Thoughts and Feelings



  • anna4anna
    anna4anna Posts: 123 Member
    So these past couple of days I've been lacking energy (women problems lol). How do I make myself get up...and not eat everything I crave? Ugh.

    Oh gotta love those women problems right? lol. I would suggest keeping yourself occupied. Maybe go out as much as you can, shop, run errands, go for a walk, etc. Anything that keeps your mind and self busy to keep you away from like you said, "eating everything you crave." Make sure you are drinking lots of water, try having some herbal tea which also helps with some monthly symptoms... Or what I like to do, is take the time to make an amazing healthy meal. Like everything from scratch. When I make my low-carb bolognese sauce, it takes the whole day on the stove and I put a lot of love and care into making it. I find that I'm less likely to overeat when I've taken the time to cook something amazing that isn't going to break my calorie goal for the day. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Ayane101
    Ayane101 Posts: 56 Member
    anna4anna wrote: »
    When I make my low-carb bolognese sauce, it takes the whole day on the stove and I put a lot of love and care into making it. I find that I'm less likely to overeat when I've taken the time to cook something amazing that isn't going to break my calorie goal for the day. Hope you feel better soon!

    Uhm, I am coming to your house. Just saying :-)

    As far as the lady problems, I can not stand that time of the month. Those are the days that I really do go to the gym, hit the treadmill and watch a show or two on my phone. I then go straight to the store and grab some fresh fruit and veggies that I like (something crunchy, soft, chewy etc...) and then go home and veg out - literally :-)
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm feeling frustrated because I've responded to a stressful week with EATING EVERYTHING. I have gained 3 pounds since my low weight last week. For instance, when my car wouldn't start in the grocery store parking lot, I ate all of the crackers and brie I had just bought. Yikes.

    I'm trying to be kind to myself because this is still the beginning of a new lifestyle so I know, intellectually, that slip-ups are inevitable, but I'm having a hard time forgiving myself and moving on. Yesterday and today have been better but I'm still upset about this temporary setback.

    EDIT: Also, I feel grateful for this group in general and this thread in particular.
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    edited April 2017
    Most people who know me consider me a little bit of a control least moderately anal-retentive. So why is my life so out of control? It's like I can only concentrate on ONE thing at a time. Right now, diet and exercise. My work is suffering. I'm very much behind and I find myself here, on MFP, a good portion of the day. My house is a disaster...not Horders bad...but bad. I have a dozen LARGE unfinished projects, painting, home repairs, etc. My husband is JUST LIKE ME. So we're both sitting on our posteriors when we aren't at work, or we're eating, or we're going to the Y or something. What we're not doing is taking care of the rest of our lives.

    It's not that we were great at that before we started worrying about our weight. But before that I had a son at home causing me untold grief. He's moved out and that worry has turned to a low-level background hum. He doesn't take up my entire thought process anymore. Now it's losing weight. Before my kid, I wonder what it was? I honestly don't even recall because the last 5 years focused on him.

    I HAVE to get myself - and hubby too - to the point where we can handle more than one thing at a time! Our lives are not well-rounded. It's becoming really uncomfortable...this constant frustration. I don't want to have to let go of my health and weight loss goals or push them to the background, to focus on something else!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    LadyLilion wrote: »
    It's like I can only concentrate on ONE thing at a time. Right now, diet and exercise.
    OMG. Yes. Me, too. I get crazy passionate about ONE THING AT A TIME.

    Definitely weight loss and running right now, but I'm afraid when something else sparks my interest I'm going to lose track.

    Specifically I'm going to be getting a new pet in a couple months, and I know myself. I will want to read every book, blog, and message board in existence about them. I will want to be the BEST POSSIBLE and MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE pet owner. Will I stop watching what I eat? Will I fall off my running plan?

    I worry about it. Hopefully I'm setting good habits so I can focus on other things and still keep getting healthier.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Those of you who are my MFP friends might have seen me post about this, but I seriously overate at lunch today. I brought my lunch to work like always, but the company brought pizza to reward my team.

    Pizza is my #1 binge food and I couldn't control myself.

    I was going to get one piece as a treat for myself and it turned into three, which I ate immediately. After eating the lunch I brought. I feel miserable, both physically and emotionally.

    I still have a long way to go before I have a healthy relationship with food. Sometimes I get swept up by how much weight I've lost and fool myself into thinking I've finally got it all together. Not true, not in the least.

