M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!

fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
I was waiting for krocodor to put this up but I know how busy you've been! So hopefully I'm not stepping on your toes!


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-15X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Walk every day! Today I am taking a minimum of 2 - 2 1/2 mile walks!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    That's awesome Amy!

    I had the exact opposite workout yesterday. I usually hit the gym with my husband around noon M-W-F but I was late getting moving so we went around 6:30 last night (stupid child-care at the gym is closed from 1 - 4 so it's either go early or go late). Usually, it's the guy show which doesn't bother me, they're all pretty nice and don't seem to judge. But apparently later in the day is a different story. We were right next to some girls who were lifting heavy and squatting like pros. I was so embarrassed there with my light weight, *kitten* squats (I'd delaoded to try to get my form down, still not passed parallel and wondering if I'll ever get there) and feeling like a fat ogre. It was so embarrassing to barely lift the bar for OH press (still haven't made it passed just the bar) and my deadlift was so bad, I started to lose my grip but just half-assed finished anyway to just GTFO - so stupid, just lucky I didn't hurt myself. That was my first really terrible workout - started 5x5 in January. I'm sure the girls didn't care, I'm just so self-conscience that it really got to me. Either way, I'm going to just try to make it at noon, I feel way more comfortable with that crowd.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Kittyfeliz wrote: »
    That's awesome Amy!

    I had the exact opposite workout yesterday. I usually hit the gym with my husband around noon M-W-F but I was late getting moving so we went around 6:30 last night (stupid child-care at the gym is closed from 1 - 4 so it's either go early or go late). Usually, it's the guy show which doesn't bother me, they're all pretty nice and don't seem to judge. But apparently later in the day is a different story. We were right next to some girls who were lifting heavy and squatting like pros. I was so embarrassed there with my light weight, *kitten* squats (I'd delaoded to try to get my form down, still not passed parallel and wondering if I'll ever get there) and feeling like a fat ogre. It was so embarrassing to barely lift the bar for OH press (still haven't made it passed just the bar) and my deadlift was so bad, I started to lose my grip but just half-assed finished anyway to just GTFO - so stupid, just lucky I didn't hurt myself. That was my first really terrible workout - started 5x5 in January. I'm sure the girls didn't care, I'm just so self-conscience that it really got to me. Either way, I'm going to just try to make it at noon, I feel way more comfortable with that crowd.

    Sorry you had a rough workout! It's hard not to be intimidated by people who seem more experienced. I haven't been doing SL that much longer than you, but I know if I see someone at a low weight but really working their form, I respect their effort way more than I do the folks squatting 250 lb but doing quarter squats. Also, even the most bad kitten of bad kittens start with low weights. Nobody jumps in at 100 lbs. The guys who call me squat girl and cheer me on have seen me start from the empty bar and work my way up. You'll get there!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-30X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Take a Walk every day! I've been doing awesome and getting in at least 1-2, 2+mile walks a day!

    I lost .4 lbs this week. I am working hard to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Still a couple of days left!
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Tonight's workout
    Squats 1x5@65lbs then 5x5@102lbs.
    Ohp 2x5@42lbs then 5x5@47lbs.
    Deadlift 1x5@100lbs 1x5@150lbs.
    Enjoyed this workout,had a couple of days off work so had more energy.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Ty Canadian and Amy, it's so nice to have a place where I can write about my lame head issues and you guys totally get it!!

    Today was a much better workout. Went at the right time, the squat bar was even free when I got there! That's the first time ever.

    Squats 5x5@65lbs - gonna have to deload down to the bar though next time, still not low enough. How the hell am I ever going to break even?!
    Bench Press 5x5@57lbs - first time using my fractionals!
    Rows 5x5@60lbs - didnthe same as last week thinking I totally failed but it was easy today.
    Planks 3x40secs

    After the weekend though I really need to focus on my diet. Eating and drinking too much so not seeing a single result. I'm in a better place today then I have been in awhile so that should help. But for now... it's Friday night!! Have a good weekend ladies!!
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    edited March 2017
    My first bad workout was today. My first time failing squats. I always try to analyze everything and understand reasons why... it could have been that I didn't eat a lot during the work day before the workout, also could have been that I totally neglected stretching this week, or maybe I just need to start increasing weight more slowly. I also had a sorta crappy day at work/school with a parking ticket and other financial stress eating away at me. Either way I was not feeling strong today. My left hip felt like it popped out a little so I couldn't finish my squats.

    I did squats 5,3,4 @ 95 lbs (after a good warmup). At least I failed safely; this confirmed the height I will need the safety pins at.

    OHP - wishing my fractional plates would arrive in the mail. I knew that 46-47 was what I needed to do next, but I tried 50 anyway. I did one set of 45, one set of 50, then two sets of 45. Meh.

    The good news is my deadlifts rocked. 1x5 @ 105lb.

    Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,941 Member
    Those fractionals are a huge help! I'd be completely stalled on OHP if it weren't for them.

