Following Fuhrman in February!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    Mornin' all! This will be a big, big prep day for me. I will be doing a lot of chopping for the vegan sushi, and will chop plenty of veggies for salad this week as long as I'm at it. Plus roasting, steaming and sauteeing other veggies ready for bowls at dinner, and making a batch of cheezy chickpeas. Have laundry going and need to do some other household chores. Kind of nice to plan an entire day off to do things other than playing catch up with work.

    Excited to start the 6 week plan tomorrow and get back on track!

    The boy has one more day in the cone after today. We're both going to be happy when this is over. He managed to Houdini himself out of the cone a couple times, but he didn't chew himself up thank goodness.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I'm glad you've got some time this weekend to cook & do anything other than work, Mihani! I'm sure you and "Houdini" are both going to be happy when the cone comes off! I'm going to try roasting fennel and Brussels sprouts together, great tip.

    C&P, I forgot to mention that I don't log my food. I have my morning smoothie, a salad with beans or tofu and dressing for lunch, and then a whole food plant based dinner. I sometimes have a piece of fruit between lunch and dinner, but no snacks after dinner. As long as my weight loss continues, I won't bother logging my food.

    Donna, how exciting to go back to Italy while eating this way and having a ton of energy to explore! Great job getting comfortable driving to the base. Hope pup's eye infection clears up soon. We're going to have to take Ruby to the vet once the snow clears. She keeps licking and biting at her paws and we think it might be a yeast infection.

    Here's a pic of our Caribbean-Cuban fusion bowl from last night (as good as I hoped!) and the big load of snow we got overnight.


  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 130 Member
    Carla, I was just about to post pictures of our snow, too! We got about 6 inches a couple ago and are in the midst of a big snowstorm right now. By the way, the caribbean-cuban fusion bowl looks absolutely delicious! Did you add a dressing? (Or maybe you shared that already).

    I'd planned to grocery shop today and get things prepped and in the fridge for the coming week. However, shopping took forever as everyone was getting their groceries before the storm hit. I'll have to put off prepping until tomorrow. I'll be making homemade hummus, salsa, and lentils & will prepare veggies and make soup (maybe with the lentils?).

    valleyvixen2018, I started dabbling with Eat to Live 2-3 weeks ago and am experiencing steady weight loss. I wasn't really getting anywhere before: lose a pound, gain it on the weekend, repeat. Based on all the reading I've done, I'm anticipating this will help with my heart disease, prediabetes, and much needed weight loss. I'm planning on starting the 6 week plan on Monday.

    I'm a little nervous about keeping ahead of the food prep that ETL requires. I "threw" something together last night and it was not good so I didn't finish. Then we were at our daughter's basketball game where there was end-of-the-season pizza. So tempting - a real trigger food for me - but I abstained and ate something healthy when we got home. It made me realize that preparation is incredibly important with ETL.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    Wow Carla... that's a lot of snow! The bowl looks really yummy. Is the snow finished for now?

    C&P sounds like you are getting hit with a lot of snow too. That is awesome you passed up the pizza. You're right, preparation is about 90% of staying on plan for me.

    Had fun at the party. Ready for a good night's sleep and hopefully hit the office early tomorrow.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    So much for an early start... slept in until 7 a.m. and have been puttering around. Had a big ol' smoothie made with water, baby kale, frozen blueberries, half a banana, and a tablespoon of chia seeds for breakfast, along with 4 walnut halves (the walnuts are recommended in End of Diabetes). Packed a big container of salad to take for lunch with romaine, grape tomatoes, cucumber, carrot, green onion, red pepper, lightly steamed broccoli. Will just have some nooch and balsamic for dressing. The nooch helps the balsamic stick. I am not sure what I'll have for dinner, but I have loads of veggies steamed and roasted ready to go so it will be easy enough. I will make a pot of cheezy chickpeas tonight.

