Thoughts and Feelings



  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member

    congratulations! Maybe instead of going out in celebration, you can take that prize money and get a brand new fitbit :tongue:

    I do stained glass and had put some glass and supplies in a shopping cart on one of my glass websites. As I got closer and needed some inspiration, I looked at all the pretty glass and knew if I kept it up I could buy it. I hit send - this morning!!!!
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    kimbermak wrote: »
    I am feeling awesome today. :) Today was the final weigh-in for our 8-wk at-work weight loss challenge and I won!!! It was close, there was only .35% between 1st and 2nd, but I was able to sustain a steady weight loss for 8+ weeks. Not only was it the satisfaction of winning (I am very competitive), but it came with $150 prize. I lost a total of 23lbs which was 3lbs over my target loss. Now the harder work begins - to sustain a weight loss without the competition.

    Congratulation on kicking *kitten*!!!

    Look at joining several of the challenges in that subforum. They won't carry the same intensity as your work competition, but they'll help keep the competition with yourself spirit fired up.

    Thanks for the info - I found one - 21 lbs in 21 weeks. I am shooting for more, but maybe it is the accountability I need.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    forCole wrote: »
    Feeling very discouraged today. Been on this journey for almost 2 months and haven't lost very much. Trying to focus on the small victories but..I dunno. Just discouraged. Trying not to compare myself to people on MFP or in real life but it's hard. I've never stuck to something this long. I'm proud of that but..I dunno. I'm rambling.

    I feel you! I have somewhat of a goal to be somewhere by may but I'm not pushing it too hard. The only goals I'm trying to have are day by day. Eat x amount of y, drink 100oz of water, etc. I can't lie, the scale feels nice when it goes down, but so does celebrating with a diet soda after not having soda for 28 days. So does waking up feeling more refreshed every day. Progress will be made so long as you still pay attention to it and don't stop <3 You can do it!
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    I think I'm feeling so discouraged these days because I seem to work so hard, for so little. I just walked 21 minutes and I get 157 calories. Fitbit gives 202. But still...I'm sweating my butt off - (I wish) for 150 - 200 calories. My morning yogurt is more than that! It's just very discouraging to work that hard for so little. I'm not a fan of exercise to begin I want some darn return on investment!

    I know, it's only one part of an entire lifestyle to end up more healthy. I KNOW. Intellectually, I know this. I just really want the scale to tell me. Worst part is I don't have a scale to go by at home (ours goes to 300 and gives me the big EEE :( ) so I know two weeks ago what I weighed at my doctor. One week ago at a different Dr., I weighed 1 lb MORE! This weekend - at the Y, exactly the same as Dr. #1. So the plan is to make the Y scale the "official" scale...but still...I'm at the position of knowing that I've been PERFECT for two weeks - exercise and diet and eating at a calorie deficit every day - and I have nothing to show for it. I KNOW it could be a scale difference - but it's so ...terrible.

    To know that I have to lose a bunch before I can even log my weight because I REFUSE to add another pound to my profile...that sucks even more. If I could see a change, maybe I'd start feeling more hopeful. Right now, it's really bothering me.

    What's worse is my husband is dropping weight like crazy. :(

    So...Today I feel like crap. I ache all over, for no reason at all - I've been working out every day for two weeks and I shouldn't still be sore! And I'm just kind of depressed and hopeless. I've been here before. I lost 100 and gained 85 back - but it just seems so much harder this time.
  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    @LadyLilion First things first - It seems like you're taking steps to be healthier and that's not insignificant. I struggled with losing at first too, and people gave me everything in the book, "Oh, it's muscle!" "Are you measuring?" "It's water-weight," etc. and I was like, "I weigh so much, it has to come off eventually." but I worked out consistently for four+ months and gained weight (about five to eight pounds) the first go 'round.

    I don't know much about you but! I would take a look at what you're eating, make sure the logging is accurate and the number is good for you. Most people only eat back about half of their exercise calories because of potentially inaccurate estimates from MFP/Fitbit. If you've lost 100lbs before (congrats!) I know it can be done! And be patient - I just plateau'd for two weeks and I know people who have plateau'd for much longer. Pay attention to the trend, not the daily gain (easier said than done, I know!).

    Also, give yourself rest days, girl! Your muscles retain water when they're healing, and it sounds like you might be overworking. (The soreness doesn't go away though, I am usually sore after a good workout almost a year later). Rest days are just as important.

    You got this!!
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    edited March 2017
    I worked out consistently for four+ months and gained weight (about five to eight pounds) the first go 'round.

