Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Luckily, our TV is supplied by the community so we don't pay for cable. And being "frugal", we don't have any extras so I just pay for phone and internet.
    I just read an excerpt from Newsweek explaining the rise of Trump and wow, it's pretty scary! SANDY, I have the same reaction to House of Cards, and I must admit I hate the feeling that I'm spying on someone through a keyhole! My legs are...well, I guess they are my weakspot.
    They swell badly and I'm having more laser work on several veins that are partially closed and the doctor things I will need them wrapped again as I seem to have developed lymphedema.
    Nobody goes through life totally untouched by something, and this is my area of imperfection!
    I certainly do remember your brave lovely Katie! The world would be a better place if there were more like Katie! Come to think of it, she seems much like her grandmother!
    MARIE, I think finding rabbit ears was a miracle for you! I'm happy for both of you!
    SHIRLEY, what a lucky little guy Isaac is! (You, too)!
    The yawning starts and I'm learning to listen to my sleep needs! I keep reading lack of it affects weight loss! :(
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Good evening. As I had thought, my team got no further in the tournament. Oh well.

    I have not received an email from MFP. Hummmmm.

    I live in a low spot and can only get a couple of channels with an HD antenna. Good alternative if cable is off but cannot even get PBS so not a long term solution here.

    Kids went wild for the party today and were bouncing off the walls in anticipation of candy. I helped clean up the sanctuary and also cleaned up after communion but did not stay for the crazed candy hunting. Ha.

    Did stop by the hardware store and am so proud that I purchased the proper item and repaired a toilet myself this afternoon. I have a new seat to install too. Will get to that.

    Tomorrow is tax day for me. Yipes.

    Rest well my friends. I missed a friend at church today and called her, she just came down with an upper respiratory illness. Does this stuff ever end?

    Going to curl up now and fall asleep on a book.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2016
    A wonderful early morning walk followed by coffee in the garden while listening to every bird in the district singing about the sunshine. As we walked across the top moor we came upon a few heavily pregnant sheep then low and behold, there was the first little lamb of the season still wobbly on its feet as it sought a feed under its mum so I'm thinking Spring has finally arrived. Can't remember if I mentioned before the cat flap I fixed into a side gate to assist the cats so they don't have to clamber over now they're getting older. Of course George discovered he could squeeze himself through if he held his breath so now I'm in the process of installing a more expensive one that reacts to the cats' magnet collars, then it's some gardening in the sunshine.

    Lin ~ You fixed your loo without calling in a plumber..... whoo-hoo!! The final episode of the Night Manager next Sunday so you may well discover it on Netflix soon after. I am finding it's getting just a little melodramatic but am still thoroughly enjoying it.

    Sandy ~ Your pride in Katie is so understandable and as Buzz commented we need more giving people in the world like her. She has such a giving soul you could never persuade her to stay home so just love the fact she does what she does! Has Babe tried plain pasta for Daisy to settle her stomach? It worked a treat when George first found a home with me and brought appalling diarrhea with him!

    Anne ~ Yes, England beat France in he rugby on Saturday but it took an Australian coach to get them to the level they are. France didn't play particularly well so made England look better than they were; still a treat we won the Triple Crown!

    Buzz ~ So sorry to read of your leg problems continuing and even becoming more complicated. It's such a long process to come out the other side but hopefully given time, you and your doctors will find a solution. Meanwhile you might have to sit as a captive audience and watch what happens over the next few months for not only Trump but Hillary too! Tomorrow evening the 2nd episode of Inside Obama's White House is aired and judging from the trailer things are about to get even more fascinating if that were possible!

    Patsy ~ Hopefully MFP won't cut our ties without some notice but if we are forewarned we'll have to find a forum on another website.... there must be one out there in the etha for oldies but goodies like us!!

    Having paused from garden chores I see the sun has gone behind some clouds for a short break so I'll get myself some lunch and then crack on.

