how much weight have you gained



  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    edited June 2017
    Height: 5'1.5"
    SW- 118 ( I gained weight from the winter and being sad about the miscarriage).
    Week12: 122
    Week 16: 120 (net gain 2 pounds).
    Week 21: technically I'll be 21 weeks on Saturday 121 (net gain 3 pounds)

    Found out I'm having a boy today.

    @VeryKatie I'm glad to hear you and baby are doing well.

    @artgalchitown try not to stress out.
  • artgalchitown
    artgalchitown Posts: 103 Member
    @Hurricane_C Thank you for sharing, that's heartening news. And congratulations on your beautiful baby!

    @wantoldme how exciting! Congratulations on your happy news.
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member
    @VeryKatie i am glad everything is ok with you and the baby, keep us posted.
  • sorbito84
    sorbito84 Posts: 7 Member
    Height: 5' 11"
    Age: 34
    First Pregnancy
    Goal to Gain: 25-30lb

    Starting weight: 169 lb
    Week 14: 05/04: 172.8 (+3.8, +3.8)
    Week 15: 05/11: 176.0 (+3.2, +7)
    Week 16: 5/18: 178.4 (+2.4, + 9.4)
    Week 18: 6/1: 179.4 (+1, +10.4)
    Week 19: 6/8: 182 (+2.6, +13)
    Week 20: 6/15: 181.2 (-0.8, +12.2)

    @VeryKatie so glad to hear everything is looking good! You are so close now.

    I had my anatomy scan earlier this week. Baby is healthy and strong and everything looked really good. We did discover that I have complete placenta previa. I am now on restricted activity for 8 weeks, so I can't really work out, among other things. I was sad and scared to hear this news, especially after my doctor told me all of the potential risks, but I'm just taking it day by day and praying for a healthy baby and that my darn placenta moves to its proper place. I've seen a lot of stories where people's placenta previa went away, and this gives me hope and helps me stay positive when the anxiety starts to creep in. I know we are focused more on fitness here but if anyone has any advice on this matter, I'd love to hear it.

    I was diagnosed with placenta previa at the beginning og my anatomy scan and by the end if the scan it had moved and it was no longer deemed a problem!! Fingers crossed, urs will move too xx
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Age: 37
    4th pregnancy, hopefully 3rd baby
    Goal to Gain: 15-25 lbs.
    All weight gain is cumulative.
    Really hoping to keep weight in check this time. Gained 42.5 with my last baby, 15 lbs in first trimester alone! (eek!)

    Starting Weight: 10/14 (conception): 154

    Week 7: 11/23: 151.6 (-2.4)
    Week 8: 11/30: 153.2 (-0.8)
    Week 9: 12/7: 151.8 (-2.2)
    Week 10: 12/15: 153.0 (-1.0)
    Week 11: 12/22: 153.4 (-0.6)
    Week 12: 12/28: 155 (+1.0)
    Week 13: 1/5: 156 (+2.0)
    Week 14: 1/12: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 15: 1/20: 158 (+4.0)
    Week 16: 1/23: 158.8 (+4.8)
    Week 17: 1/29: 160.4 (+6.4)
    Week 18: 2/5: 161.0 (+7.0)
    Week 19: 2/12: 163.8 (+9.8)
    Week 20: 2/18: 165.0 (+11.0)
    Week 21: 2/25: 165.0 (+11.0)
    Week 22: 3/3: 166.6 (+12.6)
    Week 23:. 3/11: 168.2 (+14.2)
    Week 24:. 3/19: 170.4 (+16.4)
    Week 25: 3/27: 171.6 (+17.6)
    Week 26: 4/3: 172.2 (+18.2)
    Week 27: 4/9: 172.6 (+18.6)
    Week 28: 4/16: 174.6 (+20.6)
    Week 29: 4/23: 176.4 (+22.4)
    Week 30: 4/30: 176.8 (+22.8)
    Week 31: ????? On vacation
    Week 32: 5/13: 178.6 (+24.6)
    Week 33: 5/20: 178.6 (+24.6)
    Week 34: 5/27: 178.8 (+24.8)
    Week 35: 6/4: 181.4 (+27.4)
    Week 36: 6/11: 181.8 (+27.8)
    Week 37: 6/17: 181.8 (+27.8)

    Officially at term! (early term, but still)! My first came at 36+3 and my second at 37+5. I'd love to make it to 38 this time. My stepson's birthday is June 23 and I will be 37+6 that day. I don't want his special day to be eclipsed by another birthday (but I don't have much control​ over it, I know!)
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    edited June 2017
    Weird - the end of my post got cut off somehow!

    @VeryKatie - Happy second due date! Glad all is well and baby just dropped! How are you feeling? This would be a great weekend for a baby!

    @wantoldme - congrats!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    @getfitgal123 feeling ok. Had contractions all freaking night and now they're only once every half hour. I predict a baby within 4 days lol.
  • NyeMye
    NyeMye Posts: 138 Member
    @VeryKatie with my first I had contractions all night and of course they subsided by morning, but my water broke the next night, so you never know...
  • jennifergmcnamee
    jennifergmcnamee Posts: 43 Member
    28 yo and 1st pregnancy
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 115
    Goal: 25-30 lb. gain

    Week 17: 116 (+1)
    Week 18: 117 (+2)
    Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5)
    Week 20: 120 (+5)
    Week 21: 121 (+6)
    Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5)
    Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5)
    Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5)
    Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5)
    Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5)
    Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5)
    Week 28: 128 (+13)
    Week 29: 128.5 (+13.5)
    Week 30: 129 (+14)
    Week 31: 129 (+14, cumulative)

    Due to a death in the family and general life busy-ness, I am absolutely exhausted this week. I really hope the time between now and labor flies by!
  • normalicia11
    normalicia11 Posts: 474 Member

    I have gained a lot of weight on my previous pregnancies but I am hoping not to do that on this one.
    Wt goal: gain 15-25lbs
    My pre-conception wt 155
    Week 5:  156.6
    Week 6:   157.8. 
    Week 7:   158.8
    Week 8:   160.4
    Week 9:   161
    Week 10: 161.6
    Week 11: 161.8
    Week 12:161.8
    Week 13: 161.8
    Week 14:163.8
    Week 15:164.6
    Week 16: 166.6
    Week 17: 167.8
    Week 18: 171
    Week 19: 172.4
    Week 20: 172.6
    Week 21: 173.6
    Week 22: 175.6
    Week 23: 177
    Week 24: 177.2
    Week 25: 176.2
    Week 26: 181
    Week 27: 181.6
    Week 28: 180.8
    Week 29: 184.6
    Week 30: 183.2
    Week 31: 183.2
    Total gain weight:    +28.2
    As you can see I went beyond my gain weight goal at week 28
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    SW 210
    week 8: 210.8 (+.8)
    week 9: 211.6 (+1.6)
    week 10: 212.6 (+2.6)
    week 11: 212.6 (+2.6)
    week 12: 211.8 (+1.8)
    week 13: 211.8 (+1.8)
    week 14: 212.6 (+2.6)
    week 15: 213 (+3)
    week 16: 212.4 (+2.4)
    week 17: 215.2 (+5.2)
    week 18: 215.2 (+5.2)
    week 19: 217 (+7)
    week 20: 217.2 (+7.2)
    week 21: 219.2 (+9.2)
    week 22: 219.2 (+9.2)
    week 23: 220.2 (+10.2)
    week 24: 223.2 (+13.2)
    week 25: 222.8 (+12.8)
    week 26: 222.8 (+12.8)
    week 27: 225 (+15)
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    31 yo and 1st pregnancy
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 168
    Goal: ~20 lb. gain

    Week 8: 168 (+0)
    Week 9: 167.8 (-0.2/-0.2)
    Week 10: 168.6 (+0.8/+0.6)
    Week 11: 167.4 (-1.2/-0.6)
    Week 12: 168.4 (+1.0/+0.4)
    Week 13: 170.4 (+2.0/+2.4)

    I had a lot of sickness in the 1st trimester.
  • RAxB
    RAxB Posts: 120 Member
    @getfitgal123 Congrats to you and your family! She is beautiful!
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    @getfitgal123 and @VeryKatie congrats on your babies.
  • RAxB
    RAxB Posts: 120 Member
    @VeryKatie Congrats on your son! Hearing about another healthy baby and mama makes me happy!
  • jennifergmcnamee
    jennifergmcnamee Posts: 43 Member
    @getfitgal123 and @VeryKatie: Congrats to you both! Getfitgal, your daughter is beautiful, and VeryKatie I would love to see a picture of your son. So happy you both had healthy babies!
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    This website might help you out.
    I am 31 weeks and have gained almost 12 lbs. But with my first pregnancy I gained 35 lbs total and gained around 10 lbs the first trimester. We are all different and each pregnancy we have is different. Best wishes!! Just keep eating healthy and exercising and your body will do what it needs to keep tu and your lil ones healthy :)

    Thank you so much for the link! I've been looking for something like this for ages to keep track of how much is a healthy amount to put on week by week. So far I've put on 10 lb and I'm currently 19 weeks (which is supposed to be a normal amount according to the calculator). This is my second pregnancy and I'm really worried about not putting on so much this time around. I put on about 50 lb in my last pregnancy and I struggled to lose it afterwards. I am also worried about losing the weight afterwards as I really want to be able to breastfeed baby no. 2 (I tried and failed so breastfeed baby no. 1 so I was able to diet and not have to worry about how it would affect milk production).

    Does anyone have any helpful tips to losing weight while breastfeeding?