No F-Ups February 2017 Week 4 (2/22-2/28)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Obligatory repeat o' challenge blurb :wink:-
baconslave wrote: »
Ok Folks. Since we already have a bunch of goals posted on this thread, I'm just going to edit the title and make it the Week 1 Thread. :smile:

Here's our challenge:
We're in the short month. 28 days. Perfect for what I call a "sprint." Go ALL OUT on your goals, hardcore, for 28 days. No screw-ups!

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.
Or make sure your logging is locked in more tightly.

Do whatever you have to do. And don't F-up!

But if you do? Hey, we're here for you. To tell you to get back on dat wagon, yo! :wink:



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Last week.
    RAWWWWWR! Kill it!
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Last week was a rough one for me. My grandma (who is essentially my mom and deemed terminal) was back in the hospital...and true to my nature, I had wine and carbage one night. BUT...the next day I was barely hungry at all and unintentionally fasted for the day, with just a small, carb appropriate meal for dinner. I paid the price with bloating and a 5lbs gain...which defeated another goal I had of not weighing until March 1st.

    So I'm not proud of the way I handled my emotions, but I am proud that I didn't let anything trickle into the next day and got right back on track.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    In! I need to tighten up my logging and drink more water. I'm really tired right now so this is about all I can manage at the moment. :)
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    Last week was a rough one for me. My grandma (who is essentially my mom and deemed terminal) was back in the hospital...and true to my nature, I had wine and carbage one night. BUT...the next day I was barely hungry at all and unintentionally fasted for the day, with just a small, carb appropriate meal for dinner. I paid the price with bloating and a 5lbs gain...which defeated another goal I had of not weighing until March 1st.

    So I'm not proud of the way I handled my emotions, but I am proud that I didn't let anything trickle into the next day and got right back on track.

    Be kind to yourself and soldier on! Sounds like you had a rough week...
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    This month went by too fast! I am over my weekend slipup and now just 6 more days until the end of the month.

    CW: 167.5
    February goal: 162.5, not sure I can make that!

    Need to drink more water and stick to plan.

    I did finish reading the books that I targeted, so more data and information to fuel me going forward. :smiley:
  • stutovic
    stutovic Posts: 17 Member
    Last week before my 225 by 2/25 goal, I weighed myself yesterday and was 229.5, hoping to get close to goal by Saturday! I am working out at least once each day and logging in my food, wish me luck :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    Last week was a rough one for me. My grandma (who is essentially my mom and deemed terminal) was back in the hospital...and true to my nature, I had wine and carbage one night. BUT...the next day I was barely hungry at all and unintentionally fasted for the day, with just a small, carb appropriate meal for dinner. I paid the price with bloating and a 5lbs gain...which defeated another goal I had of not weighing until March 1st.

    So I'm not proud of the way I handled my emotions, but I am proud that I didn't let anything trickle into the next day and got right back on track.

    Absolutely 100% understandable. The day I got the call mom had passed on hospice, even though I knew it was coming, I ate dem carbs including 2 pints of chocolate chip ice cream. But the next day I started out on-plan. I realized, like you did, that further carb-abuse didn't fix anything.

    Congrats on getting right back to business, despite your sorrow. :+1:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Calories still at maintenance. Yesterday I did the 7-minute Scientific workout with the kiddos and only walked 30 min. Today I did Hero 90. One round of HIIT (20 min) and that's it.

    My eyes are still so pissed. But better enough for me to drive to my appt tomorrow. I'm trying not to be anxious. I'm afraid I might snap, chew his face off, and hairflip. I'm just sayin'. :confounded::lol:

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Good day today.
    Did C25K Week 6 Day 1, and came in on target for calories and carbs.
    Weight has gone back down; back within goal range today so yay.
    Keto SW: 151
    CW: 132.8
    Goal range for maintenance: 130-133
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Oh and NSV's for both DH and me today: We both needed new pants since we had bagginess issues. I bought dress pants for work in a size 6!! (I was lucky to get down to an 8 a couple years ago since I hadn't been that size in 16 years) And DH has gone from a 38 waist to a 33 waist since August, so he just bought two new pairs of jeans since his new 34's were already getting loose.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Goal: Walk 80 miles in February, 3.5 mph or greater.

    44 miles completed as of 2/20/17

    6 miles today. 6.02 actually. :) 3.6 mph average. Took me 100 minutes.

    It really would be easier to jump in the car and drive to the store but I've been making these grocery store walks for so long (though not a far as recently) it seems kind of silly to drive sometimes. I have the time. Not sure I'll hit 30 miles in the next 6 days. We'll see.

  • tierrafuego
    tierrafuego Posts: 34 Member
    I'm doing great on plan, logging everything, working out like a beast, ...but the scale is not showing it. Think I'll fall a few pounds short of February goal. Then again, maybe I'm just holding on too tightly & it'll all wash away next week. A girls gotta hope...

