Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 1 (3/1-3/7)



  • lorna012345
    lorna012345 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 1 and 2 done. Only 6 days in to Keto WAO and i feel absolutely fantastic! Alert, energised, and most importantly for me i am in control. The scales are irrelevant compared to the boost that feeling gives me.
    I still attend Slimming World - yes, i know its a bloody awful plan - but i do better when i am monitored, and i enjoy the company - and after 6 days i am 6lb down. I know this will obviously slow, but it has given me that 'check' that loss is achievable whilst eating such delicious food.
    Loving the sticky threads - my current bedtime reading until this can become entrenched.
    Feeling happy happy happy!!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I have had to walk food out to the dumpster on several occasions due to a crazy idea that I could eat normally.
    I decided my body and my goals were more important than wasting a little food.
    No regrets.

  • motherofdragons84
    motherofdragons84 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in!

    - Stick to my macros and stay under 20 grams of carbs
    - No alcohol cheats (I haven't had a drink in almost two weeks!)
    - Start running again

  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Day two I met two of my 3 goals
    1. Get 64 oz of water in made it over 80oz
    2. Work out. I actually ended up working out twice today. I'm sore beyond belief.
    3. Stay at 100 carbs or less. I went over do to dinner with friends so 1 finished out the day at 135 total carbs. It's probably less of I go by net.

    Tomorrow, will be better. I plan on hitting all 3 goals.
  • jessicamaehunter
    jessicamaehunter Posts: 7 Member
    I'm late to the party but I am in!
    My goals for March is to trust the process. I've been doing this for 2 was and haven't seen much of a loss. (If anyone could give me tips-I'd be very appreciative.
    20-30 net carbs per day.
    Stick to my calories (I know this is a terrible question but do you all add back in movement and exercise calories?-my garmin connected automate does-but I can turn that off-I just don't know if I should).
    More WATER. I'm not a thirsty person. I probably get 6 classes in a day-but I feel like I should be doing more.
    Move more and get more organized!!!
    SW- 184
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Met all 3 of my goals on March 2nd. Last night I had a couple of close calls on my carb and calories goal. I almost shoved some m&m's in my mouth (which for me would lead to a downward spiral of binging for the rest of the night) that were calling my name but I reminded myself how i would after and walked away.
  • kerbear135
    kerbear135 Posts: 7 Member
    hi all! new to this group and a few days late, but i'd like to join in

    I'm just getting back to eating LCHF after having a baby 2 months ago, so my goal for March is to get fully back on track.

    1) to log every bite of food at least 5 days a week (i'm always mindful of what i eat, just not always good at writing it down)

    2) to start loosing weight again (I've actually gained 8 lbs since my baby was born b/c I was eating things I shouldn't)

    3) to try and hit my Fitbit step goal at least twice a week
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    kerbear135 wrote: »
    hi all! new to this group and a few days late, but i'd like to join in

    I'm just getting back to eating LCHF after having a baby 2 months ago, so my goal for March is to get fully back on track.

    1) to log every bite of food at least 5 days a week (i'm always mindful of what i eat, just not always good at writing it down)

    2) to start loosing weight again (I've actually gained 8 lbs since my baby was born b/c I was eating things I shouldn't)

    3) to try and hit my Fitbit step goal at least twice a week

    Welcome!!! Glad to have you!
  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Ate chocolate biscuits, again....
    (****hangs head in shame***** )

    Yesterday was good, today not so much. But! I can still get my water in and ensure my carbs don't go over 60g.
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    So far not so good for my goals... :)

    Still doing fine on my eating/macros, etc. which was not the goal, but the goal was to get some exercise in and boy has that not happened.

    Blaming it on the stupid spring allergies which should not be happening since it's still WINTER, but really it's just meet not getting off my butt. :)
  • savingsheri
    savingsheri Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. I'm still fairly new to this WOE, but I think I've gotten the gist of it. Now to work on my two biggest struggles
    1. Exercise
    2. Less coffee, more water! I really need to monitor my liquids.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    For 3/2
    Fresh coconut again
    Walked 30 min
    Took my vitamins
    Did my planks!

    Hubby made a keto friendly meatloaf for dinner, yummo!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I finally dropped .4 lbs which is minimal but I have worked very hard and I'll take it! I got my morning set of Kettlebell workout done and will get ready now to go for my first walk. Right now it's only 5°F and with winds gusting at 15 mph it feels more like -5°F. I can hardly wait for warmer weather! My meals are planned for the day and I will be under 30 g of carbs. Good luck everyone!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'll do an 800 minute Shape Up, Mix-It Up March:

    Walking: Today 19 minutes, (1.24 miles, 3.91 mph. Round trip to library.)
    Physical Therapy Resistance Bands: Today 30 minutes.
    Pilates:Today 30 minutes

    Zumba: 16 min.
    Stationary Recumbent: 20 min.
    Low Impact Aerobics: 25min.
    Basic Body Flex Stretches: 15, 10 min.
    Body Resistance Exercises (which I hate)
    Kettlebells- maybe. Depends on the arm
    7 Minute Workout App (android)

    Pilates on youtube. "pilateslearn". "Pilates 30 minutes Exercises Full Workout". Pretty basic to get started again. On another thread, mentioned something about PiYo. Facepalm. I was thinking of Piloxing which is a combo pilates/boxing. PiYo is Pilates/Yoga. I've not tried PiYo. Yet.
  • geekgirl127
    geekgirl127 Posts: 15 Member
    I checked in for Wednesday but not yesterday... so here is my day yesterday

    25 grams of Net Carbs
    2,345 calories eaten but 380 calories burned by exercise so that counts within my 2000 plus exercise

    Workouts a 33 minute Walk Away the pounds tape (115 Calories burned according to Garmin )
    62 minutes of Yoga sclupt, this is a yoga class with 3 pound weights it was my first time doing it and I loved but was so hard (162 calories accourding to garmin)
    31 minutes on the stationary bike (103 calories burned according to Garmin)

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    3/2: carbs and weight in check. Turns out monster cold is strep throat so workout. Took my collagen. Went to see Logan so no housework.
  • Cymru25
    Cymru25 Posts: 7 Member
    ok im in

    my main focus in march is as follows:

    1. Daily exercise in the form of a walk the aim being to make this a routine part of my day and not an act just to loose weight.
    2. to loose over a stone in weight - I'm just starting out hence this may not be as challenging as it seems
    3. To go low carb in March - I have allowed myself some off days eg my birthday, weddings Liverpool home games, which adds up to 4 days - so success would be 27/31.

    I will post every week with an update.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I'm a newbie here and I have seen more than one person mention them taking collagen. Is this a supplement that is something that LC people do?
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    A little late, but I started back up on keto on Tue., so this challenge is great! I'm only 3 days in, but I'm feeling good!
    1) Drink min. of 80 oz of water.
    2) Start strength training 4 days/week (2 upper/2 lower).
    3) Carbs 20g net, per day.
    4) Cut back on dairy.
    5) Start waking up at 5am to workout. If I wait until the evening, I find every excuse not to do it.