Getting back on Keto wagon (January challenge 2017)



  • Mrsred09
    Mrsred09 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm joining in hoping to lose about 10 pounds per month, but will see how that works out.

    Start weight: 188
    Goal for Jan 31: 180
    Overall Goal: 135
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    Start Weight: 173
    01/09: 165
    Overall Goal: 135
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    solska wrote: »
    What about measurements? Could you be adding muscle?
    Super diligent for the last week - carbs on point, kept my protein at target and my calories under 1400. Even done a few "activities" to burn a bit of energy. End result - 200g gain.

    Told you I was a slow loser >:)

    Yeah I don't know, I'm not good with the tape measure. Although my girlfriend I ride with said to me on Sunday "wow, you've lost a lot of weight" and I see her weekly so she must have meant recently. Not sure though if it's true or she sees me differently now that she's gained 10kg (after breaking up with her *kitten* boyfriend) :)

    I honestly can't tell how I look. To me I look the same at 90kg as I did at 120kg. I wish hubby was helpful and told me I looked good occasionally but he's just not that type of guy. He shows he loves me by making me coffee and remembering to buy the things I like when he does the shopping - it would never occur to him to tell me I look good. Hell, he can't even put his arms around me and tell me it'll be ok when I cry. He just looks kinda scared and awkward and avoids me until it stops :P
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    No weight change here. Stuck at 164lbs. Hopefully soon!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    New to this ... few questions.

    I've been lchf since Jan. 1. I have been researching this eating philosophy since October, and this is my first time trying it.

    Starting Weight= 278.6
    Current Weight = 277.2
    First goal: 250

    I was weighing every day last week - and at one point was 274.2, but the "official" weigh happens Sunday mornings.

    I was disappointed yesterday morning, especially after hearing so many speak of substantive weight loss (even if it's just water weight) in the first week.

    I am testing ketones every day (since Tuesday):

    Here is my week at a glance:

    Tuesday am - trace ketones.
    Tuesday food: Carb intake 29g total cal 1320

    Wednesday - trace ketones
    Wednesday food: Carb intake 30g total cal 1416

    Thursday - trace ketones
    Thursday food: Carb intake 16g total cal 2417

    Friday - moderate ketones
    Friday food: total carbs 22g total cal 1750

    Saturday - moderate ketones
    Saturday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    S30 unday - moderate ketones
    Sunday food: total carbs 16g total cal 1552

    The negligible weight loss might be attributed to my period starting today... but I have a few questions:

    My food diary indicates I should be eating 1730 cal/day. I am averaging 1646 over the course of the week. I have a hard time forcing myself to eat if I'm satisfied. Should I be?

    Any suggestions from those who may have been doing this for awhile?

    You haven't mentioned where or not you have any issues such as PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes (T1 or T2). It seems many health issues make it more difficult to lose weight. I don't have any of those (or others) so won't elaborate with no experience.

    If excess weight is your only health issue, then your 1646 average daily calorie intake (or 1730) should be a sufficient enough deficit to be losing @ your current weight. I'd guess that your TOM is coming into play. Just keep your head in the game for a short while and if you're not losing there might be something else going on.
  • AggieHighland
    AggieHighland Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks @kpk54

    No known health issues.

  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    My 1 week weigh in is 160lbs...down 3 from last week. I have been lifting regularly so I know my muscles are retaining some water because, you know, DOMS! lol
    Feeling fantastic, pushing past the headaches with salty broth and feeling much less bloated!!
    Have a great week folks!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    1.2ps left to pre-Christmas weight. Don't trust the scales fat vs water content anymore so not exactly sure where I stand with premenstrual water weight. Cannot wait to get lower than the last lowest weight. May that please be tomorrow morning, pretty pleaase! I gotta and want to lose just about 40 pounds in almost three months. Hoping for a whoosh+ other water weight loss.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Good morning Keto Family. I feel much better than I did at this time last week so that says a lot about our Keto lifestyle. Yesterday was my birthday and we celebrated at a hibachi restaurant on Sunday. I went off plan for one meal Sunday and I had dessert after dinner last night but overall I am really happy with where I am at. I am down 1.2 lbs. since this time last week but more importantly I feel more energy and am being more active. I am trying to stay very low carb and pretty low protein for the next couple of days to really get the sugar out of my system.
    That and my TOM started Monday and I had only minimal cramping and a slight headache, no too shabby.
  • nicee247
    nicee247 Posts: 31 Member
    @stacychrz happy birthday.

    Hey y'all, how has the week been? Any challenges?
    I'm finding it difficult preparing delicious meals for my family and preparing a different one for myself. It's so tempting. Trying to keep going.
    I hope I'm able to be committed for the rest of the month.
  • Suzanne_Pmonkey
    Suzanne_Pmonkey Posts: 387 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Birthday @StacyChrz!

    My week is going pretty well. Up and and down as usual, but more up than down mood-wise and more down than up weight-wise!

    I can only speak for my famIly, and I've only been doing this a week or so, but I cook a main dish and veg that we all can eat and then a carb heavy side dish that isn't too tempting for me. It hasn't been a problem so far, though I'm sure my will power will wax and wane over time.

    Stay strong @nicee247 you can do it!
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    I seem to have dropped 700g overnight. Back to pre Xmas weight. Not going to celebrate yet though it'll probably be back tomorrow.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    nicee247 wrote: »
    @stacychrz happy birthday.

    Hey y'all, how has the week been? Any challenges?
    I'm finding it difficult preparing delicious meals for my family and preparing a different one for myself. It's so tempting. Trying to keep going.
    I hope I'm able to be committed for the rest of the month.

    I cook the same for my family except, I used to, not so much anymore, add another side for them. So dinner would be a meat, veg and beans or sweet potato or pasta... I cut them off more recently because they've been getting less and less of that stuff over the almost 2 years I've been keto.
    My son can eat an 8oz steak, buttered asparagus and be starving 30 minutes later. I explained it's just his body craving carbs. He didn't care. Lol
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Pretty good week so far, nothing on the scale yet, but my energy is up and hunger low, so it's a good sign.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Doing not bad over here. 20-30 carbs/day. My ketostix should be in the mail soon. And I am interested to see if I need to be more strict with the carb #s. I will have an off weekend(Friday and Saturday) but will be back on Sunday!!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Crazy sore legs since restarting this WOE. I've been salting my food and taking magnesium and getting more greens. It's just a matter of time I think. I am coming down from 6 months of a super high carb woe but other than the sore legs, no negative effects. My skin cleared up after two days, I am SO SO happy about that. And it feels a lot smoother and looks glowy = look younger. Woo! I'm also less puffy, as expected. It's a big adjustment from 6 months of eating another way, so I'm sure I'll have to wait longer for any other changes. I don't mind.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    @CoffeeNBooze I've found soaking in Epsom Salts really helpful for sore legs. Make sure your electrolytes include potassium as well.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member

    Start weight 90.4kg
    Goal by end of January 88kg
    Expected weight by end of January 89.9kg (I'm the worlds slowest loser).

    We'll see if I'm right :)

    89.2kg this morning. Not sure if actual loss or Michael moved my scales when he was doing washing. Little from column a, little from column b maybe. Nice to see under 90 on the scales again though, even if it's not "true".

    Eating like a 4'10" 40kg woman at the moment though so maybe it's actual weight loss.

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Good job @EbonyDahlia !