    Have a good Monday.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited March 2016
    I haven't had an email from MFP but I don't pay for premium either PATSY. Connection? I think if we had to disband and re-emerge on another forum JACKIES mentioned name of "the goody goody oldie's" would be great. Although on second thoughts it might encourage those with ideas about diddling innocent goody goody oldies! Forget it!
    I'm just thrilled that England finally got the triple crown! In rugby. Good on you Aussie coach, whatever it takes, lol.
    I never had a cat flap, just a huge lump of slag to prop the door open for all my cats. It was given me at work by another ex Yorkshire lad from another area of Yorkshire. The coal mine area. Doesn't matter to me, I've got a bit of Yorkshire still sitting on the back stairs!
    The flower buds on the geraniums ARE getting bigger, but like the watched kettle boiling; infinitely slowly for impatient me.
    Well I'm a self confessed sloth because I slept through all the twittering, chirping, cawing this morning. Must away and "dust my heels!"
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Feels strange not having Robby here this morning, but Lisa posted pictures on Facebook and he is at the pool having fun. Daisy is going to the vet this afternoon so I think our dinner plans are going to be cancelled. I just hope she has a bug and it is nothing serious. I ordered an antenna from Amazon so will let you know how that works. I bought it for my bedroom to see if I can get any of my shows while laying in bed. I also ordered my shower gifts for my niece whose shower is in April, wedding in June. And because I had a $20 coupon from Kohl's, I ordered a swim tankini top. I am ready for the pool now all I need is some hot weather and water in the pool. LOL

    Anne, I can't imagine MFP cutting off the free site, they get paid from the advertisements we have to see and they would lose millions of subscribers. If it does happen I am sure we can find a free site that does the same and if not a blog can be started that we all join. What would we do without our daily dose of sneakers???

    Jackie, I agree, the world needs more people like Katie, she is helping save this world a step at a time. Her internship is a non profit in Botswana and she is very excited about going.
    I told Babe about the pasta but we will wait to see what the doctor says today. Little George is a smart little cookie to find out he can squeeze through the cat door. Where did he go when he got out? Did he stay put in your yard???

    Lin, it so nice of you to volunteer every week at your Church, you will be rewarded. I don't blame you for leaving when all the egg hunting started, it was probably a mad house. Can you use you antenna and Roku on the same TV???

    Buzz, that is great that your community pays for TV, it is becoming un-affordable to a lot of people. Remember when TV was free and it went off at midnight? I am sorry about your legs, I do hope you can get some relief soon.

    Patsy, do you pay for MFP? Maybe they are making changes to the paying subscribers only.
    I agree, it would not be the same without MFP, so let's hope they just let us keep on posting.

    Shirley, I actually use the Vick's method with socks on Robby when he has a cough. I do think it helps him sleep better. Mine isn't consistent, it seems to bother me more in the evening while I am watching TV. I am going to start riding my bike again, I also read it helps to keep things moving. I do hope we get to see little Issac in his new swimsuit, shirt and hat, it sounds adorable.

    The problem with sleeping late is that breakfast turns into brunch. Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I found my MFP email in the junk folder. Thank you, Patsy, for letting me know to look for it. It sounds like they are just merging "Terms and Privacy" policies. I doubt it will change anything for our groups or how we post. I would be very sad if it did.

    It's a new week. Yippee!!! So far, I have basically "maintained" for the first quarter of 2016. Not okay. This weekend, I made sure the fridge and kitchen cabinets were back to the way they should be stocked. I'm ready to get my weight loss going again. No excuses!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello - an hour and a half phone appointment for taxes is now over. I have lots of notes to make to document the things we discussed and to assure I hit the targets we put into the assumptions for the 2016 taxes. Ha. Might not remember.

    Yes terms and conditions are changing, I just got a pop-up and read through it. I agreed, checked my settings and I think that is it.

    Sandy, the external antenna is just an antenna input. I have both a coaxial for my cable provider and one for the external antenna. I only have one place for antenna IN on my TV so I purchased a dual input little box with a sliding switch. Then I can move back and forth from external air antenna to cable service provider easily.

    Roku is on HDMI input so is not affected. I have another HDMI with my DVD player. That TV is wired. Also have a VCR hooked to it and an iPod dock.

