Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good day, I have been up for a long time. I was off for a cup of coffee and was waiting at Trader Joe's fully 15 minutes before they opened. More cars arrived and when the doors were unlocked the people streamed in and I think I ended up about the sixth person in the store! After Trader Joe's I stopped by Whole Foods to pick up a special order. As usual I had to wait, they did not listen to me and treated me as an annoyance. Really ticks me off but they are the only store that can get this particular product for me and I do get a 10% discount so I guess I will continue being annoyed!!

    At home I started up a pot of soup and cleaned some vegetables. I have read my email and found out a lady from my church died this morning. Oh my!!

    I am enjoying YouTube videos on card making interspersed with reading a book and need to think about doing a load of laundry. I am skipping tonight's church service as I like to stay in when everyone else is out. I guess we have a service tomorrow where our choir will do the cantata that was missed during the bad weather earlier in the month.

    Happy New Year everyone. We really need that don't we?

    I am totally out of control with papers, recipes, ideas for cards and coloring. Oh my!! Learning new things is quite exciting though so I will continue to live in my chaos.

    Patsy, I am sorry your darling hurt herself. I trust tomorrow will be a better day for her.

    Marcella, jealous of your preparedness for the upcoming year. Good job!!

    Sandy, busy day for you. I will think of you as I also sit at home this evening.

    Anne, no more snow!! Yes!! Best wishes to you and Jilly.

    Marie, I hope your new family member settles in soon. It takes people a while to adjust so I think your darling needs time as well. It has been a stressful time.

    Buzz, wishing all the best for you. Hoping all goes well during the visit.

    Shirley, sorry your DH is not feeling well. And I hope he does not share with you!

    Jackie, happy paperwork sorting to you. I feel guilty that I have done. Toning for such a long time other than pile things up.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I don't normally make new year resolutions but this year I will. I received a beautiful calendar but the best thing about it is a monthly chart that lists all the Ontario locally grown fruits and veggies, and thus cheapest, available. There's a bit of a dearth for January fruits, sort of stuck with apples and rhubarb. Veggies are a bit more varied. I've always wanted to try this and keep away from imported pricier food. A challenge!
    Today, I made a big chicken pot pie, Ontarian chicken, Ontarian half and half for the sauce, carrots, onions, and frozen veggies with local potatoes. Delicious and definitely a possible resolution to accomplish. Of course it will be goodbye bananas, lol, if I keep this up!

    My staying up with a group of family and friends kissing each other and passing germs around as the clock strikes 12 is definitely over! The Bean and I might make it to midnight if we get engrossed in a movie. Patsy's idea of Jammie's, a big wet kiss (in my case from Jilly) and a glass of Harvey's Bristol Cream sounds right up this old dears street!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Drat! AS I was typing, my post disappeared! Anyway, last night, the kids were unable to rent a car for over an hour at the airport, so although they arrived for dinner, they had no time to change clothes. Jeans are not permitted in our dining rooms, so first we were denied reservations, then we were told to eat in the regular room, then someone changed us to the upper-class dining area, then we were told we couldn't eat there, so my son went to talk to the supervisor...back and forth until suddenly she said, "Oh, forget it, it's holiday time" and she left us at the table in the nicest room where we all had a lovely dinner! The waitress was a doll, and it turned out fine, and yes, my DIL's friend was with us, and I followed what turned out to be majority suggestions; I simply put it on my bill! She's not staying here, but my kids are moving in tomorrow afternoon, following a grand New Year's buffet! Since holiday meals are more costly than regular ones (include lobster tails and other goodies!) I'm hoping their friend will not come, but I won't say a word! Stiff upper lip about rude intruders and we will all enjoy together! Read all your posts, and enjoyed, and want to wish all of you and your favorite pets a wonderful 2017!ji1fr26bawlu.png
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here we go with another year! A wet start here in Cornwall so we walked in the woods, a gentle stroll and catch up on news then back home for a shower and hair wash before getting into my "comfy" clothes. Homemade soup is on the list of things to do and more paperwork to be sorted and any resolution I might bother with will be to concentrate on doing the correct exercises to strengthen muscles around my painful hips. I did tell friends another resolution was going to be to stop being a grumpy old woman but since I had few pleasures in life I'd hang on to that one......only kidding of course!
    George has an upset stomach again and like Patsy I'm thinking his timing is off with it being a Sunday AND Bank holiday so at the moment, with great difficulty, I'm starving him until this evening in the hopes things settle. Of course if not, we'll be back to the vet in the morning even though that's also a Bank holiday!

