

  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited January 2017
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    I am so excited for this new weeks races. This island looks beautiful. I definitely wish I could be there instead of here at work today.

    I can also use the motivation to stay under calories. (I have a homemade blueberry muffin sitting on my desk, calling my name.)

    Lets go team 6!

    Man, I love the pictures and videos that Mission Enforcer posts, I never realized just what a beautiful planet we live on! Then you add all the ones from our team-mates... All I can say is WOW!

    @jdelaroy, I hear you, I'd much rather be there instead of sitting in my little cubicle! And you don't want that homemade blueberry muffin, you have a co-worker sitting next to you that missed breakfast and is sitting there starving, you'd rather offer it to him/her!! Win / Win!!
  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member
    I love our new destination! I am excited to work even harder this week. Let's go team 6!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Tomorrow, I someone needs to stay home because my phone, should arrive, :). My husband has an appointment so once he gets home, I get my walk in, :)
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    @CandaceL50 You are on Team 6 in the Amazing Race. Please contact @jdelaroy, the Team Captain.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @starjam25 I ate the muffin, it was delicious. Went without the oatmeal instead. Wasn't too bad of a decision until my lunch sucked. I work in a cubicle farm as well, however I am the only person in the cubes. :(

    @GrandmaJackie I love the Meme. I need to post this on my pantry, and refrigerator door.

    @Tiffany7711 I am too! We can do this. I am going to try and get 10 more minutes of exercise in everyday.

    Day 1 under calories! Barely, but it made me think twice when the BF brought out the gummy bears, and muffins. 4 more to go. I was proud of myself. I didn't want to go do my lunch run/walk yesterday. I was exhausted. I made myself go out and get started. I tried running, but my knee was hurting. So I settled for a fast walk. Still got my heart rate up into the cardio zone according to my Fit bit so not too bad. My youngest ended up being sick yesterday, so got a call to come pick her up. So much for getting any additional time in yesterday. Hoping to get a lunch walk/run, and an after work walk or videos in. Today is supposed to be gym day. We will see if I make it.

    ****Team 6******

    Remember to fill in the sheet and if you are not doing any exercises for the day, or not doing a challenge, please put a zero on the sheet. That way I know I am not looking for a replacement for you. Thanks, and keep up the great work!
  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member

    Did my hike today to this Lake. It was great being outside and enjoying the sun even if it was cold.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member

    We had some snow today so I'm going to skip the hike outside until the sidewalks aren't so slippery. I don't have good hiking boots.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    edited January 2017
    I did the videos and my walk today, it wassssd cold but gorgeous outside. I took a picture, I'll share later!
    lennoncpa wrote: »

    We had some snow today so I'm going to skip the hike outside until the sidewalks aren't so slippery. I don't have good hiking boots.

    Wow, that's gorgeous. Yes, you need to be careful when it's not so slippery!
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hey all! I love where we are heading this week too! Looks like a great, warm place to be! I love the snow, but we don't have enough to play, and it's too cold to play right now. :disappointed: Hoping to get outside this week for the walk. Going to definitely try! We walk a lot through the mall and the track at the gym as a family, so hopefully we can take it outside this week at least once.

    I love the dance videos! I've done the first two so far. So much fun! :smiley:

    Also, new month starts tomorrow! Some of my goals for February are:

    - Lose 4 inches off of waist(an inch a week)
    - Workout at least 6 days a week with either a rest day or a yoga/stretching day.
    - Work up to a 60 sec plank
    - lose 3 lbs
    - Daily vitamins, 96oz of water, and protein shake
    - Journal all progress and food daily

    What are some of y'all's February goals?
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Today, I did my walk outside even though it was cold. Yes, I've became spoiled going to the gym this winter. These last couple of months have been a struggle losing and gain the same, 3 or 4 pounds. My husband is starting a job, these next couple of day. He loves going out to dinner a lot so with him working again, I'll have dinner waiting for him, :);):) Thanks to this RACE, I had a fabulous walk plus had fun with the videos!

