Daily check in



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 36 Monday

    Had a tennis match this am and then completed P90X Triometrix.

    Nutrition: Good day

    Day 4 - weekly 4

    jorange - great job on keeping under budget and if you're moving and grooving, it doesn't matter where you do it, excellent job to get it done at work, win/win!!! :)

    Come on peeps, we need you to check in and keep it rolling!! :)
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    edited October 2017
    Checking in! Lost half a pound since last Monday. We bought a digital scale today and it registered a different weight than the dial scale. So until the digital scale matches what I've reported so far I will not report weight loss. Confusing?

    Ate a little too much today, especially carbs. Will be better rest of the week.

    Practiced a bit of tennis today and a small amount of aerobics. Feeling a toothache and yet still hungry.

    Way to go Naomi. Keep it up.

  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Got no physical workout today. I'll do some stretching at home tonight. Trying to drink lots of water and that's helps keep the tummy full.
    jorange - sounds like your work gives you a good workout every day. That will balance out with your planned menus each day.
    intotennis - way to stay under control this past weekend.

    Lots of members of our pushing forward group that we haven't been hearing from. Believe me, sharing with all of us both your good and bad will help you stay on the right track and believe in yourself. And it only takes a few minutes to do.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been quiet, I had a rough couple of weeks at work, with last week really crushing me. But today was my day 1 again and I did awesome. I walked around my building enough to get me over 8K steps today when last week I was averaging 2,700. My food was on point and I didn’t even think about cheating. I had an appointment after work so I got home late, still stayed on track with dinner but didn’t get any additional exercise in like I wanted. Tomorrow I will make even more improvements!
  • hotmammatotwogirls
    hotmammatotwogirls Posts: 86 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Everyone !!
    Going to start over again, so today is Day 1 for me . My workout was arms & run .
    Nutrition wasn't great today , I ended up going out for pizza & margaritas after work .
    Tomorrow I will do better . Going to try hard to log into this group daily, looking forward to getting to know everyone .
  • jorange88
    jorange88 Posts: 36 Member
    Same as yesterday all my walking will be down at work. I only have time to eat twice a day. So I make those meals count. Its good to hear from you @hotmammatotwogirls and @giglqueen.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 37 Tuesday

    Had to get up early & drive over an hour for a tennis match. Played over 2 hours of tennis, with lot’s of running! Playing a tennis match tonight so hopefully it will be an easy win as I’m sure I’ll poop out!

    Nutrition: I’m sure I’ll be under calories with all the tennis so, should be good.

    Day 4 – weekly 8

    Note: I stayed under calories this weekend but, there were not good choices so the scale wasn't kind this am, back to pushing forward and making better choices!

    Chrazchicken – all scales are different and I’m sure you’ll see it going down. Great job on getting in a verity of workouts , maybe up your water to help with being hungry. You’re doing great!

    Kathy – I hope your feeling better, take it easy and keep up the water intake as you said, you’ll be kicking butt soon enough!

    Hotmamma – So glad to have you back! I’ve know you a long time (thru MFP) and I know you’ll get back to doing it right! Keep pushing forward, you’ve got this!

    Jorange – Moving and grooving is great so keep rocking it! Maybe try some small snacks in between meals so you don’t get hungry.

    Love, Love, Love seeing everyone posting, excellent job ladies!!!! Keep it up!!! <3<3<3<3
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 11
    Went to physical therapy this morning and did some stretching and strength exercises on the left shoulder trying to kick this frozen shoulder before it escalates. I'll so some more tonight at home. Calories have been down.
    intotennis - yes your scale is going to love all the tennis you're doing today. You and Naomi kick butt tonight and put the ball where they're not, keep those feet moving and eye on the ball. Attack, attack!!!
    hotmomma - good workout today and glad to have you back on line.
    gigiqueen - sounds like this week is going to continue being good for you. Glad to hear you're not going to let work get in your way of your healthy goals.
    crazychicken - if you still have your old scale get on both to see what the pound difference is (for your own personal satisfaction). I don't know that you can correct it on this program. But no worries because we believe in you.
    kbranch - even if you cut down on your workout or were a little more lenient on your meals, you're still an inspiration for me. Stay strong!!
    mommabeare - you did a good job traveling and still not adding anything on the scale. Not an easy feat. Hope the tennis court sees you soon.
    naomi (queen) - kick butt on the court tonight.
  • lschreiber78
    lschreiber78 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I hope everyone is trying their best and living life!! I did my Pilates again yesterday! I took a week off because I was busy and super bummed. Back on the saddle! I did eat a mini DQ blizzard with my kiddos yesterday and regretted it! But still was under calories luckily! I had a great, long tennis match this morning with sheri and it was a good work out! Ill make sure to do Pilates tomorrow and my eliptical. Someone may need to text me and make sure I do it! Keep up the work! I think little victories equal the big ones! Less late snacking for me is very helpful! That's my proud moment!
  • hotmammatotwogirls
    hotmammatotwogirls Posts: 86 Member
    Day 2 Checkin
    Workout was legs, gosh I struggle with doing leg workouts . Glad that's over with .
    Nutrition was better today, and water intake was good !!
    Thank you everyone for your support !!
    Ischreiber78 I agree about the little victories :)
    Intotennis Your killing your workouts, keep it up girl . Thanks for putting the group together for us.
    Have a good night everyone !
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hi guys! I'm sorry I missed my day 2 check-in! Day 2 went very well. It was a busy day so I wasn't able to get as many steps in as I did on Monday, but I've already decided to make it up today. :) My nutrition was great, I stayed under my calorie goal and under my carb count. A local fitness center is having a Fall into Fall program for $100 with multiple class options. I've marked myself interested and just trying to decide which fitness path I want to take. They have a dance path that includes zumba classes, a Kickin path that has turbo kick and piyo, a strength and lengthening class, a yoga path and one more I can't remember. I'm thinking about taking the kickin path, I loved kickboxing when I did it many moons ago, and I loved the Piyo class I use to take as well. I have until this weekend to figure out what I want to do, but I think this will be a great kickstart for my goals.
  • hotmammatotwogirls
    hotmammatotwogirls Posts: 86 Member
    Day 3 for me !!
    Workout was chest & back. Nutrition was okay I need to starting prepping my food ahead of time .
    Giglqueen I love kickboxing too, it's s great workout !! You have some great options to choose from . Definitely a great kickstart for your goals .
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Day 3 (restart)

