Getting back on Keto wagon (January challenge 2017)



  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    edited January 2017
    I've basically been treating myself as a guinea pig and tried different diets this past year. Before that, I was lower carb for a long time. It really helps me in so many ways. Last year's experiments resulted in weight gain, my teenage skin problems making a return, and thin hair. Avoiding grains & processed foods the past few days and I'm already noticing a remarkable difference in all of the above. Ready to return to the lower carb life! It is so nice to not feel constantly hungry. If anyone has any tips for increasing energy (as this is my only real complaint about lower carb) please let me know!
  • benwould
    benwould Posts: 190 Member
    Coffee N Booze, my fav lifestyle. I just started LC and question number one was, "How can I keep drinking". Vodka, soda, slice of lime! I'm ready to rock.

    Advice on low energy: This is only from reading, not personal experience, electrolytes? Are you flushing your body with 120 oz of water per day and not replenishing? Just a thought.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Super diligent for the last week - carbs on point, kept my protein at target and my calories under 1400. Even done a few "activities" to burn a bit of energy. End result - 200g gain.

    Told you I was a slow loser >:)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I've basically been treating myself as a guinea pig and tried different diets this past year. Before that, I was lower carb for a long time. It really helps me in so many ways. Last year's experiments resulted in weight gain, my teenage skin problems making a return, and thin hair. Avoiding grains & processed foods the past few days and I'm already noticing a remarkable difference in all of the above. Ready to return to the lower carb life! It is so nice to not feel constantly hungry. If anyone has any tips for increasing energy (as this is my only real complaint about lower carb) please let me know!

    I'll let Stephen Phinney explain it.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Thank you @benwould. I am pretty bad about drinking water so I'm sure that's part of it. And yeah it just so happens vodka soda is my favorite mixed drink so I was pleased it fit in!

    and thank you @Sunny_Bunny_ . I thought I got enough salt in the cheese, condiments and meats, but apparently not. I'll try adding salt onto my food and maybe have broth more frequently.
  • Suzanne_Pmonkey
    Suzanne_Pmonkey Posts: 387 Member
    I'll jump in even though I'm getting on the keto wagon for the first time. I've been doing lowish carb CICO for the past year, and I've struggled with slow losses and staying on program and only lost around 20lbs.

    HW: 303lbs
    1/1/16: 276.6 (inflated by 8.5lb gain for the previous week!)
    CW: 266.2
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    What about measurements? Could you be adding muscle?
    Super diligent for the last week - carbs on point, kept my protein at target and my calories under 1400. Even done a few "activities" to burn a bit of energy. End result - 200g gain.

    Told you I was a slow loser >:)

  • HairTie1
    HairTie1 Posts: 16 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    HairTie1 wrote: »
    Foamroller wrote: »
    HairTie1 wrote: »
    HairTie1 wrote: »
    I'm in. On a journey to qualify for Boston at Chicago Marathon in October using fat for fuel. Had 4 weeks of solid ketosis from Thanksgiving to Christmas, then I punted for a week with two days of major binge in there. Back on the wagon as of December 31st and seeing my first detectable ketones this morning. Woot!

    Current: 184 pounds
    Target end of January: 176 pounds (assumes 4 pounds of water weight will slide off this week)
    Racing weight for 2017 season: 170 (goal to be here and stable by end of March for a half marathon PR)


    Hey, I'm glad to encounter another distance runner here! Have you done a marathon before while on low carb? I'm curious about your experience and any tips you might have.

    This is my first keto experience as an endurance athlete, so I can't help you with tips. I'm doing my own research though and my plan includes:

    1. Base period (next 5 months). One month driving to optimal ketosis (1.5 to 3.0). 3 months experimenting with fueling for long runs... only fuel prior to runs, not during. Want to continue to train body to prefer fat for fuel late in runs. (UCAN + VESPA)
    2. Build + Peak period (20 weeks prior to race through race day). As long runs get longer adapt fueling strategy to include UCAN and VESPA during run. Thoroughly test this fueling combination and check ketones before and after each long run.
    3. Adapt if either UCAN or VESPA is not working for any reason (bonks, GI issues, ketone levels not where they should be, etc.)
    4. Pre-race, do some very light "carb sneaking" (reference VESPA guidance) the day before. Morning of, UCAN bar + liquid fats (heavy MCTs) for breakfast, UCAN liquid + VESPA pre-race. Probably only one redose of UCAN + VESPA mid-race.

