Daily check in



  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Kim, I love the honesty! Keep it up! Also, if you and Sheri want my attention, you both know where to find me!
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I'm not sure what happened to the rest of my post, so I'll try again.

    Even though I have been MIA, I am still on board with Pushing Forward, continuing to exercise and be careful with my food intake. Plus, I think I may be making a little progress! My jeans felt a little looser yesterday, and when I wore my basketball shorts to take a walk, which I hadn't worn in a while, they didn't ride up like they used to! Next weigh in - - one week, and I'm looking forward to it!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    We care about u. Great job Naomi! Keep it up lady.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 28 Sunday

    Scheduled rest day & my legs are still sore so, I rested very well!
    Nutrition: Good and will be under calories

    Day 4 – Weekly 4

    Kbranch – Love Sedona! Sounds like you had an amazing time, excellent control/balance with your nutrition. That’s why your the Queen! Now, go eat something and get some rest!!
    PS: “I” would be the ball and chain as I would be dragging you down, lol

    Kathy – Don’t feel depressed about enjoying some of the not so healthy foods, I truly believe you deserve to treat yourself to goodies once in a while as long as it's in moderation. I think if have a balance of 90/10 then it’s all good!

    Today starts a new day for the “Queen for the day” so don’t forget to start adding up your points! o:)

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks all. Today was kinda low key. Walked my dog in the morning and evening. Ate under goal but I think the egg foo young has more than average sodium. Didn't have any sweets today. Over goal on protein.

    Everyone did an outstanding job these last four weeks. I was thinking about our posts and I've come to the conclusion that food and to an extent exercise is a psychological game. Food and our cravings can be controlled with our will power. Me like so many others have difficulties but we keep on fighting. Busy days will get the best of us some days, but then if you can control your intake that day you'll be no further behind in your personal goals. We're not perfect but at least we're conscious.

    Week 5 B)
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    What a gorgeous day!!! I am loving this cooler weather. Golfed 18 holes today and treated myself to an ice cold beer in the clubhouse afterward. Did good with calories today but was high sodium again. It was those leftover quesidillas. Sorry not sure on that spelling. I wish I had a dog to get me out to walk every day. I miss that.
    intotennis - good to rest, you have some big matches this week and you've been killing the P90X.
    kbranch - ever need a dog sitter let me know and congrats again queen. Thanks for giving the rest of us something to shoot for.
    naomi - good to hear from you and that you are working hard on your workouts and food intake. Keep it up.

    day 4, week 4
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check In Day 28

    Kim, I am not sure if this is you, but today, I changed my menu up and had more carbs than I normally would and OMG was I hungry all darn day long! I was literally wanting to cook dinner at 4... and I did. I was done eating by 5:00.
    I ate some carbs for lunch, then had some rice crackers, and next thing you know, I was wanting more and more... so I knew I had to have protein to keep me full. I hit protein on my dinner and after eating, I was fine. It was a very weird day today about being hungry... craving. I think some of us are affected by carbs different from others. Rice definitely makes me hungry and makes me crave.... Just a thought. Maybe one day try to have one of your meals mostly protein and less carbs.?? See if the hunger or craves stays. Today was really black and white for me and I am 100% the kind of person that doesn't do well with lots of carbs, it caused me to want to eat all the time.

    Naomi, loose jeans are ALWAYS a great sign regardless of what the scale says. I realized my scale went up before it went down and yet my clothes are getting loose. So, I don't take the scale as serious.

    Menu was higher in calories than normal, because of the carbs making me hungrier. I was really trying to stay at 1250 and not use any exercise calories, oh well, I like what I ate.
    I am always good on water since it is the only thing I drink and I love water.
    I did get some exercise in before the football game. I did 15% incline at 3.8 and some sprints in between.
    Tape measure is being kind, that's my "scale". (because the other one sucks butt) lol

    Next week, I think I am going to dive back into tennis, big time. I think I am ready and missing the challenge. HOLLER if you need a 4th or someone to play singles with.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    @MommaBeare - - I can't go without protein, either! Don't feel bad about eating it if it is what you need. I need a high protein diet because I have type O blood (found this out by reading "Eat Right for Your Type"), and that may be why you need it, too, so it's not going to change! Also, great job on the water, exercise, and 'tape measure scale!'

