Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started and decorations will all come down today. I took Robby and his parents out to eat as I think it will be a while before Lisa will be going out after she delivers Max next Sunday. I stayed and played with Robby who is just so darn cute!! They are leaving for the hospital at 7 AM so it will be an early rising morning for me that day and the next two to follow. Robby and I will wait for the phone call to be told when we can come and meet Max. As of today, Lisa wants Robby there everyday as she anticipates missing him. Please pray for a good outcome and for no problems with Max. Thank you.

    Anne and Marcella, our animals are just as sensitive as humans. They have emotions just like us and need extra loving when they are upset. I am sure Missy will come around and be Marie's best friend, it will just take some time. Anne, I researched that twister and it seems it breaks easily and I agree, I would probably fall off and hurt myself. lol

    Marie, patience isn't easy but at this time probably necessary. Talk in a soft voice and give her a treat now and then to let her know you care. She is probably confused and right now isn't so trusting but she will come around.

    Lin, I emailed my daughter who makes her own cards and her reply:
    If she sprayed it with fixative, it should not rub off with light touch. If they really rub, it may rub off or smudge.

    Buzz, I am glad you were able to bring up the price of the dinners with no conflict or bad feelings. Sometimes it is harder to hold things in rather than talk about them. I hope you are having a wonderful time but not overdoing, your health is most important.

    Patsy, what an amazing sound those ships must make, it sounds incredible.

    Shirley, a quiet NYE with a glass of champagne to bring in the New Year sounds great. I did the same with a glass of wine but watched movies and paused them 5 minutes before the ball dropped. Any excuse to see our grandsons is accepted, I try to see Robby at least once a week but he is much closer than Isaac.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lovely lovely lovely! What a wonderful group of posts from such a great group of friends. I KNOW MARIE will end up with a very loving pet who will come to adore both his new family and new home. LIN, what lovely cards you make and how talented you are in so many areas! Pastels are fragile but a good spray of fixative ought to work. And the recipients will be thrilled with them! ANNE, that special program sounds both informative and entertaining! SHIRLEY, I agree about relaxing rules during holiday visitor periods, but I also understand how residents may complain that rules are broken for one person while being enforced for others, so it's almost a no win situation! Glen ended up borrowing his BIL's jacket and purchased new pants the next day, and they looked hysterical as the fabric was so relaxed, but he passed muster! I hope I don't lose too much control as I was actually down a couple of pounds this morning. I used my compression boots at 6 A.M., and was able to go down to breakfast using my walker instead of the wheelchair. I MUST move more. My legs seem to be healing, so I want 2017 to be my year of better control! MARCELLA, I thoroughly agree about cat behavior! I can remember receiving the cold shoulder after vacations and the slow warming when they forgave me. I also think some birds do the same , and recall one of my daughter's birds following me to the bathroom, and when I shut the door before she could enter, she was so hurt she refused to face me, and followed me around the rest of the day walking BACKWARDS behind me to punish me! I think it was not her parrot but a fairly good size white bird larger than a parakeet (if those are the little birds) . Many years have passed and my memory has dimmed!
    SANDY, wishing you loads of luck with MAX and all your lovely family; and most of all, I wish for your best future to come about this year!!! No one deserves it more than you!
    Something is happening to this site as I type and I'm losing the bottom of my REPLY. The zoom has to keep being lowered, until I cannot read it, lol!
    I hope all my dear friends here and north and south and across the big pond have a wonderful year, and remain lively and healthy and have nothing but good happen this new year. And I will do my best to remain healthy and present and continue enjoying you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Sandy - the
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    AND we are off and running for a great new year! I remember those years of having babies. Sandy what a wonderful thing for your family. A new baby!

    It is unseasonable cold for here on the coast. Katie seems to be back to her wild and crazy self. She is an active little kid at heart. She reverts back to being a baby at times. She has been house broken for some time now. Since the weather has turned really cold, she has decided to go potty in the garage. Well! I am not liking that at all! We all must do things that we don't like or suffer discomfort! Katie the great, doesn't see it that way!

