Who we are and why we do the things we do



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member

    19% INTROVERTED 81%
    77% INTUITIVE 23%
    45% FEELING 55%
    20 % PROSPECTING 80%
    66% ASSERTIVE 34%

    That was interesting, some of it feels spot on but not all of it. Guess the A is for assertive? Isn't clear on the site, could be analytical?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    That would be my (INFP) hell for sure!
    I also like the link for "What your type would be doing at a party"
    I would be...
    "INFP – Tells everyone at the party how much they love them and then drunk dials their ex and cries."

  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member

    I got the advocate too, which had a lot of truth in it! Thanks for the interesting link, Sunny!
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    That would be my (INFP) hell for sure!
    I also like the link for "What your type would be doing at a party"
    I would be...
    "INFP – Tells everyone at the party how much they love them and then drunk dials their ex and cries."


    Total whiff on the party part and very little in common with what it said about HS. This says I got into a bar fight. In reality, I broke up/prevented MANY of those back in the day. As for HS, I was playing guitar in a band making fun of the jocks by saying things to the quarterback like "while you have your hands on another guy's butt, I'm up in the stands with your girlfriend." Fortunately, I was bigger and stronger than most of the guys on the football team. They also thought I was a little crazy with hair half way down my back - closer to biker than hippie for sure.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    That would be my (INFP) hell for sure!
    I also like the link for "What your type would be doing at a party"
    I would be...
    "INFP – Tells everyone at the party how much they love them and then drunk dials their ex and cries."


    Total whiff on the party part and very little in common with what it said about HS. This says I got into a bar fight. In reality, I broke up/prevented MANY of those back in the day. As for HS, I was playing guitar in a band making fun of the jocks by saying things to the quarterback like "while you have your hands on another guy's butt, I'm up in the stands with your girlfriend." Fortunately, I was bigger and stronger than most of the guys on the football team. They also thought I was a little crazy with hair half way down my back - closer to biker than hippie for sure.

    I didn't see the HS one! I'll have to look and see if it's right for me.
    Maybe some of these non matches have to do with the 5th letter??? I don't know what mine is. I don't think it gave me one...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!

    cstehansen wrote: »
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    I read all of them. There are some bad ones on there, but the one assigned to me was the worst - for me.

    So none of the scared me or came anywhere close to existing in Hades for me... Either that, or my rational mind wraps around and says, "well that'll never happen, NEXT!" I dunno. I tried coming up with real life scenarios to Matrix myself...and yeah, my mind said NOPE and went to the next choice! Guess I'm perpetually messed up... LOL @RalfLott
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,603 Member
    As long as we are looking at the personality types, here is a list of what exhausts us by type.

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited January 2017
    RalfLott wrote: »
    Not sure how to share the link, but OBVIOUSLY I'm a Campainer. Did I spell that right? Makes too much sense.

    We're twins! B)

    ENFP: "Most likely to wear brown socks with black suit."

    I KNEW IT!

    PS Aka, The Inspirer
    " Dare To Be a Dork"
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Which animal matches your (*kitten*) personality type?

  • cimarrona27
    cimarrona27 Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2017
    Omg! This is exactly on point for High school me. I remember thinking that whoever created Daria knew me. Lol

  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    edited January 2017
    Dude. Individual thought is not allowed in this day and age of groupthink, dissenting opinion amongst herds of sheep is illegal! For shame! (lol).

    I did the Meyers-Briggs type indicator test 20+ years ago, took it again about six years ago, and again last year. I guess I'm always going to be an ENTJ, as that's what I always get: https://www.16personalities.com/entj-strengths-and-weaknesses

    It is no wonder I have repeatedly broken my mother's heart since I was a small child. She is very likely an ESFP/ENFJ or similar (definitely extroverted and popular/social, but very diplomatic and harmonic, unlike me).

    I also have been leaning more over the years, to the feeling most of these things are bullshlt, even though yeah, it's TOTALLY great to have someone or something 'get' us and I like doing them. I always go, "OH, that is SOO ME, man! HOW'D they KNOW?!"


    PS - f**k facebook and especially FB groups. Waste of time.

    PPS - bear* with me (sorry, it was bugging me...I mean, I AM an ENTJ, after all) <3
  • kmca1803
    kmca1803 Posts: 77 Member
    “The Advocate” (INFJ-T) - the rarest, apparently. Though I don't feel I can be compared to Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa on many, many levels!

    I wonder if mood and state of mind when completing the test significantly influences the result.
    I've completed it in an annoyed and a relaxed mood, and while there were obvious trends they weren't exactly the same. When in a bad mood, I think I'm more likely to be hard on myself which alters the results a bit.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited January 2017
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    LOL Yikes! so true.

    My hell:
    ISFJ – Everyone you love is yelling at each other and it’s all your fault.

    My animal:
    ISFJ- Polar Bear
    Strengths: Take responsibilities seriously, loyal, good listeners, nurturing
    Weaknesses: Difficulties stepping outside of comfort zone, dislikes change.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    edited January 2017
    It says I am an Adventurer (ISFP-T)-- which makes me think I answered wrong! ;)

    edit: then I looked for my animal, lol.

    A deer.
    Strengths: Good listener, appreciates aesthetics and beauty.
    Weaknesses: Tends to keep thoughts and feelings private, not good at long term planning.

    Spot on! thanks @RalfLott
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited January 2017
    camtosh wrote: »
    It says I am an Adventurer (ISFP-T)-- which makes me think I answered wrong! ;)

    edit: then I looked for my animal, lol.

    A deer.
    Strengths: Good listener, appreciates aesthetics and beauty.
    Weaknesses: Tends to keep thoughts and feelings private, not good at long term planning.

    Spot on! thanks @RalfLott

    @anglyn1 and my wife are Adventurers, too. <3B)o:)

    As you've discovered, there are more accurate descriptions than the one at 16p!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    LOL Yikes! so true.

    My hell:
    ISFJ – Everyone you love is yelling at each other and it’s all your fault.

    My animal:
    ISFJ- Polar Bear
    Strengths: Take responsibilities seriously, loyal, good listeners, nurturing
    Weaknesses: Difficulties stepping outside of comfort zone, dislikes change.

    :/ ??? Hard to reconcile with your enthusiasm for LC......

  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member

    The Advocate.
    Wasn't what I expected, but all in all quite accurate.
    Actually explains some parts of my personality that I have been confused about.
    Especially relationships and why they keep falling apart.

    Thanks for posting @Sunny_Bunny_ !
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    redimock wrote: »
    I took one of these tests in college (a very long time ago :lol: ) and I got ISTJ, which I don't think has changed. I came across this post a few years ago, and it is scary accurate for my definition of hell. :smiley: Thought you all might enjoy as well!


    LOL Yikes! so true.

    My hell:
    ISFJ – Everyone you love is yelling at each other and it’s all your fault.

    My animal:
    ISFJ- Polar Bear
    Strengths: Take responsibilities seriously, loyal, good listeners, nurturing
    Weaknesses: Difficulties stepping outside of comfort zone, dislikes change.

    :/ ??? Hard to reconcile with your enthusiasm for LC......

    @RalfLott - there is a certain amount of comfort that comes to people who hate change in dialing in to perfect a dietary change - which means that it is fine-tuning and tweaking, not change, which would be going from 500 carbs a day to 5 carbs a day or some nonsense...at least in my book.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @KnitOrMiss I think we all have an ideal in mind. And for me in younger years The test said I was borderline Extravert/Introvert and borderline J and P. As I have aged, more introvert and although I still like things settled, I see things in shades of gray. Always a strong sense of justice but would rather have peace than be seen as right, except in the defense of others. I would like to be more extraverted and I try hard to do that. And exploring all options or settling on a course of action quickly? I think I was taught not to jump to conclusions through my work, so I thought that trusting my gut wasn't the right way of doing things. How much was that me hearing that my way wasn't right so I now tell myself that and how much is really me? I don't know any more. It is all part of me now.

    Your description caused a smile for me because I drive my DH mad with lists. Oh I'll make one gladly and feel much better for putting it on paper rather than in my head. But most of the time, I have a different list in my head and quietly follow that one. For an organizer sort, it drives him mad. When it really matters, I put it in gear and get her done with great efficiency but if I don't perceive a need, I follow my own course no matter what I set down on paper with him. It probably looks contrary or scattered from the outside!

    For a touchstone, I go back to my junior kindergarten report card. After 6 weeks, she got me. "Works diligently independently but plays well with others. Takes a leading role when necessary. Needs to be encouraged to speak up. Has difficulty knowing left from right but well ahead in other skills. Has trouble with her outer clothing and needs to slow down when dressing". It hasn't changed at all really. But it has got messier with a more complex life, social niceties and trying to keep the peace amongst so many. The dressing hasn't changed. I wish I appeared more organized, I wish I spoke up more, and maybe I won't have surprised so many when my brains showed.

    I think you are lady of many parts and really interesting because of it. It is all you even if it seems contrary.

    As I suspected: Mediator INFP-T here. Younger I was always a INFJ but the new one feels right now. Fundamentals the same but complex lives and many parts to each of us.

    So what cracks me up even more is when I didn't delineate between my ideal and my true actions, I got a different result back in May last year... ISFP-T - The Adventurer... Now it really makes me want to take it again... I also got a result of Campaigner in October last year, I think. Makes me wonder how many of me there are in that ol' noggin. Geez. I know the "not good at long term planning" thing is SOOOO me, but a lot of the other stuff doesn't apply. I think I'm going to read all the Hades, animals, and exhausting things again, to see if I can get a better more rounded idea of me...

    And I am definitely far more different now than I was in HS, etc., particularly with regard to speaking up, fighting against social injustice, not letting things get to me, and being out of F's (aka cares) to give, etc. And oh goodness, the lists. If I write one, I will never revisit it. If I don't write one, I manage okay, but I always forget one thing at a minimum... @dasher602014

    And in Kindergarten, they attempted to classify me as mentally slow/deficient and were considering holding me back a grade, despite being ahead of the curve in several subjects. I would be coloring or writing, and put down my crayon or pen. I would then sit and stare, not picking up another item to resume my work. Well, it took quite a while for them to figure out that my grandmother had bought be a box of 64 colors to use, and when I put one down, I couldn't figure out which one it was, as I'd inherited a minor aspect of my grandfather's colorblindness. I could not tell the difference between colors of a similar shade. To this day, from the crayon alone, red, red-orange, orange-red, red-pink, pink-red, etc., nearly all the wrappers and crayons look the same. Sometimes, when in rainbow order, 2-3 of them will look identical to me, even being side by side. I'll say something is red, and I'll be told it is pink. I'll think something is blue, but be told it's purple, etc.

    P.S. I never had any trouble telling my left from my right, as I am missing half of a finger on my right hand...kind of hard to get them confused after that. LOL