August Accountability and Weigh-In



  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    :cookie: for everybody. Seeing some new faces is always exciting, and then seeing people come back and kill it again this month is :heart:. Go Team, go!

    @rianneonamission plantar fasciitis? Isn't that quite serious? Or is that just because of how it effects runners? I hope it eases up for you. Maybe a massage might help? A massage is good for you anyway, just as maintenance for your muscles/stops them being consistently tense when they don't need to be. :smile:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    It's pretty common, and I think mine is just a minor inflammation. I think it's because I spent a good 1-1.5hrs in crawling motorway traffic on Sunday so solidly used the clutch, with my heel stuck on the floor. Shouldn't take long to heal, especially if I avoid running for a few days. Pretty sure it can get serious if you don't let it recover properly.
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ah haven't driven a stick in so long! But do remember those days. Hubby wants to teach our girls how to drive one, one day (still only 10 & 11) but you barely seem them anymore but I guess a good skill to have just in case :smile: Hope you are feeling better soon and back to running in a few. Better to rest up (although hard) than keep injuring. My mini goal this week is to track this weekend. I am usually great during the week, eating and track, and then blow it on the weekends! Need to get better about it to move the scale!

    @glassofroses I also gained quite a bit of weight my first year of college...the old freshman 15! After that I was able to keep it off and would go up and down but usually only around 5 lbs or so. Since turning 40 4 years ago it has continued to creep up so no sitting 10 lbs! And I agree portions are out of control!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hi there! I am so excited to find an active group. :) I am new to this group but have been on MFP for a while. I lost 60 pounds before my wedding, which was about 2 weeks ago, and now I am struggling because the wedding was my focus and kept me going. I don't want to gain this weight back! I still have about 20 pounds to go.

    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 217 lbs
    SW August: 157
    Ultimate goal: around 139 and a size 8
    August goal: 149 or lower
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, new to the group! Working on loosing the last 6.5 pounds. I eat around 1350 cals a day, do resistance strength training 3 days and cardio 6 days a week.

    Height: 5 foot nothing
    HW: 180 lbs when I was 17-18
    SW: 138 Beginning of May
    CW: 121.2
    GW: 115
    August goal: 117
  • Ali_p7
    Ali_p7 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I've done well with my nutrition so far this week. I also ran 3 miles Monday & today and did Jillian Michaels on Tuesday. I'm going out w/ MH tonight, but planning ahead to eat a salad & drink vodka/soda instead of wine or beer.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Ah, that's good then. You hear about it and people end up in physio for months and I'm like ???

    TBH I've only had one 'injury' since I started training when I subluxed (partially dislocated) my left hip in a warm up - swung my leg to far upward and popped it - and it lasted about 6 weeks because it wouldn't pop back all the way. Sounds very dramatic but it's a hazard of Hypermobility. Training helps strengthen the muscle but it can only do so much.

    @cmjlavallee I didn't own a scale at university, or in life really, but I was a size US10/UK14 when I left but I came back a US12-14/UK16-18 and I'd gain another dress size before I sorted my life out. For me, it wasn't so much age, I was 26 when I started my journey, or aesthetic reasons, but that I got some very distressing news and I had to really look at myself and decide how effective I was going to be and when you're over 200lbs it's not very. Now I'm roughly what I weighed in high school and a size US4/UK8, so anything is possible. You just have to commit. :heart:
  • FancySnakes
    FancySnakes Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group!
    I just started the keto diet and regular exercise a little over a week ago looking to lose a little extra weight. So far, so good!

    Height: 5' 3"
    SW 7/26/17: 139
    CW 8/02/18: 132.4
    GW: 115

    August goal: 123-125
  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
    Height: 5'4
    HW: 150
    CW: 128.75
    GW: 120 (I'm not 100% set on this yet as I'm in love with my booty, hate seeing my ribs which are already visible ): and don't want to get too skinny)
    August GW: 126

    Current waist: 26.5
    August goal waist: 26.25
    August goal hips: 38.25
    Current thighs: 22.5
    August goal thighs: 22.25

    03 aug: 128.75 (will update goal accordingly if this turns out to be TOM added weight - TOM due today)
    10 aug:
    17 aug:
    24 aug:
    31 aug:
  • astrdomitter
    astrdomitter Posts: 120 Member
    Hi All
    I'd like to join this group too. Just started again last weekend. Nice to be with people with similar goals.

    SW: 131
    CW: 129
    GW: 120

    By end of August I'd like to be 126.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Even more newbies! Hello!
    @rianneonamission Ah, that's good then. You hear about it and people end up in physio for months and I'm like ???

