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  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Amanda, sorry to see your chart, it does look like you are out this cycle unfortunately. *hugs* that sucks. I did the opposite this cyce with alcohol and eating well. I had cake and wine for dinner one night, I'm eating more ice cream and frappachinos then ever. This is really hard for me, so I'm enjoying the little things, otherwise I become a cranky person. I am trying not to go overboard and get fatter though lol.

  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks for the confirmation Kirstie! It's always nice to get a second opinion instead of slightly holding out hope tomorrow's temp will go up. And thanks for the hugs. This road is longer than I ever thought it would be. I was so naive. Enjoy the treats!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Amanda, sorry to have to confirm your suspicion :( Each new cycle is so hard. What cycle are you on again? I think it took Katie 5ish cycles to get pregnant, and then were a few ladies that got pregnant right away after getting off birth control, so it's kind of mixed comoany here, I'm also on a ttc subreddit that is really helpful and active.

    I'm at the point in my cycle no where I get all hopeful and optimistic again, dreaming this will be the cycle and of my little baby bean. It's much better than being gloomy forever you know? Waiting to ovulate :) I've also been pretty productive this week, and so had hubby! We are both cleaning our home offices and I'm working on finishing up my closet organization! I love the fall!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    edited September 2017
    @Kirstie155 Welp, all those vitamins can't be that bad. But grapefruit juice... :s I tried doing the Mucinex thing for a few days, but it made me dizzy, queasy, and sleepy. Not doing that again! You are a trooper! And kudos for all that spring cleaning. I'm a lazy butt right now.

    @pezhed Thanks! I'm back to where I was in May. If I lose another 12, I will be back to last September. Seriously, I way overdid the wine and ice cream my first year of marriage! Haha.

    Also, I find it interesting that my entire cycle is the length of your follicular phase. So FF thinks I'm 1 day post O behind you. We're probably gonna be AF buddies this time. :#
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    @Kirstie155 I'm only technically wrapping up the 3rd cycle, though halfway through the cycle before we decided not to prevent. It hasn't been that long and I know it can take a while. I just went into it very optimistic. I'm coming down to reality now! Enjoy the follicular phase energy level! At this point I want to sleep and eat donuts. I really struggle with the shortening days in September.

    @Alioth fingers crossed we AREN'T AF buddies! Funny about our cycle lengths though. My last cycle actually would have fit inside just my follicular phase this cycle, I notice now that you mention it. How is temping going for you? Can I look at your chart?

    I think I might not temp after crosshairs next cycle. I tie way too much meaning to each individual temperature and it makes me unstable. Now that I know my LP length I'll know when to test. Yesterday my crosshairs disappeared randomly at the end of the day and freaked out (even though I didn't think I totally trusted them). They returned this morning, much to my relief, and my temp came back up to where it was. I'm putting little stock in it and bracing for AF tonight or tomorrow. Going camping without a bathroom this weekend, so that's sure to be annoying. Heart says: maybe you'll get a BFP and not have to deal with AF. Brain says: put your diva cup in on Friday and stop thinking about it.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    Ah there she is. On to cycle 4ish! Going to stock up on supplements on my way home.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Kirstie155 I envy the cleaning projects you're getting done, we are going to try and slam out a round of cleaning and de-cluttering this weekend. Anxious to have things back in order, it feels so much nicer!

    @pezhed Sorry AF arrived. Here's to cycle 4 being the magic number!

    Baby dust and hugs to everyone!!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited September 2017
    Oh, Amanda. I'm so sorry that cycle 4 is here. :( *Hugs* it sucks no matter what cycle you are on, I hope this next one is your cycle!

    My OPKs are so negative and fertile cm is scarce. FF has O predicted for tomorrow, but I'm pretty skeptical. Been DB EOD since Sunday, and am going to keep it up until I get solid crosshairs- not even stopping g for dotted ones! (Heh, we will see if we can keep that up) I'm going to my grandma's out of state tomorrow for a day trip, leaving early and coming back late. Then going to Arlington national cemetery Sunday to see my late FIL for his birthday in September- it's a hike and also a day trip. Woof I'm tired just thinking about this weekend! I hope you all have some fun things planned! :)

    ETA: Sheila, I have to get the cleaning done in sports or it doesn't get done! I've had stuff to donate to a charity shop in my car since SUNDAY! It's gotta go today, I need my car emptied for these trips!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks for the condolences, ladies. I got some vitamin B6 and Vitex yesterday to try to lengthen my LP. I'm glad I started temping (thanks for the encouragement to do that Kirstie!!) so I could see that my LP is short. Hopefully the vitamins plus dietary changes I plan to make will fix it. I'll finally do that fertility cleanse I've been yapping about starting next Wendnesday after we have friends over for dinner on Tuesday night. I need that for my weight anyway! The scale has been cliiiimbing over the past few months.

    This weekend I'm going to camping and mountain biking in Salida, CO. We're doing a 40 mile bike ride tomorrow (I'm scared) and a shorter one on Sunday. I'm really excited but annoyed that I have my period. At least I use a Divacup so I shouldn't have to do much finagling in the woods and can just leave it in. Kris and I had stress arguments and tension last night and this morning over getting our ish together for the trip, but I honestly didn't mind because at least it was a diversion from TTC stress.

    @Kirstie155 your weekend sounds soooo busy! Sounds fun though! Good job with the EOD BD. That's hard to maintain!

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Amanda, I'm glad youre taking steps to lengthen your LP, and that temping helped you discover that it was short. I thought a friend told me vitex was to help with ovulation, but I might be misremembering. Your weekend sounds like a blast, it's great you are so active with biking and hiking, I bet its really beautiful!

