Starting OMAD? Introduce Yourself Here!



  • Ltcartwright76
    Ltcartwright76 Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2017
    I live in the Bahamas. I am "prediabetic" 40yo and weigh 230lbs on a 5'3" frame, I have several hormonal issues that make losing weight almost impossible. I was about to try Zero Carb diet and stumbled on the one meal a day lifestyle. I don't eat as much (although to look at me you wouldn't believe it!!) and find having to think about food all the time very tiring. Knowing that I only have a short window to think about food (apart from cooking for my kiddos) is very liberating for me. I am giving myself 100 days of this way of eating. I look forward to reading and sharing experiences as I go along. Cheers!

    your name or preferred username: ltcartwright
    ...your weight: 238lbs
    ...your height: 5' 3"
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing: hormonal problems, prediabetes, depression, fatigue, edema, general malaise

    ...your goal weight range: 135-145
    ...the time of your OMAD: not sure yet, either 11am or 3pm
    ...and your OMAD start date: July 1st, 2017
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to the group!
  • dfmcminn
    dfmcminn Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry I forget all the required info. Preferred name : Overcomer
    Current weight: 186
    Age/gender: 52 year old female
    Height 5 feet 4 inches
    Medium build
    Intermediate weight: 160
    Goal weight 135-142
    Eating window: MUST vary due to work schedule. 4 days a week it is around 5pm (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun). 3 days a week it is at around 8-8.30 pm (Mon, Tue, Thur) OR Around 1-2 pm depending upon how I feel. So I guess technically it is within a 4 hour period every day??

    I am very excited to have found this forum. I have tried EVERYTHING known to mankind. I have struggled since 2009 with a binge eating disorder. I began intermittent fasting about a month ago now. I began OMAD about a week ago. I just seemed to naturally fall into that eating pattern and then I googled it and found this. I consume NO calories at all outside my eating window. Today I got some green powders to consume with my meal for extra nutrients.

    PROS: LOVE not having to think about food. Extra productive. Life is simpler, more minimalistic. My binge eating disorder is GONE GONE GONE. THE THOUGHTS ARE GONE. Not even tempted. AMAZING!!!!!!!!! NOTHING NOTHING has come even close to this level of curing that. Cannot stand anything sweet. I stopped even sweetening tea. I drink it with no milk and no sweetener. Coffee consumption is probably 1/4 to 1/8 what it used to be. Yes I got wicked low grade headaches. But I cannot stand coffee without creamer so I save coffee for my feeding window so I can have cream. AND my taste buds are so sensitive that the coffee is only half as strong as it used to be. Water consumption is way up. Sweating like crazy after my meal. This is thermogenesis and a sign that my hormones and enzymes are changing. Alcohol consumption almost NIL. Not even tempted. I am not much of one for eating out but when I do I have a glass of dry white and thats it.

    Cons: Just 2. First off granted I just began weighing myself last Wednesday but although my clothes feel larger I still look HUGE in the mirror. Observationally I feel that a person cannot tell themselves nor can other people really tell that a person is losing weight until they have lost HALF of their excess body fat. In other words I have approximately 50 pounds to lose for my goal. I really wont be able to tell nor will others til I've lost 25 pounds, ergo half of the 50. This is purely my opinion but it seems pretty close.

    The other HUGE problem: I cannot sleep. I have hypervigilance. The two things I plan to do about it: No electronics after about 7pm and NO caffeine past 5pm. So I may wind up drinking half caff. But I am really over my caffeine headaches since I am consuming so little coffee compared to previously.

    Hi to everyone and I am ecstatic to have found this forum. I can see myself doing this for life. I NEVER want to go back to binging.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi! Welcome!
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
  • barbheart
    barbheart Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome Overcomer!!! sounds like an awesome start!!!!
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    ...your name: Britt
    ...your weight: 159.2
    ...your height: 4'9"
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing: My weight and associated body image issues and disordered eating have been a lifelong battle. I am in recovery of two EDs and am working on recovering from binge eating disorder. Emotional eating is an absolute struggle for me.
    ...your goal weight range: 125-129
    ...the time of your OMAD: My plan is 10AM - 2PM, but I may need to adjust when grad school starts up in August.
    ...and your OMAD start date: Today, 7/6/17!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    davisbr88 wrote: »
    ...your name: Britt
    ...your weight: 159.2
    ...your height: 4'9"
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing: My weight and associated body image issues and disordered eating have been a lifelong battle. I am in recovery of two EDs and am working on recovering from binge eating disorder. Emotional eating is an absolute struggle for me.
    ...your goal weight range: 125-129
    ...the time of your OMAD: My plan is 10AM - 2PM, but I may need to adjust when grad school starts up in August.
    ...and your OMAD start date: Today, 7/6/17!

    Welcome! GOOD LUCK! :)
  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome Britt, good luck!!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hey, Britt. Welcome.