    I got a package of cookies for my birthday, I ate a couple last night with my tea, and going to take the rest to the office for my boss. I am ready to start the 6 week plan today and don't want any temptation in the house. Sweets aren't generally something I crave or go out of my way for, but if I have cookies in the house I'll eat 'em.

    C&P are you still planning to start the 6 week plan tomorrow? Happy to have some company. I was planning to start tomorrow but since I did food prep yesterday I figured may as well get at it.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    The snow is almost gone already! It warmed up and there are a few patches of snow here and there, but far more green than white.

    C&P, I like to shop the day before prepping all of the food. Otherwise it's just too much! This weekend I made a few things Saturday evening while we were watching t.v. and it made for a much easier prep day today. I think I'll do that from now on when I can. The dressing in the bowl was a mix of sofrito sauce and a tahini cashew mayo mixed together.

    Glad the party was fun, Mihani! Good job getting rid of the cookies. I finally threw out a bag of cookies we had in the cupboard. They were probably pretty stale and I wasn't that tempted by them, but I figured better safe than snacky!

    I won't be following the 6 week plan, but I'll be sticking with my whole food meal plan and having a big salad every day for lunch. I'm rooting for you gals!
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 130 Member
    To quote the comic strip Cathy, "ack!!!!!" I've typed a lengthy entry twice now and both times my computer glitched and I lost the post. Rather than retype it again, I'll just say that I got a lot of food prep done this evening (wahoo!) and, after a lot of soul searching, I have decided to continue ETL as I am doing it right now (about 85-90% on plan). So, I won't be starting the 6 week challenge tomorrow. I had a very lovely, lengthy explanation written out for that but it's in cyberspace now. :#

    Mihani, best wishes as you begin tomorrow! We're rooting for you!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member

    We leave next Sunday for Italy! WooHoo. I have been sneezing all day and a little sore throat. Yikes. We went on a 4mile walk today.

    The snow picture was very pretty Carla, I can't believe it melted so quickly.

    Mihani the green smoothie sounded good. I am going to make one tomorrow morning before tennis.

    I agree one day shopping and one day prepping is much easier.

    Made a few St. Patrick day cards this afternoon. I can forget to eat when I am crafting.
    I will post some pics tomorrow. Good night
  • freshstartpat
    freshstartpat Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting the 6-week plan today. I'm going to make some white bean and greens soup for dinner with a big salad. I made mushroom barley soup in my instant pot yesterday and it was amazing! I think the key ingredient was the Better than Bouillon Vegetable Base.

    C&P: Great pics of Tucker and your daughter :) My sister in law has a bichon about the same age. We love her! I know what a bichon blitz is :smile: I take B12, kelp, zinc, and D every day.

    Carla: My friend has an Australian Shepherd/Poodle mix who looks just like Finn - he's such a sweet doggy! I made some brown rice over the weekend so I would be ready to make bowls this week.

    Donna: Sounds like you have a full house with those doggies; I love Westies! :) I also love what you said about having more energy following Eat to Live. I experienced the same thing.

    Mihani - Yes, we have a local YMCA with a pool. I used to swim there. Right now I'm focused on walking the dog 2x a day, that's a good exercise goal for me!

    Valley Vixen: I followed Eat to Live 100% for about 3 months...during that time all of my joint aches and pains went away, and I found that my 'brain fog' cleared. And I was able to get to a lower weight than I had seen in years. I drifted away from the program, I was in a pretty deep hole emotionally at that time; powerless would be the best adjective. But what I learned from Dr. Fuhrman caused me to add fresh fruits and vegetables into my daily diet no matter what. And my interest in meat has decreased over time. I have been on this upward spiral since then; I have slowly gained my power back. I just joined this group about a week ago, ready to dive back in with both feet and start the 6-week program, which I'm starting today. I would say it works at whatever level you can follow it. The beauty is, its not a diet its the truth about food.
  • freshstartpat
    freshstartpat Posts: 7 Member
    Shoot, I just posted then found a whole page of posts that I hadn't read! Pretend my post went up on Saturday! :blush:
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla_wfpb wrote: »
    I got some of the blood work back. It turns out I'm type 2 diabetic, just over the edge. My doctor is going to let me use diet and exercise to see if I can control it, so I'm going for it! My next appointment with her is at the end of this month, so by then I should already have lost a bit of weight and have some improvement. It makes me mad at myself. I KNOW how to eat! I have no excuse. So I'm getting my butt in gear and getting to it!

