Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - 2 miles on elliptical in 25:15, so almost to my Feb goal. Not sure if I'll be able to go that fast tomorrow. Apparently my speed is very dependent on my music tempo. :lol:

  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    191.2 today, so a bit more loss, more than 5 pounds since I restarted now more than three weeks ago today. Still need to start exercising and lifting, sleep can be better. I also completely stopped taking supplements... need to restart that. February is hard on energy levels though with keto generally feel so so much better.
  • TripleSnake
    TripleSnake Posts: 77 Member
    edited February 2018
    OK, I want in, but with a bit non-standard goal: buy less stuff and cook more (freezer is almost full). Yesterday was planning to buy chicken rotisserie, but they did not have it, so I did not spend money for it. Also, I do not need it, I just like it. So I only got my staples (milk, flaxmilk and blue cheese), and want to try to stay the month only buying the staples I use up (it is cheese and milk basically, because I have a bunch of meats and bacon and frozen veggies), but not buying rotisserie or other stuff I like, but don't need. I could even live without milk, by making coffee at work and using powdered creamer, but well, I like to add MCT oil and other stuff to my coffee.
    06 - picking up order from Walmart, contains two pizzas (order placed yesterday). Not the best, but other items (cheese, burgers, sausages and MIO electrolytes) are reasonable. However, need to try to avoid spending again. Eating home cooked lunch, but it is the last serving, need to cook something today for remaining of week.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,600 Member
    More activity-started strength training
    No Chocolate-still none in the house
    Fitbit-had it on but I didn't leave the house yesterday so it wouldn't have showed much.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Still plugging along. Doing pretty well! How’s it going for everyone else?
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    1) Steps :'(
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :)

    Didn't hit my step goal again yesterday. Just a few hundred away. Darn knee kept locking up.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    2/01 - super good day
    2/02 - totally failed! I can't believe I reached for candy during the day. Mind you I was anxious waiting to hear about my new grand baby being delivered...but still! Shame on me. Back at it today!
    2/03 - good day!
    2/04 - could have been better, I made some gluten free biscuits for my husband but I ate a couple :) they were good!
    2/05 - perfect day. Even ate out for lunch but found a great choice at Jersey Mike's Subs - sub in a tub :)
    2/06 - completely blew it yesterday. I had lunch and was still starving. I'm trying to figure out why - I think I had too much sugar with the veggies and salad dressing (tomato you know) and not enough protein. I had turkey lunch meat with cheese roll ups. I think I need real meat like home made hamburger patties which have adequate fat and protein. I'll get this figured out!!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Week 2 is up early. Since I'm sick and also tend to be a bit scatterbrained :blush:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    February goal - progress at least one difficulty level in pushups and get down to 25 minutes for 2 miles (currently at ~26 minutes) Keep food and water steady.

    Food - :+1:
    Water - :+1:
    Sleep - :+1:
    Exercise - 2 miles on elliptical in 25:29. 14 seconds slower than yesterday...I'll take it!

  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Week 2 is up early. Since I'm sick and also tend to be a bit scatterbrained :blush:

    Aww. Feel better!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Weekly check in....

    Get up and walk and stretch each hour at work. Meh...Some days I did and some not so much.
    Continue last months decluttering project in my home...did a couple tasks but not enough.
    Under 50 net carbs daily....yay finally one of the goals I nailed! LOL
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Staying under carbs: :)
    Staying under calories: :)
    Logging and measuring: :)
    Exercise: :) Intervals
    Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels: :)
    Getting enough water: :)
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member

    1) Steps :)
    2) No candy :)
    3) Carbs :)

    Finally met my step goal again!!!!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    2/01 - super good day
    2/02 - totally failed! I can't believe I reached for candy during the day. Mind you I was anxious waiting to hear about my new grand baby being delivered...but still! Shame on me. Back at it today!
    2/03 - good day!
    2/04 - could have been better, I made some gluten free biscuits for my husband but I ate a couple :) they were good!
    2/05 - perfect day. Even ate out for lunch but found a great choice at Jersey Mike's Subs - sub in a tub :)
    2/06 - completely blew it yesterday. I had lunch and was still starving. I'm trying to figure out why - I think I had too much sugar with the veggies and salad dressing (tomato you know) and not enough protein. I had turkey lunch meat with cheese roll ups. I think I need real meat like home made hamburger patties which have adequate fat and protein. I'll get this figured out!!!
    2/07 - great day! So for lunch I had 2 bacon mcdoubles without bun or ketchup and it worked it keep me full. Enough protein and fat in them - besides yummy :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    Weekly check in....

    Get up and walk and stretch each hour at work. Meh...Some days I did and some not so much.
    Continue last months decluttering project in my home...did a couple tasks but not enough.
    Under 50 net carbs daily....yay finally one of the goals I nailed! LOL

    Thanks. I've felt worse. The congestion is just so annoying! :rage:
  • Artist54DL
    Artist54DL Posts: 2 Member
    Feb 16 - join a group for ideas on low carb recipes (YOU GUYS)
    - stay positive
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Oops. This is the thread for Week 1. We just started Week 3. Please join us there so that we can find your posts! :smiley:
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