    One downer was I took the kids to dinner tonight, Ledo's pizza, which was risky for me but my seven year old had gotten a free pizza for the 'character' award at school so I needed to celebrate it. I did awesome & stayed keto with wings (old bay) and an Italian salad. All was good until I went to log & holy smokes, each wing was 190 calories!! At six, that just blew my day. Grrrr

    That said, my first reaction was oh well, I blew it, and there's Hagaan das bars in the fridge, might as well. I smacked that evil twin right down though, and came and chatted with you fine folk. Little by little...
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Calories still at maintenance. Yesterday I did the 7-minute Scientific workout with the kiddos and only walked 30 min. Today I did Hero 90. One round of HIIT (20 min) and that's it.

    My eyes are still so pissed. But better enough for me to drive to my appt tomorrow. I'm trying not to be anxious. I'm afraid I might snap, chew his face off, and hairflip. I'm just sayin'. :confounded::lol:

    Glad your eyes are a little better! I know you're anxious, but we are all here for you! Your tenacity in keeping up with your workouts is inspiring.

  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Oh and NSV's for both DH and me today: We both needed new pants since we had bagginess issues. I bought dress pants for work in a size 6!! (I was lucky to get down to an 8 a couple years ago since I hadn't been that size in 16 years) And DH has gone from a 38 waist to a 33 waist since August, so he just bought two new pairs of jeans since his new 34's were already getting loose.

    Way to go!!! That's the right way to grow out of your pants!

    How are you liking C25K? I just finished up week 2 and am holding my breath for the crash and burn ;). I've never been able to run.

  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    I'm doing great on plan, logging everything, working out like a beast, ...but the scale is not showing it. Think I'll fall a few pounds short of February goal. Then again, maybe I'm just holding on too tightly & it'll all wash away next week. A girls gotta hope...

    One downer was I took the kids to dinner tonight, Ledo's pizza, which was risky for me but my seven year old had gotten a free pizza for the 'character' award at school so I needed to celebrate it. I did awesome & stayed keto with wings (old bay) and an Italian salad. All was good until I went to log & holy smokes, each wing was 190 calories!! At six, that just blew my day. Grrrr

    That said, my first reaction was oh well, I blew it, and there's Hagaan das bars in the fridge, might as well. I smacked that evil twin right down though, and came and chatted with you fine folk. Little by little...

    Yummm, Ledo' their pizza. You did well sticking to wings, even with the calories. Great job on ice cream avoidance!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Calories still at maintenance. Yesterday I did the 7-minute Scientific workout with the kiddos and only walked 30 min. Today I did Hero 90. One round of HIIT (20 min) and that's it.

    My eyes are still so pissed. But better enough for me to drive to my appt tomorrow. I'm trying not to be anxious. I'm afraid I might snap, chew his face off, and hairflip. I'm just sayin'. :confounded::lol:

    Glad your eyes are a little better! I know you're anxious, but we are all here for you! Your tenacity in keeping up with your workouts is inspiring.

    I just refuse to lay down and cry and let the mean ol' universe win.

    Dr. Nerd had a student with him. She was pretty awesome.
    He said he was shocked that the bloodwork showed nothing. Gave me pilocarpine, which is supposed to make my body secrete more fluids, as a patch as we continue to search to see whether or not I'm truly seronegative Sjogren's (that means autoimmune but bloodwork isn't picking it up) or it's something else. So crossing the fingers. He ordered the hormone labs, which they drew, but they don't do the cortisol labs in-house so I have to go to the hospital to do that I think. I'll get a call. He says that if the pilocarpine doesn't work and/or the labs don't show anything, I'll probably need a referral to a rheumatologist, because he can't order the bloodwork and prescribe biologics that they use.

    I had the craziest electrolyte-fart ever last night. It was the Twilight Zone. Constantly waking due to foot cramps, freezing to death and keto-headache. WTH? I had to get up and guzzle some salt water. I had taken 600mg of mag, plus the mag oil I had to keep flippin' weird, like I said. I'd had ketoade. I don't even know...

    Annnnnnyway, I did 20min of Hero 90 yesterday.
    Today is "PE" so I'm making the kids do the 7-min workout again, and then I'll take a walk.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    I had the craziest electrolyte-fart ever last night. me a minute to realize you weren't being literal.....
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Feeling under the weather the past few days, congested and plugged ears. But I made myself go to the gym yesterday anyway. Going again tonight since I did feel better afterwards last night. Just treadmill and elliptical at a slower pace than the weekend though. Don't know how I became such a baby about having a cold, I sailed through chemo for Pete's sake.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    swezeytba wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »

    I had the craziest electrolyte-fart ever last night. me a minute to realize you weren't being literal.....

    Me too :lol: