June Accountability and Weigh-In



  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member

    I'm Coleteo
    I'm 5' 5.5" 141 lbs today (beginning of June)
    My June goal is to lose 8lbs

    I joined WW on 7/2/17 - 170 ( down 3 )
    14/2/17 - 166 ( down 4 )
    21/2/17 - 164.5 ( down 1.5 )
    28/2/17 - 163 ( down 1.5 )
    7/3/17 - 159 ( down 4 )
    14/3/17 - 158 ( down 1 )
    21/3/17 - 156 ( down 2 )
    28/3/17 - 154.5 ( down 1.5 )
    4/4/17 - 153 ( down1.5 )
    11/4/17 - 151.8 ( down 1.2)
    18/4/17 - 149.5 (down 2.3)
    25/4/17 - 149.5 (Stayed the same) Not too bad considering it was the last week of the Easter holidays.
    2/5/17 - 146.5 (down 3) this was my iaso tea week
    9/5/17 - 146 (down 0.5) disappointing but AF
    16/5/17 - 145 (down 2) back on tea
    23/5/17 - 143 (down 2) good week started FB
    30/5/17 - 141 (down 2)yippee another 2lbs gone
    6/6/17 - 141 (stayed the same but fluctuated during week not happy)
    13/6/17 - 140.5 (down 0.5) a bit fed up but marching on
    20/6/17 - 138 (down 2.5) really pleased
    27/6/17 -
    4/7/17 -
    11/7/17 -
    18/7/17 -
    25/7/17 -

    Current loss 35
    Goal 44 ( to take me to 129lbs)

  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Congrats @Coleteo. 2.5 lbs is great!

  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Name: Raechel
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 152 lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 124 lbs
    June Goal: 139 lbs

    May 29: 144
    June 5: 144
    June 12: 143
    June: 19: 141
    June 26:

    My progress has been frustratingly slow, but very steady, so I suppose I shouldn't complain! I wanted to join a group for some more support since I don't get a great deal of it at home. I've been lurking for a while just reading posts, but decided to chime in finally! You are all inspirational with your goals, and with being accountable with posting your goals and journey. Hope to join accountability and weigh in conversation more actively in July.
  • koirakoira
    koirakoira Posts: 166 Member
    It looks like everyone is steadily reaching their goal weight. I am a little behind. Especially last week; was travelling whole week and working long days. I need to watch more closely what I eat before and after dinner.

    Height 5'4

    SW: 142.5
    GW June: 137

    Jun 02:142.3
    Jun 04:141.1
    Jun 11: 140.6
    Jun 20: 140.0

  • koirakoira
    koirakoira Posts: 166 Member
    MOB125 wrote: »
    Age: 29
    Height: 5’8

    HW: 163lbs
    SW June: 163 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 140lbs
    June goal: 153lbs

    May 12: 156.8
    May 19: 155.6
    June 8: 157.3
    June 15: 158.2
    June 22:
    June 29:

    Feeling pretty discouraged this week. Can't seem to make any progress. I REALLY need to be more conscious about my snacking. Hoping to get on track by next weigh-in, so I can at least get close to my June goal :neutral:

    I'm the same as you, I get to the point where I'm so hungry and tired I just eat whatever is quick.

    I have the same problem with snacking. I found mine was mostly stress related. Last week when I was away for work, I didn't feel like snacking at all because I only needed to focus on one thing. Now back to reality, I realize how many stressor there are in our day to day life. I am still mindful - try not to get kids to do homework or chores while trying to coordinate, , etc. But it's been a conscious effort not to snack.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member

    I have the same problem with snacking. I found mine was mostly stress related. Last week when I was away for work, I didn't feel like snacking at all because I only needed to focus on one thing. Now back to reality, I realize how many stressor there are in our day to day life. I am still mindful - try not to get kids to do homework or chores while trying to coordinate, , etc. But it's been a conscious effort not to snack.[/quote]

    With me it's stress too and also tiredness
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member
    koirakoira wrote: »
    It looks like everyone is steadily reaching their goal weight. I am a little behind. Especially last week; was travelling whole week and working long days. I need to watch more closely what I eat before and after dinner.

    Height 5'4

    SW: 142.5
    GW June: 137

    Jun 02:142.3
    Jun 04:141.1
    Jun 11: 140.6
    Jun 20: 140.0

    Still going in the right direction ☺️
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited June 2017
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145lbs -- more of a 'do not go past this point' goal.
    June Goal: Fat loss. 1-2% hopefully.

