufe over a little rice. And I'm sure there were breadcrumbs in the meatball. I managed to skip the dessert table and I drank Ultra beer which I don't think is horrible. Have not looked it up yet.

    Awesome. :)

    I find that the parties are easier to handle than the day to day living. For parties, I can make a plan, and a few dishes, and I am set. The daily stress of the holidays, combined with lost of good available food, derails me some lately.

    I was a teacher, and rarely in the staff room, so office food was never a problem for me, but if is something you pass often, I would go with a nice trail mix for yourself (and to share if you wish). Make it LCHF friendly. :)

    I have to admit that I had to look up menudo. I'd never heard of it (as a western Canadian with a Ukranian/German heritage). It sounds tasty though. Can you bring a LCHF dish to share and keep your carby portions down? Or have a small helping. I would say that your option would be to just go for it but with insulin resistance, that will affect your health.
    genmon00 wrote: »
    I think im going to spend my holidays in Australia next year lol @EbonyDahlia

    That sounds like a great plan. It's been soooo cold here this December. It's supposed to get above zero today... that seems so balmy. Practically shorts weather. Even sledding yesterday, it was only around -5 or -10C, and the kids were in sweatshirts. :D
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    PollanDP wrote: »
    We had our office Christmas party last night. I was dreading facing all of the temptations. BUT when I arrived it was a meat lovers paradise! Shrimp cocktail, meatballs, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, chicken wings! The only real splurge was the crawfish ettoufe over a little rice. And I'm sure there were breadcrumbs in the meatball. I managed to skip the dessert table and I drank Ultra beer which I don't think is horrible. Have not looked it up yet.

    I love crawfish ettoufe! I haven't had it in years!
    I found two recipes for it shortly after going keto but I never tried making it. I've never made it myself before low carb either.
    Anyway, just thought I'd post the recipes in case you're interested.
    This one has a little corn starch but not much and could probably use xantham gum instead. I guess..???
  • Abkuroneko
    Abkuroneko Posts: 230 Member
    I gotta tell you that I agree with you 100%! This past month has been horrible and it feels like it's been dragging on. I've been relatively good so far, but every day is a challenge with all the sweets and carby things all over the place. I just keep thinking that soon it'll be January and soon everyone will be diet minded and things will quiet down. But if I had started LCHF around this time instead of back in April when I did, I probably would have given up by now, haha! It's only because I'm 8 months into my journey that it's been doable for me. I feel like why give up now because I've already made such great progress. But damn I just want this year to be over, lol!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Abkuroneko wrote: »
    I gotta tell you that I agree with you 100%! This past month has been horrible and it feels like it's been dragging on. I've been relatively good so far, but every day is a challenge with all the sweets and carby things all over the place. I just keep thinking that soon it'll be January and soon everyone will be diet minded and things will quiet down. But if I had started LCHF around this time instead of back in April when I did, I probably would have given up by now, haha! It's only because I'm 8 months into my journey that it's been doable for me. I feel like why give up now because I've already made such great progress. But damn I just want this year to be over, lol!

    Ugh. Don't remind me about January. Pretty soon I am going to be tripping over the hordes of "this year will be different" while I'm trying to lift. At least it only lasts for a couple of weeks before nearly all of them go back to doing anything other than working on their bodies.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Ugh. Don't remind me about January. Pretty soon I am going to be tripping over the hordes of "this year will be different" while I'm trying to lift. At least it only lasts for a couple of weeks before nearly all of them go back to doing anything other than working on their bodies.

    I don't usually have this problem at the gym, one of the real advantages to working out at 5:00am. We will have a slight uptick in people there but not really enough to notice or care about.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Agreed 100%.

    I wish family gatherings did not have to equal food. And I wish coworkers would just mind their own business and not unload all their leftover family junk into the café. Sigh.

    Soon it will be over!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Ugh. Don't remind me about January. Pretty soon I am going to be tripping over the hordes of "this year will be different" while I'm trying to lift. At least it only lasts for a couple of weeks before nearly all of them go back to doing anything other than working on their bodies.

    I don't usually have this problem at the gym, one of the real advantages to working out at 5:00am. We will have a slight uptick in people there but not really enough to notice or care about.

    It gets really bad at both gyms that I go to. One is a Gold's in a rather wealthy area. The other is a YMCA in the middle of nowhere, with not another gym for 50 miles in any direction.
  • missippibelle
    missippibelle Posts: 153 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I ate 2 tiny choc covered pretzels and a bite of a mini cupcake, and it was NOT worth it. It was so sweet it made me feel YUCKY. I discovered I don't like all that as much as I though I did. It wasn't even good. Bring on the BACON!
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    edited December 2016
    Abkuroneko wrote: »
    I gotta tell you that I agree with you 100%! This past month has been horrible and it feels like it's been dragging on. I've been relatively good so far, but every day is a challenge with all the sweets and carby things all over the place. I just keep thinking that soon it'll be January and soon everyone will be diet minded and things will quiet down. But if I had started LCHF around this time instead of back in April when I did, I probably would have given up by now, haha! It's only because I'm 8 months into my journey that it's been doable for me. I feel like why give up now because I've already made such great progress. But damn I just want this year to be over, lol!

