Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Welcome Everyone :)
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    name: Lis
    start weight 269
    weight jan 2017 254
    current weight 230
    height: 5'6
    ...weight goal : 196 lbs then we ll see
    ...OMAD meal : between 3pm and 6pm depending on work and hunger
    ...OMAD start date: on and off all my life

    yo yo dieted all my life. Lost 84lb when my husband died 6 years ago but put in all back on when a friend came to live with me and I changed my eating habits to match theirs.
    So happy to find a group that does nt frown at people who skip breakfast and lunch, this way of eating suits me and my life. I ve also greatly reduced my carbs this time and it seems to be very successful for me. Yes some days I eat under my calories but I like to save them up for weekends and days out, so who cares as long as they balance out over a week!!! Surely this is all about an eating regime that suits the individual and is sustainable :) Please feel free to friend request me.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm so glad to have stumbled across Joe's success story when I was Googling about Intermittent fasting which led to OMAD approach. I've struggled with being overweight my whole life, except I've been in denial for awhile--I'm actually obese now. I'm interested in this approach because I'm tired of always thinking about food whether I'm trying to get healthier or not. I've lost 11 pounds since March 5th, but I was not consistently intermittent fasting and a short vacation to see family got me way off track. Actually, I allowed myself to get off track.

    I've been doing really great this week on intermittent fasting, but I want to convert to OMAD. I have not suffered headache or fatigue and I love NOT thinking about food all the time--something I've never been able to do since struggling for decades. Today is my first OMAD, it's going great. Tomorrow morning will be hard though as I will try my damnedest to drink black coffee; it will be rough considering I'm a huge fan of "foo-foo" coffee creamers!

    Lastly, does anyone have any advice on how to gradually get to a later eating time? My window time with IF has been from 10 am to 3pm. However, I would really like to get my OMAD in at around 5-6pm.

    Age: 47 (Eep!)
    Height: 5'5
    Struggles: Low self esteem, yo-yo dieting, constantly thinking about food whether trying to get healthy or not, injuring myself when exercising and then completely shutting down and giving up
    Starting Weight on March 5, 2017: 224.8
    Weigh in on March 14, 2017: 213.8
    Super Short Goal: Getting below 200
    Short Goal: 170
    Medium Goal: 150
    Long Term Goal: 130-135
    Time of OAMD: I ate around noon but would like to start later
    OAMD start date: 15 April 2017
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome, Sandy!

    Success is yours if you claim it!
  • katavell
    katavell Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Katavell
    My current weight is 172 lbs.
    Height 5'2"
    I never had much of a problem with my weight until I got pregnant with my first child at 40, current age is 43. I can't blame it on baby weight, since the baby is a toddler. Type II Diabetes and Heart Disease runs in my family. I want to make sure that I am healthy for myself and my family.
    Last year I did the 5:2 intermittent diet and had moderate succes, then I hit a plateau and I gave up. I never seemed to eat less on my days off of the intermittent fasting.
    My goal range is 125 -135 lbs.
    OMAD times 6p - 10p, that way I can enjoy sitting down for dinner with my family.
    Start date 4/13/17
  • elayna14
    elayna14 Posts: 10 Member
    welcome katavell, diabetes, hbp and heart disease runs in my family too. I'm trying my best not to get any of that.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited April 2017
    Welcome Everyone, please create a discussion so we can follow you all :)
  • AmyOMAD
    AmyOMAD Posts: 25 Member
    Hello all,
    My Current Weight is 215 lbs
    My Height is 5'5"
    I turn 39 next month and I have been overweight most of my life starting at the age of 9. I have Yo-Yoed down 60+lbs at least twice as an adult. Name the diet and I have done it. They all work. I have no problems with programs. My problem is sticking to routine and keeping motivated to continue without letting stress affect me. I was diagnosed with ADD a few years ago and believe it affects me greatly. I have dabbled a little with IF at the beginning of this year for a few weeks, but not on MFP and with no other support. Since then, I have lost a little weight but rather slowly as I feel quite distracted by a major life decision to purge all of my life's possessions, sell my house, and move overseas. So with OMAD I want to try making more time for myself and all the things I need to accomplish over the next few months without being controlled by food and food thoughts. I look forward to seeing where I can go with OMAD and learning along the way.
    My goal weight range is 140lbs -155lbs
    My OMAD will fall between 5pm-9pm
    My OMAD start day is today 4/17/17

    Add me as an OMAD friend, please. You will find that I am vegan, but I accept your decision not to be. ;)

  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome All. I was skeptical of starting my own thread, but it has been one of my better decisions. Give it a shot and you will be surprised how many people here personally care about keeping you accountable and celebrating your accomplishments!!
  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    katavell wrote: »
    Name: Katavell

    OMAD times 6p - 10p, that way I can enjoy sitting down for dinner with my family.
    Start date 4/13/17
    Welcome, I schedule my OMAD around dinner with the Fam as well!
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    amyereed99 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    My Current Weight is 215 lbs
    My Height is 5'5"
    I turn 39 next month and I have been overweight most of my life starting at the age of 9. I have Yo-Yoed down 60+lbs at least twice as an adult. Name the diet and I have done it. They all work. I have no problems with programs. My problem is sticking to routine and keeping motivated to continue without letting stress affect me. I was diagnosed with ADD a few years ago and believe it affects me greatly. I have dabbled a little with IF at the beginning of this year for a few weeks, but not on MFP and with no other support. Since then, I have lost a little weight but rather slowly as I feel quite distracted by a major life decision to purge all of my life's possessions, sell my house, and move overseas. So with OMAD I want to try making more time for myself and all the things I need to accomplish over the next few months without being controlled by food and food thoughts. I look forward to seeing where I can go with OMAD and learning along the way.
    My goal weight range is 140lbs -155lbs
    My OMAD will fall between 5pm-9pm
    My OMAD start day is today 4/17/17

    Add me as an OMAD friend, please. You will find that I am vegan, but I accept your decision not to be. ;)

    We have the nearly the same stats and your words echo mine when it comes to trying different programs, the stress the sticking to it... I feel the exact same way. I've lost 40 pounds here and there quite a few times over the years only to regain. I'm already feeling like this is something I could do lifelong. I think one of the biggest reasons why is because it allows you to be flexible when it comes to eating outside the home, you can go out to eat or for dinner and not have to say, "I can't have this or that, I'm on a diet". There will be surprises along the way, but for the most part OMAD makes life a bit easier and less stressful.

