Looking for clean-eating pals to share tips and tricks with!



  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Please define clean eating. Thanks!
  • katieann68
    katieann68 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add or follow me - I'm a registered dietitian and you can check out my daily meal plans!
  • barbebill
    barbebill Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a newbie and really want to eat cleanly. Please add me.
  • xannakie
    xannakie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi , I'm new ....I'm on a 3 week clean eating plan with the hope to continue and lose weight.
    TWRUNNER32 Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me. I’m fairly new to clean eating but I’m so happy with it. I can’t believe how much better i feel mentally.
  • Laurahenson29
    Laurahenson29 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a clean eater. I've been doing it 6 months. I'm down 26 pounds. I'm mostly octo lavo piscetarian but on occasion I still eat meat. Feel free to add me!!
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    edited February 2018
    I just began clean eating (+ no added sugar/sweeteners of any kind) last Saturday, and I would love friends! I am also an ovo-lacto pescatarian. I am trying to lose the last 15-20.
  • dipincoolwater
    dipincoolwater Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All, Have started clean eating (cutting carbs and sugar, intake more protein and veggies) , have lost 11Kgs so far in 3 months, need some fiends to carry on motivation since I need to transform my body and loose another 6-8 Kgs while gain some muscle. Plz add me, tips would really help and I am from Oxford.
  • ZiggyCDA
    ZiggyCDA Posts: 8 Member
    Hello I am new to this and would like to get some ideas on clean eating, recipes and encouragement. I do not eat dairy and some grains because they upset my stomach.
  • DinaGrimes
    DinaGrimes Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I am new to eating totally clean. I was doing weight watchers, and lost a little, but started slipping and not following the plan. I then started back with their freestyle and wasn't loosing, so I decided I wasn't going to pay to not lose. Paying for MFP premium for one year was what I was paying a month for Weight Watchers. So I am going to give this a go. I am finishing up my Bachelors Degree and this past 4 years I have put on some weight. I don't want to have health issues and feel like crap due to being obese. I am looking for tips, recipes, inspiration, and accountability.
  • jojomcinnis05
    jojomcinnis05 Posts: 12 Member
    I am not new to MFP but would like to have friends that are accountable not sharing pictures of doughnuts. Ive lost 40lbs and looking to lose 50 more
  • knoxy550
    knoxy550 Posts: 22 Member
    New to this group too and very interested in doing clean eating as I have diabetes. I enjoy cooking and would welcome some ideas although I am a picky eater, not eating chicken or any fowl or fish and very adventurous with vegetables. All help appreciated.
  • hippienana
    hippienana Posts: 201 Member
    Have tried to lose weight for a couple of years. Decided this is the year I am going to work hard and do it. Love eating clean but need some help with recipes. Love fish and chicken and all types of vegetables. low carb and no sugar.
  • hippienana
    hippienana Posts: 201 Member

    I just friended you and would love to know more about clean eating and fitness competition.
  • foreverhealthy3
    foreverhealthy3 Posts: 111 Member
    I find eating clean a great option; but, challenging for me. I love to cook recipes; and my spouse is a picky eater. Last year I challenged myself to starting making more homemade soups with bone broth and many vegetables. I may be able to get myself going on breakfast and lunch clean eating; but, need one meal with a recipe; but still can use more vegetables. which gets me to my tip: buy vegetables in quantity on sale or at fresh market, preferably; and take home to chop vegetables, parboil, drain, lay on parchment paper cookie sheet to freeze and bag veggies. Add bone broth for a nutritious soup with vegetables ALWAYS in freezer
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    edited May 2018
    Feel free to add me, I'm a Certified Nutritional Therapy Consultant. I'm pretty such my diary is public, I also post most, if not all, of my meals on Instagram @Podtastic_Eats and try to also post tips and recipes.
  • lfod308
    lfod308 Posts: 31 Member
    I’ve been on here for years losing and regaining weight. I went vegan 2 months ago and it changed my life. My pulse and blood pressure dropped so much that my doctor severely reduced my blood pressure medication. Arthritis in my hands are gone as well as my back pain (unless I’m hiking). The weight is starting to come off now but I gained 2.5 ibs when I started. I think my body had to adjust to a normal high carb diet. I wish you luck.
  • Mishy0123
    Mishy0123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi this is actually the month that i really take MFP really seriously
    since i already learn a lot of things from it and if you just do it right and eat healthy calories
    It will definitely work.. But still it would be very exciting if i will have friends