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  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Kirstie155 great job at the conference! Who has ever LOST wait in that scenario?! You're awesome!

    @WifiresGettingFit we're not even half way through the month yet! Hope you had a great weekend!

    @SheilAnneSmith great job managing your weight through pregnancy! I'm scared that if I get pregnant I'm just going to go nuts with eating whatever I get my hands on.

    I'm not ready for Monday to be here yet. My weekend was so great. Saturday we went on a grueling bike ride almost to the Wyoming border, about 65 mile total. It was sooo windy that I could have walked faster through some parts of it. It was a gravel ride that ended up being partly on mountain biking I rode my road bike on mountain biking trails for about 3 miles. That was new, but I didn't get any flat tires thank goodness. Yesterday I did a lot of meal prep and some Christmas shopping (earliest start I've EVER had) and went to Denver to see my favorite artist, Kishi Bashi. I was not very healthy this weekend/end of last week but I feel good that I basically made enough leftovers of pad Thai and Thai butternut squash soup to eat all week, so it should be a good one!

    Oh I also got a new nephew on my husband's side! He is soo cute. His name is Finnigan Michael (hubby's family is pretty Irish). He'll go by Finn. I'm so happy for my SIL and her husband <3 They had a miscarriage at around 10 weeks in 2015 so the road has not been super smooth for them. I'm sorry if that's triggering to anyone--I don't know how Liz did that spoiler thing last week.

    Happy Monday yall!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited November 2017
    @Alioth Thank you for the positive vibes!

    @Kirstie155 Thank you for the encouragement! Andrew and I always talk about meal planning but haven't actually done it yet. I also run into the issue of if I don't want something, it won't satisfy me. As for the foods I eat, I tend to lean towards Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, beans (chili) and meat (lean beef, chicken breast, turkey/turkey burgers and then occasionally roast and Italian sausage) and then all the "junk" that I've slowly been steering away from.

    I'm sorry to hear that you don't feel like your opinions are valued but yay for being back home in your own bed and back into your routine!

    @pezhed I did have a good weekend! I'm glad to read that you had a great weekend! =) and congratulations on the new nephew! Love the name! =) Happy Monday!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 Thanks for the well wishes! Again, congrats on your new low weight! You've been working soooo hard! It's inspiring to me! I'm also really happy that your leg pain and back pain have both decreased. I'm hoping you can tell us soon that they're gone altogether. I'm sorry that at work, you're not really listened to. That's frustrating.

    @pezhed That's an incredible distance to bike! For me anyway. Sounds amazing. Your whole weekend sounds really fun. I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet, but that's a good reminder...Sweet that your'e an auntie. I bet Finn's a cutie. Especially happy for your bro and sis who suffered a loss first. Aha, the spoiler thing...I did an internet search and copy and pasted a BBC code off someone else's forum post about it.

    So, I have not exercised one bit, y'all. I have been super slow and dizzy. I'm taking some medicine now--Unisom doxylamine. Which helps with the nausea, but it's a sleep aid too, so I just wanna sleep. Whenever I'm up to it, I've been decluttering the house, throwing things away, cleaning and organizing. Hoping that soon I'll be up to workouts again. I gained 1.5 lbs back already. >__<;
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @Alioth I know my doctor recommended Vitamin B6 to help with nausea as well, and that it should also help give you more energy.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith Thank you!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Well all, just checking in! I am out for this month, AF came today, but I am actually doing pretty well. No crying, no dramatics....yet. LOL This past TWW was actually the easiest yet bc I was so busy planning my husbands Surprise party and finishing details that I had no time to think. This got me thinking, maybe the next month or so while I am busy with the holidays I will just hold off on the worrying, the waiting the tracking etc & just enjoy the next few weeks as I know they will fly by.

    I also have decided that I need to really get serious (again) about tracking calories, macros etc. I have given every excuse in the world to let old habits sneak in and it is showing (not just on scale but in the way I feel/my clothes fit). Ideally, id love to drop 15-20 pounds (long term goal anyway) before I had baby, then when I gain weight from pregnancy (hopefully one day) it wont be even more to worry about!

    Happy Thanksgiving week ladies, I hope you are all able to enjoy some time w/friends or family!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @RhiannonBecks That sucks that this wasn't your month but glad you are handling it well! I hope you're able to just enjoy the holiday time! It really does go by fast. Happy Thanksgiving(week)!!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Cd1 for me too @RhiannonBecks. How was your husband's surprise party?