    I am making chicken veggie soup for dinner tonight and for tomorrow night. The cold weather seems to demand soup.

    Buzz, we have a similar tale about our country club. John's board suggested he join the club for the social opportunities. They also have a rule against jeans. When he retired the college had a big "do" for him at the club. John wore jeans and a tuxedo jacket to the event. They really couldn't toss him out...the event was for him. He put on quite a performance that night. Singing, dancing, joke telling. After that night the club announced they would relax the rules on jeans on Fridays. After that night, John decided to spread our business around when we eat out and John never really enjoyed golf. We never renewed our membership. As a retired college president, he felt the better idea was to donate money to a grant or scholarship. He also ALWAYS wears jeans. True story!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening,

    I agree with the discussion regarding pets and bonding to their humans. I hope your dear settles in quickly but if not, have patience, in time things will settle down. I remember how upset our collie would be if she had to be left in a kennel. We went on vacation just a few times when I was a child but when we picked up our darling dog, she looked heartbroken and downcast and punished us by keeping her distance for a day or so. She always came around in time. Lucky for all of us that we didn't go away often. Marie, is she eating? Marcella, good to know cats also punish their people. So nice your son cares for your cat now. Anne, your memory of Tabitha Daisy made me laugh. Of course she would extort treats from you. I would do the same if I had the chance. Haaaaaa.

    Shirley, oh my, does the Emergen-C actually work for you? Good job. Glad you got your decorations down. I did my few little things today for the mostpart. I still have the paper tree out, trying to decide if I want to keep it or throw it away.

    Sandy, laundry day........I thought about it but decided I would pass for today. I spent time texting with friends I haven't been in touch with for quite a while. It was nice to catch up a bit. Thanks for the info on the fixative. I rubbed my finger over the card today and it seemed okay. I didn't make any more like that today. Wishing everyone well as delivery day approaches. Did you get freezing rain today?

    Buzz, thank you as well for your advice. I need to just do more to get experience. Everything is fraught with peril right now as I don't know what the pitfalls are. I heat embossed on a lightly embossed piece of paper this morning and found out the little indentations do not fill well with the VersaInk or the powder. Good enough however. Glad to hear that you used your compression boots this morning. Yes! I know there must be rules but I agree, some latitude and common sense must be employed. Let's pray for a wonderful year for all of us.

    Patsy, I make some type of soup every week. Just switch up the ingredients a bit from week to week. I hope your soup turned out to be delicious!!! Hey Katie, settle down! Ha, she is a character. I love to hear about her. My mom and dad had a social membership to a country club near where they lived. They tired of it in a hurry and never wanted to play golf.

    Well, tomorrow is my friend's funeral and in the evening, I hope to get to the book club meeting. I trust the roads will not be slippery. We'll see I guess.

    Hugs to my friends.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    The last of my decorations where suppose to come down yesterday. They did not. Instead, I helped my husband clean out the garage. He said 30 minutes to an hour. Took all afternoon. But it looks much better. I would say time well spent and the Christmas tree will get packed up later this week. Today is an office day and that also trumps the Christmas tree. Laundry was also postponed for today. Fun times! :o
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another busy day for me and an icy start meant we couldn't walk early so George had a trip around the village before the dog groomer arrived. He's now looking trimmed and smart although it won't last long once he gets back to the moors! After the groomer left I headed to the local supermarket to stock up before yet another walk for George and now the fire is lit and I've made myself a cup of tea ready to relax for the evening. George had another small accident some time in the night so I've starved him most of the day again but the groomer has given me the name of something to buy off the internet that she uses for one of her dogs that suffers a delicate tummy so hopefully I can soon try an alternative that's less stressful for him.

