M(ar)uch Lifting is good for you!



  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Crappy workout today. Everything just felt bad. Stupid shark week.

    Squats: 3x5 at 145. Still feels really heavy, definitely not moving up next time.

    OHP: What a joke. My skinny heavy bar wasn't available so I had to use the regular one. Failed the first set of 55lb and struggled to get 3x5 @ 50. I was going to try and finish out my sets but I got a sudden cramp in my trap and almost fell off the bench so I gave up.

    Deadlifts: Again, my hex bar was in use so back to the straight bar, which I haven't used for DLs in a while. I deloaded a little since the stance is slightly different. 1x5 @ 142, which was ok, but I pushed my hips too far forward at the top of the first one and had to take a couple steps backwards to rebalance. I did a second set of 5 in sumo just cause, but I think my form was not great b/c I felt it in my lower back more than I think I should.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    @amyinthetardis1231 Everyone has one or several off days. You are still killing it!!

    @pezhed Congrats on starting again!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    SL rest day for me. Went to the park where everything is starting to bloom and the temp was in the 70sF. Walked 2.95 mi in 43 mins.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    rode to work. stopped at rec centre 3 on the way home. idk how much i'm going to use this one. i had a bike stolen from outside it years ago and still hold a bit of a grudge, but their weight room is sure nice. four cages, tons of benches and even when it's full of people it is quiet. people actually lift. they don't crank the death rap music and then mill around having a social life over the noise that it makes. and the treadmills are quiet as well.

    i went there because this bench drought is getting ridiculous. no idea what my working weights are so i did 5x10 with 50 pounds and then tested out my new hips with a series of goblet squats. h'mmm. i think the s.i. thing is 25% back, but i was hyper careful and watched my form in the mirror the entire time so hoping the new freedom to do it all right will pay off if i rebuild myself cautiously from the ground up.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm just gonna add that it is SO NICE to watch myself squat and be able to physically see a difference in my form that's too subtle for me to try and explain. i actually used to get most of my buttwink at the top, or near there. i just coudln't do the hips-back thing cleanly enough to be satisfied. don'quotemeyet but i think things might be better that way.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    squat 2x10 @ 25, 1x10 @ 95, 2x10 @ 145
    overload 230 for 20 count
    single leg curl 2x20 @ 2 (guessing 20 or something)
    leg extension 2x10 @ 4 (40 maybe)
    single leg leg press 3x10 @ 20
    seated calf raise 3x12 @ 6 (60 ish)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-34X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Very short walk again today in extreme cold and wind!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Hello. :)

    Stronglifts day for me. Went to the gym in the morning instead of after work today... It was ok? Less people around except for the trainer who set up RIGHT behind the squat rack I was using. Ugh. Oh well.

    My squats were super sloppy this morning. I really wanted to get up to the "big girl plates" (ha ha), so I might have rushed the past two increases. I'll stay at 65 lbs for a couple of sessions to see if I can get a bit deeper before moving on. When I did SL before, I usually only increased weight into my squat once a week or so. I might have to revert back to that. We'll see on Saturday.

    Surprised by the ease that 65 lbs for my bench press has come. I feel like a week ago, I really really struggled with 50 lbs... Just interesting.

    Did an easy 5 band assisted chin ups, too. :) Glad to see that is starting to happen... can't wait to change up to a smaller band, and eventually do it all by myself... like a real grown up! ;)
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi everyone! It was supposed to be StrongLifts day for me today. However I woke up with left-sided hip stiffness this morning. I am clearly doing something wrong with my squats. It seems like a lot of us struggle with form and pain from improper squats compounded by the 5lb increases. I'm going to see how I'm feeling tomorrow about deloading from 90 to 65 lbs and working on form for many reps.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ow ow ow ow ow... the DOMS in my quads today is just unreal. Musta been all the jumping. And my ankles are just not recovering from all the balancing and trying to walk more. I also have some soreness in the lower traps/erectors area. Not too sure what caused that one. Good thing tomorrow is a rest day!

    Today was the 5 min AMRAP into 2 min (ish, usually takes a bit more just switching gears and finding a spot to work in) rest set-up, basically same as last week, except I wanted to switch it up a bit, and also, crowded crossfit room meant it was hard to set up the trx for recline rows.

