Dajoloehrs journey

dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
I started a group on Jan.2 to be helpful and supportive to whom ever was willing to listen, unfortunately, with the overwhelming amount of groups on MFP, mine was lost lol. I have been posting everyday, even though I knew no one was reading them, because something just feels great about getting out some of your thoughts, even if it was just to let MFP know that I'm having a good day :)
I made a resolution to be more honest this year, not just with weight loss, but with every aspect of my life. No more "nothings wrong" or "I'm fine" when I'm not. Ive already noticed a difference with my husband, when I tell him why I'm giving him laser eyes, and its very gratifying, not keeping that in.
I will be posting here daily, I don't have much of a social life haha, so if anyone needs support I'm your gal.


  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Awesome! Sounds like you are ready for big changes!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Well usually I let Saturday be my splurge day, but this week i made it Friday, going to try that out. Since I work Saturdays, I kind of have to get back into routine the next day instead of having the rest of me weekend to try to get back on track. I'm really hoping, and trying, to have it so i don't need splurge days, or at the very least limit the splurge, cause man I can tell you, the amount of food I can eat in a small amount of time would shock and amaze you lol. My short term goal will be to get to that point by February.
    On another note, I mid week weighed myself to get a inclination of where Im headed for weigh in Monday and it looks good :)
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I saw your posts on the Introduce Yourself thread, but I don't think you told us a nickname. Do you go by Daj?

    It is good that you are making positive changes.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Thank you, I forgot about nickname, I guess Daj works lol, yea lets go with that.
  • leveejohn
    leveejohn Posts: 346 Member
    dajoloehr wrote: »
    No more "nothings wrong" or "I'm fine" when I'm not. Ive already noticed a difference with my husband, when I tell him why I'm giving him laser eyes, and its very gratifying
    Awesome! Made me smile.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Big changes indeed! We're with you :)
    This is by far the most supportive group I've come across, so welcome aboard, I'm sure you'll love it here!
    "The amount of food I can eat in a small amount of time would shock and amaze you" :D I hear you! I used to spend so much effort trying to eat tiny snacks and tiny meals all day to stay under my calorie goals that I would often snap and just eat the complete contents of the fridge before moving onto the furniture... perhaps not in a short amount of time (I can't stand feeling overly full) but steadily and constantly all day long! I still go through moments like that now because extending my fasting window takes a lot of willpower too, but the occasional splurges are now decreased in intensity to the point that I can think I have raided the kitchen but am often still under my calorie goals at the end of the day!
    I'm looking forward to reading about your journey :)
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Tonight's dinner, chicken stir fry with cauliflower rice yummy

  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Okay, so I didn't do as well as I was hoping yesterday :( I ate my large bowl of stir fry @ 6 and I was stuffed, which stopped me from eating any snacks for game night until 7:30. Normally I stop eating by 7, but "normally" are days when I go to bed at 8:30. Yesterday was a midnight kind of night, so I snacked, and I nibbled, and I snacked some more. I woke up with that horrible "too much salt" taste in my mouth and a little regret, not nearly as much as I used to put on myself, just a few months ago, but enough to bum me out a little bit. I've got to stay strong today, stick to my plan.
    Weekends can be so hard, especially when its freezing outside and your stuck in your house. I need to start reading again to keep myself distracted, I started reading "the Wheel of Time" books, they are great, long, but great. Ive only finished the first book out of 13! that I have, so I'm publicly stating a new goal of finishing at least 6 of them this year (its taken me a year to finish the first lol)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend :)
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    I think I had quite a few days/ nights like that where I ended up splurging a bit. It takes time to fully adjust to this lifestyle, because that's what it is, a lifestyle, and I think it really helps to allow yourself some space to have these "flawed" days because it's unavoidable on the road towards being completely comfortable with OMAD.
    And every day is a fresh one that gets you closer to gettin into the ease and flow of a seasoned OMAD-er!
    You're doing great (and reading makes one so happy, go books!!).
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Just keep going!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Flybeetle wrote: »
    You're doing great (and reading makes one so happy, go books!!).

    I love reading, I always tell myself I don't have time, but really, I'm sure Netflix can wait for me :)
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    I am not familiar with those books. I just finished 'Ready Player One' and started another in the Montalbano series.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    sun_cat wrote: »
    I am not familiar with those books. I just finished 'Ready Player One' and started another in the Montalbano series.