    Carla, how is it going? Did you go for your follow-up yet?

    I just got the 2nd ever issue of Forks over Knives magazine yesterday and I just read through it cover to cover on my lunch break. I know I need to get my butt in gear too...

    I am going to try some of the recipes in the magazine later this week, but in the meantime I bought all the ingredients to make OSG recipes for the next few days. I'm making Tex Mex Casserole tonight, Red Lentil & Kale soup tomorrow and Chana Masala on Wednesday. Then I'll eat some leftovers for the rest of the week and then on the weekend I'll make 3 more dishes.

    As for the house; no news yet. Still haven't sold the old one. Showing tonight, so I've got my fingers (and toes) crossed that we'll get an offer tomorrow. I officially unpacked and organized my closet yesterday (finally!), so I'm slowly getting moved in. My craft room is still a giant mess and it's kind of become the drop zone for other messes, so I'd really love to get that cleaned up next weekend. Problem is, a big chunk of my craft stuff is still at the other house (including the cabinet that I'm going to use to organize my closet in there!) So I don't know exactly how I'm going to get things cleaned up and put away. Might just be a matter of stacking some bins in my closet for now...

    Breakfast: green smoothie
    Snack: roasted chickpeas
    Lunch: Asian salad kit (so yummy!)
    Supper: Tex Mex Casserole topped with cubed avocado and crushed no-salt tortilla chips.

    Also, I'm going to go swimming tonight for the first time since we moved into the new house. YAY! I'm going to go for 40 laps (1km).
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    Carla, you're pretty close to the 6 week plan doing what you're doing. Glad to hear snow melted so quickly! I like "better safe than snacky" ... I will make that my motto the next 6 weeks.

    C&P we've all followed ETL to various degrees over the years, and if you are feeling good and losing at a degree that is comfortable and doable that's great! I just can't seem to stay on track lately so I need to plunge in headfirst and get the scale moving again. Sorry about losing your posts (twice no less!) ... I hate when that happens.

    Donna, yay for Italy! I don't like mature kale in smoothies or juiced at all, I'd almost go so far as hate. I've had the power greens which have baby kale, chard, spinach, etc. and it was always good. I didn't particularly like the all baby kale taste and will go back to a mixture or baby spinach. Looking forward to seeing your new creations.

    Hi Pat, I'm happy to have some company on the 6 week plan. I started yesterday and will be finishing off my second day at 100%. I want to get through this first week and then I should have more momentum going. I was a little too hungry this morning around 10:30 so I grabbed an orange, then had my lunch salad and an apple at noon. Hopefully tomorrow I can get through with no snacks, but at least it was an orange and not a dozen triscuits. How did your soup turn out?

    Karrie, keeping fingers crossed that you will get an offer! Yum, 3 of my favorite OSG recipes. How was your swim?

    I had a good day, although a mild headache. I have them fairly often, but they don't last too long. Hoping that a week or so on the 6 week plan will clear up the headaches. Going to jump on the treadmill tonight after I get some work done that I brought home.

    B - smoothie same as yesterday
    S - orange
    L - big ol' salad same as yesterday and an apple
    D - bowl with steamed broccoli and asparagus, roasted baby potatoes, roasted eggplant, sauteed mushrooms, cheezy chickpeas and sauteed mustard greens

    I made mustard greens for the first time last night. Not sure I've ever had them before, and I totally loved them! I just sauteed in a little veggie broth and garlic until wilted then added some balsamic and cooked down until liquid was mostly gone. I see a lot of mustard greens in my future. I took a bite of raw and it was very peppery, I was wondering how overwhelming it would be once cooked, but they were actually pretty mild. Probably the balsamic toned it down.