    NOTE: This is an expensive approach. These supplements are not cheap. However, they seem to have credible bodies of scientific evidence behind them and plenty of fat-fueled elite athletes seeing the benefits.


    Congrats on going for a serious tryout on keto adaptation ☺ You seem to have a clear plan. If you don't mind, I have a suggestion.
    1. Try establish a baseline first, before you start using exogenous ketones. Why?
    1a. If you first establish the acclaimed enzyme and mitochondria upregulation as a MECHANISM in the body, you force the body to get really good at burning fat and therefore produce ketones as byproduct. By giving exogenous too might miss out on the rumored "extra benefits" after appx. 6 months in keto adapted state.
    1b. Forget about performance the first month...or two. Let your body transition. Then ramp up whatever pace or time goals you have.
    1c. Only a guess but if you give the body any substance you want the body to produce, I don't know how that affects the mechanism you desire to take place. Test the extra ketones now and then, but not on every training session.
    2. If you're able, I highly recommend phasing in fasted training after a while.
    3. Ask in r/ketogains many there use a boost up before training. I'm really not sure if you need it as a marathon runner.
    4. Take collagen to help connective tissue and joints.

    I'm not a coach or a runner or athlete, but did the transition in fall 2014. And I used to train 2 hrs daily for over a year.

    Only fools are not open to suggestion! A beginner's mindset may be the single most important mental attitude for success.

    1. Great add. I was thinking of only using pure MCT supplementation prior to shorter anaerobic workouts. Training quality is so important in breakthrough workouts that I don't want my energy source to be a limiter. Threshold mile repeats are head enough as it is. ;-)

    2. I'm already on board with fasting training. September through December I did it pretty consistently twice a week. Problem was I did it before higher intensity, shorter workouts which resulted in poor performance. That's okay during prep/base period, but I can't do that once I get in season so I'm going to have to reconfigure the fasting days before longer z1/z2 training.

    3. Is "r/ketogains" another forum group here?

    4. Will look into it.


    Fasted training requires even more sodium than lowcarb without exercise. I claim that lack of adequate salt is the number 1 reason people feel crappy on lowcarb.

    -r/ketogains is a subreddit on for people on keto who exercise. There's also the century bicycle rider on You can also do a small carbup booster 15 min before anaerobic work. Like 15 g dextrose powder. I use Haribo... But a lot is placebo too, lol. I can do 3 hrs fasted training starting with 1 hr of sprints... IMO the people who feel like *kitten* doing anaerobic work, didn't salt enough preworkout. The FASTER study reports that keto adaptation actually refills glycogen in muscles on a regular basis in endurance athletes. So it's a myth keto depletes glycogen (permanently). I'm in a hurry for a party. But pm me if you want more info how I did it.

    Thanks! I'm diligent about electrolytes throughout the day, but will double down on them prior to workouts... especially if fasting.

    Will also lookup these references. Cheers,Nick
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I had fallen off the carnivore wagon. Though, I guess I kinda half ride that wagon anyway... I was eating my small amount of veggies every day instead of a couple bites a couple times a week.
    Veggies just don't like me. But I like them. Crazy that veggies are my problem food now!
    Which is tough because it's really easy to convince yourself that you "should" eat them even if your belly clearly says no!
    Anyway, I've been a good little carnivore since the new year and wouldn't you know I lost a half pound in that time? Doesn't sound impressive but I've done nothing but slowly gain weight since April. ALTHOUGH, I hate to even say that like it's a negative, because I've actually gotten physically smaller during that time.
    Anyway, I do want to reduce bodyfat further and I do think eating the way that feels the best for me is the way to do that. So, I'm going to stop trying to fit in tiny amounts of foods that I know don't sit well in my gut with the idea that "it's so little that I don't get the reaction so it must be ok."
    Buckle down time! So far the biggest change I've noticed didn't even happen when I first tried carnivore. Most days, I'm only eating at dinner. Not because I'm trying to. I'm just trying to wait until I feel real hunger. It's typically dinner. If it does come earlier, a snack sized "meal" usually is enough. I already had hunger under control so I'm surprised to feel this dramatic change with such a small change in food choices.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    I weighed in on Friday from 177 down to 172! \o/

