2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    haaaaaaaaaaaa LOVE EM!! I'm thinking of wearing my mukluks indoors at this point! but these might do the job and look way prettier LOL
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Cutie socks. I just weighed in and I am 1 lb or 2.2 kg more than I started last year January. So I reset my ticker.
    Have a great day!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited January 2018
    Looks like we've all reset our tickers and are ready for a fresh start at getting what we want for ourselves Milove!

    I reset my ticker and updated my profile; i almost deleted my previous entries but decided to keep the ones i put there that led up to me hitting my goal weight because i think they will help remind me how great i felt while i was working towards it.

    My plan for the rest of January is to focus more on what i am putting in my mouth, choosing more fruit and veg, less red meat, more good fats and far less of the white crap (pasta bread and as much processed crap as possible). And simply eating less all around. I'm not going to be counting calories at this point; i think better choices and less going in me, will automatically reduce my calorie intake but open to returning to CICO if needed. I'll be taping part of suzy's post to my cupboard, and my profile statment. Reminding me why i came here and what I want. :)

    I AM sure i WILL lose the excess weight I carry now this year. :)

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    OMG -32 degrees Snooozie- you have GOT to be kidding !!! Was that with wind chill or all by itself ? I think a visit to the Ol Peublo here is long overdue. We are the only place in the country not experiencing the cold.

    Suzy- love your post about stillness and what we do when we are hungry etc.i have been taking more time for stillness in the last couple of years with some meditation but I need more reminders throughout the day. Coincidentally, I recently purchased an Apple Watch which I wear mostly when hiking and walking, and it has a reminder on it to take a few deep breaths every so often. I am going to remind myself to do that when I’m not wearing it, too.

    I hear you ladies about the weight loss and regain, as well as the complacency. I have been having some serious talks with myself about that. One thing I am struggling with is the redistribution of my weight. All of a sudden I looked like I was 6 months pregnant and then it got even worse. I thought for sure I had gained weight but I hadn’t and in fact have been slowly losing weigh. So I am actually 10 pound less than last year , yet I went up a size. This has been most discouraging to say the least . Anyone else had this happen? It’s only been in the last year at the ripe age of 61.
    Nevertheless, I shall persevere. I am currently trying to figure out what to do about dinners. I like to eat earlier, but I’ve added some new students to m tutoring schedule and now can’t start dinner until 6:45. So I need to come up with fast and easy to cook dinners to keep me from resorting to snacking or eating frozen processed food dinners . Any suggestions?

    Stay warm fellow Hatters !

    Hugs~ Susan

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, sounds like a good plan. Eat less, eat healthy, move more!

    Susan, that is so weird that you’ve lost weight but gone up a size. I’ve always carried weight in my waist area so I don’t know about that changing. Just curious but do you think it’s a bloating thing? As far as meals go...have you ever checked out the skinnytaste.com website? They have some really yummy recipes. I made one the other night that was quick and delicious.


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited January 2018
    Suzy i'm making the broccoli cheddar potato soup from skinnytaste tonite (well a variation.. I bought a can of fat free evaporated milk to use rather than whole milk to cut down the carbs and sugar of milk) making it... to freeze down...but i love that site i will have to check out your recipe as i love chicken and bacon and green beans lol!! having roasted veggies for dinner; and perhaps a small boneless pork chop.. I've been trying to find some vegetarian meal recipes but they all either have weird stuff I don't eat (like tofu) or they are made with pasta... im just trying to find new ways to incorporate veg in case i get bored with the usual side dishes. i will have leftover roast veg for tomorrow and and perhaps a crustless quiche tomorrow.. maybe if I do your recipe I can use one slice of the bacon to do up the sautéed swiss chard with bacon and onions that I love... thanks!

