March Challenge

Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
Spring is almost here, where do you want to be in 4 weeks? Lets make March count towards your health and fitness goals!

Here is mine:
GOAL... To get pregnant! :):):) Haha! But just in case that doesnt work out, I'd like to continue to lose some fat and prepare for pregnancy. Goal weight is 187# for 3/31. It's time to get my serious face on, and the weather is warming up nicely so I can get out there and move my body! 4# last month is good progress, but I really think I can do better this month!

2/28: 194.0#
3/31: 187.0#


  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Haha, I like your goal!

    I'm having trouble setting my goal since I'm getting really close to what I thought was my ultimate goal (125). I do think I'll make that a moving target since I weighed 120 in 2013 and felt great--and ran really fast. With that said:

    2/28: 127.2
    3/31 goal: 122

    Also want to again set the goal to bike to work 3 days/week and run 5 miles a week. I failed at running last month, but now I'm signing up for an April 5k and a May 10k, so it's time to get serious.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Haha nice :) My goal is to gain weight at a good rate and to get more exercise in. I bought some Zumba DVDs so I hope that will help.

    2/28: 149.8 lb
    3/29 (April 2): ~154.0 lb - I will be on a trip in the last week of March so I won't be able to weigh in then.

    Exercise 2 -3 times a week (going to start moderate - i.e. trying to get to more than once a week - and work my way up to 5 days a week if I can).
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi ladies, new here! My goal is to lose as much weight (safely) as possible before starting TTC end of next month...haha or I might change my mind again...number 2 is a lot more daunting than exciting!

    2/28: 210lb
    31/3: 198lb

    Feel like my goal is a big ask, but having said that it's less per week than my current rate of losing since Jan so hoping I can get there.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Feeling positive for March!

    1st March: 157.8
    31st March goal: 153.8

    Starting the month with a mini ski holiday so might be a tough challenge this month! If I make it, I'll ba back in the "normal" BMI range, which would be ideal before pregnancy.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @1fit_mamma Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you! =)

    Weigh In:

    March 1st: 200.4


    March 31st:

  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    Great goals everyone!

    I weigh in on Fridays, so I will put my March starting weight here then, but goal is 5 pounds. Last week I was at 167, and I told myself NO SHOPPING until I'm in the 150s! Once I hit 159 I'll be down 17 pounds since Jan, so it will be a nice perk to donate some older clothes and shop for a few new Spring items that fit better! If I can keep up 1 pound a week I'll be there before I know it!

    Exercise wise, I have to find some sort of routine. I know I keep saying this same thing every month but I'm really struggling with it. My days are long and I just haven't found anything I can stick to yet. Hopefully some warmer weather and longer daylight hours will help inspire me!

    @Kirstie155 happy baby thoughts to you!!! :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Everyone, the March spreadsheet is now ready to use! Let me know if you want any info added to the February spreadsheet that you didn't have time to put in since there were no "off" days between months.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Thanks Katie!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks @VeryKatie!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Thank you! Just one thing, the reflections tab still has our February reflections, do you need those or can we just delete them?
  • katycapp
    katycapp Posts: 40 Member
    My goal is to continue to exercise and hopefully put more miles on my new running shoes this month. Also using Cize DVDs when it is too cold or rainy to get outside.
    My weight goal is to lose 5 pounds (more would be nice)
    We should be able to ttc again in April--we were given the go ahead if I show signs of ovulation this month but the doc won't put me back on Femara until my pregnancy hormones are back in the negative range. I already weigh less than I did when I became pregnant with my son, so losing more is just bonus. :-)

    3/31 GW: 210
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2017
    @WifiresGettingFit Oh yeah haha I forgot that part. I'll remove the old comments.
    @katycapp How do you like Cize? Is it fun? I hope April comes nice and fast for you!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie haha thank you! I almost just deleted mine myself but then I had this thought that you might still need them to transfer or something so I didn't.
  • katycapp
    katycapp Posts: 40 Member
    edited March 2017
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    @katycapp How do you like Cize? Is it fun? I hope April comes nice and fast for you!

    I love it! Shaun T (from Insanity) does it and he is fantastic. I have done lots of work out DVDs in my life and this is the only one that feels more like fun than work. At the end of each session you "Cize it up" which is basically just putting all the dance moves together with a song and it is a blast. I suck at dancing but since I'm alone in the room, its all good. lol.
  • sarahspractice
    sarahspractice Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies, looks like you all have very impressive goals.

    Mine this month is No coffee, and no added sugar! Trying to feel less bleh. Yoga and meditation daily, and try to get in some cardio (dancing or running) 2 times a week.
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    2017 Starting Weight: 176.5

    March Starting Weight: 166

    March Goal: 161....stretch goal of 159!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    2/28: 194.0#
    3/31: 187.0#
    3/6: 196.0# Went wayyyy off my diet last night. Woke up with horrible stomach cramps in the middle of the night that kept me up for probably an hour and I was stuck on the toilet. Lesson learned! Friday the scale was at 192.2 for 2 days, and last night it was 198 after that meal. Not doing that again. :( I feel sluggish, bloated, crampy and miserable. Going to nurse my upset stomach today, and back to my planned diet immediately!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Kirstie155 So sorry about the stomach cramps! Most of the weight is just water and will go away in no time. Just get back in the saddle, as you plan to do :smile:

    I couldn't stop eating this weekend. Yesterday I was grazing like crazy. Serves me right for not having an actual meal for lunch. I couldn't bring myself to step on the scale this morning. I'll check out the damage tomorrow.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Thanks Pez! I knew better and still ate a bunch of treats junk food. there is a reason I eat the way I eat...certain foods make me sick! But I ate a ton of them yesterday as a "cheat". Serves me right! This also makes it much easier to say no next time-it so wasnt worth it! Hope we both get away with little to no damage from our weekends!
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    Okay I made a decision today; I am going to sign up for the gym at my office. I've been avoiding it because I don't really enjoy working out during my lunch time, but I'm also not working out in the mornings or the evenings sooooo something's gotta give!

    I ate way over my calories on Saturday because we starting painting our dining room and I felt like I earned the indulgence (I did not earn as much as I ate though haha). After logging everything I realized that if I just got in a couple of good work outs during the week I could make up for the damage.

    So, my additional goal for March will be to use the gym during lunch at least 2 times per week!
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