    You've got this! :-)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    katavell wrote: »
    Name: Katavell
    My current weight is 172 lbs.
    Height 5'2"
    I never had much of a problem with my weight until I got pregnant with my first child at 40, current age is 43. I can't blame it on baby weight, since the baby is a toddler. Type II Diabetes and Heart Disease runs in my family. I want to make sure that I am healthy for myself and my family.
    Last year I did the 5:2 intermittent diet and had moderate succes, then I hit a plateau and I gave up. I never seemed to eat less on my days off of the intermittent fasting.
    My goal range is 125 -135 lbs.
    OMAD times 6p - 10p, that way I can enjoy sitting down for dinner with my family.
    Start date 4/13/17

    Welcome! Best to you on your journey :-)
  • yiscaht
    yiscaht Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all!

    Very happy to have stumbled upon Joe's story when reading up on intermittent fasting. My story is similar to so many others. I've been overweight most of my life but have lost 50-100 lbs several times now. I love food. I love the socialization aspects of it. I love the taste of it. Healthy food, unhealthy food, I like it all.

    I started OMAD on March 19 (so I have a whole 3 and a half days in! Ha)
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting weight: 236.1
    Goal range: 135 - 150

    So far so good. I've found that a glass of water or a cup of hot tea or simply keeping busy helps to keep the hunger away for a little while. It's definitely not been as difficult as I would have imagined. When I eat breakfast, I've always noticed I'm hungrier throughout the day, so this does in some ways, make sense.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences thus far.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    yiscaht wrote: »
    Hi all!

    Very happy to have stumbled upon Joe's story when reading up on intermittent fasting. My story is similar to so many others. I've been overweight most of my life but have lost 50-100 lbs several times now. I love food. I love the socialization aspects of it. I love the taste of it. Healthy food, unhealthy food, I like it all.

    I started OMAD on March 19 (so I have a whole 3 and a half days in! Ha)
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting weight: 236.1
    Goal range: 135 - 150

    So far so good. I've found that a glass of water or a cup of hot tea or simply keeping busy helps to keep the hunger away for a little while. It's definitely not been as difficult as I would have imagined. When I eat breakfast, I've always noticed I'm hungrier throughout the day, so this does in some ways, make sense.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences thus far.

    Welcome! I stumbled across Joe via IF as well, what a coinky-doink. :-)

    Did you mean you started April 19? lol

    This group is very supportive and encouraging, you truly couldn't have found a better place. I'm still fairly an OMAD noobie, just started last week.

    Best to you on your journey!

  • yiscaht
    yiscaht Posts: 25 Member
    wsandy8512 wrote: »

    Did you mean you started April 19? lol

    Ha! Yesss. I tell ya, tax time gets the best of me lol. Started April 19th. Thanks!
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    @yiscaht lolol, you're welcome :smile:
  • junalor
    junalor Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Just started OMAD yesterday,
    April 22 2017
    First day was hard but pushed through now on day 2.
    This is the heaviest I have ever been and lm tired of other diets not helping.
    Looking forward to learning more about OMAD and any advice will be appreciated!

    Age 47
    Height 5'5
    Current Weight 253
    Goal weight 155-170
  • shaeliya
    shaeliya Posts: 5 Member
    Age: 69
    Height 5'4"
    Highest weight: 360 lbs.
    Current weight: 270 lbs.
    First goal: Break below 200 lbs.
    Long term goal: 130 lbs.

    This evening ends my fourth day on OMAD. I feel stuffed to the gills still, after finishing my meal 90 minutes ago. I refer to myself as a professional dieter. There are some I never tried, but not many. If I thought I could do it, it had worked for others, and did not look terribly unhealthy, I went for it. That's how I got to 360. You know the drill: lose a bunch, gain back all of it plus 10 lbs.

    Six years ago, I tried the 100% vegan raw food diet and lost 100 lbs, and kept it off by eliminating corn and wheat from my life permanently. I have tried to do all raw again many times since, but capsized a day or two in. I lost down to 208 a year ago on 100% juice. Then from last fall to today, I gain it back plus 10. So, I was getting pretty desperate since it looked to me like if I didn't do something drastic, I was headed for 370. Then I watched a video by Joe about OMAD. I thought - maybe I can do this if I can look forward every single day to a really great, large meal - instead of the constant feeling of deprivation of multiple small meals. I really liked the idea of intermittent fasting as a way to change the way my body processes fat, but I just couldn't remember that 6-8 hour window presented by Dr. Mercola. I figured if I knew I would be eating only once, I might be able to remember that.

    So, here I am, four days in, and doing fine.
  • nemesis46
    nemesis46 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started the OMAD yesterday! I was doing the 18/6 method but the weight loss has come to a halt. I figured I would give this a try. I to suffer from a low thyroid problem. I was almost 200lbs then I came across intermittent fasting. I hope by trying this method will work better for me.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    @yiscaht @junalor @shaeliya @nemesis46
    So many new faces! Welcome everyone.