TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    okalex wrote: »
    User name okalex
    Weigh in day Friday week 2
    Previous weight 172.0
    Current weight 171.5

    You were sick last week and lost a bunch. The fact that you didn't gain some back this week but actually lost half a pound is amazing!! Way to make that flu work for you!!
  • PlummerBecky
    PlummerBecky Posts: 47 Member
    weigh in 3/16: 186.8
    Up by about 2.4 pounds

    I plateau and then get frustrated and just give up ... I am not helping out the team average so after this month I will drop so I stop dragging down the teams numbers. Maybe when I get Past the 179.XX point I will be a bit fo a better team mate
  • SAHNinja
    SAHNinja Posts: 84 Member
    User: SAHNinja
    Weigh in day:Friday
    Current weight: 218
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    March week 2
    Last week 202.8
    This week 203.6

  • SAHNinja
    SAHNinja Posts: 84 Member
    That was weird. I posted a longer comment, but it only took the first part.
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Track yes
    Calories. Yes. Fasting
    Exercise yes. Walking and busy with packing, house cleaning, etc.
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    62.hrs. and 22 min in and fasting until tomorrow evening.
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    March 15th
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: No
    Steps: 7.1k
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    March 16th
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: No
    Steps: 8.6k
    Upping my steps slowly, not sure how the weekend will go - as we are working at Birmingham MCM Comic Con.. But have made a health packed lunch :smile:
  • ladyj22
    ladyj22 Posts: 146 Member
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 307 Member
    edited March 2018
    March 16
    Exercise: yes, 45 min body pump, 15 min tabata
    Calories: yes
    Tracking: yes
    My in laws are in town this weekend. I will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Not to avoid them but just cooking and cleaning haha. Wish me luck ;)
  • Jess_Weatherton4
    Jess_Weatherton4 Posts: 19 Member
    Okay! Sorry I’ve been so busy with late nights at work and I’ve not been able to keep up with the mini challenge!

    Logged: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes an hour of weight training!
  • dopey520
    dopey520 Posts: 40 Member
    Mini Challenge Friday, March 16
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 1971/2180
    Exercise: Yes, 60min elliptical
    Water Intake: 68oz
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    I'm Back and I'M MARRIED!!!!
    I had a lovely day. I did not do anything related to MFP. I ate , drank and was merry. Sunday I'll get back on the 'wagon' so to speak and carry on my regular way. I'm only getting married once and wasn't going to worry about anythng other than that :)
  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    I'm Back and I'M MARRIED!!!!
    I had a lovely day. I did not do anything related to MFP. I ate , drank and was merry. Sunday I'll get back on the 'wagon' so to speak and carry on my regular way. I'm only getting married once and wasn't going to worry about anythng other than that :)

  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    March 16-
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: no, but only over 5 cal
    Exercise: yes- 25 min walk
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    edited March 2018
    Weigh-in Week: 2
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Start Weight: 141.5

    Week 1: 140.5
    Current: 141.5
  • beckaboo0110
    beckaboo0110 Posts: 10 Member
    Last week 188.4
    Today 188.8
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    weigh in 3/16: 186.8
    Up by about 2.4 pounds

    I plateau and then get frustrated and just give up ... I am not helping out the team average so after this month I will drop so I stop dragging down the teams numbers. Maybe when I get Past the 179.XX point I will be a bit fo a better team mate

    Okay, I am going to stop you right there. You don't have to leave! Yes, technically, this is a team weight loss challenge, but it is really more of a support group. The people posting losses every week are not pissed at the other team mates who are not, because they are losing weight!! They are already winning!!! There is no prize for finishing first!! So stay, fight the good fight. Use the support and encouragement from the team to help you get over the hump!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Rielyn wrote: »
    March week 2
    Last week 202.8
    This week 203.6


    Your comment makes it seem like you were a little surprised and a little miffed with what the scale said. If that is the case, go back over your week and try to figure out what happened, so you will not have the same shock on your next weigh-in! And if you can't attribute the slight increase to anything in particular, chock it up to "normal fluctuations within non-linear weight loss" and move on!!
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