    But I'm still under my calorie goal (under all of my goals, actually, even fat and sodium), so the day can still be a win if I'm careful at dinner. And I'm still going running after work!
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    Making more good choices than bad are what it's all about. Sounds like you have a solid plan to stay on track, notwithstanding your 3 slice binge.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Oh yeah, I'll make it through the day fine. This was definitely not a binge, just some less than stellar choices.

    You're right. More good choices than bad. That's a good way of looking at it.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    and don't forget - 1 binge isn't going to instantly destroy all your efforts, but degrading yourself and negative self-speak will defeat you very quickly. It's okay! take a deep breath, forgive yourself, and move on to the next day's battle. You've learned a little about yourself, and perhaps this experience will give you some new insight that will help you win the next battle.

    I know how that feels, though, and I hope you aren't like me - I have the really bad tendency to beat myself up miserably whenever I fail to achieve a goal I have set for myself or when I slip up - even when those goals are really impossible. So perhaps we can learn to be more forgiving of ourselves together! :)
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    I have the really bad tendency to beat myself up miserably whenever I fail to achieve a goal I have set for myself or when I slip up - even when those goals are really impossible.
    Ahaha. Yes. That's me, too.

    I'm much better at being kind to myself than I used to be, but I definitely get down when I don't live up to my expectations.

  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you stay in your calorie range for the day that is a HUGE win. If you can eat 3 pieces of pizza and still make it work, that is success to me. If this is long term, it probably won't be the last time you eat 3 pieces if pizza. It takes some of the power of it away when you can say, even if I make not as healthy food choices...I am still in control and on the right track.
    We want to as healthy as possible, but really cico is the real win.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oh yeah, I'll make it through the day fine. This was definitely not a binge, just some less than stellar choices.

    You're right. More good choices than bad. That's a good way of looking at it.

    Yea, I'm finding my new blow outs aren't all that noteworthy compared to the old days. I was caught by surprise with a work lunch as well today. I had a full plate but no seconds and minimal treat, I enjoyed it and just logged a wild swag at the calories.

  • MissSass2
    MissSass2 Posts: 29 Member
    We've all been there and done that. The important thing is tomorrow is a new start and one day isn't going to set you back. Today should be positive. You stayed under. That is a big win.
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    LadyLilion wrote: »
    It's like I can only concentrate on ONE thing at a time. Right now, diet and exercise.
    OMG. Yes. Me, too. I get crazy passionate about ONE THING AT A TIME...
    Specifically I'm going to be getting a new pet in a couple months, ... Hopefully I'm setting good habits so I can focus on other things and still keep getting healthier.

    What kind of pet? I hope you can exercise with it. :smiley: You can always run with a dog, or do yoga with a reptile, cats love stretching and need play. You can make part of your workout keeping your pet healthy too.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    ...Although the mental image of me taking my snake for a walk on a little leash is funny, I'm not sure it's terribly practical.

    Maybe she can join me in a little gentle tai chi. :grin:
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    Don't you love finding errors that lead you to erase food off your diary? lol I went to a potluck dinner last night, cut a piece of cheesecake in half. Later realized I'd logged a whole piece. Gained back 150 calories and got me under my goal when I fixed it. :wink:
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It's been eye opening how we can eat normal food and hit deficit goals, just by controlling portion size.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    So. I participated in a 5k race on Saturday. I had a goal to walk a 5k by 04 Jul 2017. So I met that goal, good for me, I'm proud of my progress, I did much much better than I would have a few months ago.

    Until the results came out, I was feeling great! I knew I was at the back of the pack but I was fine with that! I finished my race! I met my goal!

    And then the results came. I placed 369 out of 405. My time was 52:03.92, pace 16:47/M.

    Okay. I know I will never be a high-velocity runner. It's not even something I particularly desire! I'm more interested in being able to run long distances, and endurance and speed are very different goals.

    But y'all, I am positively down in the dumps about my time in this dang race. It's silly, because I even did it faster than I was planning to, because I incorporated my running intervals into the race, which I was originally going to just walk.

    I haven't been able to unpack all my feelings about this yet, but I'm pretty sure it stems from always wanting to be great at things, even when I'm brand new. I try not to have impossible expectations, and I'm good at setting realistic goals, but meeting realistic goals just doesn't have the thrill of exceeding expectations.