    Barbie ~ That's a great graphic and something to aspire to, not that I consider myself particularly awesome so can but try!

    Patsy ~ Poor Katie with those long gangly legs. I do hope it's nothing serious but just a knock that would have any of us limping. We must all start the new year with good intentions and hopefully persevere with whatever projects we have in mind.

    Anne ~ That sounds like an ideal resolution and I wouldn't be surprised if you find it easier than you might think. Friends of mine who live in London, Ontario have lived that sort of lifestyle for years having moved out of Toronto for a quieter life so if you find a local store that stocks Ontario produce then you'll love the freshness of it all. Rhubarb in winter would be wonderful.... mine is just showing a bald crown in the ground right now!!

    Buzz ~ Thank goodness someone finally had the common sense to chill and let you all eat in peace after all, who was going to see your son's jeans once he was seated. As for the extra person not offering to pay for their meal my jaw dropped but I've already said my piece!! :/

    Lin ~ My New Year's eve was similar because although invited out I decided to curl up in front of the fire and didn't bother to see the fireworks at midnight. George woke me with some barking to let me know something was going on in the village but he soon settled back down. Surprisingly my piles of paper didn't take so long to sort and file away and much of it went straight out for recycling so it was more a case of getting in the right frame of mind to deal with it. You might surprise yourself once you get started!

    Phoebe ~ A happy new year to you too lovey and although I know how busy you and Jim are, please do at least drop in occasionally to let us know you're alright. <3

    Onwards I go, doing my best not to catch George's eye as he doesn't understand why I'm not feeding him. Never mind he'll enjoy the chicken I'll prepare later. He must have read my mind because he then came into the room and put paws on my lap to say hey, what about me?

    Happy Sunday everyone. Sorry I missed many of you.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Having gone to bed early, the Bean and I couldn't keep our eyes open past 10pm, we've woken early to a glorious sunrise and 2017. The world, or at least my portion is fast asleep. I love these early Sunday mornings when all is quiet and at peace. Like you and your friends JACKIE I should be living in some quiet little hamlet, but without a car it was and is impossible. However. Ever the optimist, never say never!

    Poor Katie and George, not a good start to 2017. Jillys full of beans but only because any dangerous hard bones have been confined to the dustbin. Hope the two "kids" are on the mend, and poor bewildered Missy is starting to adjust to a brand new lifestyle with loving Marie and Jerry.

    Meanwhile, my little family have succumbed to very bad colds, so Jill and I will have a very quiet day and leftover pot pie for dinner.

    Bye everybody,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy New Year! :) Here is hoping 2017 is much better than 2016!! New beginnings, new babies, new attitudes!!! I wish you all the very best with good health and good friends!!
    After going to Mass and taking Bryanna to her friends I came home to watch two movies. I stopped the first one at 11:00 to watch New York bring in their New Year and the second at midnight to watch Chicago. I couldn't keep my eyes open to finish the second movie so will do that today before returning to Red Box. I am going to go see Robby after their naps and will probably take them out for something to eat. In between I am going to start taking down decorations. Tomorrow although a holiday I will do laundry and just stay home and finish putting away the Christmas stuff.
    Of course with the new year comes new commitments to myself which include riding my bike.
    I also would like to look into that thing that you stand on and twist your whole body for a full body workout, only I don't know what it is called. lol

    Have a wonderful day and year my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    SANDY, I saw the exercise twist your body board, and my first thought was - THATS a broken ankle in the making!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy new year, Sneakers! We made through another year. John and I are upright and creaking along pretty well. Katie, the great, She is BACK! She has been busy making mats in her hair, so my New Year's Day task is to brush the kid and order some new grooming supplies. I am trying to keep doing the exercise plan outlined in the book, Strong Women Live Longer. It doesn't promise any miracles, just exercising the core muscle groups and building strength. It is recommended by the NIH and senior life. Most of you could do this in your sleep! I am a very short ROUND person with a bunged up knee. Even I can do these exercises.