    Holy ewcm this evening, Batman! I've seen tiny traces this week when I go digging for it, but tonight I was just sitting down and I felt it! I hope it keeps up, and I'll continue my grapefruit juice and Mucinex with RRL tea rituals until after ovulate is confirmed. I think they might have helped, but still too early to know for sure.
    Don't let this fool you though, I'm still down in the dumps and ugly cried tonight. Really hoping I get pregnant soon, I don't think I can mentally handle ttc much longer. The rest of my life feels like it's fading away and I'm consumed by ttc. I miss myself, and who I used to be before ttc.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith There is something very satisfying about fall cleaning, isn't there? Sounds awesome. Welp, we got the pressure washer FINALLY working and started the process of paint stripping. Mostly cleaned house and did laundry today, painted and did get to the gym. Yay for a real day off!

    @pezhed Boooo for AF! Let us know how your camping trip goes. Oh yeah, here are links to my charts. I'm running two different ones simultaneously. Out of curiosity, I started taking temps at 2 or 3 am when I get up to pee as well as later in the morning (around 7). Then recording the lower number. Basically, an experiment to see if that would smooth out the rocky temps. So far it pretty much works. Chart1 Chart2 Chart2 is likely more accurate from my notes and OPK. FF originally had O date earlier and is gradually shifting it to match what I manually set on the MMC chart. That was also part of the experiment, to see if FF would eventually become more accurate.

    @Kirstie155 *hugs!* Sounds like you're getting burned out. I'm so sorry it's been so hard for you lately. Good luck with the BD and EWCM! Fingers crossed for you.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    edited September 2017
    @Kirstie155 hope you got to take advantage of the copious EWCM! It's so hard not to be consumed by this process. I haven't figured out the balance either. I hope you can find the support you need! Hugs to you!
    I think Vitex is good for ovulation and luteal phase lengthening. It increases LH production which in turn increases progesterone production, from what I've read. We'll see what it does for me!

    @Alioth I could only look at Chart2 on my phone but it looks good! And dammmnn that's a lot of BD leading up to O. Way to hit that window 100%! Interesting experiment! I'll compare your charts when I'm on a computer.

    The mountain biking was so fun but a little too hard for my level. I wrecked a few times but only one gave me a bunch of bruises...sooo a success, I guess! My diva cup was a total piece of shiz and I bled all over my padded shorts which was disgusting. I loved being in the little mountain town we were in! Kris and I bought a new large piece of art there, which we had been searching for (at least half-heartedly) since we bought our home last April. I hope everyone else has had a great weekend!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    This site has a lot of info on Vitex:
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Liz, thanks for the support. Im not that down in the dumps all the time and am feeling much better at the moment, but there are certainly dark times. I really should clarify that so you all dont think Im a sobbing sad mess all the time. It usually passes!

    Amanda, your weekend sounds rough! Falling and your diva cup failing-have you used one before? I use one and love it, but every now and then it just leaks for a cycle, like my cervix rejects it and they make up again the next cycle. Your art sounds awesome, what a great keepsake of your trip, and decoration for your home!

    I had a huge temp spike this morning, so hoping I Od already and banging it out EOD for the rest of the week anyway. My EWCM was just that one time :( so I dont think I'll bother with the gross grapefruit juice again because I really dont like it. Mucinex too, it made me stuffy and light headed a lot. The stuffiness could have been allergies I guess, but it certainly didnt help my CM, and that stuff is expensive so Im not taking it if it doesnt work! My weekend was super busy and Im exhausted. Hardly any food in the house, out of coffee, no milk, no fresh veggies, only like 3 apples. Its sad lol. I did manage to get some laundry through the washer/drier, but folded and put away is a whole other battle. Busy week at work, I hope you all have an awesome day :)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    pezhed wrote: »
    This site has a lot of info on Vitex:

    Welp, I have to go buy that immediately! Although I dont have weird cycles or pcos,, maybe I dont need it. Might need to save cash for fertility totems instead. Hmmm, decisions, decisions. :D
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    Ahaha yeah I wouldn't worry about Vitex if I were you. After you said "fertility totems" I went back to the link I posted and thought I saw "fertility chants" on the sidebar, but it was charts fertility CHARTS. Haha. Whatever woo woo magic is out there can't hurt, right? That sucks about the grapefruit juice and the Mucinex! I have no interest in Mucinex but I do like grapefruit so I was thinking about trying that. I'm with you on the bare cabinets! Adulting is so hard sometimes. We have company coming for dinner tomorrow night so we'd better make it to the store or we're serving our friends pasta!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hahaha! Fertility chants, I'm on it! *Googles furiously*
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    My Fertility Chant. Hahahaha. When we started TTC, this song got stuck in my head ALL THE TIME.

    @Kirstie155 I don't think you're a mess! Just venting occasionally. Happy to hear about your temp rise. Oh, they have mucinex at dollar tree now btw if you get tempted to use it again.

    @pezhed OMG! Sounds like an awesome trip mostly. Way to rock the trail! also, hah, all the bding is prolly also cuz we're still newly weds. Need to get off my lazy butt and get to the gym today.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited September 2017
    omg you totally buying a fertility totem on ebay right now! Its a totally cool pregnant woman necklace and Im so hoping I win the bid! What do you think?! I think shes gorgeous and not like way over the top "is that a pregnant chick necklace?!" I'll have to think of a name fo rher!


    ETA: also buying vitex asap because last cycle my LP was only 7 days, and in may was 9!! How did I not see this before?! EEEEk!!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 821 Member
    Haha Kirstie I thought you were joking about the totem! She's pretty though!

    Glad you noticed your short LPs! Maybe Vitex will help you!