    - 1 leg RDL x 3 @ 2x25
    - pike press x4

    I think I got 7 rounds this time? heavier weight on RDLs and more reps on pike press, i think the overall workload was similar to last week all things considered. Which means PROGRESS! :)

    - renegade rows x3 /arm with 15lbs DB
    - goblet step-ups with 25lbs x3/leg

    I had to work through the stiffness in my quads here, and ugh my right leg just wasn't really in it lol. I did 5 rounds, finished the last one just slightly after the timer - had to rest my right leg to finish.

    - Assisted pull-ups x3
    - Assisted dips x3

    Started with -120 but that was too easy, so dropped to 100lbs of assist and I think I completed 7 rounds total. It felt pretty good, and not having to futz with bands and getting off and on a box made it easier to focus on dat upper bod.

    finished off with 3 min AMRAP of, well, plan said pull-up triples, but I was supposed to do recline rows on #3, and still couldn't set-up the trx, so I went to the smith machine and used it for what it's good for: bar recline rows (or australian pull-ups). I think again I got 6 or 7 "triples", then forced an additional 2 reps with my legs bent before the timer went beep.

    And then did my hip standing mob, nearing the end of week 2 with this here :) Definitely feeling better, so it's working. Time consuming, but it's working. And after I build it up a good bit I'll only have to maintain, which is going to be niiiiiice.

    Then I got a haircut. It feels great! =D
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Oh man, I want a haircut bad right now! It's long enough to pull back into a half ponytail, which is long for me!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    SL Workout A

    Squats: 5x6@70lbs - I mean to up this to 75 lbs. but grabbed the wrong weight.
    OHP: 5x5@50lbs
    Deadlift: 1x6@100lbs
    macros for the day: 1488 calories
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone! It was supposed to be StrongLifts day for me today. However I woke up with left-sided hip stiffness this morning. I am clearly doing something wrong with my squats. It seems like a lot of us struggle with form and pain from improper squats compounded by the 5lb increases. I'm going to see how I'm feeling tomorrow about deloading from 90 to 65 lbs and working on form for many reps.

    Yikes! I agree. I wish I didn't add 5 pounds every time. I will likely deload to the bar after this hip stuff. And maybe I'll use my new fractional plates in the future for squats, not just presses.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,986 Member
    Workout A

    OHP: 5 x 4 @ 15 lb dumbbells. Really watching my form and for some reason my delts were giving out.
    Squats: 1 x 10 @ 45, 1 x 10 @ 65, 2 x 10 @ 70 lb I could have done more but for some reason I was freaking out a bit about putting the barbell back and not missing the catches. Even with the safety I was still worried. I'm just a bit freaked today because of a rough work week. Yesterday I had tried lifting but felt woozy and shaky so I bagged it.
    Deadlifts: 2 x 5 @ 90 lb, 1 x 5 @ 100 lb! Finally cracked 3 digits. And to think once upon a time I couldn't get the feel for them and would have lower back issues.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    jen_092 wrote: »
    I wish I didn't add 5 pounds every time.

    i quit doing that pretty soon. i know the site says to do it, but have you read through that site? he's not talking to us, other than that little token paragraph somewhere in there where he says that his girlfriend lifts. personally, don't believe has one :tongue:

    point being, i did the increases until i started to run into injuries and poor form, and then i pulled the i'm-not-a-guy-and-i'm-not-20 card and began just going up when i felt solid and ready for it.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    oh yeah . . . i was going to describe my workout XD. i feel like my s.i. is still a little bit wonky, not to mention just trying to adjust to normality after so long. and i've been doing the homework he gave me, which is quad stretching. so i started my day with two minutes per side of the couch stretch, and i was *sore* all day long. stopped and did deload deadlifts on the way home, just to explore the new situation. and plus, i won't deny that i had some idea deadlifting would maybe kind of cement my s.i. into its proper place.

    dunno if it did, and to be honest everything felt pretty strange what with some muscles being released for the first time in months and others suddenly having to pick up some slack, so it was hard to get my bearings. i did settle on 120 as my work weight though, so that's not too bad for the circumstances.