    I am so with you! LC'ers UNITE :) Today is a better day I must admit, although a coworker left me a "gift", i took the advice of an awesome MFP pal (here's looking at you @samanthaluangphixay ) and threw it in a black hole drawer :) I keep telling myself only 5 more days to get thru lol
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Yep, this is very difficult for me as well. There is usually something once per week normally, but every day this time of year usually from vendors or corp. visitors. Today was the informally designated day for everyone to bring treats for the office. Most others brought cookies. Delicious cookies. One of them was double cookies with about 1 inch of frosting between the 2 cookies and then frosting on top that spelled out HAPPY HOLIDAYS with 1 letter on each double-cookie. Those seemed the last to be touched, maybe because nobody wanted to ruin the message?

    Anyway, I am almost done for the day and behaved by only eating what I brought (scrambled egg mixture) and some broccoli and cucumber pieces from a veggie tray. The company is serving a Christmas lunch for everyone tomorrow. It will be turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, dinner roll, and cheesecake. So... turkey and green beans. At least low carb is good for my BG.

    The notice sent out said "Christmas Meal" and I don't actually celebrate Christmas. I'm atheist, so I would possibly celebrate today (Winter Solstice) if I cared much. I'm not sure if the person who wrote that was trying to take a jab at me or not. I am pretty sure I'm the only non-Christian out of the ~400 employees at my location, but I don't exactly blend in with most employees because I work in the office during the day. So it isn't like the HR person who wrote that doesn't know. Not sure if that was a subtle way to suggest I not go anyway, since I'm sure she knows both that I'm not Christian and that I don't eat carbs. Not that it matters... I know I'm in the super minority in my tiny ultra conservative little town with basically all Christians (there is a family that I'm pretty sure is Hindu, and I'm the lone atheist - but nearly 100% Christian otherwise... and everyone working here is Christian). I'm just kinda bummed that I will eat just a couple items. In fact, I'm thinking of skipping and just doing my own thing for lunch, but then I know people are going to give me kitten for skipping out.

    Eh, oh well.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    It is definitely hard to avoid it. I work from home, but have been bombarded by friends/neighbors/relatives bringing by plates of sugary things. Plus, we traditionally make treats to give out so I am tempted by the things I am making. It's hard not to nibble. Fortunately (I guess?) eating even just a tiny bit of sugar makes me feel quite sick, so I remind myself that it may taste good for a few seconds, but then I'll pay for it. I will be sticking near the cheese plates and olives at our holiday gatherings.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Yep, this is very difficult for me as well. There is usually something once per week normally, but every day this time of year usually from vendors or corp. visitors. Today was the informally designated day for everyone to bring treats for the office. Most others brought cookies. Delicious cookies. One of them was double cookies with about 1 inch of frosting between the 2 cookies and then frosting on top that spelled out HAPPY HOLIDAYS with 1 letter on each double-cookie. Those seemed the last to be touched, maybe because nobody wanted to ruin the message?

    Anyway, I am almost done for the day and behaved by only eating what I brought (scrambled egg mixture) and some broccoli and cucumber pieces from a veggie tray. The company is serving a Christmas lunch for everyone tomorrow. It will be turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, dinner roll, and cheesecake. So... turkey and green beans. At least low carb is good for my BG.

    The notice sent out said "Christmas Meal" and I don't actually celebrate Christmas. I'm atheist, so I would possibly celebrate today (Winter Solstice) if I cared much. I'm not sure if the person who wrote that was trying to take a jab at me or not. I am pretty sure I'm the only non-Christian out of the ~400 employees at my location, but I don't exactly blend in with most employees because I work in the office during the day. So it isn't like the HR person who wrote that doesn't know. Not sure if that was a subtle way to suggest I not go anyway, since I'm sure she knows both that I'm not Christian and that I don't eat carbs. Not that it matters... I know I'm in the super minority in my tiny ultra conservative little town with basically all Christians (there is a family that I'm pretty sure is Hindu, and I'm the lone atheist - but nearly 100% Christian otherwise... and everyone working here is Christian). I'm just kinda bummed that I will eat just a couple items. In fact, I'm thinking of skipping and just doing my own thing for lunch, but then I know people are going to give me kitten for skipping out.

    Eh, oh well.

    My work had Christmas lunch today too - catered Italian....all pasta. I don't celebrate either so I went out for a lettuce wrapped cheeseburger anyway.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    I don't think it is as bad for me. Even before moving to this WOE, I always went for the meat and cheese tray or nuts if they were an option. The only sweets that were/are a temptation is ice cream. That is pretty much never an option at an office get together. Cake and cookies never appealed to me. Cookie dough, I liked, but once it was cooked, I never thought it was as good. I would only eat the carbage if there wasn't the good food. The only difference now is I try to plan ahead and either eat before or bring something separate for myself if possible.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    genmon00 wrote: »
    I think im going to spend my holidays in Australia next year lol @EbonyDahlia

    I do think @EbonyDahlia was inviting us. At least that is the way I read her post. ;)

    Wow awesome idea.

    Sydney is the best place on earth for Christmas day, you can play with the dolphins, maybe see some whales with calves, admire the terns diving skills, maybe do some spear fishing for octupus, cool off in the rock pool, and cook up banana prawns on the grill. How I miss those days.