    Today for the first time in quite a while I really concentrated on getting in lots of water at the office. I have a 24 ounce tumbler and I filled it 3 times. Lately I have only been going through one a day. Going to keep shooting for at least 3 a day. I usually go through a couple of 16 ounce glasses at home in the evenings too.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Donna, it must be getting hard to sleep with Italy coming up so soon! I hope you're not getting a cold just before your trip. I hate flying with a stuffed up nose. Looking forward to seeing more of your cards. Lucky friends and family that get home made cards from you.

    Pat, I hope your bowls turn out great. Glad the soup is tasty! I think I have some Better than Bouillon around. I'll have to dig around for it.

    Karrie, fingers crossed for the showing! My doctor's appointment for the blood work was supposed to be yesterday, but the appointment got canceled because she was at the hospital delivering a baby. She's booked up so my appointment with her won't be until March 21st. I've been rocking my food all this month, and with the extra time, hopefully the results come out even better. We've had the Tex Mex casserole before and really enjoyed it. I didn't know about the FoK mag, is it good?

    Mihani, I've only had mustard greens raw and they were way too peppery for me. I'm going to have to try them again and this time saute them. Good reminder on getting enough water. The last several days I haven't been using my water bottle and have been drinking less.

    I'm going to head out for a solo walk along the ocean today. There's a great used bookstore in the historic part of town that I'm going to walk to while I'm there. I'm looking for some vintage art books for inspiration. Donna, I will try to remember to take some pics this time!

    Today's food:
    Breakfast - green smoothie w/ blueberries
    Snack - orange and raw pumpkin seeds on the walk
    Lunch - big mixed greens salad with tu-no (chickpea & celery base with dressing)
    Dinner - Eggplant parm with tomato basil sauce over spaghetti squash

  • freshstartpat
    freshstartpat Posts: 7 Member
    Donna, Have a great trip, that sounds fabulous!

    C&P, I did the same thing when I set up my profile last week. I wrote an amazing paragraph about who I am and my weight loss journey, then I lost it! I just didn't care as much the second time :)

    Kerrie, Hi! fingers crossed that you get an offer. Thanks for sharing your meal plan for the week. I haven't tried any OSG recipes yet. I have to try that tex mex casserole.

    Carla, the carribean cuban fusion bowl looks delicious. Beautiful winter wonderland pic. I live in Albany, NY and the snow hasn't been staying long for us this winter either.

    Mihani, Me too! The soup was great, everyone enjoyed it. I have to stop on my way home today to buy more salad ingredients. But that means we ate A LOT of salad at my house, so that is a good thing. I have been having rolled oats with a banana and mixed seeds for breakfast. Leftover soup and salad for lunch. I will make up more smoothie pouches tonight and put them in the freezer. I learned a lot about veggie storage on; she has a lot of clever prep and storage ideas. Tonight for dinner, I'm making bowls with black beans, brown rice, romaine, bell peppers, tomatoes, & red onion.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    How was your solo walk Carla? The eggplant sounds really good.

    Pat, I just recently wandered across Hello Nutritarian. I remember seeing it a long time ago but had forgotten about it. Lots of good tips there. The dinner bowl sounds good.

    Another 100% day. I am really tired but I don't think it has anything to do with the 6 week plan. I've been tired for a year lol.

    B - smoothie same as yesterday except baby spinach rather than baby kale (much better)
    L - salad same as yesterday with the addition of 1/2 of one of those little avocados, apple
    D - 1/2 a japanese sweet potato, some sauteed mushrooms, roasted brussels sprouts and fennel, cheezy chickpeas, sauteed chard, an orange

    When I'm on the 6 week plan I tend not to vary my breakfast and lunch much. I have a smoothie or oatmeal for breakfast, a big (and I mean BIG) salad for lunch, and get the cooked veggies and beans in at dinner. I think I'll make a couple soups this weekend and freeze them to make dinners easy next week.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi -
    Yes, full blown cold today. Drank lots of tea, had a green smoothie and soup for dinner. Brooks has a sore throat this evening. :/:/

    How was the walk Carla? Did you find some inspirational books? Yah you have more time to prove to Dr. you don't need pills.