  • LEAS86
    LEAS86 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi All, strong lifts newbie here, haven't lifted for about 18 months and never really followed a set program before, just did the lifts I liked and avoided anything overhead!
    Did my 1st work out last night and loved it. I've started light, at the weights recommended by the app, as I'd rather build up slowly and get my form right.
    Squat 5x5 @ 10kg
    Bench Press 5/5/4/4/3 @ 20kg
    Row 5x5 @ 20kg
  • Stella014
    Stella014 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies, can I join? Have been lurking for a few months now ;-) and I feel I need to share my journey and don’t have anyone in the real world that’s interested.
    Started SL last year but only did it for a month or so. Restarted 13 January and planning on keeping it going. Also following IIFYM (1925cal-125P-210C-65F) so hopefully will see some results.
    Yesterday was SL day off and have been reading that a lot of people get good result combining it with running. So did a treadmill run and was able to do 5.5km (which is 3.4miles). Really happy with that as I never run. I think it’s the muscle building from SL that made this possible. So I’ll try to get a run in 2 x weeks. Tonight pilates and a walk and then tomorrow another SL day.

    Current stats are:
    Squat: 35kg
    Bench: 22.5kg
    Row: 32.5kg
    OHP: 22.5 (impossible – cannot do more than 2-3 reps so I’ve ordered fractional plates) I took me a long time to be able to the 5x5 at 20kg
    Deadlift: 47.5kg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Welcome to our group @LEAS86 and @Stella014 ! This is a great place for support and inspiration!
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout after warm up.
    Squats 5x5@117lbs.the last set were really hard and could feel my form slipping so will stay at this weight for a few sessions.
    Bench 55543 @67lbs.i was stuck at 62lbs for a few months so still happy with this.
    Rows 5x5@70lbs .
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-17X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    2 mile walk today!

    I lost another 0.2 pounds yesterday! I will be MIA until Sunday! Of course, I am taking my Kettlebell! I am going to an away basketball tournament for Grandson. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited March 2017
    This is the end of my StrongLifts week 3.

    Squats 2x5 45, 1x5 65, 1x5 85, 5x5 95.
    Bench 1x5 45, 5x5 55
    Rows 5x5 65.

    Today I did my lifts in front of a mirror. I double checked my form, toes pointed out, in line with knees. I played around with stance distance and thought 2 inches larger than hip distance worked best. Tried out low bar squats and discovered I like them better. For the life of me can't figure out what happened to my hip so after a thorough warmup tried the recommended weight and felt very comfortable after 2 days off.

    Decided to try the rows with the Olympic plates rather than kettle balls for the first time. Still getting used to positioning myself relative to the bar. Felt like my knees got in the way perhaps because I wasn't squatting back far enough.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm taking a day off today. I never took my planned rest day last week, so taking one now. It would be such a good gym day since it's snowing and will probably be dead, but I think my body wants a rest. Back at it Monday!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    This is the end of my StrongLifts week 3.

    Squats 2x5 45, 1x5 65, 1x5 85, 5x5 95.
    Bench 1x5 45, 5x5 55
    Rows 5x5 65.

    Today I did my lifts in front of a mirror. I double checked my form, toes pointed out, in line with knees. I played around with stance distance and thought 2 inches larger than hip distance worked best. Tried out low bar squats and discovered I like them better. For the life of me can't figure out what happened to my hip so after a thorough warmup tried the recommended weight and felt very comfortable after 2 days off.

    Decided to try the rows with the Olympic plates rather than kettle balls for the first time. Still getting used to positioning myself relative to the bar. Felt like my knees got in the way perhaps because I wasn't squatting back far enough.

    I have long legs in relation to my arm and torso length. I bend my knees as per the instructions, but I take a wider stance so my shoulders are closer to the ground. That seems to help me (for now).

    Today is a rest day. After working out before work yesterday... it really feels like that was on Wednesday and I should get back to the gym... but I'm also a wee bit sore, so I'm ok with it. I'm going out with a girl friend to celebrate my birthday (going to a concert), so I'm going to eat a bit in excess and probably drink a bit too much too... but we'll be dancing/moving/etc. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

    Also looking forward to hitting the gym on Saturday afternoon. :D
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited March 2017

    Decided to try the rows with the Olympic plates rather than kettle balls for the first time. Still getting used to positioning myself relative to the bar. Felt like my knees got in the way perhaps because I wasn't squatting back far enough.

    Something you could try, as it may help: jump up and down, landing softly, 2-3 times, and see where your feet land. That's about where you want your feet for the bent-over row (athletic stance). It will probably be a bit narrower than your squat stance, but typically wider than your deadlift stance (unless you pull sumo, obv.)

    Then set up behind the bar and bend over so that your torso is basically parallel to the ground. Grab a hold of the bar with a shoulder-width grip and roll it forward so it's in line with your arms (90 degrees from the line of your body). Your knees should be slightly bent, but you'll definitely be far enough in front of you that they won't be in the way. Make sure you squeeze your butt and brace your core (because you're off your gravity center here, so if you don't, you're putting a lot of pressure on your lower back), then try to pull the weight from there, with the intent on keeping everything but your arms static, and initiating the pull from your mid-back.

    And if you're not quite "feeling it" (a lot of people don't, it seems), pause the weight up when it's at the top of the movement (it probably won't touch your chest, but your elbows should be a smidge past 90 degrees and bar should be somewhere between nip-line and belly-button) for 1-2 seconds before you control the weight down.

    Man, I miss doing my P-Rows :( But the last time I did them my lower back seized up and spasmed for a few days, so uh, not going back there for a little while still (form wasn't the issue, I had an injury and didn't think this would affect it, and it didn't for 3 sets, then just went BAM out of nowhere. Good times.)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So it was supposed to be rest day... So I decided to try out a Core de force workout (bad pun alert!) for kicks. It was a fun-ish 25 minutes of throwing awkward combinations and trying not to make my downstairs neighbors hate me (I have downstairs neighbors now >_>). Tapout XT had it better with the combinations, as they flowed better together and were much more simple. But that's one workout, so yeah. And it was shorter, so that helps.

    Then I did my hip kneeling stretch routine and a round of the core exercises. Oh and nailed 11 push-ups in a row. Wee! And now I told my mom I'd pick her up in an hour and I'm not even showered yet so I gotta get mooooving! lol
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,986 Member
    edited March 2017
    Forgot to share my good news - I'm done with physiotherapy for my shoulder! It no longer bothers me aside from a slight stiffness if I try to reach for the top-middle of my back. The PT noted that I was doing fine and asked me how I felt.
    krokador wrote: »
    And if you're not quite "feeling it" (a lot of people don't, it seems), pause the weight up when it's at the top of the movement (it probably won't touch your chest, but your elbows should be a smidge past 90 degrees and bar should be somewhere between nip-line and belly-button) for 1-2 seconds before you control the weight down.

    Feeling it in the back, you mean?
    I have the problem where if I'm at a given weight and I feel my back working, that weight is easy. Then I move up 10 lbs and my arms tire before my back does, Like my arms are doing the work and my back isn't.

  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,986 Member
    Ran 3.67 miles this afternoon. Warmish and somewhat humid; should've run later. Would have run more but I got thigh chafing. BAH
    And I did feel yesterday's squats and deadlifts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    [quote="lkpducky;39063701"Then I move up 10 lbs and my arms tire before my back does, Like my arms are doing the work and my back isn't.


    i keep reminding myself what rippetoe said in starting strength. 'rows are not useful when done at too heavy a weight to maintain the right form.' but i'm one of those who can't 'feel' her lats even when they're engaged, so it's always hard to convince myself they're doing anything. having a fixed shoulder must be a relief in this lift, at least.

    last day of deload in t-space. bench went well, 35/35/45 aka joke weights.

    for squats i'm holding out for consistency and/or doing them in 3x5 format since there's no reason not to call myself a beginner with them. i added 5 pounds on my sunday weight and did 65. mr t wasn't too happy about my head/chest dropping on a few of them, but he's put in some time in the squat trenches too where i'm concerned. so he's very on-board with just letting me look for something that works, for right now.

    they might have been too horizontal, but they did feel smooth. no hip pinch, and more importantly only a couple of reps where i felt a very very faint version of that firecracker thing in my s.i. those were the serve-me-right kind of reps where i didn't brace hard enough in the first place :tongue: the nice thing was, i felt strong. i might not have the right way of assembling all the pieces yet, but it feels like i have the pieces at least.

    planning to lift on sunday after my morning massage, so tomorrow is rest day, i guess. overstretched at least one of my quads and i'd like that to calm down a bit.
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