    Walked to the gym (1.5 miles)
    OHP - 2 x 5 with 17.5 lb dbs, 3 x 5 with 15 lb dbs
    Deadlifts - making progress, 2 x 5 @ 80 lbs, then 1 x 5 @ 90 lbs (highest yet) and no back issues!
    Goblet squats (could NOT find an empty squat rack!) 1 x 5 @ 42.5 lb, 5 x 5 @ 47.5 lb
    Walked home

    Legs felt stiff and a bit achy afterwards, which was fine.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today was supposed to be deadlift but worked at the other location and the gym nearby has the hex plates and well, just one squat rack (but 4 benches). Going to have to workout the schedule once I official start the 10 week program so that I'm on upper body days there. I switched for today and did the upper body accessories, ish.

    band pull aparts, 2x12 for warm up
    wide grip bench press 4x10 @ 45
    preach curls 1x10 with the ez bar, 2x10 with 10 added
    tricep pushdown with rope 3x10 @ 60
    face pull 3x12 @ 60
    dip attempt with assisted machine, 2x6 @ 60 assistance
    30 minute walk treadmill at a 3 with an incline of 2
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 95
    OHP- 1X5X45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 15X10X30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Walk everyday! I enjoyed a very cold 2 mile brisk walk with Shep!
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Update on my hip feeling popped out... I woke up this morning unable to put weight on it. What the *kitten* did I do :s
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Update on my hip feeling popped out... I woke up this morning unable to put weight on it. What the *kitten* did I do :s

    Ouch :grimace: I hope that heals up soon!

    Saturday workouts are always tedious, but today wasn't too bad. Worst was some crossfit princess who was teaching someone to do various free weight work but not doing it well, then walking off and leaving her crap all over various pieces of equipment so people constantly had to ask if she was still using it. And the she had the nerve to look annoyed at being asked. I don't think she's a trainer at my gym either, so she probably isn't supposed to be training anyone even if she was doing it right (like, if she'd set the bar at the appropriate height in the rack for her client so the woman didn't have to go on tip toe to unrack for squats). Grumble grumble.

    Squats 3x5 @ 140! One ugly good morning rep but otherwise felt pretty good. May stay here on Monday just to feel really solid before adding more.
    Seated OHP: 5×5 @ 57. I must have gotten into really good form somehow bc this felt great!
    Deadlift: 1×5 @ 160. I have a stupidly difficult time loading and unloading 45s onto the hex bar--like, it's embarrassing to wrestle with them so much--but I don't know what to do differently. Anyone have some magical loading/unloading advice?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Update on my hip feeling popped out... I woke up this morning unable to put weight on it. What the *kitten* did I do :s

    oh geez. is a doctor an option? i can't help thinking that maybe it was just what it felt like at the time: a partial dislocation? and if so the sooner you see someone who can resettle it without stressing the connective/supporting tissue any further, the better.

    i don't mean to be alarmist. but as my damn rheumatologist was always wagging her finger and saying to me 'the hip is a major joint, you know.'
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Update on my hip feeling popped out... I woke up this morning unable to put weight on it. What the *kitten* did I do :s

    oh geez. is a doctor an option? i can't help thinking that maybe it was just what it felt like at the time: a partial dislocation? and if so the sooner you see someone who can resettle it without stressing the connective/supporting tissue any further, the better.

    i don't mean to be alarmist. but as my damn rheumatologist was always wagging her finger and saying to me 'the hip is a major joint, you know.'

    Yeah, no, thank you so much, you're right... my plan is to call my doc if it doesn't feel better by Monday. I'm not able to walk properly without sharp pain so I'm really worried. I've been icing it. Anyone know how to elevate a hip easily? Lol

    I regret trying to push through my workout. Either this feels better Monday and I take a few weeks off squats, or it's worse and I take off months. I should have been thinking more long term.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited March 2017
    jenxbowers wrote: »
    Yeah, no, thank you so much, you're right... my plan is to call my doc if it doesn't feel better by Monday. I'm not able to walk properly without sharp pain so I'm really worried. I've been icing it. Anyone know how to elevate a hip easily? Lol

    okay, well first thought is call your doctor EVEN IF it feels better by monday. i'm trying to tell myself it's your life and your call and you know your hip better than me. but something that pops and then feels incapacitated on the next day really sounds like it needs some due diligence just to be sure. like if you get hit on the head and pass out, you get a concussion check because that's what you do. i really don't want to be all scoldy and scaremongery, but you know?

    second thought is a little more anecdotal and reassuring, i hope. it also proves i'm a hypocrite :tongue: i tried to cross a sheet of ice on my bike once, and the back wheel went sideways so fast i didn't even have time to know it, so 100% of the fall hit that point on your femur that sticks out the most. as far as i know all i did was jam the joint pretty hard and strain the various tissues, because i began to recover pretty quickly after a couple of days (pre-lifting life). plus, i just had a pelvis/hip x-ray a few months ago and nothing was said about any erosion or signs of a break that had healed. but it hurt like an absolutely eye-watering son of a *kitten* for those days. like, nothing i've ever come close to before. just using both hands to move my foot to the floor without 'using' the joint make think i was going to throw up.

    so mixed messages there. in reverse order: b) seems like hips hurt like hell even when you are probably going to be fine, and a) go and make sure, to be sure.