    I need to go to the bank and then am meeting a friend later for a coloring night. Need to pack up some extra supplies for her as she left me a message saying she didn't have anything to color and didn't want to purchase a book or anything until she tries it. Good idea.

    Hugs my friends.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Time off at home without planning it! A good thing!
    Apparently, one of our largest customers does inventory this week. When we got in Saturday night, there were no loads for us. There were at least 30 trucks ahead of us in que for loads.
    We don't let it bother us, we just go home.
    Jim is going to the grocery so I don't need to leave home!
    Hope everyone is feeling better, still got the dry cough, but not too bad. Hope Daisy is OK. I know some dogs eat grass or greenery and it has side effects. The stool would have a darker color. Cats do too.
    No corned beef for us. The restaurant had an excellent special but I didn't want the meat. The vegetables looked good-cabbage, red potatoes, carrots,salad.
    Stay safe and healthy
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Phoebe - You are down a bit of weight now, time for a new picture of yourself for us to admire.

    Sandy - I hope to see Isaac in his swim wear too and if so I will take a picture. B)

    Well...what can I say it's snowing outside and cold again I refused to put my winter coat on again so I
    wore a heavy zipper sweatshirt with a hood. I guess I should have had my winter coat on because
    when I put the groceries in the car I left my keys sitting there too and shut the trunck. So... luckily
    Dave was at my BIL's house and not far to pick me up and take me home for another set of keys.

    I put out some Niger seed for the finches yesterday and swept the double car garage so it looks
    a little better now. I still have reorganize things on the garage shelves but that will be on a warmer day.
    The squirrels have been at my other feeder yesterday and I was the squirrel police so that the little ones
    could have their share.

    Now to practice some music before my choir practice tomorrow.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    edited March 2016
    Shirley, to make your picture fit in the MFP square, delete your photo then upload it again to make it smaller to fit in box. Hope that makes sense.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Poor little Daisy has a lower track infection and an inflamed tummy. She got two shots and meds along with some powder to put on her dog food. All plans are cancelled until she gets well.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,313 Member

    I've been scanning old slides, it is a daunting a job. I was considerably younger wasn't I.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jeri -Great picture.

    Sandy - Okay I will try making the picture smaller.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited March 2016
    Jeri - Love the pictures!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Great photos, beautiful people! <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Gorgeous Jeri!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent hours downloading programs and more trouble "unzipping" same. Too cheap to buy WinZip, so using a free program and got an error notice. GRRRrrrrr! Too late now to post, so I'll see you all tomorrow. Doesn't JERI look great?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Swimming first thing and then I did some housework but now have to drag my mini vacuum out to the car for a sweep up of George's hair and bits of moorland that get left behind because this evening I'm driving a couple of friends as we head to our nearest city Plymouth for a theatre visit to see Billy Elliot the musical. Also got to squeeze a dog walk in somewhere so had better get on!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2016
    Jeri you are a cutie pie. and still are. Is that ED With you. Anyway a very cute couple

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) We are supposed to have a warm day but with wind. I think I will go to the Mall or something to get out of the house. Daisy is doing a little better today but still very sleepy. She did eat her breakfast, even with powdered meds in it, so that is a good thing. Babe calls the doctor this afternoon because I think the doctor wants to do further testing but wanted her stronger. So sad when our furry children get sick, especially when they can't tell us what is wrong.

    Jackie, I admire your swimming laps, I am not a strong swimmer and love watching anyone who swims with grace. Enjoy the play, I hear it is great!!

    Buzz, I just can't imagine what you are downloading but sorry you had problems. Be careful with those free programs, they love spamming. Hope you got some sleep.

    Jeri, look at you, were you a teenager when you got married? Pretty then and pretty now, you hardly changed.

    This is one of my favorite pictures from when I was young. I don't know if anyone remembers when we used to put individual eyelashes on our own lashes to make them longer but this is the result. We were in Vegas when this was taken, thus the frilly outfit.


    Have a good day!!
    One Day at a Time