    TBH I've only had one 'injury' since I started training when I subluxed (partially dislocated) my left hip in a warm up - swung my leg to far upward and popped it - and it lasted about 6 weeks because it wouldn't pop back all the way. Sounds very dramatic but it's a hazard of Hypermobility. Training helps strengthen the muscle but it can only do so much.

    Ouch, that sounds unpleasant. Can't imagine what that's like given that I have the joint mobility of a brick :#

    It should be fine IF I wear proper footwear. I thought my flip flops would be nice and comfortable to walk to work in (Havaianas, nice and soft footbed). I was wrong: They are way too flat! Luckily I have some low heels to wear in the office, but I'm going to have to wear my running shoes to walk around in for a while I think. Every time I put my foot down in those flip flops I could feel a pulling sensation, so ended up not putting my heel down for the remainder of the walk.

  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    New here as well. I've put on 20 pounds in two years, since turning 40, and I need to start eating better again and stop drinking wine ...I'm at the point now where I feel too heavy to run long or fast enough, which in turn makes me gain more weight. *sigh* Hoping to shock my system back into a range closer to healthy this month.

    Height 5'5"
    SW 144
    GW 128
    August GW 136
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone, its great to see so many new people! I'm back again this month after joining June and July accountability groups, which I have found super motivating and helpful. I'm feeling better and better about my weight loss and was actually able to wear a bikini last week without and shame - yay! This month I do have a few challenges coming up with a whole slew of birthday parties (literally 50% of my extended family has an August birthday) plus a arts and food festival I'm attending this weekend. I'm hoping to be able to enjoy some cake and sweets here and there, but stick to my slow and steady weight loss trend.

    @rianneonamission I hope you feel better soon, my cousin has plantar fasciitis and I know how painful and annoying that can be!

    Height 5'7"
    SW 150lbs
    CW 132lbs
    GW 122lbs-124lbs
    August GW 128lbs
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Oh yeah, ouch, I can't imagine flipflops would have been comfy if it's the heel of your foot that hurts. I find that gel asics are the best for foot support if you don't feel like you're getting what you need from your current shoes. I have high arches and naturally walk on the balls of my feet when not in footwear so they have to combat a lot. :wink:

    People always wish they were blessed with flexibility but it's more than being bendy. Nothing is ever completely stable so you can't trust anything, and you also fall down a lot :lol:. And then there's the chronic symptoms that come with it: pain, fatigue, anxiety, IBS, things I'll just never be able to do. It's funny, I hadn't realised how much progress I had made until it started slipping away from me, this week especially. I used to have the worst nights because where my muscles were so lax they'd have to work twice as hard to hold the joints in place so when I went to bed, they would stop tensing and it would feel like my pelvis had been set on fire. I've had three nights of it so far and I can say I'm not a fan. It's why I push so hard to be healthy now because I know exactly what it's like to be crippled in bed with pain for days just because I went for a day out and walked for a few hours. I also know exactly what it takes to make that pain go away but I have to let the parts of my body heal that need to heal. The double edged sword of life. :pensive:

    Well that was infinitely deeper than I had planned but it's been percolating on my brain for a few days so I guess it had to come out. :lol:
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    ah @formaggio I hate the thought of giving up wine completely. It makes me sad. This week I've had a glass (or two) every night but have been still around my calorie goal. Last night the wine did lead to the grab of an M&M or two but not many. Going to see what progress I make and if its still not moving will need to drop the booze....waaaahhh!!!!!
  • pittmanclan545
    pittmanclan545 Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, here I am again. Trying to figure out how to get this scale moving!! I'm 48 years old and a mom of 4 teenagers. I've been battling my weight my whole life! At 48 I am in the best shape of my life (almost). If I could lose these extra pounds I'd be a happy girl!

    SW 115 (January 2017)
    CW 113.5
    GW 105-108

    I know it doesn't seem like much but at my age and height those extra pounds matter!
  • wrinkadoodle4
    wrinkadoodle4 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I see so much motivation and it is helping me stay motivated. I have been doing Zumba this week, but today I did a HIIT exercise routine. Whew, that was rough. I think I will go back to Zumba for a bit and then attempt the HIIT routine again.

  • rmd0228
    rmd0228 Posts: 15 Member
    Is it too late to jump in? I'll weigh myself tomorrow.
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    edited August 2017
    Height - 5' 5"
    Starting weight - 168
    August Starting weight - 161
    Goal weight for month end - 155
    Final weight - 132
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @rmd0228 Nope, it's never too late to join!

    @glassofroses Sounds like life handed you a rough deal, but you are handling it well.