    Lin ~ Your cards as ever are beautiful and I envy those receiving them. My advice on fixative would be similar to what you've already been told because I used it often when sketching with charcoal or pastels and found I could spray several times so long as I let the first cover dry. Nothing you can do about anyone rubbing the artwork hard but hopefully they wouldn't! Thinking of you at your friend's funeral and do hope it's snot too upsetting. Perhaps more a celebration of his life. Take care if you have to deal with icy roads. Yesterday my car lost its grip on the way home from our morning walk but I managed to steer out of the spin before it got too bad. The face of the driver in a Range Rover coming towards me on the other side of the road was a picture although I hadn't drifted over! I got quite a look from George too!!

    Marie ~ Dear Missy is very lucky to have been adopted by you and Jerry because I know you'll be patient with her. She must be so confused at the moment after so many years with her previous owner.

    Marcella ~ Cats are expert at playing the dismissive act I know because most of mine have done it one time or another.

    Patsy ~ The only way I managed to house train George was by singing his praises loudly and offering a treat every time he did something outside on our walks. I must have appeared quite mad to some!

    Buzz ~ You must have been delighted to leave the wheelchair behind when heading for the restaurant so yes, a good incentive to move more if you can. A funny story about the white bird that seemed to have attitude and reminded me of Squeak my Belgian d'Anver that still hasn't forgiven me for confining her to a chicken run rather than her free range of my garden. Each time I visit she flies on to my shoulder and gives me a hard stare as she squeaks her discontent but what can I do because if the fox didn't get her George would!

    Sandy ~ Perhaps Max has arrived already!! Thinking of you all anyway! <3

    Time to think of something to eat this evening, probably a thick homemade bean soup with Focaccia herb and garlic bread.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another day of delightful postings and observations! What a lovely group and I feel honored to be part of you!
    Spent much of last evening with dear DIL's family eating KFC etc, and put on 3 pounds overnight, even though I ate only one piece of white meat! Oh, my, the sodium!!! Tonight we are going to a Thai restaurant :o and tomorrow night they want to treat me to Maine Lobster! I guess I'll wait til they leave to start my resolutions! Who knows when I'll see them again, as I suspect most of their vacations will be spent exploring Europe!
    After reading all your comments about country clubs, I agree because I never ever wanted to belong to one and carefully avoided a community containing one. Yet here I am in a Community with RULES, and never realized the similarity. Maybe it has to do with people losing self-image as they age , if they "let themselves go"! I am not aware of many "snobs" living here, so I never gave it another thought. Security in my elder years, and not burdening my kids was our primary reason for moving here, and the skilled nursing was a blessing during Mike's last months. There is much support and care amongst our residents, rather than country club feeling, and we have no golf or tennis courts but a beautiful new gym has been added and I will take advantage as soon as my kids leave.
    Now I must go change my really sloppy clothes so I don't embarrass my kids at the restaurant!
    SANDY, where is Max???
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I seem to be fighting this cold and Dave is getting better, I do have a couple of cold sores on my lip but
    still taking Emergen-C too keep my immune system up.

    I don't know where the day has gone, Dave has gone down to the boat to see if the tarps are in tack, I think he just wanted to get out of the house, he is starting to feel better. We were supposed to go to a Junior B hockey game on Friday night but our friends can't make it as Tim's aunt has passed away so family comes first. Now we have these tickets and may have to ask someone else.

    I finally got those photos for Kathy's birthday ready to be framed. It's funny how it costs much more
    than the original picture. She is getting a wood black frame with glass and the matte will stay the same color. It will be done by Jan 9th so we have plenty of time to go up with her gift and see Isaac.