    Susan - wow that's awesome on the 10 lbs!! I don't get the redistribution either.. have you tried googling belly bloat as suzy said, or tried cutting out some grains or legumes (only cause I've heard they can cause tummy sensitivity?) maybe try googling body recomposition after 60 or something like that - maybe you'll come across some possibilities for it?? That sucks tho...not fair if you are losing weight that your tummy isn't cooperating!

    as far as the dinners; i'm thinking maybe a crock pot dinner if that appeals? or casserole types that you can prep ahead and then just pop in the oven 1/2 an hour or so before you're done with your last student? so the minute they're out the door you can eat?
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    My niece is a huge believer in meal prep. She makes a big batch of something on Sunday and puts it in individual containers. If you’re so inclined, you could make a couple different things on the weekend and package them up for at least a couple days during the week. I wish I was that organized. My problem with casseroles is that they tend to be very heavy on the calories. I am going to prep some veggies though.....all that chopping!!!! Ugh!! At least if I do it only once a week it isn’t so bad.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    My problem is no matter how well I plan out a few days of meals invariably I don't feel like whatver I planned at some point. Plus while I freeze a lot of stuff I don't like eating the same thing more than two rounds - like dinner one night and leftovers for lunch next day is fine ... What I need actually. Is a damn personal chef lolol. I made a really nice vegetable crustless quiche tonight which I will have a slice up for breakfast tomorrow and did up some roast veggies to have tomorrow night
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited January 2018
    I don’t mind leftovers but the same thing more than twice in a week is a bit much for me. My niece eats the same thing five days in a row, lunch and dinner. She’s a bit obsessive though. Snoozie, haven’t we talked about replacing pasta with zucchini noodles? Have you tried that? And you can replace rice with cauliflower but I’m sure you know all this. :D That’s the ironic thing, isn’t it? We know all this! It’s the implementation where I have the problem.

    I’m off to the gym today for a yoga class and some elliptical fun. Have a great day everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    I actually bought a bag of frozen riced cauliflower - and used it once LOL. I'm like you tho - twice is enough which is why I like freezing the soups and stews and chilis so at least I can switch it up. But I spent the afternoon yesterday chopping veg.. and by the end of it that phrase came to mind about what are you gonna do when you're tired/hungry etc lol.. cause I didn't wanna see another one by that point..! I think I ate a week's worth of veggies yesterday LOL.. and my gut may pay for it today... !! A little overkill no question.. but I have dinner tonite and lunch tomorrow taken care of so that's a plus.. The scale IS moving slowly in the right direction but as we know our weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs in a day, I think I'm going to go with an official weigh in on the last day of each month for myself.

    Woo hoo on the yoga and elliptical Suzy!! So glad you posted that.. I've been working on getting my head into the same "I WANT THIS" category for exercise, but admit its a harder concept for that than the weight... exercise is slowly moving from the "I have to" to the I want to.. but isn't there yet. However your post has inspired me to try to speed that up! Extra congrats cause I know mornings aren't normally your thing so kudos on getting out there early too...! I AM proud of you!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Suzy and Snoozie for your suggestions. I’ll try the link . As far as meal prep in advance that a good idea. My first husband used to help me with that and grill out a few things on Sundays that would last for a few dinners. I’ve never used a slow cooker before as I rather a novice at college ok’ing , but I’ll look into that. I think I have a chicken casserole recipe , too, that is healthy. All great ideas _ thanks!
    I took your suggestion snooozie and googled weight redistribution after 60.i found some articles about weight redistribution after menopause, but I went through menopause over decade ago. I know this happened to my older sister around 60, also, but she went through menopause later than I did ( although it was still many years later for her that it happened as well, just not as many). I did think when it first happened that I as just bloated , but its gone on too long so I think I’m stuck with it.so frustrating. And not exactly healthy to have so much belly fat- geez Louise! But I guess I will just have to focus on the things over which I DO have control.
    Yay to you Suzy for getting to the gym for yoga and elliptical “fun” ! I hear you Snooozie about needing some exercise motivation lol. I guess I better get my butt moving and go walk the dogs.Sophie has regressed to being a naughty puppy and getting into everything I think cause she’s bored from me not walking she and Jake. It’s a good thing she is so cute.
    Ok so like I said, time to get moving.have a terrific Tuesday everyone !
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited January 2018

    Sophie ( the blue Merle ) and her Uncle Jake


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited January 2018
    Susan your pups are beyootiful !! sorry you couldn't find any ideas online re the belly weight

    Suzy - how was the yoga and elliptical morning?

    i'm gonna make that green bean chicken dish tomorrow morning to take to work; and i'm going to try this one on the weekend; i'll let ya know my rating! cause ya know.. like yours.. it's a one dish (or one cookie sheet in this case) dinner lol

    went to the new Jamie Oliver restaurant that opened here for lunch yesterday; yep was an indulgence but walked a lot before and after to accmodate the extra cals; but I think I would have had to run a marathon to fully use em up lol. But I chose the marinated veggies as an app to offset my main .. :) Learning to incorporate social outings is gonna be part of this WANT for me, so was a good test!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Ugh! Yesterday was a disaster. I wasn’t able to make it to the gym after all. Long story short...we ended up having someone come over to give us an estimate on a new air conditioner/furnace and they stayed until 8:00!!! All my healthy plans for the day were derailed. I ended up making awful decisions for dinner and snacking afterwards.