    @wrinkadoodle4 HIIT is hard, but incredibly beneficial, like tabata.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission You know, I never considered it like that. It is what it is, no use crying over spilled milk, you know that sort of thing. The only time it ever gets to me is when older people judge me for not getting up on public transport because if I'm sitting there I can promise you it's because I physically cannot stand. When I subluxed my hip, I graded on it - 2 hours of intense complicated/repetitive combinations - and I sucked it up. Not my best idea but I did it. :lol: A lot of people who have what I have have to have walking sticks/wheelchairs/braces and stuff but I've worked my hardest to never need any of that, which seems to just make the judging worse. NGL, I do have fun with it sometimes. If I've been walking for a long period of time I tend to need to stretch out and I will do it wherever I am and people look at me like I'm crazy -- random lady doing almost box splits in Tesco! Plus when my joints click it's really loud and it can freak some people out. :naughty::lol:
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new to this group! I have always been pretty thin but never gave much thought to my diet, exercise, or overall health. Well, then I started my real adult desk job after being a student/working retail on my feet for years, plus started a new medication, and ended up gaining some weight. I started my "journey" in February 2017. Being petite, I don't have a lot of calories to work with so I have to be pretty strict with myself. I aim to net around 1300cal and am trying to workout more often.

    Height - 5' 3"
    Age - 23
    Starting weight - 127 (in February 2017)
    Goal weight - 110

    August start weight - 119
    End of August goal weight - Ideal for end of August is 115, but I will shoot for 117 to be more manageable. The loss is extremely slow in order to do it healthily.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @glassofroses Well that's it, you're not defined by your hypermobility. It simply is a part of you.

    Little interim weight update:

    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    2nd Aug: 166.8lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    4th Aug: 165.8lbs - Body fat 26.7%

    I am making calorie happy pizza for dinner tonight B)
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    Oh what is calorie happy pizza @rianneonamission ? Has anyone tried the cauliflower crust? I love the cauliflower rice but use it like just that...rice, not sure how it would work as a crust. Also love zoodles! I can easily give up pasta and eat those or eat bread instead which I love! Was going to get up a run this a.m. but was sleeping so good and was tired when I got up. Donated blood yesterday so didn't want to push it. Maybe get a few miles in later today.

    @wrinkadoodle4 I love Zumba. Haven't done it in years but it is so much fun! HIIT is def. tough, but the more you do the easier it will get but again if you don't enjoy it stick with the zumba :smile:

    Happy Friday all! Any big plans?
  • Ali_p7
    Ali_p7 Posts: 14 Member
    Weigh in day today
    Height 5'6"
    SW on 7/31: 173
    8/4: 168.5
    GW: 150
    August Goal: 165

    I'm feeling good about my progress and my plans moving forward. Long term, I really want to get lean & build more muscle. For now, my focus is on calorie in take, clean eating 80/20, my 1/2 marathon training and strength training at least 2x's a week.

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @cmjlavallee When it comes to healthier pizzas I use wholemeal tortillas for the base and mix tomato puree in with some passata for a lighter sauce. I don't like cheese/can't eat a lot of dairy so I skip that and add tons of spinach and then whatever else I fancy. And awesome that you gave blood! I'm not due to give again until September and I always take advantage of the biscuits. They're always the really good ones from my childhood. :lol:

    Double weigh in, @rianneonamission? And awesome loss in two days! Especially the decrease in BF. :star:

    I'm on week three of a crummy viral infection, I went to my doctor last week and she said come back in a week if it's not better so I have an appointment for next week. I do feel better but it's not completely gone. But yeah, no plans for me tonight. Tomorrow I'm going out for dinner again, maybe a movie, but I'm not sure yet.
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    I've lost 1 lb this week so far (since Tuesday) and I've got one to go but not sure it's going to happen. I tend to cheat on the weekend --- I have an active job and we cannot have food in the office (we have to eat in the cafeteria).
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Pretty happy with this week, I've been under calories every day this week and my holiday weight has gone.

    31/7 140lb
    5/8 137.2lb

    I haven't done any exercise this week because I'm so tired after holiday, am going to start over again on Monday.

    Have a good weekend
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    Height 5'7"
    SW 150lbs
    GW 122lbs-124lbs
    August GW 128lbs

    June Start: 144lbs
    June Finish: 141lbs
    July Start: 137lbs
    July Finish: 132lbs

    8/5: 131lbs

    Feeling really decent about this week, so far. I need to come up with some fun new healthy recipes to try though, since I think I've eaten about as much quinoa, veggie burgers, and garden salads as a girl can handle. Please let me know if you have any healthy, filling dinner recipes you'd like to share! My house is not very picky - but I do not eat any seafood. Thank you!
  • astrdomitter
    astrdomitter Posts: 120 Member
    So today is my weigh day. I've lost another 1.4 pounds since I started again. Whoo hoo! Hope everyone has a great weekend.