The Five-Letter Game
Finally drifted off, then the dog woke me up to go potty. Sheesh!
Some apples vary often regularly.
A P P L E0 -
^ I usually wake up to take me to the potty!
Awesome palatial palaces look expensive.
L O O K E0 -
Well I did that too...twice!
Let's only ogle kangaroos enthusiastically.
O G L E S0 -
me too...tmi ha!
Opinionated grouchy ladybugs elaborate stories.
S T O R Y0 -
Start trying only roasted yams.
S T A R T0 -
Soup might affect research today.
M I G H T0 -
My imagined ghost has talons.
T A L O N0 -
Tasting appetizers limits optimal nutrition.
L I M I T1 -
Little imps must initiate trouble.
I N I T I0 -
Isabella never initiates travel itineraries.
Nightly earthquakes vacate elite resorts.
E L I T E0 -
Even little insects try edamame.
E V E N S0 -
European vacations everyone needs someday.
N E E D S0 -
Norma extremely enjoyed days spent.
(my sister, Norma, left yesterday and safely returned home after a week of vacation at my house.
She plans on Europe someday too.)
E N J O Y0 -
^me too...on the bucket list for sure
Eventually nighttime justifies online Youtube.
N I G H T0 -
Naturally, I get hot today.
S T E A M0 -
Stevia tastes earthy and modified.
E A R T H0 -
Earth and rain throw havoc.
H A V O C0 -
Having a very old chicken.
H A V E S0 -
Hairy and very extroverted sheep.
S H E E P0 -
She helps everyone extra perfectly.
E X T R A0 -
Electric xylophones torment rats always. (Just in case Sheryl doesn't know this...)
P H O N E0 -
I didn't know...gotta get one of those, or two or three
Peonies have only nasal effect.
N A S A L0 -
Nuts and seeds are loved.
L O V E D0 -
Lilies over violets every day.
V I O L A0 -
VW's in Orlando look alike.
A L I K E0 -
All ladies instinctively keep eating.
Flawless ornate ornaments dazzle yearly.
M E N T S0 -
Many events note today's schedule.
B L E N D0 -
Blissful little elephants need doughnuts.
P H A N T0