March Challenge!!



  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Yesterday was my 62nd day of being keto true. It was not a good keto day! I fell off the keto wagon hard! Crazy thing is I can’t blame keto, I can only blame myself. I wasn’t hungry, I wasn’t craving, I was just weak and I caved. I was exposed to a bunch of NOT KETO FRIENDLY FOOD and I caved.

    What disappoints me most about my behavior is I was even outside of my eating window when I gave in. Then, I not only sampled, I went back for more and different NONE KETO FOODS. This is the type of behavior that has sabotaged many of my previous weight loss efforts.

    In the past I have caved and then quit. Today I am publicly announcing the start of another keto true streak. Although I’m certainly out of ketosis, I’m back on the keto road. I now have a new goal/record of at least 63 keto true days starting with today, Saturday, 10 March. I will mark my calendar for Saturday, 12 May. I would love to be still posting in our May thread on that day.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I like your plan of marking the calendar, stormy... it gives you something to work towards!
    It happens to all of us at some time or another, it's getting back on plan that counts (and as quickly as possible). Don't worry too much, some people work "carb up" days into their plan on purpose! You may even be pleasantly surprised with a nice loss this week... I've had the scale reward me for a higher carb day before (after the initial water retention disappears)
    Great job getting back to keto so quickly!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @stormywxs288 It really doesn't matter if you blow it for a day or two, you will gain some water weight but the important thing is that after 62 days on Keto you are fat adapted and so your body will keep on burning fat for it's preferred fuel just so long as you don't go mad for days!
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    @stormywxs288 you are not human if you don't cave every once in a while. It happens. And honestly sometimes when you take a day to eat like a happy fat kid, it can help you lose more that week once you are back on track. I had that happen a couple times. It was a pleasant surprise lol. Just get back on the keto wagon and don't look back.
    Now that I got my health and body in order. It's time to get my house in order! We started spring cleaning today. Filled the hubs truck with junk and took it to the dump. I'm downsizing my body, and the junk in my house lol. I feel like when your house is in order and you feel good about it, it helps keeps you motivated and wanting to keep everything in your life in order including what you eat and how you take care of yourself.

  • mznik114
    mznik114 Posts: 82 Member
    edited March 2018
    No weight loss action this week :/ . I started a 5x5 weightlifting program so maybe that's why. I'm maintaining though :)

    Best wishes on a great upcoming week for everyone!

    February 28th: 250.6

    Sunday 03/04: 245.8 (-4.8)
    Sunday 03/11: 245.8 (-0.0)
    Sunday 03/18:
    Sunday 03/25:
    Saturday 31st:
  • sandyh1414
    sandyh1414 Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good Morning Everyone

    Starting 2/28 164 lbs

    March 4th - 162.5 (lowest I have been in 10 years)
    March 11th - 161.5. (A loss is a loss)
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
    Total loss - 1 lb.

    I got this!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    03/01: 222.8
    03/04: 222.0 (-0.8)
    03/11: 221.4 (-0.6)

    Any loss is a loss and I will take it!!!
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    Whew, didn't think I'd have any real change with all the stress both at home and work this week. But I believe a slight tweak in my macros seems to have helped.

    January 1: 266
    January 31: 249
    February 27: 240.5

    Sunday 03/04: 240 (-.5)
    Sunday 03/11: 238 (-2)
    Sunday 03/18:
    Sunday 03/25:
    Saturday 31st:

    March Goal: 229
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    This is the first week of 2018 I gained weight. I weighed in this morning at 173.0, a 1.0 pound gain for the week. There are several reasons for my gain this week: First, I ate too many calories and too much protein ALL WEEK. My wife was “Dog Sitting” for one of my kid’s family and left me “Home Alone” all week. Evidently, I require adult supervision, because I didn’t behave well in her absence.

    Second, I had a total keto melt down one night while I was home alone. Outside of my eating window I had an hour of temporary insanity. I ate everything NON-KETO in the house. I ate enough to knock me out of ketosis for a week. I’m ok now though. I got it out of my system! I’ve set a goal to extend my current keto true streak (1 Day) to a new personal record (PR) streak.

    I‘m confident I can set a new PR streak. I’m not hungry, I don’t crave, I like eating in a short window and I reallly like intermittent fasting. I also love the way I feel. My joints, my energy, and my brain are all functioning better. So why do I sabotage my efforts? I’ve been workin on that one for 68 years now.


  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    Feeling great but the scale isn't cooperating as much as I'd like. I'm thinking too much social drinking isn't helping.

    Start Weight: 183.5
    March Goal: 172

    Sunday 03/04:
    Sunday 03/11: 181.8 (-1.7)
    Sunday 03/18:
    Sunday 03/25:
    Saturday 03/31:
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    March 4th: 168.7 lb
    March 11th: 170.2 lb
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! Did you miss me?

    I accept this sloth-like movement downward, but I don't have to love it right now. I'm telling you this because eventually EVERYONE feels frustration and that's when we're most likely to quit. I hate that I've quit on myself before. There, I said it!! PHEW!

    I for one missed you! I look forward to your insightful remarks. This is only my 10th week in keto and I sabotaged my efforts last week partially because I was anticipating glacier like weight loss movement coming. So, your comments today hit me between the eyes. I'm with you and I won't quit either. Thanks for your support and welcome back to spring - I hope.

  • caras12
    caras12 Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2018
    This Sunday weigh in
    Feb 28th - 194
    March 4th - 193
    March 11th - 190.4
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Start weight- 10/17- 184

    February 28th-129

    Sunday 03/04:129
    Sunday 03/11:129!!
    Sunday 03/18:
    Sunday 03/25:
    Saturday 31st:
    Happily sitting at 129!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Feb 28th - 233.6
    March 4th - 239.6 (water gain from carrot soup)
    March 11th - 232.6
    March 18th
    March 25th
    March 31st

    I'm definitely not hitting that 8.4lb goal. Heck, at this point I'll be lucky to crack 5lbs. I've decided to hunker down and get back to basics. No more lazy keto... apparently "if it fits your macros" style isn't working for me!

  • shizzlebeef
    shizzlebeef Posts: 26 Member
    1/04/2018 SW 256.5

    3/04/2018 226 lbs
    3/11/2018 230 lbs

    Gonna see if I can get that back down to the mid 20s by midweek.
  • Rellifox
    Rellifox Posts: 35 Member
    New to the Group and Looking forward to the challenge. Would like to drop 10lbs this month. Good Luck everyone.

    March 4/2018 - 227.4lbs
    March 11/2018 - 223.0 lbs Down 4.4 Yay do the Happy Dance \\o \o/ o//
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I had a great on plan day, and have all meals prepped and pre-logged for tomorrow. Feeling good about my decision to hunker down and refocus :)
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    Starting: 153 (Jan 2018 - did not get serious about Keto until mid-February)
    Goal: Lose 2 lbs per week until I reach 115-120 depending on muscle gained (5'1" tall)
    1/01: 153
    3/04: 142
    3/11: 139 (-3)