    A few tips:

    1) No splurge days for you. They will just aggravate your progress.
    2) Eat what you enjoy on a regular basis.
    3) Be honest and true with yourself as much as possible...
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Thank you so much for the welcome, everyone!
  • ooliviuoo
    ooliviuoo Posts: 81 Member
    ...your name - Liviu
    ...your weight- 122.5 Kg - June 15, 2017.
    ...your height - 180 cm
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing - would be a loong story
    ...your goal weight range - 90 Kg
    ...the time of your OMAD - didn't start yet, still collect information
    ...and your OMAD start date. - shortly

    Hi all, I am Liviu, 45yo, from Europe. English is not my mother language, please accept some grammar mistakes. I am the perfect example of static guy, I am an accountant (sic). I work at home and my physical activity it is at the minimum level. I have strong bones and even I eat relatively healthy I collected some unnecessary weight. Maybe I eat too much and no sport at all, who knows...

    Long story short, I decided to lose some weight (I am feared about the diabetes), I think my ideal number is 90 Kg (I use Kg and no pounds). Because the garbage was too much I decided first for an aggressive approach (water fast for 6 days, 3 days pause, then another 14 days of water fast). 3 days pause were necessary for a small dental surgery, nothing serious.

    My plan is to lose ~10 kg very fast and then to do OMAD for at least few years. From time to time (at plateau) I will water fast to burn some fat easier.

    Today I am in day 3 from 14 of my water fast, and I already read a ton of information about OMAD. I already realized that the big problem is NOT to lose weight but to learn the body with the new pattern .

    I'll be back with my OMAD journey soon.

    I have a very good feeling to be here :)

    Today weight: irrelevant :p

  • ruby_emrald
    ruby_emrald Posts: 42 Member
    your name - ruby..
    ...your weight- not sure yet..
    ...your height - 164 cm
    ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing - 3rd attempt one week in and not every day has been good but i am not going to give up
    ...your goal weight range - lets start with losing 60kg haha
  • gomissfitnes
    gomissfitnes Posts: 268 Member
    I'm not sure I'm in the right place but, maybe. I'm 5'1", 126, 47 years old, I'm trying to drop about 10 -13 pounds. My blood sugar was just barely showing prediabetic levels so my research, as well as my frustration with little progress on a 1200 calorie approach, led me to insulin resistance and fasting as a way to lose weight. It really made me think but, I have a lot of questions. In an attempt to see if I could fast at all, I just completed my first 24 hour fast and then ate about 800 calories, and almost half fat. I just don't know what I'm doing. Low fat? Low carbs? Balanced? I was planning on doing a 16:8 daily with a 24 hour every other day. I'm determined to try it I just don't know what or how much I'm supposed to eat. Thanks for reading this post.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I'm not sure I'm in the right place but, maybe. I'm 5'1", 126, 47 years old, I'm trying to drop about 10 -13 pounds. My blood sugar was just barely showing prediabetic levels so my research, as well as my frustration with little progress on a 1200 calorie approach, led me to insulin resistance and fasting as a way to lose weight. It really made me think but, I have a lot of questions. In an attempt to see if I could fast at all, I just completed my first 24 hour fast and then ate about 800 calories, and almost half fat. I just don't know what I'm doing. Low fat? Low carbs? Balanced? I was planning on doing a 16:8 daily with a 24 hour every other day. I'm determined to try it I just don't know what or how much I'm supposed to eat. Thanks for reading this post.

    Hi. Welcome!

    Follow the one-plate rule. Get used to eating whatever will fit on a plate...and then don't think about it. That's a big thing there. Learn to eat and be done with it. In time, adjust meals to how you best feel, with plenty of emphasis on enjoying your meal. That will get you started. Lots of examples posted around here.

  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome everyone, I look forward to seeing your progress. Although you all have different goals, just stick with the OMAD, and it will get you where you want to be!!
  • gomissfitnes
    gomissfitnes Posts: 268 Member
    I'm thinking the best routine for me would to eat during a window from 11-3. That will give me plenty of food if I take my lunch at 11 and then a break around 230. Then go back into fasting mode.
  • carlae199
    carlae199 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Carla, I am 46 yrs old. My current weigh is 229 lbs and 5'4 inches tall. When I started in January with my weight journey, I was 283 Lbs. I did really crazy, unhealthy things to lose this weight and felt terrible (the worst was the cucumber and egg diet) I also tried slim fast, atkins, LCHF, paleo, keto, whole 30 and the list goes on and on. I have always struggled with my weight and seem to have always dieted (I think I started dieting in grade school). I would eat when I was happy or sad, had a bad day at work or an argument with my husband. I would also hide food. I have an hour drive to work and back and would drive by several fast food restaurants before getting home. Then I would stop by the local gas station and throw away the bags. I also loved to eat sweet, savory and salty things together (chips mixed with toffee nuts and gummy worms) I also didn't mention that I am diabetic. Fast forward to today, my goal weight range is between 170 and 185. When I started OMAD July 4th 2017, I was 232 Lbs. I have only lost 3 lbs and people are already asking me if I have lost weight. I feel so good and have so much energy! My OMAD is at 1pm. I already know that this will be then end of my weight loss struggle. Thank you OMAD Revolution! I listen to you every morning via youtube on my way to work.
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! I'm still a newbie myself, so I'm definitely happy to see new faces :)
  • carlae199
    carlae199 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! I hope that I am doing this right. I thought I would be crazy hungry but I am not. My stomach growls a little but nothing that I can't handle.