

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Marlymama You are doing great. Missionenforcer can't confirm your points until you write a brief description of where you live.

    @TrkyVic0327 Thanks! My food has been good so far, but I am not feeling well today, so haven't done much in the form of exercising. I will get something in. Hopefully our videos.

    Remember guys if you need help with anything I am here to help out, Put your time in, 0 if no exercise for the day and don't forget those challenges. The race is won or lost by those challenges. We are getting really close to finishing the first leg. We can do it!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    I got through the first video on warming up. It's pretty good.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi Team :)

    @jdelaroy I hope your day went smoother for you.
    @GrandmaJackie LoL! He kinda looks like one of my grand pups.. I call Wilbur sometimes!
    @lennoncpa Good going!

    I worked out in the garden/ yard today. I was so happy to see the ☀️ shinning all day! I ate my 3rd orange
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited January 2017
    The sun ☀️ worked.. but not the orange???
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 2,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    Second day of a tangerine is done! Didn't do any more of the videos yet, as we went for a long hike/walk tonight as a family. It's felt so good to get back to being active again after the laziness of the holidays!

    My feet are a barking tonight though! I once heard a tip to roll a golf ball under your foot to help stretch it out and lessen the soreness. Has anyone tried this? We like to golf as a family, so I am gonna grab a ball from the bag tomorrow and try this out!

    Happy Thursday!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Marlymama wrote: »
    Hi All,
    I was not descriptive enough of where I live. So here goes, Sacramento, California is the capitol of California and in Northern California. I think we have some of the best weather here even in the rain and heat! Sacramento’s climate is considered to be Mediterranean. We enjoy mild temperatures with plenty of sunshine. That's why I mention the heat because we usually endure a heat wave in summer months. We have great rivers, trails, walk ways, downtown areas, and several nice neighborhood communities to enjoy the outdoors in. Sacramento is home to the Sacramento River, which plenty of locals casually float down each summer with their raft and often a beer in hand. However, the nearby American River - along with its sister rivers North Yuba and Stanislaus - set the stage for a rip roaring whitewater rafting adventure which has been my goal to do again since losing 150 pounds. I haven't been rafting since high school. I have included a photo of my work walking trail in downtown Sacramento. I usually walk for 30-60 minutes every day. Wouldn't it be awesome if all got to visit the places our teammates live!!

    That would awesome, I'll get some pictures too send.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @grandmajackie Oh my goodness he is adorable, I want one now! Thank you for sharing a smile with me today.
    @lennoncpa Great job getting started. 
    @belle_60 Lucky you. My “garden” is nonexistent and buried under the snow still. I would like to start one this spring as we just moved to this house at the end of the summer last year.
    @marlymama what a beautiful place to walk. Thanks for sharing a picture and more about where you live. I have met some wonderful people on MFP that I would love to meet IRL.
    @Trkyvic0327 Great job on the tangerines and the hike. I want to try and get my kids out moving more.
    @hkaccompanist Thanks for checking in. In order to get your 10 points you will have to tell us about where you live in GA. I didn’t used to think I had a lot of time to walk when I first started either. Then I just started finding a minute here or there to walk. Making dinner, and need to wait a minute or two for it to start boiling, walk around the kitchen, Commercial break, get up and walk the living room a few times. Park at work, park a block down. You can find time to walk when you are ready. Great job on the 11 pounds so far. Keep up the great work.

    Well, I managed to stay under calories. (Not sure how I did that, was very stressful and was wanting to eat everything in sight.)
    Came to work yesterday not feeling great. I just started feeling worse as they day progressed. Then at lunch I had packed a salad a few days before. It was slimy and wilted when I went to eat it. So in the trash it went. Had Taco Bell on my way to pick up kids from school right after work. Got home and my oldest daughter fell and twisted her ankle. After her crying for 45 minutes, the ankle swelling pretty bad and the ice and Tylenol not helping. We took a trip to urgent care to make sure it wasn’t broken. 2 hours later, a severe sprain, a brace and crutches we head home. Made dinner, did some walking while I was waiting for it to cook. Finally sat down to eat about 7. No videos, no gym last night. I was tired and not feeling great.
    Here is to a better day today! We can do this. You are all doing so well. Don’t forget to get the spread sheet filled out by 8pm PST on Sunday.
  • Rachelerik
    Rachelerik Posts: 262 Member
    @jelaroy - so glad her ankle wasn't broken! Great job at getting in some steps while cooking rather than sitting. Hope your weekend is fantastic!
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    Hope to get video challenges in on Saturday. Had tangerines, apricots and some kumquats for food challenge this week. Not a great week for me but I definitely try to do more next week.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Thanks @Rachelerik she's doing better today.

    @Rigibann great job. You can do it.

    I got my second orange eaten today. Hopefully, I will eat the last one tonight. Got all my videos done today. Woo hoo. I loved the little apple fitness video the best.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Just a fast run by.. I did 43 mins on the treadmill today. I will log it in tomorrow.
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 2,001 Member
    Finished eating tangerines today! :smiley:

    Also did dancing with the munchkin during school breaks(we do this everyday, so it's awesome to get us both up and moving), and did a workout for another challenge. I started to do one of the last two videos I need to do while my family was shopping, and they came home in the middle, so I'll just finish them tomorrow. I'm going to wake up and do those early before they take over the living room. Excited to get moving more this week! Hoping to improve and do more next week! :sweat_smile:
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Simon. (In response to the email that said I never gave my name.)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    edited January 2017
    Everyone, is doing a fabulous job with getting the challenges!!!!!! We can do this, the challenges really help us!

  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    I am finished with the videos, I'll just have to eat another orange tomorrow, then the three days are done, too. :)
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 2,001 Member
    Finished the videos today!
    I definitely liked the last bonus video the best, and now I have that song stuck I my head! Lol! :lol: I don't know what they are saying, but I like the beat! :smiley:

    Getting ready to go for another walk as a family, and I'm so full of energy, I might add some running/jogging in there. Key word in there is "might" :wink:

    Hope y'all are having a great Saturday!
    Let's get those minutes in before the week is over! :smiley::sweat_smile:

  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree that the 4th video was the best and most fun. I tried a Cara Cara orange yesterday which I had never seen or tried. OMG! So good! I am so glad for the orange challenge because I never eat them and I realized I really do like some of them.