Super Shape-Up March 2017: Week 1 (3/1-3/7)



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    Yesterday was a total bust. I didn't feel well and stayed in my pjs all day.
    Coconut oil no
    Vitamins no
    30 min activity no
    Planks no
    And not enough water either. Hope I do better today.
  • TravellerRay
    TravellerRay Posts: 94 Member
    Had a good first week. These threads are great for keeping me focused. The main goal is still a long way away, so it's good to hit these midi goals :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Day 5 went well for me. I did my morning and evening Kettlebell workouts. I walked 3 miles. I stayed under 30 g of carbs. I drank my water. I even loss .4 lbs for a total of.8 lbs for the week which is a pound less than my goal for the week but at least it is going in the right direction!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    Sorry I'm late to the party....I didn't wanted to be tempted by appatizers.

    1) rein in the wheat sugar issue I currently have going more!
    this is a work in progress today will be day 1
    2) 300 intensity minutes min a week.
    I rocked the exercise over 500 intensity minutes this week. 3 hikes this weekend and 68 glints of stairs in 3 days...check
    3) the return of the killer hike Friday' is irrelevant
    4)take my work day walks back to off trail hikes. Walk all breaks
    working on

    5) more variety in foods to not get bored

    working in

  • TillyManning
    TillyManning Posts: 6 Member
    Accountability. Remembering that what I really want is more important than what I want right now.

    PiYo. Stick to the daily schedule
    Strength. Tues and Thurs
    Sleep. 8 hours
    Water. Exceed 64oz daily. No alcohol
    Vitamins. Multivitamin, Omega and OsteoBiflex
    Food. Log everything. 1320 calories daily. 30g fiber
    Macros. 140g protein, 100g carbs, 40g fat
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    edited March 2017
    @fanncy0626 collagen is just one of my personal goals. I think a few other people use it too. It's supposed to help with skin, hair, and joints. I've only consistently taken it around a month so I can't say for sure how well it works yet other than some slight joint improvement.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    3/3: Weight is fine. Carbs were good. No exercise due to strep. I did take my collagen.

    3/4: Weight/carbs ok. No exercise other than grocery shopping. Forgot collagen.

    3/5: Weight/carbs good. I chased a 3 year old around the playground for about an hour so I counted it as a slow walk. Also did some dishes and laundry trying to catch up from sick week. Collagen was taken!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @anglyn1 thanks for the information on collagen. I had no idea that it helped with joint pain and inflammation. That might be something I might want to give a try.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @SuperCarLori I hope you feel better! You can do it!
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I'm feeling discouraged today.
    I'll eat keto, deal? :|

    I am in the same boat, stay strong girl!
    It resulted in me being less than a champion this first week into March. Between being super hungry and crampy, I twisted my I have yet to perform my squat challenge. I will be starting today instead...just did 10 in my office at work :)

    Another thing I have to be aware of is the side effects of drinking...I had dinner/cocktails with friends on Saturday. Everything I ate was low carb...but I ate EVERYTHING. Like 3000 calories & 70g of carbs. I let it go and started fresh the next day, but there's got to be a way I can have a couple cocktails a couple times a month and not become a ravenous monster, right?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    ~Dragging myself in~ I was sick all weekend and did not log. I'm at work today, so in front of a at least I'll log.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm feeling discouraged today.
    I'll eat keto, deal? :|

    My ute's being a total B today. We can do this. <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Cadori wrote: »
    I'm feeling discouraged today.
    I'll eat keto, deal? :|

    My ute's being a total B today. We can do this. <3

    I want to punch TOM in the face, rip off his limbs, and beat him with them right now. Just sayin'. :smirk:

  • geekgirl127
    geekgirl127 Posts: 15 Member
    OK I have two days to check in for

    March 4th (Saturday)

    Carbs - 9 net carbs
    Calories - 1883


    32 minutes of a WERQ class at Lifetime Fitness (157 calories)
    70 minute Yoga Class at Lifetime Fitness (176 calories)

    Sunday March 5th
    Food - not terrible but not great, I ate a lot of atkins treats they were low carb but not the best choices by any stretch
    Carbs - 16 net carbs
    Calories - 1501


    Stair master - 21 minutes (121 calories )
    My strength training routine 38 minutes (120 calories)
    Yoga 65 minutes (142 calories)
    Stationary Bike 46 minutes (134 calories )

    I'll check in for today when the day is closer to being done but I lost about 0.8 lbs this week and my weight was 173.9

  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Had a total crap weekend. Didn't meet my goals at all. Today is a new day. I've gotta get focused and stay on track.