    @TrkyVic0327, I love your goals

    So, here are my February goals:
    1. Walk at least twice outside weekly (weather permitting)
    2. Once a week go to either, Spinning, Aqua fitness or Body Works class
    3. Loss 4 - 5 pounds
    4. Continue with yoga nightly
    5. Consistency with my diet!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I like seeing everyone's goals. Mine are to:
    1. Run 100 miles
    2. Lift 3x/week
    3. Meditate 5x/week
    4. Hit my calorie goals 5x/week

    Consistency is hard. If I don't exercise in the early morning, I tend to lose control of the day and there is no time at night.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @tiffany7711 What a beautiful picture. Great job getting your hike in.

    @lennoncpa It looks so peaceful. But I don’t blame you for not wanting to walk in it.

    @GrandmaJackie You are a rock star! Two of the challenges done. Great job. Great Feb goals. You can lose those pesky pounds. I have been gaining and losing the same pound for about a month now. Ugh, and of course it goes up for weigh in days.

    @TrkyVic0327 I love that you do monthly goals. I try to do daily goals, some days are great, others not so much.

    @SweatsOnSunday I love your goals. Running 100 miles in a month! What a goal. I am nowhere close to that yet.

    Now I feel like I need some monthly goals. LOL hmm

    Get 12500 steps in everyday this month
    Go to the gym at least 6 times this month.
    Run for 25 min 2x a week, 2 days trying to run 5k
    Stay under calories
    Lose 6 pounds
    File for my divorce
    Get taxes done.

    Had a yucky day yesterday. I was feeling very blah and down in the dumps, ate everything in sight. Boo hiss. Hope today is better. so Still 1 of 5 days under calories.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Happy February all! :)
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    Sorry for not checking in earlier this week!
    We had our final exam yesterday evening (I am working at a university), so the days before were a bit hectic. But now the worst is over, we just have to grade all the exams, which is rather tedious, but at least not as stressful as the last week. And the students are on winter break...

    I walked to work the last days, it is a favorite way to relax a bit, so I have one part of the challenge already covered.
    Besides, it was beautiful, because I have to walk though a park, and it was snowing the last days <3
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hey there I did almost 2 hours in the yard mowing the leaves I raked up yesterday for my compost pile. Also a short 15 min morning walk to complete the 3k.

    @Rigibann I am sorry about your fur baby Bruno! :'(
  • Tazieisland
    Tazieisland Posts: 2,878 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great day. This is a very hectic week. My daughter is in a play that runs Thursday-Saturday. It's spirit week at school so we've had a crazy schedule. I'm trying to finish up walking outside tomorrow, but it has been cold outside so it's been a bit challenging. The dances are fun. :)
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    - Lose 4 inches off of waist(an inch a week)
    - Workout at least 6 days a week with either a rest day or a yoga/stretching day.
    - Work up to a 60 sec plank
    - lose 3 lbs
    - Daily vitamins, 96oz of water, and protein shake
    - Journal all progress and food daily

    What are some of y'all's February goals?

    I haven't thought too much about Feb goals yet but here is a start:
    1. 5k outside (challenge #2) before Sunday. Still hoping for a little warmer weather.
    2. Lose 3 lbs
    3. Get out of bed every morning and DO NOT sleep the day away. (I am still struggling a bit because of the store but getting better. My daughter came into town because her husband is interviewing with local hospitals so I got to spend 1 day with her. It was wonderful until I had to say goodbye)
    4. Exercise every day.
    5. Stay within my calorie limit. It will be harder now that I am near a fridge all day and why do husbands think that bringing you candy will make things better?
    6. Continue my quest of cleaning out boxes.
    7. Go visit my other daughter that lives out of town. I am actually going to go for about a month or more but don't worry, I can exercise there too.! :smile:
  • LongaVitaSana
    LongaVitaSana Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hey Team 6 :), It's great to read how everyone is doing :). The island looks so stunning and the active volcano is amazing. I didnt know much about reunion island before so enjoying the travel class :)

    I was a bit under the weather for a few days last week but feeling much better now.
    Having a good week so far - today will be more third day under if I can make it. So far so good. I've been doing leslie sansone exercise dvds each day.

    February goals
    • loving the challenge to stay under calorie 5 days this week. I'd like to keep that as a goal for all of february, perhaps beyond.
    • 10,000 steps plus per day
    • I'm doing a fitibit workweek hustle challenge this week too and it is a great motivator. I'll keep that up.
    • I'm cutting back on eating between meals. Perhaps one snack mid to late afternoon
    • keep taking my supplements, making this a habit