    So....today is a new day!!! I went to the gym and did a full hour (4 miles) on the elliptical and then about 30 minutes on the machines. I started the stair climber for the very first time. My brother in law recommended it for stamina training for the Grand Canyon. I was able to do five minutes of low intensity. Wow...I have a long way to go!!! I’m going to incorporate that into my detailed measurable goals. I also went by the grocery store and bought some frozen entrees (lean cuisine type) for emergencies....like having an AC guy here until 8:00 at night! When my dinner plans get trashed then I want a lower calorie quick option than going for fast food.

    So...yesterday was a disappointment but I learned a few things about how to plan for the unexpected and I managed to get to the gym today and I feel pumped!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Morning Hatters

    I created a new thread this morning for "2018 Interesting Reads" - figured rather than clutter up the daily thread with stuff we could use it post things we think might be of help or interest to others.. the discussion is posted in the group but here's the link to make it easy


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Suzy - omg on the new furnace/ac ... not only for an entire day for them, but ouch on the $$ hit!! I hope whatever worked in the end is over and done... i feel for ya!

    huge kudos on the gym - wowsa!! (That article i posted in the interesting reads might show you just how great you did today!) I have an arc machine in the gym here; kinda like a mix of an eliptical and a ski thing.. when i first started on it i lasted 4 minutes on the easiest setting! I eventually worked my way up to 20 min which i thought was freaken amazing then! So huge congrats on making it 5 and on choosing something that doesn't just move your parts, but works towards another goal you have of hiking the canyon...well done you!

    I've got two "simply steamer" frozen dinners in stock as well for exactly the same reason - they are for emergency use only lol just in case! I consider that excellent planning so bonus points to you for having a plan!! Rock on !

    I was eating some carrots last nite.. plain old carrots alongside some roasted veg but I was scarfing them down because they tasted so good.. I actually thought to myself I wanted to go back for seconds ( i didn't because i wasn't hungry they just tasted so good lol) and it reminded me that healthy foods DO taste great - just another positive to remember if I crave junk instead!

    Rock on Hatters - and keep it simple; eat well, move more, keep your eyes on the prize and get what YOU want this year!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi!! I am reading all the great posts, just not much time at work to reply!! Still trying to get back in the wagon...I've gotten close a few times and then I miss it at night.....still working on the last 1/3 of the day!

    You girls ROCK!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi Gail! Yep...nights are the worst. Run! Run! Catch that wagon girl!!! :D

    New furnace/ac...Ka-Ching! It’s been 14 years though so I guess we shouldn’t complain. I’m so sore today from those machines at the gym yesterday but it’s a good sore! That’s funny that you mentioned carrots. I had that same thing happen the other day when making stew. Why oh why don’t I remember that when I’m aimlessly searching for something to snack on?

    Back to the gym tomorrow!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning, everyone,

    Just stopping through to say hi!

    Great workout Suzy and those frozen entrees are great.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hi all... nice to see ya milove!

    Just popping in before heading to work.. Suzy i just made the green bean/bacon chicken dish.. its very good, but i only had vegetable broth so i think if i had had the chicken broth would have been a bit more of that flavour..

    i think too for me next time, i'll cook the bacon in slices for the flavour, then use em in a BLT rather than crumbling over the dish.. lol But i had a little for lunch and have lots for dinner tomorrow and probably the next next with an added veg... thanks for sharing it!

    I practised some of the easy ways to add movement to your day last night at work... I'm gonna have to send it to my phone tho for quick reference as my mind apparently goes blank now and then hahaha. which reminds me I still haven't printed off that blurb about doing the right thing when it ain't easy... note to self!!

    Scale is slowly moving in the right direction so helping me stay focused on getting what I want for myself.. :)