    D: 4.
    W: 4.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Checking in: plugging away. Felt great lose a little more weight. Would have been better if Raiders played better. Seemed like offensive line didn't have quarterback and running backs back :(. Congrats Redskins for a great game.

    Bam I'm inspired to keep pushing forward. Everyone in the group is impressive. Let keep going. :) !!!!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello ladies

    Carbs are tricky. I have to have a little or I'll be hungry but I'll have whole grain carbs and not a full serving. I think my diary is public so you can see what I eat. No science to it, just try to be aware of portions and empty calories. If I splurge its on something decadent or total worth the cheat. I'm a sucker for donuts but only good ones. I cannot lose any weight right now, I suppose I could eat less but I'll end up picking too many sweets the next day. I am kinda close over on protein and fat. Since I incorporated more whole grain and oat bran I'm on the mark for fiber. I think I'm in maintain mode. I dunno.

    Today I wasn't hungry hardly at all and ate most of my calories at breakfast and lunch. It worked. I was up at 4:30am and went to gym. I have a singles match tomorrow against Anthem.

    Thanks for sharing the food stories.
    Thanks @crazychicken2017 and @MommaBeare
    @kathyNKCSD I want to hang out with you. Your style is up my alley.


    Week 5
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 29 Monday

    Played 2 & ½ hours of tennis singles, super fun and lots of running. Completed P90X3 Triometrics, it’s basically how long can you stand on one leg and squat, reach, until your screaming! Then went shopping and got home to cook dinner, etc. Lot’s of running today.

    Nutrition: Great, no time to get board and snack, will be under calories & good choices.

    Day 4 – weekly 8

    Naomisd – yes, we know where to find you, lol Excellent news on your jeans and shorts, you’re doing awesome, keep up the great work!

    Kbranch – I agree, it’s will power but, how do you find it? I’m going to try and be more conscious of what I eat, maybe ask myself “do you really want this?” worth a shot. PS: I’m coming for your crown,lol

    Kahty – It’s a wonderful thing when we find a balance and you my friend have! I have a teenager you can walk but, he’d probably be more pain then worth, lol (jk)

    Mommabeare – Great advise on more protein, sounds like a win/win for all of us. I’ll take inches over scale any day, Congrats! (I’ll get you in my loop for tennis, love to have you back!)

    Chrazychicken – Congrats on the weight loss! and, what’s this “raiders” stuff you speak of, lol

    It’s our 5th week, and it’s going to be an awesome one!! <3<3<3<3

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    I don't know what you speak of this "will power"? Let me know when you find it cuz I need some too. Food is my nemesis.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everyone, good to hear that you're all pushing forward!!! Running around today shopping for a new phone and (wait for it) I cashed in my flip phone of 5 years for my first smartphone. I can now use emojis!!!!! I succumbed to the temptation of a raisin bran muffin today. It sounds like it would be healthy but NOT. Didn't really eat much for lunch but ended up making up for that at dinner. That was not a great idea. The scale was good this morning but I was surprised that the measurements weren't much different.
    kbranch - you are a beast with your smart food choices and I would love to view your food diary to see what I might be able to copy but I don't seem to know how to do that. What time do you go to bed to be able to be functional at 4:30 am?
    Have never thought that much about what is better protein, carbs???? Naomi, where can I find "Eat right for your type"?
    intotennis - I got tired just reading that you played 2 and 1/2 hours of singles!! Plus you did triometrics???

    day 3, week 7
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    CC2017 - You're killing it! Awesome!
    Sheri - Next time you want to play 2.5 hours of singles, pick me, pick me! Lol!
    Kim - Kudos on being up at 4:30. I don't have that ability!
    Kathy - "Eat Right for Your Type" is a book by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo and should be available at the library and /or online.

