New keto girl with 100+ pounds to lose....want friends



  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I would love it if everyone here adds me. I need a ton of support because keto can be confusing even when you try to keep it simple. I e been on keto for 17 days and lost 12 pounds. Not bad but not great. I'm stuck a little between ketosis and keto adaption. I can tell keto adaption is coming soon because I can IF for up to 23 hours with little hunger. But most importantly I have t eaten any sugar on 17 days. Not even sweeteners. I never ever thought this was possible. God bless this diet
  • uscjas2017
    uscjas2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started a combo of Keto & IF last Saturday. I'm down 10 lbs as of today. Still have about 110 lbs to go. I too am having a hard time hitting my recommended caloric intake (1980). I seem to only be able to hit about 1400/day. I haven't started working out yet, so I think once I add workouts in after day 10 on the diet, it might be easier to hit 1980.
  • ElorasMomForever
    ElorasMomForever Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me, been doing keto for about a month.
  • trish55011
    trish55011 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! you can add me too!
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks to everyone. Just giving a quick update, I am on day 55 of Keto and I am down 28 pounds. Keep calm and Keto on....
  • CatMarlett
    CatMarlett Posts: 27 Member
    You can add me as well. I am starting Keto tomorrow (been doing lower carb to gradually shift into keto). Thanks
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Goal179 wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone. Just giving a quick update, I am on day 55 of Keto and I am down 28 pounds. Keep calm and Keto on....

    Well done!! You are obviously feeling o:) like, and deservedly!
  • kristenhuckaby
    kristenhuckaby Posts: 15 Member
    I'd love to have a cheerleading section - I promise the same

    Keto since 9/11 & down 17.8#

    Usually 16/8 IF but today is day 3 of a 3-day extended fast. Morning of day 2 I was down 3# - haven't weighed yet this morning. NOTES: headaches crazy 1st 2 days even w/ lots of water, Powerade Zero and electrolyte supps. Hoping today is better. This was a trial run for a 5 or 7-day fast b/f EOY.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @kristenhuckaby - Those headaches are more likely sodium based. Try replacing the upwards of 3500-5000 MG a day of sodium your body dumps on low carb. Powerade Zero has almost no real electrolytes of value. I'm not sure what supps you're using, but sodium is the biggest, then magnesium. Most folks don't need to add potassium without major exertion or medical testing - me, personally, when I added potassium, I was so magnesium deficient, it would make me dump even more magnesium, worsening the problem. Dropped the potassium, upped the magnesium supplements, and have been right as rain since.

    You can take salt directly in your hand (be careful of quantity - too much can cause a digestive issue), add it to water, or toss down some salt crystals like medicine pills... We are so used to being told low sodium that we don't realize how much the body dumps. Each time you adjust deeper into ketosis or hit a new milestone, work out, or get dehydrated, this can happen all over again. Good luck.
  • buzai
    buzai Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    New to keto woe have to lose 50+pounds need friends for motivation.
  • Ketomilly1
    Ketomilly1 Posts: 52 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @kristenhuckaby - Those headaches are more likely sodium based. Try replacing the upwards of 3500-5000 MG a day of sodium your body dumps on low carb. Powerade Zero has almost no real electrolytes of value. I'm not sure what supps you're using, but sodium is the biggest, then magnesium. Most folks don't need to add potassium without major exertion or medical testing - me, personally, when I added potassium, I was so magnesium deficient, it would make me dump even more magnesium, worsening the problem. Dropped the potassium, upped the magnesium supplements, and have been right as rain since.

    You can take salt directly in your hand (be careful of quantity - too much can cause a digestive issue), add it to water, or toss down some salt crystals like medicine pills... We are so used to being told low sodium that we don't realize how much the body dumps. Each time you adjust deeper into ketosis or hit a new milestone, work out, or get dehydrated, this can happen all over again. Good luck.

  • Ketomilly1
    Ketomilly1 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all above...I equally would like Keto friends....I just did 28 hour fast.....I have at least 70 pounds to lose and a lifestyle to gain. Love ❤️ to have friends to share the journey with!
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    Keto here since January of this year. Anyone can add me.
  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm also new to keto and looking to lose 90-100 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • Thundyrstorm
    Thundyrstorm Posts: 51 Member
    Awesome that your starting Keto, I hope you find great success, feel free to add me, as well as anyone else!
    Hope to hear more about your journey
  • RecipeScrapper
    RecipeScrapper Posts: 84 Member
    I just joined in on this group. I have been KETO/lchf since April 27, 2017. I have lost 75# since them.

    I am doing KETO for my health. December 12, 2016 I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Had my thyroid removed December 22, 2016 and radiation therapy on January 19, 2017. During that time I was playing around with KETO but knew that while in isolation during the radiation therapy it would be difficult because the foods were limited to those that did not effect the Iodine in my treatment. The only thing I could keep down for the first week was plain baked potato, unfortunately. When I was officially radiation free April 20 I started prepping foods for the following week. BTW, doctor was amazed I was radiation free in only 3 months. It had to be all the water I consumed during the isolation period. All of my doctors were thrilled with my choice of KETO except my Primary Care doctor. She is very skeptical of me and weight loss. After my first 20# she started paying attention. I have a long way to go, but am feeling better every day.

    Looking forward to the December challenge. I have an appointment with my neurologist (migraines) and want to get him as excited about this month's weight loss.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    I just joined in on this group. I have been KETO/lchf since April 27, 2017. I have lost 75# since them.

    I am doing KETO for my health. December 12, 2016 I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Had my thyroid removed December 22, 2016 and radiation therapy on January 19, 2017. During that time I was playing around with KETO but knew that while in isolation during the radiation therapy it would be difficult because the foods were limited to those that did not effect the Iodine in my treatment. The only thing I could keep down for the first week was plain baked potato, unfortunately. When I was officially radiation free April 20 I started prepping foods for the following week. BTW, doctor was amazed I was radiation free in only 3 months. It had to be all the water I consumed during the isolation period. All of my doctors were thrilled with my choice of KETO except my Primary Care doctor. She is very skeptical of me and weight loss. After my first 20# she started paying attention. I have a long way to go, but am feeling better every day.

    Looking forward to the December challenge. I have an appointment with my neurologist (migraines) and want to get him as excited about this month's weight loss.

    This is really excellent, well done on soooo many fronts! Have you seen some of the stuff about the metabolic theory of cancer. Check out Tuit nutrition she has some amazing posts about it and explains what they say in somewhat more layman's terms, though I've now ordered the actual book. It makes so much sense to me at least and we have a family history of BRCA1 so I have a certain interest!! See you over in the December Challenge! :)<3
  • kayerob
    kayerob Posts: 1 Member
    I’m starting keto as well! I wanna lose about 50.. I would love a fellow keto gal pal for a little kick in the *kitten*!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Add me 5 months in - 37 lbs 40 inches 3 dress sizes