    Making my grandmas caramel popcorn tonight yummm!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Sorry for the CD1’s, Kirstie and Rhiannon. Glad you both are handling it well. Kirstie PM me some of that popcorn, would you? Rhiannon tell us about the surprise party! I’m planning one for my husband but keeping it really simple, hoping he is easily pleased. His birthday is December 22nd so he never gets to party with friends. His party will be on the 9th this year.

    My optimism re: TTC from last week is gone. I never did ovulate and I’m sitting at CD35. I just want this cycle to end now so we can have another go but I have to wait this out. My body is not very cooperative.

    I’m excited to be done with work today and to head to New Mexico with DH and dogs. We booked two nights in Albuquerque and one night in Santa Fe. Looking forward to all the eating and exploring.

    I’m gaining weight and need to reign it in, but that probably isn’t going to happen for the next few days if I’m honest with myself.

    Hope everyone is doing great and has a happy thanksgiving (if applicable!)!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? We went up the mountain to the in-laws. For once I didn't have to worry about breaking down in tears when granny asked me for a baby status report. I didn't tell her anything though. It's still a secret. The food was great. The hubs and his step brother went shooting in the back yard.

    Then Kyle gave us a deer haunch, which we processed last night. Phew! Never done that before! It's so hard to figure out what is the top round and which is the rump roast, etc. even while watching Youtube videos on it. I'm zonked half the time though, from taking so much Unisom to keep morning sickness at bay. Although, for some reason, raw venison didn't affect me. But the smell of body wash makes me sick? It's bizarre.

    I'm trying to do the calorie log again. It's horrifying how much I'm eating. But I'm basically eating all day because that also helps me be less sick. Hopefully by the end of December, my stomach will calm down and I can exercise again.

    @RhiannonBecks Sorry things didn't work out this month. Overall, it sounds like a very positive month for you though! How did the surprise party go? I think that sounds like a great idea, just enjoying the holidays and working on fitness goals. You can do it!
    @Kirstie155 Ooo. I love caramel popcorn. Holiday food is the best!
    @pezhed That stinks, about not ovulating yet. But your trip sounds super awesome. Even if you're eating a lot, at least you are burning tons of calories from your biking all over creation? You can get back on track when you get home, right?
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Well I'm back after quite a few months away. I'll admit, my hiatus did put me off track quite a bit more than I would like BUT I think I've got my focus back and ready to get to work with some clean eatin' and gym goin'!

    Over the past few months there have been a few changes in our life. We put our house on the market and have an offer that's expected to close next week. That being said, we don't have anywhere to go after that so we've been trying to problem solve a living arrangement until we can find a new house we want to buy. Needless to say, it's been a bit stressful. But the good thing is that this means we have seriously started talking about when we will TTC because one of the main barriers to that was the size of our current house - we want something bigger before expanding our family. We made a pact that once we have a new place locked down, it's baby-making time!

    Another thing that happened is I turned 30, and my boyfriend and I celebrated by taking our first trip together - 1 week in Cancun! As I'm sure you can imagine, I ate and drank my face off. Due to the risk of Zika virus this also means that we now have to wait 6 months until we TTC, but honestly I think it's a good thing. Because of the stress-eating and partying I have put of a few extra pounds lately, and I think now that we have this mandatory 6 month waiting period I'm going to use that as motivation to get myself back into shape during that time.

    So there's been some good things and some not so good things, but all in all I think the next few months are going to be very exciting. Knowing that our pregnancy plans are finally becoming a reality gives me a lot of hope and inspiration in regards to my fitness goals!

  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Alioth so weird about body wash making you sick but then having no issue with raw venison! That’s awesome that he gave you all of that meat, though. What kinds of food aversions/cravings are you dealing with? Hopefully the morning sickness dissipates soon!

    @girlalmighty08 welcome back and congrats on the offer on your house! Also the vacation sounds amazing!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed I hope your body becomes more cooperative soon! I hope you enjoyed your trip!

    @Alioth My Thanksgiving was pretty good. We had three dinners this year and I ate a little bit too much at all of them. haha (but to be positive I did eat less this year than last so that counts for progress right? haha). Hope your stomach calms down soon, eating to help with sickness/nausea is pretty common in the first trimester (and sometimes beyond depending on woman and pregnancy) so don't be too hard on yourself!