    Finally, I had to work a 10-hour day today so I chose to go for a walk in the morning before work instead of waiting until after work when there would be no time left. Therefore, that allows me to post the following information:
    D 4, W 8.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 30 Tuesday (Team match tonight across the globe, so early check in)

    Had a tennis match this AM and completed P90X3 Warrior, felt stronger on some of the moves, super motivating!

    Nutrtion: Great, trying a new mushroom rice recipe, I’ll share if it comes out good!

    Day 4 – Weekly 12

    Kranch – I thought you had the “will power”, lol You my friend are doing amazing and set a wonderful example! I think we all need to master the power, that’s why were here. We got this!!! So sing with me, “We got the power, hu!”

    Kathy – Congrats on your new phone! Don’t be so hard on yourself with the muffin, you had a treat and it’s a balancing act and I think your doing great!

    Naomisds – Super smart to get your workout done early especially if you know you’ll have a long day! Still have to get that book and check it out, and I’ll call for some singles!

    You’re all doing great, keep pushing forward!!! :)
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello ladies

    Thank you. I had the usual but had two pieces of chocolate and a bite of cake. I played singles and lost but I had a good time and burned a few during my tennis lesson.

    Kathy I see you right now playing your match! So we know you're working out.
    Naomi outstanding work on getting a few steps in after a long day.
    Intotennis, I saw you then you darted behind a light pole and you disappeared. I saw the skirt slippage too. You are a warrior and your motivation is contagious. You're an awesome example.
    CC you are so consistent right now. You're in a perfect groove! Way to go!

    Where are the other warriors?

    Week 5

  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Way to go on all the exercise, all! Also, way to keep fighting even if you didn't have a so-called "perfect" day.

    Kim, I was wondering the same thing - - where is everybody? I want to read all their success stories to stay motivated!

    Anyway, went on a walk today and will be getting a great workout tomorrow with some singles. Wish me luck!

    D 4, W 12.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in late tonight but can't get to sleep reliving the doubles match I played tonight with Susan. Proud that we fought back in the 1st set and in the 3rd set tiebreak. Wish I wouldn't have saved my only double fault for the tiebreak at 8-8. I did enjoy the match overall though and Susan and I played well against a good team. So anyway I am winding down right now.
    kbranch and susan - enjoyed the food talk on our way home. Got some good ideas to spice up my menus.
    naomi - I'm going to our library to look for that book and good job at getting up earlier to get a walk in before a very busy day. Go get that tennis win tomorrow.
    intotennis - man you really are showing your weight loss in that tennis outfit tonight. Hope you're feeling as good as you are looking!! I'll try the hummus tomorrow.
    susan - taking just a few minutes a day to get on the website and check in will help keep your goal in sight especially on the hard long days. Believe me I know!!
    day 4, week 11
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 31 Wednesday (another match tonight so early check in)

    Completed P90X Yoga and have a tennis match tonight so should be good on calorie burn!

    Nutrition: Great, doing well and expect to continue. Tried the new Mushroom rice recipe, not bad but, need a little something if it’s going to be a main meal.

    Happy note: While warming up the the team, I started running down a ball and my skirt started slipping down & I had to hold onto it, such a awesome problem to have!

    Day 4 – Weekly 16

    Kbranch – Very tough opponent so I’m sure you burned up a bunch of calories competing with her! PS: Just slippage, no exposure, lol

    Naomisda – I agree Na, I love seeing everyone post with there up’s and down’s, it helps to know we all are in the same boat and we can help each other to keep pushing. Hope you had a great match!

    Kahty – You played awesome & it definitely could of gone either way! You’ll get them next time and Thank you so much for compliment, I’m starting to feel good too!

    I see a pattern, we all need each other! If you have a bad day, so what! We all will have bad days, we're here to support you and help push you. You’ve joined the group, that was the 1st step so keep stepping on! We’ve got your back!! <3

  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Wow its been really busy lately. I just recently started a overnight job and its thrown my routine off. The challenge has been making still going choices who working late. I have not may the best choices nutritionally. But the plus side is my new job is very physical. No workouts so far this week. I gotta adjust to the changes but I'm up for the challenge.