    Mihani and Pat you too have great plans for the 6 week. Everything sounds delicious.
    What soups do you plan to make Mihani?

    Karrie how was the swim? I have been swimming at the YMCA 1-2 times a week. I find it very relaxing.

    C&P - I agree about preparation the key to success!

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 130 Member
    edited February 2018
    I've been having trouble choking down raw veggies in my salads, so tonight I sautéed the veggies for a few minutes (along with the pinto beans) and then topped my romaine with the mixture. So much better! I am pleased!

    Other than 2-3 ounces of lean protein, my days have been all-ETL. Feeling good!

    Donna, hope you feel better soon! Mihani, congrats on another 100% day!

    Pat, Karrie, Carla - hope your days are going well!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    The eggplant parm over spaghetti squash was good! Another winner to keep in the rotation.

    I had a nice long walk yesterday. It was overcast and there was a light mist of rain for half the walk, and then it cleared up on the way back. At about the halfway point, I stopped at the bookstore to look for art books, and I ended up with 3 heavy books to lug back! I had a shoulder bag, but not one meant for that much weight so it was uncomfortable. I think I'm going to pick up a decent backpack.

    Today's plan
    Breakfast - green smoothie w/ strawberries and mango
    Lunch - big salad w/ roasted cauliflower and a dressing, and tofu or leftovers
    snack - pear
    Dinner - open face lentil sloppy joes with a side of nutty broccoli


  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Gorgeous pictures; what a great walk!

    The Forks Over Knives magazine was actually pretty good. Some good information, and a TON of recipes that looked delicious. I'm definitely going to try them. And I'm thinking I might subscribe to the magazine, too.

    The swim sucked; there must have been 20 people in 3 lanes. I got really frustrated and left after only about 22 laps. I'm going to go a bit earlier today and see if that makes a difference. If that doesn't work, I might just go home, make supper, feed the family and then go back to the pool at 8pm or something. Then I should have an entire lane to myself (or close to).

    The showing went VERY well. They are coming back again tonight and bringing their parents (they are a young couple). If the parents like it they will be drawing up an offer. So I've got my fingers crossed that the parents will approve!!! They've also requested a surveyor's certificate, so we've got that request in and started. I am very, very hopeful!!

    I made a bunch of smoothies last weekend, and I've been enjoying them very much. I can't decide whether to make the OSG Lentil Kale soup or the OSG Immunity Boosting Tomato Sauce tonight. I'm on the fence 'cuz I love them both...

    I've been trying to stay away from the snacks, but so far I've not done terribly well. I need to make some date balls and portion out some nuts and fruit so that I have options that aren't pretzels and chips...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,966 Member
    Donna, I sure hope you and Brooks both recover quickly with the Italy trip coming up so quickly! I think I'm going to make the OSG red lentil kale soup and then just a big pot of clean out the crisper drawer veggie and bean soup.

    Great job C&P. Donna had mentioned a while back some salad scissors so you can make chopped salad quickly. I keep meaning to order a pair for myself, but that's an idea for your raw veggies. If I have broccoli and/or cauliflower in my salads I often steam them lightly first also.

    What a beautiful place to walk Carla! I would like that eggplant parm recipe.

    Karrie, wishing you luck on the house!!! Too bad people ruined your swim. I am on day 4 of the 6 week plan and I've only caved and had a snack once, which was an orange. I'm a little surprised to be honest. I had developed some really bad habits lately munching throughout the day on crackers and popcorn and things like that. I had headaches the past few days, but felt a lot better today so maybe I'm through the worst. I noticed more energy today too.

    My meals today were the same as yesterday. I think I'm through with the things I made on Saturday. I actually used most of it up, and not much is going in the trash.