    Also, give yourself rest days, girl! Your muscles retain water when they're healing, and it sounds like you might be overworking.

    You went 4 months and GAINED? I'd have been a basket case! BRAVO to you for sticking that out!

    I was in such a mood yesterday it was "poor pitiful me" mode. :/ I was just aching all over. I have some arthritis in my shoulders and I think I overdid on Sunday because I was aching all over and I kind of had been all weekend.

    I don't actually think I'm overdoing it. I do 15 to 18 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week before work, walk a mile at lunch, park my car further away - anywhere from a block to 1/2 mile depending on the time I job is incredibly sedentary, so really, just the getting up and walking 250 steps an hour - thanks entirely to Fitbit nudging me - is a huge change in my routine. We just joined the Y and will be talking to a trainer next Sunday to start some strength training. Saturdays are pretty much a day of rest, unless we do something fun now that the sun is shining and the weather is better.

    I think the problem is it just seems harder this time around. Last time, close to 10 years ago, the first 40 lbs just kind of fell off - I didn't even exercise until I lost 30! I lost 70 in a year quite easily then fought tooth and nail for the next 30. That I gained it back after 2 years of work to get there makes me just so aggravated with myself! But 9 years and menopause later and this just isn't the same body that lost that weight before.

    Thanks so much for responding...I'm better today.

  • gazellefish
    gazellefish Posts: 72 Member
    I'm glad you're doing better! I thought you were strength training every day (I know some people say you can do this as long as you rotate muscle groups, etc.) hence my concern. :smiley: Everyone in this group has been amazingly supportive, and you're definitely in good company.
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member

    @LadyLilion I'm sorry to hear you're feeling discouraged. I remember when my fiancé and I were starting out on this, he would drop pounds like they were going out of style. It was a bit discouraging for me because I was working my butt off and he was still eating the same just cut out soda. People just lose at different paces, and the work ethic you're learning now- ie, walking, diet, etc. will produce results because you're changing your lifestyle for the better. Hang in there! I would also suggest taking measurements and logging them as faithfully as you would your weight changes. Scales may sometimes refuse to show our hard work but measurements can remind us how our bodies are changing. I totally understand feeling like you want to see a "return on your investment", this journey is definitely a roller coaster. I hope you are feeling better.
  • forCole
    forCole Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys. Still here, still trying. :smile:
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    So does anyone else here actually enjoy logging every bit of food and measuring every serving? I really enjoy that extra bit of security to the point where I won't eat something if I can't find at least a passable estimate. Today my lab partner said "it's okay, I won't judge" jokingly today when I was entering in my sandwich. Frankly, I don't care if he does. I love this app :smile:
  • fubarfornow
    fubarfornow Posts: 40 Member
    I have a sort of love/hate relationship with it. I like the feeling that I am in control of my food intake, but some days I just don't want to putz with it. I do it anyway, but particularly when I'm busy or tired, I wish it weren't necessary.
  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    I am pretty OCD when it comes to my food diary. I go to great lengths to log accurately, even logging breath mints...I feel confident when I'm able to track my macros and calories. But there are occasional times, like this past weekend, where I will opt for "lazy keto" and not track but make sure I'm still making healthy decisions. I feel like thats ultimately what I want for myself- to have it so ingrained in my lifestyle that I become my own "food diary". If that makes sense...
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    Yeah, that makes sense. I have issues hitting my macros (I tend to opt for less carbs and more protein.) A lot of times protein is the only goal I hit. But yeah I log everything I intake except the seasoning I use on my chicken, my flavored water packets (about 10 cal per day I use them) andddd trying to guess what my mom uses is difficult because she never measures it. I tend to exaggerate my servings at dinner in my diary just to give myself a buffer because I really don't know haha. But yeah I have over 30 diary entries now, fully logging everything I've eaten since I've started without holes.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Lately I've been happy with my progress but also dealing with some perfectionism-based self-criticism.

    The worst is restaurants and eating food other people make. I HATE estimating and guessing on this stuff. I really want to bring my food scale with me everywhere I go and make people give me itemized lists of ingredients, but I don't want to be that kind of person, so I have restrained myself and just done my best when logging.

    But then I know that my food diary is WRONG and the rest of the day is spent in a spiral of doubt and frustration. And of course I know that I can't be expected to be 100% accurate at all times, so I should go easy on myself. It's a whole big thing.