    All of the ships in our harbor lined up to blast their horns at midnight. 17 blasts! I guess we were lucky they stopped at that count. 2,017 and we would still be hearing them! It was fun however. Katie joined in by howling, neighbors shot off fireworks...(illegal loud fireworks). We had the tv on watching the ball drop and enjoyed the spectacle. Today I am fixing the traditional southern New Years dish of "hoppin john." Beans and rice. John hates it! But once a year it is good for him to eat cheap and spicy. Bawhahiahahaha!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It's only 5:15 PM yet I keep falling asleep sitting at my desk while DIL and friend are off at the beach. DS is sleeping in their guest quarters, as they stayed awake til early hours of 2017! The ladies helped rearrange the furniture so the Living room looks less overwhelmed by that recliner. while DS commented from the sofa!
    Finally got up the courage to mention the extra guest charges for their friend and they had no problem with paying me her fees for meals. Whew, wasn't as bad as I feared! Our buffet at midday was just lovely though I never touched a thing beyond an omelet and multi grain pancakes and my coffee. New Year's Eve's dinner included the best Maine Lobster Tails I ever ate! Everything was lovely, and when the kids left for their celebration, I found myself not wishing to join the merriments downstairs and simply came up to spend a quiet evening. It was fine for me. I'm not really in the mood to go out this evening, but DDIL would like us all to be together so whatever they do, I'll join! So nice to have them visiting!
    Nice to see PHOEBE and BARBIE here again. part of our group! I will be in and out until Thursday, when my DS and DIL leave. My love to everybody!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello, happy new year everyone. I did go to church this morning and helped clean up communion after the service and then ended up talking to some folks for a while. After lunch ai went back to thinking about making more cards. All I seem to care to do is either color, mess with art supplies, or try to make cards. Worthwhile things, not so much except paying bills and checking on my bank accounts. But ai think all of that type of activity is good for the. Rain--at least that is what I tell myself. I played a game of Scrabble with the computer, did my daily jigsaw puzzle and have read a bit of a book from the library.

    So I am asking for advice from people who really know how to use art materials. I used pastels on the black paper of one card and sprayed it with a 'workable fixative'. Will that mean the pastel will come off on the hands of anyone unlucky enough to receive this card?

    Off for another bite of vegetables and I see I need to get. O I got around as I have not hit my goals. Here are a couple of photos of stuff I have been messing with today.

    Please all fur children, behave and feel good!!!! Do not vex your dear human family members.

    Hugs my friends.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You know Anne I ave not thought of her grieving. But she mist be. For all of December she was without her loving humans We have not heard a whine out of her or even a bark. She knows her name but will not come to us. Yet. jerry has to put her on a leash to take her outside. So far no mess in the house.But she did come in thru the doggie door and ran to her water bowl and went to her comfort zone which is behind Jerry Chair.We got to get her a crate so we can put her in it when we have to leave her by herself. so she can not hurt herself . But I do believe she will change as soon as she realize how much we care for her And alway be here for her
    no she has not got on my lap yet.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Yes MARIE, dogs DO pine for a loving owner who has had to give them up. Be assured it will pass in time. I've been watching a TV show from the UK about the Battersea Dogs And Cats home. These lovely people take in 4000 unwanted animals a year, and some of the saddest cases are the dogs whose owners have died or have had to give them up through ill health, etc. The poor animal is quite bewildered and doesn't know where their owner has gone and why they are not wanted anymore.

