The Five-Letter Game
Put honey around nice tomatoes.
H O N E Y0 -
Haggard oxen need easy yoga.
E A S Y S0 -
Edgar asked Sam, yes, Sam!!!
when I draw a blank, I fall back on proper names, now that's easy
E D G A R0 -
Elaborately decorated gardens always rural.
(^thanks for the tip...I need all the help I can get lol!)
R U R A L0 -
Really unusual rats are little.
i can get all the help too vegmebuff!0 -
Lovely instrumental tunes transform leprechauns.
T U N E S0 -
Tones, uniform notes, evoke songs.
F O R M S0 -
Fancy outfits really make statements.
M E N T S0 -
Men elaborate nightly, telling stories.
Salty tasty olives replenishes yuppies.
S A L T Y0 -
Sheryl always leans toward yellow.
V A L U E0 -
Violet and lacy underwear expensive.
U N D E R0 -
Understanding normally delivers emotions, rejoice!
L I V E R S0 -
Lemons in Vitamix emulsify rewarding smoothies.
L E M O N0 -
(oops, after rereading...I see that I submitted a six letter word, sorry)
Leaving evidence might optimize nailing (the bad guys).
N A I L S0 -
no worries...I don't mind at all!
Not always in love sufficiently.
A L W A Y0 -
Annie lost weight, all yogurt.
A N N I E0 -
Abnormal neurotic neighbors impersonate everyone.
N E I G H0 -
New endeavors intimidate gullible hipsters.
Trump instigates memorable incidents daily.
T R U M P0 -
The rude umpire must prevail.
0 -
Rich uncles donate escargot Saturdays.
D O N A T0 -
Night vegmebuff. My brain has wound down an I'm off to bed. Have a good night!0
Yes...I'm the same - have a great week:)1
Dogs only need a trainer.
And this dog of mine need to stop using me as his pillow!!0 -
Never eat eighty doughnuts Saturdays.
awww...he just sounds so lovable though!
E I G H T0 -
Eighteen insects gone hiding today.
H I D E S0 -
Historical imperialism during Egyptian society.
S O C I I0 -
She only can imagine innocence.
I M A G E0 -
Interesting movies about giraffes embezzling.
M O V I E0