    I'm also proud that I'm only a day away from being vegetarian the whole month of March! But I'm worried that when omnivorous April comes around I might go crazy with the freedom of eating whatever I want.

    Okay, that's my current tangle of emotions, thanks for letting me vent. I love this group.
  • kimbermak
    kimbermak Posts: 148 Member
    I've been diligent with logging every single thing that I eat for 74 days now !!! I normally don't find it a pain in the butt until I go to find something from the MFP database and find 2, 3 or 10 entries for the same item and a good majority are wrong, then I have to go back to my packages and find the correct information and try to correct one in the database that is really off. This is the most frustrating part of the logging in process. If there was more control of the items in the database it would be a snap.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Kimbermak, that bugs me, too! It especially annoys me when there are a bunch of identical entries but none of them use grams or milliliters as measurement.

    A cup or teaspoon is one things, but how am I supposed to know what "one container" of something is? Just give me the numbers!
  • omgstfualready
    omgstfualready Posts: 63 Member
    Someone mentioned about being afraid of losing weight and I have a similar issue. When I get to about a US size 12 I get treated very differently. Last time I lost a lot of weight I hoped it wouldn't be the case because I'm older but it still happened. I am a huge introvert and I do not want that attention. I'm extremely 'curvy' so that's the root of what is the problem. And it isn't random bull$hit stupidity that women have to face regularly. It's more than that. The weirdo in guys come out and the things that are said are so disturbing. That happened to me so often that I'm actually afraid of losing weight. I even tried a therapist not long ago to talk to them about it and give me some tools to handle it when that time comes and it was a true failure. I'm sick of hearing how it's a compliment and all that crap. It minimizes my issues and I have yet to find a single person that really understands my struggle so I fear even talking about it. But I thought I'd just put it out here in case someone somewhere understands.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Someone mentioned about being afraid of losing weight and I have a similar issue. When I get to about a US size 12 I get treated very differently. Last time I lost a lot of weight I hoped it wouldn't be the case because I'm older but it still happened. I am a huge introvert and I do not want that attention. I'm extremely 'curvy' so that's the root of what is the problem. And it isn't random bull$hit stupidity that women have to face regularly. It's more than that. The weirdo in guys come out and the things that are said are so disturbing. That happened to me so often that I'm actually afraid of losing weight. I even tried a therapist not long ago to talk to them about it and give me some tools to handle it when that time comes and it was a true failure. I'm sick of hearing how it's a compliment and all that crap. It minimizes my issues and I have yet to find a single person that really understands my struggle so I fear even talking about it. But I thought I'd just put it out here in case someone somewhere understands.

    Since your health is important but men will be men, I see only one option that doesn't require you to wear gunny sacks to hide your curves.

    You need to master the defense technique called RESTING *kitten* FACE
  • omgstfualready
    omgstfualready Posts: 63 Member
    It's astonishing the things men say to me. And I usually get the blame like I was flirting. At a shop in the lobby of my office building the owner asked if I got all new underwear after I left my husband. WHAT? I mean it wasn't related to any conversation at all. Then another place I was getting a sandwich. I literally said I'd like chicken salad on wheat bread, no tomato or cheese, and pickle chips on the side. The guy said the pickles are $5. Okay, ugh, small talk, fine, so I said they better be amazing pickles. He said, well I feed them to you. Ummm, no. Weird *kitten* like that. I'm in my late 40s and do not need this. I had a stalker in college. I had my now ex-mother in laws close friend grope me in my own house. I seem to emanate some vibe that says turn off your filter and say whatever weird crap comes into your head? Sorry - I shouldn't vent here. I'm not 'hot' or 'gorgeous' but I am not a troll and under the fat have a very curvy body. I never dressed provocatively (I actually don't care about clothes at all, I'm a jeans/t-shirt girl and hate dressing up since I wear suits to work). I rarely ever wear make up. I rarely talk to other humans and don't flirt. My 50th birthday present to myself has to be a breast reduction. That has to help. Sorry for the venting. I'm exhausted and cranky. I will say 'men will be men' makes this pacifist want to take up arms. When I hear a girl gets sent out of class for her clothing that just means that the boys did not have to learn to control themselves. It's ingrained in girls at a young age that they are responsible for someone else's inability to not be a douche when that is 100% false. Okay, going to bed. Rant over.....promise.
  • Ms_Gemini89
    Ms_Gemini89 Posts: 6 Member
    So these past couple of days I've been lacking energy (women problems lol). How do I make myself get up...and not eat everything I crave? Ugh.