    Buuut now I'm at 174 again and trying not to let it bug me. Maybe my crazy weird unpredictable menopause crap again...
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm baaaack....mostly. I'm still sick with a double-whammy viral AND bacterial sinus infection, but am finally hitting the turnaround of not getting worse anymore. I've had very little appetite since two days after Christmas, but my lovely hubs has been wonderful about making low carb friendly soups for me and as a result, I've lost 5 lb in two weeks. Hopefully I can keep it off as I get back to my usual habits. I weighed in at 181 on 12/31 and today was 176. My lowest before Christmas was 174, so if I could get back to that it would be amazing, but I'm pretty pleased with losing the water weight so quickly. Anything else is a bonus right now.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Officially 1 week in ... down 6.2 pounds!! :) It feels so great to be back on track. Last week I focused mainly on food and getting back to keto basics. This week I think I'm going to begin adding regular exercise back in. Though, we have quite a bit of upcoming snow so I feel like much of that will be shoveling :/
  • AggieHighland
    AggieHighland Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    New to this ... few questions.

    I've been lchf since Jan. 1. I have been researching this eating philosophy since October, and this is my first time trying it.

    Starting Weight= 278.6
    Current Weight = 277.2
    First goal: 250

    I was weighing every day last week - and at one point was 274.2, but the "official" weigh happens Sunday mornings.

    I was disappointed yesterday morning, especially after hearing so many speak of substantive weight loss (even if it's just water weight) in the first week.

    I am testing ketones every day (since Tuesday):

    Here is my week at a glance:

    Tuesday am - trace ketones.
    Tuesday food: Carb intake 29g total cal 1320

    Wednesday - trace ketones
    Wednesday food: Carb intake 30g total cal 1416

    Thursday - trace ketones
    Thursday food: Carb intake 16g total cal 2417

    Friday - moderate ketones
    Friday food: total carbs 22g total cal 1750

    Saturday - moderate ketones
    Saturday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    S30 unday - moderate ketones
    Sunday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    The negligible weight loss might be attributed to my period starting today... but I have a few questions:

    My food diary indicates I should be eating 1730 cal/day. I am averaging 1646 over the course of the week. I have a hard time forcing myself to eat if I'm satisfied. Should I be?

    Any suggestions from those who may have been doing this for awhile?
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    @EbonyDahlia I'm ahead of you with a gain of 1.8 pounds! I can lose slower than you! (I will not make this a goal)

    My gain is most likely related to hormones though, just wish they weren't so wacky. Haven't had TOM for over 3 years, but 2 days ago? Yep, it's back. What on earth?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    New to this ... few questions.

    I've been lchf since Jan. 1. I have been researching this eating philosophy since October, and this is my first time trying it.

    Starting Weight= 278.6
    Current Weight = 277.2
    First goal: 250

    I was weighing every day last week - and at one point was 274.2, but the "official" weigh happens Sunday mornings.

    I was disappointed yesterday morning, especially after hearing so many speak of substantive weight loss (even if it's just water weight) in the first week.

    I am testing ketones every day (since Tuesday):

    Here is my week at a glance:

    Tuesday am - trace ketones.
    Tuesday food: Carb intake 29g total cal 1320

    Wednesday - trace ketones
    Wednesday food: Carb intake 30g total cal 1416

    Thursday - trace ketones
    Thursday food: Carb intake 16g total cal 2417

    Friday - moderate ketones
    Friday food: total carbs 22g total cal 1750

    Saturday - moderate ketones
    Saturday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    S30 unday - moderate ketones
    Sunday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    The negligible weight loss might be attributed to my period starting today... but I have a few questions:

    My food diary indicates I should be eating 1730 cal/day. I am averaging 1646 over the course of the week. I have a hard time forcing myself to eat if I'm satisfied. Should I be?

    Any suggestions from those who may have been doing this for awhile?

    Don't force yourself to eat if not hungry. Only eat when hungry.
    I know it's hard not to compare to others losses, but we are all so incredibly individual. Gotta practice not doing that for sure.
    What I do know is that bodyfat will decrease and health will improve (even if you don't even realize you have any issues), if you just stick to it. The longer you stay on track the easier it gets too because you lose the cravings and excessive hunger. It makes it easier to stay on track.
    You're in ketosis so your body is now able to use fat for fuel. You've given it the pathway and now just need to stay on it. Fat will burn!
    Make sure you've read about sodium needs in the launch pad too. Maybe there's a little water retention going on due to low sodium. I know it sounds backward, but it happens.
  • ekfulton
    ekfulton Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2017
    1/1/17 206
    1/9/17 199.6
    goal 155

    Eating around 20-30 carbs a day, no alcohol, moderate exercise (walking dog, light weight lifting)