    However, the good news is a couple of months later they are usually adopted and adapt quite quickly to their new homes. One very sad case was a poor man whose wife had died and he couldn't cope himself because he also was very sick. He dropped his pet off and left crying. The pet got a new elderly couple and adapted very quickly to them, far quicker than the poor man I think. So don't give up on Missy. She's a lovely little thing and will soon respond to your kindness.

    If you can see this show in the USA it's well worth watching. Jilly actually sits with me and watches or barks at the dogs. It's named "For the love of dogs". It's taught me an awful lot about how even dogs that are ill treated pine for their owners after rescue.

    This is why I make sure Jill knows my sons almost as well as myself. Then when I have to give her up it won't be so traumatic for her when one of them takes over.
    Love to you three from Anne.

    I don't have a crate or a pen for Jilly. So far, so good in the short times I've left her.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I don'dt really want a crate for Missy But for now would feel more secure with her in a crate while we do our grocer shopping Don't want her to get hurt. Se did go thru a thunder storm early this morning. Bless her heart I know she was scare. She did come out of her comfort zone behind jerry chair. I think she was really glad to see us up But she still has a way to go. Along way . Jerry has to carry er out side to do her business . But she has not gone in the house. She still will not come to me.But she keeps an eye on me. Se is such a sweetheart not a whine or a bark out of her yet. But i am sure when she realize this is her home she will be protected of it. I dropped my mouse so will close for now.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Sounds as if you are making progress MARIE. She does appear to be a sweet little dog. Just chat to her, and with a bit of patience you will have a super little pet very soon. When she does her pees etc, give her a doggy treat, it works miracles. Jilly gets POWER BITES - soft chewy dog treats and WELLNESS PURE REWARDS. I'm told crates are good because they make the dog feel secure. I Just don't seem to need one with my small terror. I have one but it's stored in the garage
    If you can, give Missy a rub around the ears from me.
    Anne and Jilly.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Cats too! :#
    When we would go on vacation in the past and have a neighbor take care of our cats while we were gone, Precious (our eldest kitty) would not even speak to us when we would return home. She would be so mad! We would get the cold shoulder for awhile until she felt we had suffered enough and would finally forgive us. Now, when we go out of town for a few days, our son Jordan, cares for her. Because she already knows Jordan (and because he understands what she tells him to do during the day), she is perfectly fine when we return.

    Buzz - I so happy to hear that all is well with your kids and extra guest visiting. Hope you're getting enough rest. I guess, when they leave, you can get some extended sleep time. But it's nice that they can share the new year with you.

    Lin - Your cards are beautiful! I'm feeling inspired!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    My cats too MARCELLA. The last one, Tabitha Daisy, was boarded at a kennels when I went to the UK for 3 weeks. When I picked her up, this rescue alley cat smelt of shampoo and was sporting a big pink bow. Once home, she tore the bow off and it took a week of treats for her to get over the indignity. Can't say I blamed her, she didn't look natural in a pink bow!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!!, Dave and I stayed home and I drank my champagne gone before the ball dropped. After going to NYC in October I could relate to all those New Yorkers at Time Square. Crazy, crazy people and there were 2 million this year. Where would you take a pee? LOL

    I just got back from Aqua Fit class and there were two ladies that talked the whole time we were there.
    I don't know but I am there to get a cardio work out not to socialize. So far my knee is holding up to the
    swimming exercises. thumbs up!

    Buzz - I am so glad your family got to eat with you at dinner in their jeans. Some rules should be
    given up for the holidays.

    Marie - Your pup will eventually take to you it will take some time for her to get into her own routine at your house. She probably misses her old owner but that should change in time, be patient.

    I have been taking 2,000 mg. of Emergen-C to keep myself from getting a cold. Yesterday I took down
    all the decortions except the tree, we like to keep it up longer and I am tired. After my shower I will take another picture to be framed for my daughter. We bought 3 photos from a vendor in one frame from "Imagine" the John Lennon photos from Central Park, and I told her I will get it framed for her birthday which will be Jan 15th. Actually a good excuse to see Isaac. ;)

    Lin- Lovely cards you have made, you are one talented lady.

    Jackie & Patsy - I hope your fur babies will get better soon and enjoy the new year.