    31st May: 147.4 (for reference)
    3rd June: 146.8 (after Chinese takeout)
    7th June: 147
    14th June: 146.2 with 0.1% fat loss
    21st June: 146.4
    28th June:

    My period is kind of clouding judgment on the fat, water, and muscle aspects of my weigh in (could be what it is, could be higher) but I've lost fat and gained water mass so I'm happy about that. I've drunk alcohol (I drink maybe 5 times a year) and eaten takeout (whoo, Father's Day) and generally just eaten more this week, hey Mother Nature, and am still a stable Mabel. Can't argue with that. Oh and I've upped my water intake to 4 - 5 litres before dinner, not including other drinks and if I drink more water after dinner, depending on training or rest days. UK + heat + white people = melting. Be grateful for aircon is all I'm saying. :lol:

    @rianneonamission Oooh! Happy dance! How was your holiday, hon? I bet that 3lbs was just water weight. Especially if your BF still came down. Awesome. I think you'll get to 27% no problems. :smiley:
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    Congratulations @rianneonamission and @Coleteo on your achievements this week :smile:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Oh and I've upped my water intake to 4 - 5 litres before dinner, not including other drinks and if I drink more water after dinner, depending on training or rest days. UK + heat + white people = melting.

    @rianneonamission Oooh! Happy dance! How was your holiday, hon? I bet that 3lbs was just water weight. Especially if your BF still came down. Awesome. I think you'll get to 27% no problems. :smiley:

    Thanks @glassofroses and @aeshippers! Holiday was good thanks, cut it short slightly, but it was a nice break! Still, not all water weight, I ate what I fancied and had a fair bit of wine too!

    Forgive me for asking, but how on earth do you drink 4-5 litres a day, alongside other drinks? Granted, the heat meant I got to 3.8lt yesterday (sweltering), but that included the water I drank during my PT (almost 1.5lt) - and my totals include herbal and green teas. Be careful you don't end up with water intoxication!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited June 2017
    Oh and I've upped my water intake to 4 - 5 litres before dinner, not including other drinks and if I drink more water after dinner, depending on training or rest days. UK + heat + white people = melting.

    @rianneonamission Oooh! Happy dance! How was your holiday, hon? I bet that 3lbs was just water weight. Especially if your BF still came down. Awesome. I think you'll get to 27% no problems. :smiley:

    Thanks @glassofroses and @aeshippers! Holiday was good thanks, cut it short slightly, but it was a nice break! Still, not all water weight, I ate what I fancied and had a fair bit of wine too!

    Forgive me for asking, but how on earth do you drink 4-5 litres a day, alongside other drinks? Granted, the heat meant I got to 3.8lt yesterday (sweltering), but that included the water I drank during my PT (almost 1.5lt) - and my totals include herbal and green teas. Be careful you don't end up with water intoxication!

    Aww, I hope it wasn't anything too serious to cut it short. Do you feel rested? Some people I know go on holiday and need a holiday to recover from the holiday they just had. :lol:

    You'd assume this is the case right? re: water intoxication. But I don't sweat properly, as in none at all unless it's under my boobs, so I have to drink to make up for the fact I can't regulate my own body temperature. Basically if it's the wrong colour coming out, I slow down but generally I drink a litre when I get up, one with lunch and one with dinner. Maybe another on the train going to training if I'm still thirsty, and one while I'm training. I've learned the hard way that I have to have a lot more water than normal people. I've thrown up and almost passed out on various occasions when I've underestimated how much water I have needed to consume. I wish it wasn't this way because I feel like a bloated bowling ball, sloshing water around a lot of the time, but we are who we are right? :sweat_smile:

    ETA: I generally only have a cup of coffee in the morning and upto two cans of soda in a day for 'other drinks'. So my main source of fluid is always water.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Well there you go, I've learnt something! I'm a sweaty Betty from the other end of the scale of struggling to regulate my body temperature and also suffer from both stress and dehydration migraines, but 2-4 litres (usually 2-3 unless as hot as it is now) depending on weather and exercise is enough for me. And the colour of what comes out is absolutely an important guide as to how hydrated you really are.

  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Girls, you're doing amazing this week, well done!!

