Men on a Mission thread



  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    This is a work trip but I gave myself a day and a half of vacation before I start night shifts on Wednesday.

    I hadn’t tested the scale yet last night.

    The bad news: it’s about 50 lbs off.

    The good news: I’ve apparently hit my weight goal already.
  • gunz5335
    gunz5335 Posts: 13 Member
    That's awesome
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Well, I remembered to weigh in, now I need to work on getting it posted timely.
    SW: 386.2
    GW: 215
    LW: 360.0 (11/5/2017)
    CW: 355.4 (11/13/2017)
    Loss: 4.6 lbs
    TWL: 30.8
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    A slight loss this week.
    LWW = 203.9
    CWW = 203.0
    Loss = 0.9
  • gunz5335
    gunz5335 Posts: 13 Member
    Here is this weeks stats .

    Bw 351.2
    Lw 306
    Cw 301.8
    Going to weigh on Thursday morning next week . That gives me the whole week to try and come back. Have a great week!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning guys,

    Hope you all had a great weekend. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball this week again and had a pretty big slip. I'm going to try and make a come back this week, but with Thanksgiving I'm not sure how successful I'll be. Anyway, hope you all have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving with your families. If you can somehow help out someone less fortunate, no matter how small, it will be appreciated. Here is the chart.

  • gunz5335
    gunz5335 Posts: 13 Member
    Here is is this week stats.

    Bw 351.2
    Lw 301.8
    Cw 300.8

    Haven't broken the 300 mark but I am over the 50lb mark! You guys have a great turkey day.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Nice losses guys.

    Well, I am clearly having technical issues as I posted last week and even edited it, but it is gone again. Last week I posted a 5lb increase again, but I know it is because I have started an overloading workout program and really am kicking my workouts into high gear. I've also changed up my macro balance so I am heavier on protein which is hard to do without supplements, so I am using an egg white protein powder in my foods. (Shhsshh, don't tell my Plant-Based support group)

    Also, have ditched the 2xl shorts for L and workout shirts are XL, so weight up, but I'll take the smaller sizes for the NSV win Alex.

    Anyhow, this week the scale turned which was a win as I did not go feast yesterday. Figured if I did I would go off the deep end.

    SW - 341 (2017 371 (2012)
    GW - 220
    LW - 274.4
    CW - 273.8
    Loss- .6lbs
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Could not figure out how to make them smaller, but here is my 4xl vs. XL pics


  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    StevLL - great photos thanks for sharing!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Not sure if I should post today. Ate way too much the last couple of days - my daughter is home for Thanksgiving, plus Thanksgiving . . . I weighed in this morning anyway.
    CWW = 207.7
    LWW = 203.0
    Gain = 4.7

    I think I'm posting this so hopefully, I will have a big loss for next week. I would really like to get below 200 by Christmas. Doable but I need to concentrate and pay attention to what I eat.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Wow Steve, you don't look like the same guy I met for coffee once. When was that, 2012?? Great job!

    Lou, great job! You are sooo close to breaking that 300 mark, congrats!

    Dave, a tough week, but like you said, a big loss next week! You got this!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks, Tim and Dave. It was 2012 I think you were heading to your moms Tim. The one thing nobody tells you is that as you lose a lot of weight you kinda look like a Bobblehead doll. I always knew I was big-headed, but kind of in a personality way, now I am like John Pinette, "Why didn't somebody tell me my head was that big!?" :D:pB):#

    I started intermittent fasting this week I'll keep you posted. So far so good, the energy level is up.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    StevLL wrote: »
    Could not figure out how to make them smaller, but here is my 4xl vs. XL pics

    That's an amazing transformation! Congratulations and keep it up!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    edited December 2017
    Checking in.
    CWW = 207.3
    LWW = 206.7
    Loss = 1.0

    Not very good after last week's big gain, but at least in the right direction.
  • gunz5335
    gunz5335 Posts: 13 Member
    Here's this weeks stats. Had a good week even though I ate way to much on turkey day. Say goodbye to the 300's.

    Bw 351.2
    Lw. 300.8
    Cw 299
    Have a great week!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Nice work, dbw and gunz. Here's my update for this week:

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 246.4
    CW: 247.4
    GW: 200

    Gain: 1 lb

    At the end of my trip, I had set a new incremental goal for myself to be at or below 240 by January 1; so that breaks down to the following for me to stay on track:

    Next Friday: 245.5
    Dec 15: 243.7
    Dec 22: 241.8
    Dec 29: 240.0

    I gave myself a couple days cushion at the end for my planning, but not much. I'll still have to be working much harder than I have been in order to hit that goal.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017 371 (2012)
    GW - 220
    LW - 273.8
    CW - 271.8
    Loss- 2lbs

    Ok heading in the right direction again.
    You're headed in the right direction, Dave. Nice job Lou! Horst, you can do it, I'll try to pace you for solidarity, I'll shoot for 264.4 for Dec. 29th. Git-R-Done! :pB):D
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Gents,

    Great job everyone! Horstbc, a little bump iin the road but considering your travels, I think you did pretty good for yourself. I'm sure you will be hitting those goals. I think I need to follow your example and set some small and immediate goals for myself and not just cruise along like I have been.
    Anyway, hope you all are have a great week.

  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Where did the time go? I remembered to weigh in, now I need to work on getting it posted timely.
    SW: 386.2
    GW: 215
    LW: 355.4 (11/13/2017)
    CW: 355.0 (12/04/2017)
    Loss: 0 lbs
    TWL: 31.2