    @girlalmighty08 Welcome back! Yay for selling your house and hopefully you find another house soon to alleviate the stress!

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Everyone in my family is or was sick at some point, Ive managed to avoid it so far and hoping it stays that way.

    @pezhed Ill get the recipe to you this week! How was your getaway? Any sign of O yet?

    So bummed to be back at work today :( why cant I just stay home and enjoy the holidays for all of December?
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Kirstie155 feeling the post-holiday blues here too! I told my husband I would like to work during the spring and fall and have all summer and all winter off. That isn’t so much to ask is it? Our trip was great! I loved Albuquerque to pieces. Santa Fe was beautiful but kinda meh for me since it was a bit more snooty and touristy. Our hotel was pretty expensive there to begin with but then they tacked on $20 for parking and a $75 pet fee! It was a nice room though and we had a lot of bonding time with the doggies. I ate too much Mexican food and need to eat only salad for the next 3 weeks, haha. It was SO delicious though.

    CD41 and no sign of O or AF. Kris thinks AF will come soon because I’ve been kind of sensitive (I cried when a burger place put mustard on my sandwich and the cook yelled at me when I complained) but I think I’m always a little sensitive. I was thinking of calling the doctor but I think I will wait until my new insurance kicks in in January. I’m on a high deductible plan right now and am switching to a PPO for 2018.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all, a bit late to check in after Turkey Day, but it has been a crazy few weeks. Thanks for all who asked about Husband's Surprise party, it turned out FABULOUS; and the best part, he really had no clue. I for sure thought all sorts of little slip ups he caught, but he didn't- and even said "this is honestly the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me". ::TEAR:: WIFE WIN!, lol.

    I haven't been the best at being on track for eating, I think I let the emotions of TTC kind of get in the way, but trying to tackle that and get back on track moving forward, at some point. My husband and I will be sitting down this weekend hopefully to make a plan of attack.

    @Kirstie155 I am interested in your Caramel Corn Recipe if you have it? My MIL LOVES caramel corn so that would be fun to make together.

    @pezhed , I gotta tell you, in the most loving way I giggled at your comment about being sensitive/mistake about your burger- bc that is TOTALLY ME! I tend to be somewhat sensitive as well though can handle my own, but when I am swiftly approaching AF/TOM, my dog could walk by me and not wag his tail & id cry, lol.

    Did I tell anyone I got some labs done, and my Doc ordered Progesterone levels as well ( I was concerned maybe I wasn't ovulating dt NOT A SINGLE CONFIRMED Ovulation test). Number came back though right on track apparently to where they should be.

    Thanks ladies for everyone's support, I am not on here lately as often as I would like to be, but there have been a handful of you who have reached out personally to say you aren't alone, and several others who reply and provide so much insight.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, Happy December to you all !

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @RhiannonBecks That's awesome that the surprise wasn't ruined, so glad it went well! I hope you have a great weekend! Happy December!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    How is everyone doing?
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    Had a great week last week... made good food choices, hit the gym, and was just very excited about life! Also feeling super in love with my man lately... not that I wasn't before, but I think all the big steps we're taking lately (selling/buying property, planning out when we will start TTC) have just taken our relationship to a new level, and it's amazing!

    My co-worker found out she's preggo last week and I'm the only person in the workplace that knows, so she's been hiding out my office pretty regularly when she's feeling queasy and wants to avoid people or the smells of the lunch room. Ahhh nature's miracle :p lol
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    We just got back having to appeal to our county commissioners regarding some property tax adjustments that made our bill about $1100 more than expected. Thankfully, while they didn't see anything explicitly wrong in the process from the assessors office, they recognized a series of unfortunate events and granted us reprieve from the additional cost. So very thankful, I was concerned I'd have to dip out of my maternity leave savings and it would have likely made it impossible to even take 6-8 weeks off.

    Money is the huge stress point for me and I'd cried quite often talking about with Marlin and even while just thinking out the problem, I kept it together for the most part, but was armed with tissues and only broke composure for a minute or so amid their conversations of whether or not to approve it or not. I was afraid going in I wouldn't be able to talk about it at all without tearing up, so I guess I'll call that a win!