    I put out 3 bags of items and a box for the Diabetes Assoc. to pick up and their truck broke down so now I have to haul it back in and they will pick it up on Saturday and its all wet now because of today's rain. :(

    Sandy - Just wanted to say I hope Lisa has a good delivery with no problems and congratulations Grandma, now you will really be busy. o:)

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have been running around all day but got everything done. I took Bryanna's car for an alignment at CarX because the Ford dealer wanted $175 and they were going to do it for $70. As it turns out he said after testing the car it did not need an alignment and I so appreciated his honestly. I don't know why Ford said she needed one but at least I know the car is safe Then I took the car for an emissions test which is required in Illinois if your car is over 4 years old. The car passed so she is all set and hopefully has her license back by this weekend and can drive again. I just wanted everything done so I don't have to worry about her.

    Baby Max is coming by C Section on Sunday. Lisa goes in at 8 am to have the baby at 10.
    I have to be at their house by 7 am for them to leave so will have to try to get to bed early Saturday night.

    I am behind on all of my computer stuff, so please forgive no personals. Have a good rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Home for a quick stop. It was a very long day but I managed what I did as best I could which meant not going in the super cold to the cemetery and working in the kitchen through all of the prep, serving, and clean-up of the luncheon. An errand on the way home, eating something and although I could just go to bed at this point I have decided I will try the book club tonight.

    Sorry for lack of personal comments. Looking forward to Tai Chi tomorrow and hanging out with coloring friends at the library.

    Off I go. Finish my meal and brush my teeth before I leave. And would you believe the mail has not yet been delivered?? Ha, Christmas may be over but USPS hasn't caught up I guess.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    We had so much fun on the 31st. All our family and kids. My cousin and her husband and my aunt and her husband were here. Lots of food. Lots of noise and lots of fun. But I did enjoy January 1 when my out of town guests left and I finally had no long list of things to do. I read my new book I got at Christmas and I am now on book#2.

    I've been suffering awfully from nasty acid reflux. Despite new prescriptions nothing is working very well. Oh well, now that I only have to cook for Ed and I, I can control my diet better.

    Poor Ed has a cold and isn't feeling well.

    Good night all,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The temperature's rising, at least for a few days and I'm now home from a thoroughly enjoyable stroll across the moors. George appears liberated now his coat is shorter and has wolfed down his lunch so hopefully his tummy is settling although I'll still order the recommended gel. Housework and paperwork today then some floor exercises since yoga doesn't restart until next week. Scruff arrives next Wednesday for a 5 day visit while her mum flies to Manchester to stay with family. Fingers crossed the weather will hold so the mad puppy can be exercised and not drive me completely batty with her insistence to play with a ball 24.7!!
    Lots to do so I'll wish you all a healthy Wednesday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Back to frigid weather, I am glad I got my outside decorations done yesterday. I have a couple of errands to do, but will dress warm.

    Jackie, I am glad you got some warm weather for your stroll across the moors. George sounds like Daisy with a sensitive tummy which means no table food. lol Good luck with Scruff, I bet he loves being with George, how does George feel about him being in his house?

    Jeri, sorry you are suffering with acid reflux, that can be painful. And Ed with a cold, your new year isn't starting out well. :'(

    Lin, I hope you enjoyed the book club, Tai Chi and coloring, you sure do keep busy.

    Shirley, did you have professional photo's done for Kathy? I might have missed your explanation. Are the photo's of you and Dave or of Isaac? Glad to read Dave is better but not that you are fighting a cold.

    Buzz, isn't it awful how salt puts pounds on in just one sitting? I made homemade chicken in a crock pot with Italian dressing and did the same, so happy it came off today. I will stick with my lean cuisine and healthy choice meals. I do love lobster but only the tail, enjoy!! Trying to make plans to visit my daughter in March or April with my cousin. Also planning a trip to DC in May for my granddaughter who is receiving her Master's.

    Marcella, just leave your tree up until next year!! lol

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    We've just got back from a visit to the mailbox. It's FRIGID out there! I looked like an Inuit all bundled up and Jill was in her cosy pink, felt coat. No matter, the pair of us couldn't get back inside quick enough out of a biting wind. It was worth the visit though because I found a long lost parcel finally delivered. What a rapid change in temperature from early this morning when it was plus 1 or 34F.