    Today was great! I did lots of laps around my building and almost got 9,000 steps! That’s unheard of on a weekday for me! Tomorrow I’m going to try to hit 10K. Well, I actually could have done it tonight but I decided to break my toe instead. Stupid door... My food was amazing, I stayed below my calories again and well under my carbs! I need to start drinking more water so I’m thinking about setting a “gulp timer” to remind me to chug. The chiropractor seems to be working and my shoulder has felt great the last couple of days. Yay!! Hope everyone else has had a great day!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 15
    Did my shoulder stretches and strength program for my exercise today. Stayed under calories again today.
    gigiqueen - way to get your steps in at work. That's awesome. Kickboxing sounds good but I think Zumba sounds fun.
    hotmamma - prepping food really is helpful to stay on track. Love how you change your focus on your daily workouts.
    lschreiber - did you get in your Pilates and elliptical in today? Good choice on the mini blizzard - size portion.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Checking in: my scales show a 4 lbs difference. I'm definitely losing weight, which is my goal. After tennis I weighed 1 pound less from fluid loss :).

    Kathy hope your shoulder is better.

    Kickboxing is fun. Zumba too. Still kind of hard on the feet. Riding stationary bike instead for now.

    Sometimes when I'm not feeling motivated, I read all of the check-Ins and I get a renewed enthusiasm.

    Thanks Pushing Forward team.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 39 Thursday – went MIA on Wednesday :'(

    Had a tennis drill this am and completed P90X3 Incenarator, am modifying all activity for 3 days, very medical procedure. Played two matches on Tuesday and still really drained of energy, started popping some B12 complex so, hopefully that will help!

    Nutrition: I should stay under calorie goal but, still not the best choices. So much for pushing forward, I’m in a slump and wanting comfort foods.

    Day 4 – weekly 11

    Kathy – Excellent work on pushing the exercises & great consistency on lower calories!

    Lschreiber – Excellent job burning calories on the courts! Don’t worry about the DQ, you had a mini and you deserve a treat once in a while! I forgot to text you on your Pilates, did you do it?? Lol

    Hotmamma – The struggle is real! Super job on better nutrition and water, and yes, prepping food is awesome so, keep rocking it!

    Giglqueen – awesome job on all counts!! If your moving and grooving, it’s a good. Excellent job on pushing the steps and getting some verity in your workouts, I love kickboxing too!

    Crazychicken – Congrats on the 4 lbs, you are doing great! I agree, it helps me too when I read all the check in’s!

    This quote was attached to an email I received and I love it!!!!

    "If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you" <3<3<3<3

  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 19
    Did physical therapy today and bowled 3 games. Tomorrow going to try to get to the fitness center and get on the elliptical or treadmill. Stayed under on calories today.
    intotennis - hey give yourself a little break, you've been pushing it really hard and even your body needs a rest. Pick one of your comfort foods just don't over do it. Stay positive and it's OK to lean on others.
    crazychicken - hey 1 pound is 1 pound - keep it going.

    To all of you pushing forward - look how far we have come so far and we are still pushing forward. Some days may be shorter strides than others but keep it going FORWARD.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Almost the weekend :). Let's all keep it up.

    Need to get back to it after a day of rest.

  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Day 3 Checkin (10/5)
    Today was a rough one! I did really well all day with my food choices but caved when I got home to my husbands request for Mexican. Yes, I could have made a better choice, but a chimicanga was calling my name and I cannot say no to chips and salsa. Just bad decisions! My poor toe was killing me all day, so I didn't get any extra walking done. I haven't made my decision about the Fall into Fitness Challenge. I need to get on that! Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • hotmammatotwogirls
    hotmammatotwogirls Posts: 86 Member
    Day 4 & 5
    Nothing much to report on here, I'm sick with the flu . So haven't gotten a workout done in two days. Have a good weekend everyone !