Introduce yourself



  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome, @HeliumIsNoble and @Versicolour!

    Starting back is tough - one of the toughest things I've ever done in my life too.. Kudos to both of you. It takes guts and serious dedication to make it happen!
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 286 Member
    Hello all! I'm Elli, 40 - I started karate 4 years ago while living in Okinawa and I immediately fell in love with it. It was a whole new world for me and I loved everything - the training, the people, the whole culture. I reached 3rd kyu and then I had to move countries, so I had to find a new school. I struggled a bit, tried a few styles and ended up in a shito ryu school where I trained for a year or so. Then I got pregnant, had to stop for another year, and for a couple months now I'm back to training. However I now train in kobudo (traditional weapons) - my husband is an instructor and I assist him in his class.

    I'm a bit worried I'll forget the katas I've learned in Okinawa and I try to train a bit on them on my own. My hope is that I'll be able to go to Okinawa at some point to test for my black belt - but I still have a lot of work to do until then. And it's not so easy when training on your own (I have to say my husband helps a lot).
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome, Elli! I understand completely about training on your own and the challenge it can create. Mine is a slightly different story, but the bottom line is that I spend 90% of my practice at home, and only train with others once/week.
  • Smile276
    Smile276 Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello! I'm Smile276 :blush: I just started WuShu a couple months ago, and I love the sport and the people!

    I was never really a sporty person, but college is for trying new things :p ... so I'm struggling with putting energy and making my moves quick, but hoping practice makes perfect! Although it's pretty hard practicing in a dorm room ... Trying to eat healthier too, instead of the dorm diet!

    加油 to everyone! :smile: :D
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    yea another wushu person! :))))

  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome to the group, @Smile276!
  • Faiz031
    Faiz031 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Brett
    Thanks for reaching out, kickboxer here, now doing Taekwondo. Hope all is well with you all :)
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome @Faiz031! Glad you made it over. What kind of kickboxing have you done, and do you incorporate TKD into it, or is it a separate endeavor?
  • Faiz031
    Faiz031 Posts: 81 Member
    Very sorry for the late reply, I didn’t realise that MFP doesn’t notify one of any responses and only saw this when I checked manually. I did Kickboxing full contact since the age of 13, got to a red belt going for brown when I left Portugal and came to the UK. Sadly no club accepted the certifications from Portugal and decided to start me on white belt again. I then got to blue belt, and moved area. Surprise surprise, the new club did not accept the previous one certs and asked me to start from white lol. I got to blue belt there and then was struck with life problems. About over a year I started WTF TKD.

    I still prefer kickboxing over TKD, and although I combine them at home, I am not allowed to do so at TKD, sometimes get told off for using my technique. Finding it somewhat limited, specially not being able to punch, hook, uppercut or touch the face. It’s mostly just kicks.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @Faiz031 No problem about the reply! I've had a few students who faced problems like you have in regards to cross certification. Personally I always evaluate a person's technique if it's not a compatible style, and offer to place them at the belt level that is technique equivalent.... I've had some that accept the belt rank, and others that prefer to start at white.

    You might want to look at some other TKD clubs that are not WTF ... there are many TKD clubs that (ITF, and most independents) that allow punches to the face, and compete in open tournaments that allow it as well... your kickboxing would likely be an asset.

    Many independent and ITF clubs will allow cross belt certification (though you may have to learn some new forms before you are allowed to advance beyond it).
  • hf1465
    hf1465 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all,
    I just joined this group today I have been active on MFP for about a year faithfully. I am a 40 year old BJJ practitioner having just obtained my Blue Belt. I have lost about 20 pounds this year and am looking to improve my overall fitness. I am 205 and would like to walk around at 190 but not lose significant strength. I hate (HATE) running but enjoy racquetball as my other sport.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome to the group, @hf1465, and congrats on blue belt - from what I know about BJJ (precious little), that's a big step. Was yours a formal test or surprise belt tying from your instructor?
  • thecraigferguson
    thecraigferguson Posts: 33 Member
    edited January 2018
    My name is Craig. I just got my black belt in BJJ (Renzo lineage,) and I have my blue belt in Judo. I have competed in BJJ at every belt level but mostly local tournaments and only a few times per belt. I have only done shiai in Judo. I like to think I am proof that any schmuck can get a black belt eventually. I teach children and beginners 3-5 x per week and train 3-5 x per week. I expect that will go up this year to 5-8x as is typical when I am taking things more seriously.

    My weight has crept up and I would like to be in a lower division for Masters Worlds in August.

    I like message boards and staying engaged with this one will help me stick to MFP so if any beginners have questions they think I might help with I will be happy to answer as best I can.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @thecraigferguson Welcome to the group!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Hi! I just found this group! So excited!!!

    I'm Jen, from San Diego. I am a BJJ Purple Belt. My whole family trains in BJJ, my husband is a Brown belt. My son and I also compete several times a year.

    I also follow a Keto diet. I wonder if anyone else finds it beneficial with martial arts. I have taken up Kettle Bells to increase my strength, as I find that I am quite weak when I compete. I'm 38 and get paired up with way younger ladies, that love to use their strength. I'm working on learning how to outsmart them, after all, with age comes wisdom!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @briteyes Great to have another San Diegan in the group!
  • leanmean2019
    leanmean2019 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Cyndi. I box/kickbox and love it! I have a large amount of weight to lose and was so afraid to try boxing because I was afraid I couldn't keep up. I tried it once and have been hooked ever since. I am new to forums and groups like this, but I have little to no support at home so I wanted to find some peeps with similar interests to draw motivation from.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @leanmean2019 Welcome to the group! You are in the right place for sure!