    Everyone seems to be suffering from awful colds. Not surprising I suppose after all the hugging and kissing over the holidays!

    It's the 4th day of my new year resolution to only eat locally produced. Pretty easy resolution to keep. Veggies for January that I like, cabbage, potatoes, turnip, parsnips, beetroot, mushrooms, hot house tomatoes, leeks, onions, yams, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers. I don't think I'll starve!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2017
    Anne- Great New Year resolution, eating well and staying healthy. Keep warm we are getting snow today but it won't be much.

    I did some yoga on Tuesday night and no worse for wear on the knee. It does hurt some while doing some of the postures, still wearing my tensor band while doing it, but not feeling it as much when I do aqua fit. Day by day.
    I had my chiropractor apt. and the massaging doesn't hurt as much as it did weeks ago so
    it is improving some. Actually the last two days it has been alot better but still taking it as easy as I can.

    My flannel sheets arrived this week for our beds, I ordered two for our bed and one for the bed downstairs which is used more than the upstairs bedroom. I am washing them all right now.
    I also ordered a bathsuit for my aqua fit classes but sadly it didn't fit so I will be taking it back to Sears.
    I am going shopping tomorrow at the outlet mall and see if I can find one, I can take it with me to
    Jamaica in February.

    Well I got on the scale today after Christmas noshing and gained 3.2 lbs. so I am officially the weight again when I started here in 2010. I know diets don't work but I do have to do something because my
    pants are becoming tight. I will be cutting back on my eating and making better choices, enough said.

    Jeri - I get acid reflux at times, and its usually how I am eating. I hope you feel better soon.

    Lin - Did you just join the bookclub? Sounds like fun.

    Sandy - No...the pictures are not professionally done, I bought it at a vendor in Central Park when we were there and having it framed with glass for Kathy for her birthday. I said an intention last night at yoga for you and Lisa.

    Jackie - Good luck with Scruff, you are good dog sitter and I am sure your friend appreciates it.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well I am finally feeling a bit better. All through the holidays I had a flu like ache and denied the existence of this little nasty bug. I did have a lovely holiday despite feeling sort of tired and achy much of the time. After our son left, taking his two little old fluffy doggies with him, I have been dragging around trying to get things sorted out again. Each morning I have a bit of energy that is totally gone shortly after noon. Silly! I think I am starting to feel a bit better now. I am not 100% yet but guess I am at 65% now.

    I usually journal a bit about goals for the coming year. Honestly this year, I keep trying to get fired up but I am sure this bug puts me on total pause mode. I am easing into action now. I am excited for the new babies in the sneaker families. I have an enormous pot of coffee brewed (de-caf) the old Apple computer is fired up and I am ready to make "applesauce."

    We have a partly cloudy, but blue skies and bitter cold. I will only open the door to let Katie go in and out. I will be in the dungeon most of the day. I started off by ordering new slippers. Katie completely ate one of my favorite slippers. Vet says that Katie has the Lab temperament. The forever puppy...chewing, playing, high energy ball games, constantly in need of grooming. Not exactly the perfect dog for two senior citizens but she is worth the effort. This is our substitute for lack of grandchildren. I love seeing and hearing about the sweet grands here on sneakers. Let 2017 begin, like Yoda advices..."do or do not...there is no try!."
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited January 2017
    It was dog gone cold today! The winds just did not stop but finally should slow down tonight. Wind chills tomorrow should not be as low and we are not in the wind chill advisory area which is good but does not make me feel that much warmer. Ha.

    Tai Chi was good this morning and hanging out with coloring buddies was even better. Ran my couple of errands and returned home. I filed a credit card charge dispute today as I could not get a response from the vendor. I advised them that I had done that since I hadn't heard from them. THEN I got an email just a little while ago explaining that it wasn't their fault the product was damaged but said okay, let the dispute process go ahead and get a refund. Okay, interesting time don't you think?

