February 2018 Challenge!

chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
edited March 2018 in Social Groups
So here we are again a new month, a new challenge but the old spreadsheet!

So don't look for a new one of those, but continue to post on the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' which Nikki will update and report back on!

For anyone new out there, feel very welcome to join, we usually post our weigh Sundays and use the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' also in 'Announcements' to track weight.

We use this thread to encourage each other and to add our weight as well if we want to and generally chat!

It's fun and it's been working and we've lost a shed load of weight between us, what's not to love!!

So here we go!

Wednesday 31st

Sunday 02/04
Sunday 02/11
Sunday 02/18
Sunday 02/25 (and my birthday!)



  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in again. Really helps me stay on track!!!!

  • JoannaVenuto
    JoannaVenuto Posts: 46 Member
    I am SO in again! Round 2!
    Weight lost in January: 7.8lbs

    Sunday 02/04:
    Sunday 02/11:
    Sunday 02/18:
    Sunday 02/25:
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Well, then, let's do this!!

    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    I'm in. 5 February will mark my first full month of Keto. Hopefully, our weigh in on 4 February will be the start of another great Keto month for us all.
  • Figaver
    Figaver Posts: 69 Member
    I'm going to play again but keep it a bit more realistic at this point for me. My goal will be to not gain any weight in February. I totally let myself eat whatever I wanted for the past 2 weeks and I'm scared to weigh myself. I'll weigh tomorrow morning just so I know what I'm working with, but I'm positive I will be up pounds from my January starting weight. My sugar and carb cravings are out the roof and I need to get them under control and not have such weak willpower.
  • VeronicaMarie27
    VeronicaMarie27 Posts: 40 Member
    Really excited to start seeing what happens with half-marathon training AND keto! A little scared because I haven't been exercising much since starting keto, but I've done my research and it seems like keto + distance running can help with endurance!
    Goals for February: 1) Stick with half marathon training 2) Get to 150 (or as close as possible!)
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    I would like to participate. I did really well on keto for about 2 months in the fall. And then the holidays happened... I'm trying to recommit and I'd like to start losing again. My goals are to get my sugar cravings under control and lose 8 pounds.

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Welcome back to every one and welcome to the first month for anyone new! it gets addictive....be warned!
  • krostron
    krostron Posts: 16 Member
    I would like to join I'm new to trying keto but hope that it really helps me become healthier and shed a lot of weight I need to lose.

  • 0426Jamie
    0426Jamie Posts: 57 Member
    I am also excited to keep track on here! Good luck everyone :smiley:

    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm in! My first 3 months of keto were done with very little exercise and I lost 28 lbs. Since I've been going back to the gym my weight loss is slower but I'm sticking with it! I think having challenges like these help you stay on target or at least you try to eat perfect the day before weight in. :D

  • ems4771
    ems4771 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in. I'm brand new to Keto (and the message boards). I'm nervous and excited!

  • TiffanyP0714
    TiffanyP0714 Posts: 17 Member
    I’m in again! These challenges keep me motivated and help me stay on track.My husband and I are taking a little weekend trip and I’m actually excited to wear a swimsuit.

    1/28- 176.2
  • serendipity513
    serendipity513 Posts: 12 Member
    I’m new to keto and new to this community, but very excited to join this challenge! I found keto the 2nd week of January and it’s like a door opened on a whole new way to live. Looking forward to February!

  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    This will be month two for me, excited to see more changes!!
    CW: 225
  • tamsketo123
    tamsketo123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone I am also excited to keep track on here! Its going to be my 2nd month with some cheats .but will trt to stick to it and loose minimum 10lbs and if i am luck then 15lbs this monthq.Good luck everyone :smiley:

    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
    February 28th
  • Sari_renee
    Sari_renee Posts: 4 Member
    New to keto! Also workout very hard at orange theory 3-4 times a week, so hoping this wont deplete my energy for my workouts, but i have not been able to lose anymore weight! I will definitely need the support the next few weeks
    CW: 172
    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
    February 28th
  • lttlrd
    lttlrd Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new and I'm in! First 10 days on Keto lost 10 pounds then been bouncing around for 3 weeks uggg. I feel like I've read every blog and book out there on Keto. I did start weightlifting and cardio 2 weeks ago and just willing to give that up unless someone tells me I absolutely have to to make this work? Help!

    CW: 196
    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
    February 28th
  • eshaduende2018
    eshaduende2018 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m new and I’m in. New to keto, so hope this works.

    January 31st
    February 4th
    February 11th
    February 18th
    February 25th
    February 28th
  • Xirena
    Xirena Posts: 4 Member
    Going to try to be better at updating this month. In general I'm terrible about lurking and not interacting lol. I'm excited about another month though!