    How often do you train?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    bwmalone wrote: »
    @briteyes Great to have another San Diegan in the group!

    You train BJJ too, right? Where do you train?
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @briteyes BJJ is supplementary only for self defense work for me... my primary art is Taekwondo (Traditional). I train a combination of home/parks and also at Family Karate.
  • tmlashta
    tmlashta Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Toni. i live in the Vancouver area and practice Muay Thai. i have recently just come back from a long 'retirement.' i fell in love with Muay Thai in my youth back in 2000 but stopped in 2005. now i'm back and in love all over again!

    i'm excited to read every one's intro's. both new and old to martial arts but all jsut as in love with the sport as i am:)
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @tmlashta Welcome to the group! Making a comeback is a big challenge - incredibly rewarding though!
  • jenmck5
    jenmck5 Posts: 126 Member
    I am a 3rd degree black belt in traditional Tae Kwon Do. I am an instructor along with another 3rd degree black belt in a local non-profit dojang. My family and I have been on this journey for ten years. My oldest son is a 1st degree black belt, my middle son is a 2nd degree black belt and my daughter quit as a green belt. My husband is a 3rd degree black belt as well. My childrent have all slowly stopped participating, but it has been an important part of all of our lives.
    I teach or assist class instruction on Tuesday and Thursday at our local dojang. We also have Friday night class for brown and black belt class by our 7th degree master.

    Tae Kwon Do has meant a great deal to me. One of the best things I have done in my life.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @jenmck5 That's fantastic that you were able to involve the family together like that! Welcome!
  • Pocket__Cthulhu
    Pocket__Cthulhu Posts: 134 Member
    Hello All!

    I'm hailing from Vermont. I practice Aikido and Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido, which is a mouthful in itself. I'm a newbie of three or so years in Aikido, and a lost sheep of just a few months in Iaido. I just found this group, which makes me happy because I was always guessing who practices and who doesn't.

    I'm currently 4th Kyu. The USAF (not air force) doesn't use colored belts, so I'm not sure how I could equate that to anything. I practice 3 days a week totaling up to about 7 hours, and lift when I can. It'd be nice to connect with other folks who practice Aikido.
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Melissa, and I am a 1st degree black belt in ITF Taekwondo. I watched my daughters train, and after their first rank ceremony, my husband and I decided to make serious lifestyle changes (3 years smoke free!!) and join them in the mats. I love everything about martial arts. I find peace and power in doing patterns, and enjoy fitness and kicking drills as well. I just started helping teach color belts at the dojang, and look forward to continuing my TKD journey. I just started informal BJJ training, and some weapons as well. I still have a ways to go before I’m where I want to be with my weight, but realized that if I have the discipline to earn a black belt, I can do just about anything. I’m also starting to train for a half marathon-I just need it to stop snowing for a minute so I can go out and run! Nice to “meet” you all.
  • hufflepie
    hufflepie Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I'm Allyson and I've been training in Muay Thai for the last 8 or so months in the Portland area! New to the group and using MFP off and on. I tried Muay Thai on a whim after I moved away from my lifting buddy and kinda fell in love. I currently train 4-6 times a week as well as run (currently also training for a big relay race).

    I've always been interested in trying a martial art but kept telling myself I'd wait til I was more fit (which in hindsight was kinda dumb), but I did lose 50 lbs through lifting/running/diet and caught myself using that excuse with a co-worker after running a half-marathon and was like "Welp, I guess I'm kinda fit". Feeling that a lot more after starting Muay Thai though!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    edited May 2018
    Howdy, I'm Jay.

    As a child of the 80s and 90s, I've always been interested in the martial arts. My father was a Judo black belt and my maternal grandfather, was a boxer, and ran a gym in his twilight years, training amateur and Olympic hopefuls.

    I've trained in a lot of things:

    WTF Taekwondo
    Wing Chun
    American Jiu Jitsu / Goshin Jitsu
    Kyokushin Karate
    Kajukenbo Kung Fu

    Sadly, only for short periods of time, sadly, due to injuries and life getting in the way.

    My last severe injury was a motorcycle accident that left my right arm limited in movement for years.

    It got to the point where I couldn't move my right arm, at all.

    I just stopped moving and gave up for awhile until I got sick of that.

    It was then I picked up 100 lbs of weight. Making me 300 lbs.

    With that serious right arm injury, I decided to see a doctor and then a physical therapist and I received treatment for, in the last few months.

    Acupuncture and physical therapy, mostly. Non-surgical.

    Stretching, yoga, weight lifting, and cardiovascular workouts have taken my down to around 270 lbs.

    I've been doing a P90X Lean rotation with Stronglifts 5x5 mixed in, 7 days a week since the mid of March.

    Two days ago, I found my old judogis, in storage, and well, I felt some sort of regret about it all and began actively looking for a new school.

    It's hard to find one to fit my schedule as I work evenings and nights, when most instruction is taking place traditionally.

    Tomorrow, I begin what was and has always been, a life long dream to pursue 1 martial art to a point of proficiency.

    The style is Tang Soo Do.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Welcome! I hope your first day went well.