    That was my first book club discussion last evening. I had attended the month prior for their social get together. I got the book for next month so I guess I'm in!

    The library has had a scrapbooking Saturday each month for a long time. This year it is changed to paper crafts and I was told if I want to work on cards, that is fine, come over. So I am thinking about it but so far I cannot think of what I could pack up! I use so much stuff when I work on something and I am zipping up and down stairs for other materials. I would like to just line up some little items and sit and color with them. It is interesting to see what other people are doing. So I will think about it. I am also signed up for a card making class at a church nearby one evening next week. And I sent an email this afternoon to yet another library that is having a card making class early in February and asked if they had a vacant spot.

    If the weather is bad or the flu gets worse around here, I can always cancel.

    Jeri, oh my gosh, what a wonderful group of people assembled for New Year's Eve! Wonderful. I am sorry you are suffering from acid reflux. That is so painful. And I hope DH is on the mend for the nasty cold.

    Jackie, you are such a wonderful friend. Scruff for FIVE days. Wow. That is quite a while with such an energetic doggie. Praying for good weather as we do not want you to go batty! And do not want George to be jealous.

    Sandy, wow, doing errands today was a thrill wasn't it? I had many layers of clothes and two hoods over my head over my ear muffs! Brrrrrr.

    Anne, my mail has not been delivered yet. I might as well wait until about 7pm before venturing out. I am so glad your package arrived. Did you see the mail delivery person driving about your area so you knew it was okay to try to find your mail? That is what I try to do but after dark, that doesn't work well. Enjoy those vegetables!

    Shirley, I am glad you are able to do a bit without making your knee worse. Wonderful. You still have quite a wait for that MRI don't you? Do take care though.

    Patsy, thinking of you deep in your dungeon. I hope the slippers arrive quickly. Dear Katie, please do not eat any more of mom's good stuff. Thank you.

    Take care. I plan to spend the morning with the gals playing cards and doing crafts, and chattering of course.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I feel that I've missed so much this week. It's been so busy here, somewhat complicated by the unexpected death of a friends teenage daughter. She was a particularly wonderful young lady. On a happier note, I did finally get to use my new food processor today. LOVE IT! Looks like we are going to be in for some snow and cold weather down here in the Atlanta area this weekend.

    As for the Christmas tree..... it's still standing. :o
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BRRrrrrr! Just reading those posts has me shivering! Wish I could say c'mon down, but if anyone does get here to warmer weather, let me know! My kids leave tomorrow and I hope they don't think of me as an old fuddy-dud, but my DIL loves shopping and running about at a fast clip, while my DS stays in their guest suite reading or planning for their move to Germany, so I have days to myself, which is fine. Tonight they took me to a very popular pretty restaurant on the Ft Lauderdale Beach where I enjoyed a steamed lobster dinner overlooking the water.
    The endless paperwork I have been dealing with is almost at an end, and things are returning to a more normal course. I am actually trying to decide whether or not to renew my passport, which has expired. Right now, I can't see me traveling, but if I lose weight and become more comfortable,...who knows?
    PATSY, so sorry your holiday season was marred by health problems. 65% better is not quite what we'd like to hear, so wishing you a quicker recovery!
    JACKIE, what a friend you are...a true treasure!
    SHIRLEY, Knowing how disciplined you usually are, I expect you will be back to normal good health fairly soon!
    JERI, your own cooking will be very helpful! Feel better, dear! Ed, too!
    ANNE, I think Inuits don't mind the cold! I'm with you!
    LIN, I get dizzy just thinking about all your accomplishments! And you master each new one!
    I hope MARIE, MARCELLA, PHOEBE, BARBIE, MADDY and all our other friends, frequent or infrequent, stay well in this new year.
    <3 Buzz