    I just looked that up, it sounds interesting and they're making it into a movie. I love fantasy novels, dragons and wizards are my forte lol
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Today, I decided to have lunch instead of dinner, I put a lot of faith in myself to not eat later in the day. We went to visit my brother and his new baby, they had a variety of food out for us and all I ate was a two bit brownie :) yea me! It helped that I was holding my niece most of the time, but I'm still proud of myself. Small victories :)
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    That really IS an accomplishment!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2017
    Weigh in day today
    Jan. 2 260.8
    Jan. 16 254.4
    Feeling pretty good about that.
    I've been ready a lot of things about how to say no. My biggest problem, and always has been, is eating from boredom. So working on that this week.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Woooow @dajoloehr ... what a result!! That bowls me over, great work!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    Wonderful loss!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    dajoloehr wrote: »
    Weigh in day today
    Jan. 2 260.8
    Jan. 16 254.4
    Feeling pretty good about that.
    I've been ready a lot of things about how to say no. My biggest problem, and always has been, is eating from boredom. So working on that this week.

    Same here with the boredom eating. You are doing great and congrats on the evening willpower!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Thank you, today I cleaned the house to avoid snacking. It worked and the house is clean lol. Now to survive after dinner duh duh duhhhh.....
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    How did you do? I still have so many days where it takes immense willpower to make it through my fast... waaaah!!
    You too?
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    I did great! Under my calories, even ate a hot dog lol
    I was wondering around after dinner, even opened the fridge and cupboard a couple times, but each "loop" around the kitchen, I drank some mio water and that helped.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2017

    Made it through Monday woohoo :)
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    That's fantastic...!
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    dajoloehr wrote: »
    Thank you, today I cleaned the house to avoid snacking. It worked and the house is clean lol. Now to survive after dinner duh duh duhhhh.....

    That is the most awesome thing ever! clean house and losing weight ! (Plus saving money on food ;) )
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Today was another great day, i went over calories a little, but that's not counting the 48 minutes of cycling I did. :)
    So yeah me! day 2 was a success. The sun came out today and the temp finally got about 0 (from Canada) I know its too soon, especially since snow is in the forecast, but the thoughts of spring are dancing around in my head.
    On another note, I didn't get to read yet, I kept myself busy making and stirring my soup lol. Ive got a couple hours before bed so Ill try to get a chapter or two in before that.
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    dajoloehr wrote: »
    Today was another great day, i went over calories a little, but that's not counting the 48 minutes of cycling I did. :)
    So yeah me! day 2 was a success. The sun came out today and the temp finally got about 0 (from Canada) I know its too soon, especially since snow is in the forecast, but the thoughts of spring are dancing around in my head.
    On another note, I didn't get to read yet, I kept myself busy making and stirring my soup lol. Ive got a couple hours before bed so Ill try to get a chapter or two in before that.

    I really like you! You really know how to motivate yourself.
    I'm waiting for Spring as well!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    You are doing it!! Keeping busy is the key to success. Come on Spring!!
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    Ok so it's mid week and this is when I usually start to waiver. So far I'm staying strong. I found myself in Wendy's drive through today, but I only got chili (which is delish) came home, ate a banana for a little potassium boost. Now I'm making my breakfast for dinner that I totally forgot I was going to make yesterday lol. I'll post pics in the food thread, but I'm having 2 poached eggs on an English muffin with turkey, mozzarella, roasted peppers and chipotle mayo and shredded sweet potato.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    1MADGIRL wrote: »
    dajoloehr wrote: »
    Today was another great day, i went over calories a little, but that's not counting the 48 minutes of cycling I did. :)
    So yeah me! day 2 was a success. The sun came out today and the temp finally got about 0 (from Canada) I know its too soon, especially since snow is in the forecast, but the thoughts of spring are dancing around in my head.
    On another note, I didn't get to read yet, I kept myself busy making and stirring my soup lol. Ive got a couple hours before bed so Ill try to get a chapter or two in before that.

    I really like you! You really know how to motivate yourself.
    I'm waiting for Spring as well!

    Keep on!