    I've had a sneaky weigh in this morning and have lost a little, I might have to use that as this weeks weigh in as my totm bloating has started and it'll pee me off if I have a massive gain on Friday.

    Just wondering if any of you are on the pill? I'm starting this month as my period is due when I'm on holiday in July and August, but I'm worried about weight gain, it progesterone only because of my age!!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    edited June 2017
    I was on vacation for two weeks so without a scale. Gained two pounds, which isn't bad considering I was eating out and at other peoples houses the whole time. Hoping I can get to 145 by the beginning of July.

    SW: 160 (Sept, 1 month postpartum)
    GW: 135 (pre pregnancy)
    June GW: 143

    May 27th: 146.5
    June 3rd: 147.5
    June 10th: Away
    June 17th: 148.5
    June 24:
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Forever learning. I learned today that my lower back pain is actually caused by my hip flexors. And also partly by a horrendous warm up.

    But as far as hydration goes, I've always found that the symptoms for dehydration and water intoxication are too similar and too hard to correct by that point. Colour, however, is pretty on point and fast as, if you're over drinking, you'll need to pee like 20 times a day anyway. TBH, I've always wondered what it was like to sweat. Does it actually cool you down or what? Are you just moist instead? I feel you on stress migraines though. All I can do is hide under a cool flannel and sleep it off. I bought special dark curtains that just turns my bedroom into night time for when stuff like this happens. I feel like I should add a caveat that my room is monochrome. I don't just weirdly have black curtains. :lol: It's late and the heat is getting to me -- still too hot for me to sleep. :smiley:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Just wondering if any of you are on the pill? I'm starting this month as my period is due when I'm on holiday in July and August, but I'm worried about weight gain, it progesterone only because of my age!!

    I was a few years ago (have tried the combined, the mini and the implant). As much as I wasn't eating as well or tracking, I found myself putting on more weight when on the pill than off, and also found it much harder to regulate cravings. I have the copper coil instead now, and just crave bad food around the time I'm on.

    @rianneonamission Forever learning. I learned today that my lower back pain is actually caused by my hip flexors. And also partly by a horrendous warm up.

    But as far as hydration goes, I've always found that the symptoms for dehydration and water intoxication are too similar and too hard to correct by that point. Colour, however, is pretty on point and fast as, if you're over drinking, you'll need to pee like 20 times a day anyway. TBH, I've always wondered what it was like to sweat. Does it actually cool you down or what? Are you just moist instead? I feel you on stress migraines though. All I can do is hide under a cool flannel and sleep it off. I bought special dark curtains that just turns my bedroom into night time for when stuff like this happens. I feel like I should add a caveat that my room is monochrome. I don't just weirdly have black curtains. :lol: It's late and the heat is getting to me -- still too hot for me to sleep. :smiley:

    Yes, a lot of back pain is actually down to other issues (lack of muscle tone, gait, hips, etc)

    Sweat does cool you down, yes. And I'll be drenched if it's exercise sweat. I get the same when I have a fever and take a paracetamol: 20 mins after taking it my body just dumps a load of excess heat, even if just temporarily, and I really do feel significantly cooler after.

    I haven't had a stress migraine now since October, which feels amazing. But when I do get one the only cure is to go to sleep in a dark and quiet room after popping a migraine tablet. Without sleep the tablet doesn't work properly.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'm Mimi, 55, 6'0".

    June goal: Onederland... again :D

    I'll shoot for 75k each week.
    Continuing with the wall sit and butt challenges for June.

    June 01: 205.9
    June 08: 201.1 78k steps
    June 15: 198.6 48k steps
    June 22: 202.2 35k steps
    June 29:

    Ugh, the heat wave kills.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks @rianneonamission I'm just going to have to be super careful
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission I'm allergic to most painkillers so a dark room is what I've got. :lol: How do you like to manage your stress? Congrats on no migraines since October, that's amazing. :heart:

    My hyperflexibility is the issue with regards to my back. As it's warming up we're doing more rotational kicks and kicks intended for the head which I have no problems doing, but because I have little to no support from the hip flexor muscles, it pulls on my back. My physio and I are working on some new exercises at the minute to try and strengthen both my back and my flexors. I feel like I'm forever working on them. And my ankles. Torn ligaments in the right as a kid that were never rehabbed that cause all kind of mayhem now. :pensive: